#cloudy's stranger things brain rot
i-like-gay-books · 2 years
i have thought about stranger things every day for nearly a third of 2022 at this point god i knew it was bad but this really puts it into perspective
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writing-gifts · 4 years
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
A/N: !!!Please read this part!!! I want to list some warnings for blood and description of injuries 
if you want better details or want to skip over it you can DM or send me an ask and i can set up an edited version of the fic without it and just quick summary of what happened
this chapters rlly long compared to the others and also i made art!
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Reader is gender neutral!
[Mid Fall]
Tightening the blanket closer to your body, you slowly make your way towards the daybed. It was another overcast day and the lack of sun made even the inside of your home feel dull. You place your cup on the table before laying down.
The weather was still tolerable but you couldn't always bring yourself to go out when you could easily stay warm in your home. But you still did your best to keep up with your gathering overall. You had a decent supply so far and as long as you didn’t go overboard with drinking, you wouldn’t be eating grain at Abilene's house for the last couple weeks of Winter. Again.
Even though lately you wanted to sleep most of the day it didn't exactly feel great or refreshing and with Bruno showing up less and less, the days seemed to be blurring together. You try to stay productive working on the moth’s sweater or gathering, but the last couple days you really couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
You sigh and force yourself to get up. Perhaps you should try going out for a walk today, just to change things up.
You go to your room and find a sweater to slip into. While wrapping a scarf around your neck, you see one of your canisters laying next to bed and decide to take it with you just in case you run into a flower you like.
You weren't exactly sure where you wanted to go so you let your legs lead you where they please.
At first you walk past your neighbors home, greeting the ones you saw along the way. Then you take a detour and venture somewhere more quiet. The pathways aren’t as clean so you have to navigate over the giant dead leaves that have accumulated all season.
While flying over the leaves you end up in the orchard. All types of fruit grew here but only apples, pears, pomegranates and surprisingly strawberries were currently available. A good amount lay scattered around at various rotting stages so this was a perfect time for a break.
You find fruit that is mostly fresh but just decomposed enough that you can easily get to the inside. Managing to find free fruit so easily available and uneaten was a good thing about Fall you suppose.
After getting tired of sitting around, munching on fruit and staring at the cloudy sky, you continue your stroll. The farther you go the more leaves there are. Soon the occasional mushroom turns to many, some of them ridiculously huge or strangely colored. At one point you pass a log covered in them.
You weren't too keen on the fungi but for some reason you always get the urge to take a bite when you see them. Of course you don't though. You can't tell the safe ones from the dangerous ones.
From there, the stroll is overall uneventful and the sites familiar but eventually you find yourself in an area that was completely new to you. The path you’re on begins to narrow, the grass gets taller and the trees get denser around you. Once it’s too thick for you to see well, you fly out of the thicket and up above so you can better scope where you're going.
It takes a while of flying, but the trees begin to disperse and the grass isn’t so overwhelming. In fact you start passing spots that lacked any. Other than the occasional dandelion and bush It was pretty bear compared to where you just emerged.
You decide to continue forward, curious about the area you've happened upon, and it doesn't take long before a wooden structure in the distance comes into view. It looked like some sort of home, and even from where you were you could tell that it was giant.
Whatever lives there must be huge….
Your self preserving side warns you to stay away since you never seen anything like it before. But your curiosity reasons that it should be okay. There were no large bodies of water in sight, and it was definitely the safest this time of year for insects as most cold-blooded predators would be much less active due to the cold. So in the end, you meet yourself in the middle and decide to go forward but keep your exploration a good distance away from the house like structure.
Once you're close enough, you find a wide dirt path and follow it, admiring some of the different flowers that were growing alongside it and in between the bushes.
Other than the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind, it was quiet and you couldn't find any other insects. You readjust your scarf.
After some time, you find something even stranger than the structure. They were all various sizes and shapes with different flowers sitting on top. You fly up to better observe the flowers and see that the things were some type of giant containers filled with dirt, and the flowers weren’t necessarily sitting on them but actually growing out.
It was definitely peculiar, but the delicious scent coming from a certain cluster of flowers quickly distracts you and beacons you closer to their white petals. It doesn’t take long for you to place the flowers’ name--Tuberose--and a certain moth immediately pops into your mind when you do. You quickly push the thoughts away though, ignoring the heat forming in your face.
You frown, noticing the plant's condition. The petals look slightly frail, some of them are even missing, so you cautiously place your weight when you land on one of the flowers. It didn't look like it was due to the weather so you couldn't tell why they looked so pitiful.
You couldn't exactly do anything about it, so instead you grab your canister where it's hanging from your hip since you hadn’t drank from this particular flower in a while.
After filling and shutting the canister, you land on the dirt in the container and everything slightly wobbles. You gasp and immediately remove your feet off to keep yourself from falling. You then fly back down in front of the containers to steady ground.
Who managed to set this up? Perhaps a swarm of insects or something huge? It had to be the latter if the house was anything to go by. You're sure you’ve heard about something related to this and you rack your brain trying to remember but can't seem to recall anything.
