padingo · 2 years
Amphibia AU??
What if Polly never found Frobo in season 2?
The general rundown is that, being too shy to confront the people who accidentally made him, Frobo keeps watching them from afar, and the rest of this season plays out as normal, except for the finale, where Frobo is, once again, in hiding. After watching Sprig fall and Marcy get stabbed, he finally decides to take action, attempting to jump in to do something. His first instinct is to get in front of the family who made him. Marcy then drops the Calamity Box, teleporting everyone like in canon. Since the family didn't even know of Frobo, and with their only other experience with robots being the hostile ones, they freak out and run off. They gather their thoughts, and realize that, in their perspective, one of the robots that just tried killing them is now in Anne's world.
Frobo, freaked out by everything that just happened, runs off to hide again. From here, everything else plays out mostly the same again, up until the episode where the Cloak Bot unit is sent out to kill Anne. They teleport next to Frobo, who is currently hiding in a garbage dump. Frobo freaks out again, but with nowhere to run, he covers himself with his arms. The Cloak Bot recognizes Frobo as the random unit that went in the portal, but seeing his genuine fear makes them feel... strange. They decide to not kill him then and there, keeping his existence to themself. Everything else plays the same until the episode where Anne and the gang face off against the Cloak Bot. When a bomb is revealed to be ticking down inside their chest, the Cloak Bot freaks out, trying to pry the bomb out, only making Andrias tick the bomb down faster, before telling the bot to hurry up. Panicking, they go hunt down Anne again, but instead of joy for what they're doing, they only feel fear.
During the fight scene, the bot is constantly trying to pry the bomb out of themself, before realizing that they can't do anything. They give up, accepting their fate of being blown up. Anne is confused, but proceeds to kick him into the sky like what would normally happen. Along with one of their arms, the Cloak Bot's head also survives, but is damaged beyond repair as far as Anne's family is concerned. They have their emotional scene and leave.
Frobo, who was watching everything go down, feels terrified. Is there a bomb inside him? Will the family do the same to him if they ever see him again? He feels alone with no one to comfort him. Walking up to the remnants of the Cloak Bot, he looks around the site they're in. He sees a toy car, with the base of it reminding him of the head. He gets an idea. After a night of tinkering around, he manages to attach the Cloak Bot to some wheels, giving them a back fin for some extra flair. This tinkering manages to awaken the damaged robot once more. They scan the area, confused on what happened. They try moving, which causes them to drive for the first time, disorienting them, before quickly realizing that they have no other limbs. They turn to scan more of the area, finding Frobo again. Frobo gives an awkward wave. Cloak Bot pieces everything together, realizing that he saved them from being permanently destroyed. With neither being up for conversation, they go look for somewhere else in this strange world to hide in. 
also I wrote all this to justify cloak bot car
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This unnamed scene takes place during where the episode Fixing Frobo would normally occur. Without a best friend to help her through tough times, and the rest of her family seemingly having other things going on, Polly goes to look for someone, or just something around the time this episode would happen. She hears some commotion going on in an alleyway, and goes to investigate. The Cloak Bot car whooshes by her, startling her. She looks to see what it was.
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Polly is in awe. The Cloak Bot she saw explode is now a car, and the two have an awkward reunion, neither of them knowing what to do. Suddenly, the ground starts to shake as someone, or something, gets closer. Cloak Bot is flipped over, while Polly turns around, and sees the rogue robot that went through the portal with her and her family.
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She immediately nopes out of there, not wanting to look at any more robots. The big robot, not wanting to lose what could possibly be his last chance to talk to the people who made him, vocalizes for the first time.
This slightly upsets Polly as all robots have done to her up to this point have been with malicious intent. “...what do you want?”
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Polly starts to go off on a tangent about how horribly the robots have treated her, and that she doesn’t want to see any more robots. The robot feels defeated.
Internally, he’s still trying to process what just happened, and begins to sulk. Cloak Bot, who’s flipped themself back over at this point, comes to comfort him. As Polly walks away, she thinks about the robots again. She thinks about how stressed the one that tried killing her look. If she had a bomb stuck on her, she’d also feel hopeless. The green one hasn’t even done anything bad, he just tried to... save her? Maybe? She starts to feel bad about what she’s said.
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She walks back, seeing both a defeated and confused robot. She forces herself to start speaking.
“...uh, I’m back. Sorry about... everything I said. I’m sorry. I’ve thought about it more, and maybe you guys aren’t so bad?”
She faces the car.
“You... didn’t have much of a choice before, did you?”
Cloak Bot shifts their gaze to the ground. Polly then faces the bigger robot, who’s stopped sulking at this point.
“And you haven’t done anything bad to anyone, as far as I know. You just seem to be really lonely. Like me.”
He makes a confused robot noise.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that we both need a friend right now. I don’t know if I can trust you guys completely, but you haven’t tried to shoot me or anything. Maybe we could... hang out? Do something?”
The robots sit in shock for a little before Polly speaks again.
“Oh right, do you guys even have names? I’m Polly.”
The bigger robot is the first to respond.
“That’s... a little too much. Do you mind if I call you... hmm... does Frobo work?”
Frobo makes happy robot noises. Polly looks at the smaller bot.
“How about you?”
“...name not registered.”
“Really? Not even a cool name with numbers?”
She sighs.
“Well, you can turn invisible, or could at least... maybe... Cloko? Like cloak and...”
Cloko begins spinning around.
“Name registered.”
“Heh, being treated like another person always feels this nice.”
The three sit for a moment.
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“...hey Cloko, are you able to support passengers?”
Cloko drives next to Polly. She hops on top of them.
“Heh, let’s have some fun! Woo, new friends!”
The three spend the rest of the day messing around, beginning this trio’s friendship.
...and that’s the basic gist of my AU! This actually all stemmed from me wanting to justify drawing Cloak Bot car I literally made all this yesterday
I don’t know what to call this AU </3
I hope this finds at least one Amphibia fan ;v;
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