While thinking, you notice the container holding the Tuberoses looked quite lopsided next to the others, which caused the flowers in it to lean more to one side. You walk around the container and find long, giant cracks forming up it. Some of the dirt within it had even spilt through. You still admire the colors and patterns on the container. Even though it was damaged, it was the one that caught your eye the most.
While you trace your finger along the rough and chalky surface, the sound of rustling leaves prick your ears. You turn and look behind you and realize that you had gotten a bit too close to a giant fernbush.
You freeze, anxiety filling your whole being as you stare intently into the dark spaces within the fern. You wait thinking maybe you haven't been spotted or even better, there wasn't any danger.
The moment you see something shift in the darkness, you immediately try to take flight. Unfortunately, the creature is quicker and manages to climb part way up the container to catch you by your right leg. It tries to pull you down but you use your upper body to latch on to the edge of the container the best you can.
You scream out from the multiple sharp teeth pressing harshly into your calf but keep fluttering your wings in hopes that it will give up. Unfortunately the gecko isn’t one to give up on potential prey so easily. It continues to pull knowing that you’ll eventually tire.
But before that can happen, the container starts to lean and you yelp when you lose your grip. Your breath is knocked out of you once your head and back hit the dirt. You feel the lizard let go momentarily to bite further up your leg. Gritting your teeth, you try to kick at it but that does nothing to deter it.
Before the predator can try to take more of your body into its jaws, the container completely loses its balance and falls heavily on the gecko's body, pinning it to the ground. However, this isn’t enough for the creature to release you.
You clutch the back of your head and push your upper body off the ground. Looking at the gecko holding your leg hostage, your body begins shaking when your eyes focus on the blood seeping out of the side of its mouth. It was hard to assess the damage properly but your stomach twists seeing the multiple sharp teeth embedded into your thigh.
You swallow thickly and kick at its face with your left leg once more hoping it will give up but it just makes it bite down harder. Grimacing, you try moving your trapped leg within it but only agitates the reptile and makes it shake its head causing the rest of your body to be moved around harshly. You scream from the pain before it goes still once more. Tears begin welling in your eyes once you realize you can't escape without causing more damage.
“L-Let go.”
The gecko’s head twitches and it stares at you with a slitted pupil not processing a thing you said.
You look around trying to see if there was a way you could get out of this. But there was nothing and no one nearby. You feel at your hip and realize that your canister is also gone.
You whimper unsure what to do next. You try to think but your mind can barely form a coherent thought other than escaping.
While you stare blankly at the gecko as it struggles to get from under the container and spiltdirt, you hear steps approaching. You look around hoping that someone that could help had wandered by, but instead your eyes land on an albino wasp instead.
Your body stiffens in fear. If the gecko didn't finish you off first, the wasp definitely would.
He approaches you completely ignoring your meek warning to stay back.
To think you were actually happy that you had forced yourself to go outside today.
You squeeze your eyes shut and wait for everything to go dark or whatever happens when an insect dies but instead you just hear a deep voice speak.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
You reluctantly open an eye and see the wasp standing near you. If you could you would have jumped back. The gecko had seemed to take notice of him too, not trying as hard to escape so it can focus its attention on the wasp. It still made it clear that it wouldn’t let you get away when you try to move your leg again and it applies force to its bite.
You grit your teeth not wanting the wasp to see you in pain.
“Stop moving before it manages to break your leg,” he warns.
You feel your blood run cold from the thought.
The gecko’s pupil follows him as he moves closer to its head.
“I'm going to get the gecko to open its mouth, then you need to move away quickly once it does."
“H-Huh?” Was the moth helping you?
He glares at you. “Just be ready to move your damn leg after I sting it.”
You tense and immediately nod your head from his harsh tone.
Right after you agree, he climbs up on top of the lizard's head. Before it can try to shake him off, the wasp presses his stinger into the crown of its head and his clawed fingers into the sides of its mouth.
The reptile resists for a moment before releasing its grip on your leg and trashing its head around to get to the wasp instead.
You quickly flitter backwards out of reach and the wasp jumps off before it can grab onto him next.
You immediately look down at your leg. Now that the teeth were out, more trials of blood pooled out of the wounds and down the sides of your thigh and onto the ground. Your calf was also in a similar condition.
Your breathing becomes labored and you barely register the wasp talking to you.
“--Let me help you back.”
He tries to get closer but you shake your head and try to scooch backwards. “No! Stay away! I--” you choke on your own words.
He watches you with furrowed brows as you try to stand up. You accidently press weight onto your wounded leg and pain shoots up the limb causing you to fall onto your side.
You ignore the wasp and prop yourself up. You then quickly fly away from the area leaving him behind.
Shudders rack your body so badly you can barely fly straight. You feel the blood dripping down your leg and you yank off your scarf to press it to your thigh hoping that it would help even a little.
You fly faster not thinking about where you were heading, you just needed to get away from that place. Fortunately, you find yourself in front of Abilene’s home.
You weakly knock. Dark spots were forming in your vision but you try not to lean against the door. And it feels like forever before it finally opens.
When Abilene sees the state you're in, the amount of worry and fear that flash in their eyes is the greatest you’ve ever experienced. But that doesn’t stop them from jumping into action. They lead you inside and direct you to the couch before running into a different room.
At this point, the blood has seeped through your scarf and onto your bottom pair of hands. You try to lift your leg to avoid dirtying the couch even more but you only last a couple of seconds before you have to drop it. leaning back into the couch, you try to keep the exhaustion from putting you to sleep.
Your friend quickly comes back with cotton, water and strips of cloth.
After they place the bowl of water onto the table next to the couch, they crouch in front of you.
“I'm going to try to help stop the bleeding and then go get the medic.”
You weakly reach out for their arm. “N-No don't leave me.”
“You're safe here ____. I need to get a doctor to check out your leg and I’ll be right back, okay?”
They gently remove your hand after you nod but don't let go.
Abilene does their best to deal with your leg without causing you too much pain. But even a light graze was enough to make you flinch, so they were constantly whispering apologies throughout the whole process. You can see they were distressed and disturbed by the giant bite wounds on your leg but they don’t stop until they manage to get the bleeding to slow. They do a quick clean and hastily wrap a piece of cloth around your thigh and calf before they go out to find someone to help.
Once they leave, you feel much more tense even if your eyes were desperately trying to shut. In an attempt to keep yourself from panicking, you think about the random wasp that helped you. At least you're pretty sure that's what happened. You didn’t intend to stick around to figure it out, but now you partially feel guilty for the way you acted towards him.
Either way, if it weren't for him you’d probably be dead by now. Or one limb short.
You squeeze your eyes shut, as pain throbs behind your head. It had been hurting for a while but you were only really taking notice of it now. Your stomach turns, and all that fruit you ate before was starting to seem like a mistake.
Abilene doesn't take long at all so you luckily don't have to sit in your regrets for too long. The ladybug medic that they brought back immediately gets to work. She asks what happened and you explain vaguely while she carefully unwraps the bloodied cloth to inspect your thigh and calf.
After finishing cleaning the multiple wounds for you, the doctor applies a weird smelling cream that completely stops the bleeding and neatly rewrapps your leg with new bandages. She then leaves a jar of the cream, and a few rolls of cloth with you and tells you to change the bandages daily.
After the doctor’s gone you're still in pain but it feels much more controlled. Abilene approaches you.
“I'm going to set you up in my room for the next couple days so I can keep an eye on you.”
You nod. You didn't want to be left alone in your home anyways so this saved you the trouble of asking. “I can sleep on the couch--”
“Sorry, I’m not leaving you to sleep on this thing when you're injured,” Abilene says.
You were too tired to be stubborn so you decide to take a different course. “Let's compromise and share the bed.”
They sigh. “Okay but if I start getting restless at night I'm moving to the couch.”
The grasshopper helps you into their room and makes sure you're completely comfortable. They don’t show any worry on their face as they most likely wanted to keep the mood positive, but the way they fret over you is loud and clear so you do your best to assure them that you're doing okay even if that isn’t exactly the case.
You spend most of the day drifting in and out of sleep--your upsetting dreams being the main cause of waking you up. When you aren’t sleeping, Abilene keeps you company. Even though it had made you feel safer and made it easier to relax, part of you is dreading explaining how you even got in this situation. Not only did you not want to upset your friend but you also felt like it would be admitting to doing something wrong. Maybe you didn’t make the best choice but you weren’t sure if it was necessarily an incorrect one.
You try not to think about it, but later in the day these worries are proven to be valid.
You turn towards Abilene sitting next to you on the bed. “Yea?”
“What--What exactly happened? “
Your shoulders tense and you bite your lip. You were hoping they would never ask but that was definitely foolish to expect.
“You know there was a gecko…”
“But there’s more right? How did you manage to escape?”
You hesitantly nod but struggle to speak.
“You know what it’s okay you don't need to tell me. I shouldn’t have asked so suddenly.”
“W-Wait, it’s okay. You asked cause you're worried. I just don’t really want to think too much about it is all." You fiddle with your fingers but continue. "I was taking a stroll around and found myself in an unfamiliar place. I was exploring and got...distracted.”
Abilene looks disappointed but you're not sure if it’s even directed at you.
“And an insect managed to help me. A wasp.”
Their expression goes from disappointment to shock. “A wasp?”
You nod in affirmation. “I was shocked too, and I’m actually still confused.”
Abilene looks like they're trying to process the information and you look off to the side not knowing what else to say.
“Well it’s a good thing they helped you. I’m r-really glad!” They smile to try to ease you but it isn’t a full one and their eyes look wet.
They completely change the subject. “What do you want to eat or drink? I’m sure you're hungry”
You decide not to point it out, lest your friend burst into tears, and simply smile back instead. “Actually, for once, I'm not.”
“Well let's still try to find something that's easy to get down, even if it’s just water.”
You nod. “As long as it isn’t wheat.”
They stick their tongue out at you. “Yea, yea no wheat.”
They get off the bed. “I'm going to go wash your scarf for you before it completely stains, then we can figure out what to do.”
Unlike Abilene, you can't sleep. You stare at the ceiling watching the random shapes form in the dark while listening to your friend’s soft snores.
It was your second night at Abilene’s home and you were struggling with falling asleep again. And it wasn’t due to your friend’s snoring, and other than their arm accidentally smacking you in the face last night, you were fine sleeping next to them.
You reasoned the lack of sleep the first night was fair considering what had happened. But now you think it might be a mix of other reasons. Your body was already exhausted but it wouldn't go to sleep, like it wasn’t ready. But you were almost desperate to since sitting in the dark wasn’t exactly appealing.
You turn on your side. You at least wish you had someone to talk to to pass the time.
You spend a good chunk of the night staring at nothing in particular. By the time you finally fall asleep, dawn light is seeping into the bedroom.
Abilene shuffling around their home quickly wakes you up and you realize that you definitely need more rest but you also don’t want to spend anymore time trying to go back to sleep. You sigh and get from under the covers.
You rub at your eyes while you slowly fly into the main room.
“Morning…” you mumble.
You almost grimace from their energy. Abilene was always a morning insect. Well most diurnal insects were. You were just becoming an anomaly apparently.
“You don't look too hot. Are you okay?”
You land on the couch. “...I’m struggling to go to sleep and the dark’s not helping.”
Abilene hums, thinking for a moment. “Didn't you say Bruno gifted you a glowing lantern?”
They nod. “Okay I’m going to go pick it up for you later today, and hopefully it should help.”
You stutter not expecting that. “Thank you…”
“No problem. Now let's get some food in ya!”
Later in the day, Abilene places the glowing lantern on the small table next to the bed.
“Thank you for getting the lantern for me.”
“You’re welcome. I also picked up some other stuff for you too.”
They place your satchel they were carrying with them in your hands. You unbutton the bag and find your knitting supplies along with the sweater you had started for Bruno.
Your grin and Abilene returns it. “Oh my god, you're too good to me.”
“Oh please, I just saw your stuff sitting in the main room. It was nothing.”
“But still!”
You pull out the uncomplete sweater carefully unfolding it so you dont cause any of the knits to come loose.
“Is that for Bruno?” Abilene asks.
“How did you even manage to guess that?”
They shrug. “I haven't seen you knitting for awhile so...”
That was true, the last time you really did it was for a scarf that you gifted to Abilene and that was probably over a year ago.
“He walks around topless even in Winter! I had to do this.”
Abilene laughs, “I’d do the same if I had a body like that.”
You groan loudly, “STOP!”
Abilene laughs even harder.
You spend the rest of the day knitting on your own while Abilene continues preparing for winter. You tried to help but floating for long periods of time was tiring so your friend forces you back into their room.
The sweater was coming along. Bruno didn't seem like the type to wear loud colors to you so you decide to use an off white wool. You predict the most difficult thing would probably be the sleeves for you since you wanted to make the forearm parts removable, but a couple of buttons should suffice.
When it starts to get dark your lantern begins glowing allowing you to continue working. By the time Abilene comes to check on you the front and back are completely done. You’d do the sleeves when you went back home.
“Woah you worked on the sweater the whole time?”
“Yep!” You fold up the sweater and put it on the table next to your lantern. “It's really easy for the day to get away from you doing repetitive motions.”
“Well it looks like it will be nice and comfy.”
“I sure hope so. I want Bruno to never want to take it off. Also don’t worry, I’ll make you one next!”
“You already made me one though?”
“That was a long time ago though. I can make a better one.”
“Well, okay if you want,” they say. “Lets get your bandages changed.”
You carefully move your legs off the side of the bed so you can unwrap the cloth. It honestly looked gross but it was healing. And as long as you didn’t move it too much, press on it or bump it into anything, there wasn't too much pain.
After applying the cream and rebandaging up your thigh and calf, you leave the room to find something to drink and move around a bit before it’s time for what you were somewhat dreading--bed.
Abilene gets comfortable next to you. “Goodnight.”
They yawn. “If anything’s wrong just wake me up.”
You nod but you definitely weren't doing that. You were already taking up half their bed, so you really didn't want to disturb their sleep anymore.
They pull the cover over their head to block out the glow of the lantern and you move from your sitting position on the bed to lay down. It doesn't take long for you to hear their snores. They had to be the fastest being in existence at falling asleep.
As you stare into the mesmerizing glow your worries of the day seem to drift away, but inevitably your mind drifts to the one who gave you the lantern.
Were you going to explain this to him? No part of you wanted to but you weren’t sure if hiding it was the best idea or if you even could. You didn’t want him to be upset, but you mostly feared disappointment. All of this made you feel like you lied to him when reassuring him that you weren’t doing anything dangerous.
I was just exploring...
You force the thoughts away or you would start going in circles. You’d just have to cross that bridge when you got there.
You spend the next several days at Abilene’s. They keep you company while helping you tend to your wounds.
It was pretty nice and the routine was comforting. And slowly your sleep schedule transitions back to something more reminiscent to what you had before you met Bruno.
Sitting on the couch bundled in thick covers, you work on a new item you were knitting. It was another typical day. Another chilly day actually. Probably the coldest so far. Abilene sits at the other end of the couch, bundled in a collection of their own covers, reading one of their supernatural books.
It was pleasing hanging quietly together like this so often, but you were already trying to figure out when it would be best to leave. You couldn't keep encroaching on your friend like this even if they didn't think you were.
You hear knocking on the front door and Abilene complains before untangling themselves from their covers and leaving the room to go answer it. They come back pretty quickly but you continue your knitting without looking up.
“Um ____.”
“Bruno’s outside.”
Your heart almost jumps out of your chest. “Wha--Don’t let him in here!”
“No buts! I just--just tell him I'm okay!”
Abilene looks unsure. You can tell they don't want to turn away the moth but they nod reluctantly.
You breathe a sigh of relief. You weren't ready to cross the bridge yet!
The longer it takes the grasshopper to return the more you want to run into their room and hide.
Finally they return with a concerned expression.
“Bruno’s definitely not happy ____.”
You frown. “I-I’ll deal with it later…”
You didn't know exactly when ‘later’ would be though.
“Are you sure you're okay by yourself?”
You try to give a reassuring smile. “Yea. Thank you for everything you've done for me, but I cant stay at your place forever.”
Abilene places down your satchel on your daybed for you while you find somewhere to put your lantern. “I mean you could,” they joke. “Well you know what to do if you need anything. And no wandering please!”
They give you a very stern look which you return with a nod. You definitely wouldn't be leaving your home much for a while.
They start to walk towards your door and you fly after them.
"Also don't forget your bandages!"
"I won't."
"And make sure you drink," they add.
"Now you're just stalling."
“Okay, okay...”
Abilene pulls you in for a hug which you gladly return. You do your best not to hold on too long though.
But you didn't want them to leave.
"See ya!"
"Bye Abby."
You shut the door behind them and let out a long sigh.
You do your best to keep yourself busy the whole day. With working on the sleeves of Bruno’s sweater and on your own top, you don't have much of a problem accomplishing that. But that leaves your mind open to wandering to various things and it usually ends up back on the wasp.
You couldn't stop thinking about him. As much as you preferred remembering as little about that day as possible, the wasp just stook out as weird. The way he acted, the way he even looked.
Along with him being albino, you had never seen a wasp with hair as long as that, or least not tied up in some way. There was also something else strange about him but you were struggling to place it. It bothers you so much that you have to stop what you're doing to dwell on it. When you finally place what was off you almost drop your sewing needle.
His wings. They were missing. You gulp considering the implications of this. Feeling more and more worse about how you acted towards him by the minute.
You continue sewing, but the thoughts won’t disperse. You have no idea how you're going to get through the night.
After changing your bandages you lay down on your daybed and stare at the lantern. Maybe you'd sleep here instead of your bedroom.
You don't know how long you've been laying there, your mind completely blank, before you're brought back to reality by knocking on the door.
You sit there for a moment. There was only one person who would be here at this time. Maybe if you were quiet he’d go away.
You hear muffled speaking through the door. “___ I know you're in there I can see the light through your window.”
You almost facepalm yourself.
Sighing, you get up and go open the door.
Even though you had been avoiding him you couldn't help the relief you felt from seeing the moth. You missed him way more than you had realized. It hadn’t been that long right? Was this normal?
You hide your body partly behind the door so you can keep your weight off your right leg.
"Hello," you say but you can't hold eye contact.
Bruno doesnt say anything more and just stares at you like he's trying to read your mind, leaving you nervous and awkward.
"Um….do you need something?"
"It’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other and I was wondering if you want to go back to the forest clearing with me.” He gestures towards his bag. "We can even gather.”
"….I don't want to go outside right now."
Bruno’s expression slightly softens and he holds out his hand to you. “I know. It’s okay I won't let anything touch a single scale on your wings.”
You know that's supposed to reassure you but it almost does the complete opposite. Bruno definitely knew more about what happened than you would like, but for some reason you try to convince yourself otherwise.
You swallow your discomfort and nod. “O-Okay, let me just get my stuff."
"Need help?"
"No just wait here…"
Bruno tries to say more but you gently close the door. You didn't want him to get suspicious of you constantly flying to do anything.
Once you have your bag and canisters you take a deep breath and meet the moth outside once more. You ignore the pain in your leg as you walk towards him. Bruno insists on taking your bag so you hand it over since you really want to get off your feet as soon as possible.
"Oh wait, let me get my lantern!"
After you go back to get your lantern, Bruno grabs your hands and pulls you up to immediately start flying and he looks like he wants to say something.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"I know what happened."
You almost feel a cold sweat form on your back. "...What do you mean?"
Bruno's frown deepens. "With the gecko."
You accidently clench your hands in Bruno's. There was no point denying anymore. "H-How? Did Abby tell you?"
"Abbacchio told me."
You squint trying to figure out how that worked, but realization dawns on you in a matter of seconds. The wasp you saw--that saved you.
Bruno suddenly drops your hands. "Lets go."
That catches you off guard but you follow after him. He's very quiet the whole flight and you think he might be mad but it’s somewhat hard to tell.
When you both reach the forest clearing it's even more beautiful than the last time since it was more visible with the moon out. The two of you land on one of the Daturas and the moth immediately starts gathering, but you just watch him for a while.
The tension in the air was too hard to ignore.
He quietly turns towards you waiting for you to speak.
"Er…Are you mad?"
He raises a brow at you before sighing. "I was worried when you weren't at your home for a few days. So I asked around and came to Abilene's house--” His brows furrow. “--but they wouldn't let me see you--you didn’t want to see me.”
You grimace from your behavior. In your attempt to not have to explain and upset Bruno you just made things worse. You already knew this would happen but you decided to keep going.
And for what?
You look down, unable to look the moth in the eye.
"That was definitely not my smartest moment. I-I'm sorry. I caused you all this stress."
His hum sounds unconvinced.
"I'm really super sorry, I swear!"
His frown deepens and he looks hurt. “Why’d you try to pretend with me?"
You feel the familiar burning behind your eyes but you try to keep calm, you didn't want to do that. You wanted to keep this as a coherent conversation.
"I didn't want you to worry or be disappointed in me but I definitely made it worse."
"You did." He pats the spot next to him "Come here.”
You fly over and sit next to the moth, glad to stop flying.
He’s quiet for a moment before speaking. “Sorry I'm not trying to upset you, I’m just a little frustrated. Even if I’m “disappointed” I care more about your well being.”
You nod. “I shouldn't have done that to you...I guess I still need to work on the ‘being forward’ thing.” And you had been doing pretty well too.
“We’re both working on that. I’m not exactly an open book.”
The moth leans back on a hand and looks down at your leg. “How’s your leg?”
You guess he was done talking about this. At least you know the air was clear now. You're kind of surprised that it didn't take that long to resolve and it makes you internally sigh at you hiding your injury so adamantly in the first place.
“Well..it's healing. The doctor gave me some strange smelling cream. It hurts when I walk on it though but it’s getting better.”
“Yea I could tell from how you were grimacing before.”
You awkwardly smile. Guess your acting could use some work.
“But that’s good...I hope you're being safe.”
“I definitely won't be wandering again anytime soon.”
The moth squints his eyes, skeptical. “So you're going to do it again?”
“Well definitely not by myself that's for sure.”
“____, you're going to give me a heart attack.“ Bruno says. You can hear the warning tone seeping into his words though.
“Kidding! I'll stick to places that aren't abandoned.”
“That sounds better….Oh by the way--” Bruno digs out a very familiar canister from his own bag and hands it to you.
“Ah! I thought this was gone for good! Did Abbacchio get it?”
It even had the Tuberose liquid still in it.
Bruno nods. “Once we pieced together that it was you he ran into he gave it to me.”
“Oh. Uh can you tell him thank you. Like really thank you, he saved my life and I’m sorry for yelling at him. I was really afraid…”
“He already figured that, but I’ll give him your thanks and that you're okay. I'm sure that will make him happy.”
“Of course.” He smirks, “He loves praise, even if he tries to act like it doesn't matter to him.”
You laugh a little. “I'm really glad he happened to be in that area, when I was there too!”
“With all the pots right?”
“Pots? Do you mean those colorful containers with the flowers in them?”
The moth nods. “Abbacchio likes to hang out there during the Autumn, because it’s quiet.”
“I’m not trying to tell him what he should and shouldn’t do, but maybe he should pick a better place…”
“That's what I said but he won’t listen.” The moths slightly frowns, “And If he wants to go, I can't stop him.”
“B-But he doesn't have--he can't fly.”
“I know. At least I know he can defend himself.”
You nod thinking how he managed to force the gecko to let go, but still there's only so much someone could do if they're actually grabbed. And it was much harder to get away for insects who couldn’t fly. You were sure Bruno already knew this though. But at the same time you could kind of see why the wasp went over there though. If it weren't for all that happened you’d have visit the place several times by now.
“I think, maybe one day I should meet him, properly. I mean if he wants to...”
Bruno’s eyes widen, “Really?”
You nod.
“Oh...okay.” Bruno gives you a bit of a goofy smile, and if there were any feelings to back out, they're completely gone now.
The moth gets to his feet.
“Are we leaving already?”
“No I’m going to fill our canisters.”
You move to stand too.
“You can sit there, it won't take long--And no point trying to argue.”
You close your mouth and exhale. You were tired anyways.
“Fine...and thanks.”
“You're welcome.”
A/N: I’m sorry, I had planned that for a really long time!
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babiedeku · 5 years
hallo! can i request a swan lake au with tanjirou? particularly at the part where the swan tries to stop the prince making a vow to the wrong girl, but fails, and now tanjirou must defeat the wizard muzan in order to save the reader. he then defeats the wizard and angst happens which is turned into a happy ending in which the swan curse is lifted and they live happily ever after and what not (*´ω`*)
hi omg its finally here! after so long! im really sorry it took me forever but i hope you like it somehow! :”( thank you again for the request anon, this one was fun to write! - marianne
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One thing’s for sure, Tanjirou wouldn’t be in this situation if he had just listened the Swan Queen’s, (Y/N)’s, warning. He had just brushed it off, thinking it was just some absurd lore that was passed down through word of mouth to warn people from being too trusting of strangers and that not everything is what they seem at first glance.
Who - ? Tanjirou just saw you flee into the woods, wearing nothing but a white silk night dress.
“What’s wrong, Your Highness?”
Bringing back his attention to the person in front of him, (Y/N), or at least a very convincing clone of the said queen. “Drop the guise,” Tanjirou’s voice was even despite the anger that was bubbling deep within him, and his hand was itching to reach for the hilt of his sword, but he remained still in front of the imposter. “Muzan.”
A low sounding laughter echoed throughout the room, the sickly smell of burning skin hit Tanjirou’s nostrils - it was the foulest and most evil smell he has by far encountered, how had he not noticed it before? - your beautiful and ethereal features sloughing off to slowly reveal the demon sorcerer himself, red eyes keenly looking Tanjirou over. “I’m impressed,” He said, voice soft but as cold as the winter breeze. “you’re the first to have caught on this early,” The pool of melted skin sitting at his feet.
The first?  There have been a number of nobles and royals that have been killed, their kingdoms left to rot with no one ruling over them. The said kingdoms commoners would later on be found massacred, their blood soaking the lands, bodies mangled from only the gods know what. The stench arising from the dead was horrendous to Tanjirou and his keen sense of smell, and the scene of all those corpses were ingrained into his brain, the subject of his recurring nightmares.
To think that this man, Muzan, was the one who was responsible for all those innocent people’s deaths. This monster, as he continues to breathe and roam the lands, is an insult to their deaths.
“Oh, Tanjirou, my love,” Muzan mocked the young prince, his mouth was moving but your sweet and gentle voice was all that Tanjirou could hear, he could also almost see you vaguely.
Tanjirou’s breath hitched. Don’t, he thought, steering himself from trying to run up to you and wrap you in his arms. This madman was trying to get a rise out of him.
“I haven’t told you how absolutely delicious your family was, and how lovely they looked in their own blood.”
Something snapped inside of Tanjirou, it was as if there was a dam within him that was holding back all his anger and frustration, and his pent up anger was washing over him in waves. To massacre entire kingdoms to be able to gain power and impersonate the woman he’s in love with to be able to do the same with him and the kingdom he reigns over was one thing, but to also bring up his family in such a way and in your voice was something else - that’s where he fucking draws the line.
Drawing his sword, he pressed the tip to Muzan’s throat, with just enough force to draw a little blood. “You are a being that should not be allowed to exist.” Tanjirou said, face devoid of any emotion, but his words were dripping with venom.
“I am this close to being the perfect creature, and once I am able to feed on you and your pathetic subjects, I’ll be able to move on to other regions in Japan.”
The way he referred to himself was odd, ‘creature’? Tanjirou was confused, but he tabled that for a later thought, right now he had more pressing matters than think what Muzan is. “All this for wanting to take over the country?”
Muzan laughed, a cold breeze accompanying the humorless laughter. “You belittle me, prince?”
Darkness suddenly enveloped the room, even the late afternoon rays of the sun was obscured, leaving Tanjirou blind and surrounded in pitch black darkness.
“The last person who crossed me got turned into a swan.” The sorcerer’s voice echoed all throughout the room. “give me your kingdom, and i promise your death will be quick and painless.”
A swan? Could it be - ?
You had mentioned in passing, one night when he snuck out of castle grounds to come spend some time with you by your lake, about being turned into a swan as a punishment for defying the orders of a sorcerer who threatened to take over your kingdom.
His anger would be handled later, and perhaps an apology for being too dismissive of what had happened to you.
Tanjirou was calm despite being engulfed in darkness and having a sorcerer flitting around the throne room. His oddly keen sense of smell can easily pinpoint where Muzan was, if he could just -
A pained gasp left his lips, a searing pain on his left side suddenly bombarded his senses, as his hand slowly met the warm liquid on his side.
Taking a deep breathe to calm his nerves and steel himself, he tightened his grasp on the hilt of his sword.
Calm your mind.
His nostrils felt like they were burning with the horrid stench of burning flesh enveloping him. But, this was one of the many reasons why he treasure his keen sense of smell, because despite being literally kept in the dark and blindsided by his enemy, there would be moments that the smell of a silver lining would make itself known to Tanjirou, a thread of sorts that helps him pinpoint where his enemy’s location and weaknesses are.
And right now, it was right behind him.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Tanjirou turned around and brought his blade down onto Muzan as swiftly as he could, hoping he at least caused some sort of damage to the sorcerer.
The darkness slowly dissipated, revealing Muzan with a deep gash on his right eye and cheek, his blood gushing out as his veins stood out against his pale skin with a black shade.
“Pest,” The sorcerer spat, but gave the young prince a bloody smile. “you never seem to vanish, don’t you?”
Tanjirou nodded, his world was blurry and his head was heavy due to the blood that he was losing, but he would be damned if he can’t somehow defeat this monstrosity that stood before him and save the girl that has set his heart aflame. “Takes more than blood lust and thirst for power to rid me from this world.”
Muzan cackled, somehow truly bemused with the humans standing before him. “It is truly annoying how you pathetic human’s just don’t stop fighting -”
He stopped mid sentence, a sickening sound was heard along with a pained groan from Muzan, and then right before Tanjirou’s eyes, he fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood.
“I think a thank you is in order right about now,” You spoke, a small smile on your lips.
Tanjirou was rooted to his place, eyes wide and mind going blank as he stared at you standing in front of the crumpled sorcerer with a sword that probably belonged to one of the armors that lined the hallways. You were still in your white silk night gown, that was a little too sheer to his liking and left little to the imagination, making a blush erupt on the poor prince’s handsome features, and you were soaked in sweat and had some blood here and there - but god, you were still the most beautiful woman he has ever had the pleasure of meeting.
He wanted to weep at your feet, take you in his arms, apologize for not listening to you, and even give you a robe to cover yourself up, but he would save those for a time where the both of you were not involved with a madman sorcerer.
“But,” Your voice breaking him out of his trance, you grabbed his hand and ran  through the winding hallways of his castle. “we have to run, that was just something to buy us some time,”
“Right,” Was all Tanjirou’s mind could think of to say, his mind was going hazy with the blood loss, but he was sure that he would run to the ends of the earth with you.
Finally outside of the castle walls, both of you ran toward your small lake where you would, even if by a fraction, have the upper hand when it comes to confronting Muzan.
“Leaving so soon?” The voice sent chills down both of your spines, the night sky was slowly getting darker as each second passed. “Disrespectful to just leave a guest lying in their own pool of blood, Queen (Y/N).”
You glared at the man, hovering just behind you, dark cloudy wisps surrounding him. “You were no guest, you were unwelcomed in the first place.”
Muzan was unhappy with his spiel being rebutted, he growled and lunged at the pair.
Looking to the young prince beside you, all you could give him was an apologetic look because you knew that jumping into a lake from the tears of another person is not something that everyone would want to do. With no further explanation to jumped into the lake with Tanjirou in tow.
Tanjirou was not expecting this, he was not prepared for the plunge and his lungs were ready to get oxygen in them, but he knew any other movements would be futile underwater.
You grasped his hand a little tighter, hoping that he would somehow be reassured that he is not alone in the hellish nightmare unfolding before their eyes.
After a few more painful seconds a distant bellow was heard, along with the sudden flash of bright light.
Tanjirou was the first so break to the surface, gasping for air as he tried to survey his surroundings, looking for any signs of Muzan that could still be lurking in the very woods.
“Gone,” You gasped beside him, finally going up for some much needed air. “H-he’s finally gone,”
Tanjirou was relieved to finally have Muzan banished from the world, he hoped that the souls of all those innocent people, and his family, are at peace knowing that Muzan no longer walks the earth.
You were also beside him, hands still intertwined as the both of you stood in the lake.
He could feel the tears from the pent up anger, fear, exhaustion, and relief finally forming in the corner of his eyes - he was just so glad to finally have you with you him where he could make sure that the both of you live a happy, prosperous, and safe life together.
The two of you were silent for a few moments before Tanjirou finally threw himself onto you for a hug - it lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away, because he doesn’t want to over step your boundaries. “I’m sorry, I-I should have-” His profuse and heartfelt apologies went on for a full minute before you decided to stop his rambling with a quick kiss to the lips.
“Stop apologizing, my prince,” You smiled at the blushing boy. “I’m just glad I finally get to be with you,”
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
idk if it’s just the brain rot but i’ve 1000% convinced myself that the only satisfying way for the show to end is specifically on a scene where will and mike are together, doing something couple-y (though maybe not too couple-y since i’m imagining this scenario in public and it is still 80s indiana) and the camera pans over to dustin and steve hanging out in a different part of the room. dustin notices byler and is confused for a second before he says something to steve (along the lines of: “you don’t think they’re...” or something like that). steve looks over and sees the boys. he didn’t know before but he smiles and puts his arms over dustin’s shoulders and says “c’mon, we’ve seen stranger things” or, again, something to that effect. screen fades to black, the end. if this isnt the exact way the show ends i will be genuinely shocked
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
shhhh no me rewatching stranger things just this once doesnt mean its becoming one of my new comfort shows that i may or may not rewatch often from now on what do you meannnnnnnn
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