#clowie bmc
guess-im-emo-again · 5 years
I Made Notes While I Listened To The New BMC Album For The First Time
More than survive:
- Wills signature whine translates really well to Jeremy
- It was weird to not hear the stretch in “good morning”
- “Hnn GHA I wish I had the skill”
- More dialogue!
- Wills “micheal!” Is a lot less gay sksksk
- Boyf!!!!
- MOTHERS!!!!!
- High notes?!?!?
- I really enjoy the high notes but I’m sad we lost the desperation in the last two “christine”’s
I love play rehearsal:
- I’m so happy with this! My biggest problem with the cast recording has always been that it makes Christine look boring so I didn’t like her till I started watching bootlegs. Finally my goofy queen gets the recognition she deserves!
- Honestly I went to right down every single line in this song I’m so happy about it!!!
- I have too much to say about this one lol
More than survive (reprise):
-“ At least I didn’t have a breakdown, and have to go to the nurse” me too man
The squip song:
- “So suicidal” sounds sadder oof
- Wills fucking anime voice on “yOu GoT qUiCk!?”
- Aw they cut the “picture this” verse :(
- The vocoder is supposed to be Rich’s squip holy shit
- Y’all behind the squip there’s his inner dialogue and it has a fucking lisp I’m so In love with this version.
Two player game:
- Tbh I’ve never liked this song a lot
- Micheal sounds high lol
- More 8 bit!
- How did “know that you’re my favorite person” go from “hey dude you’re my best friend” to “MICHAEL I LOVE YOU UWU”
- Honestly yeah I’m still bored by this song :/
The squip enters:
- Sexy anime girl is now sexy cat girl I see
- I....i completely fucking hate the squip.
- I cannot stand the new squid voice I want scary teacher man back
- “I do NOT”
- His singing voice is nice :)
- I hate the surfer/stoner voice so much
- Kinda a downgrade in my opinion
Be more chill pt.1:
- I do like the squips singing voice but I really really prefer to og
- I do appreciate Jason’s aggressions in the “take your hands out of your pockets” line
- Jeremy sounds so sad in this :(
- “Everything about you makes me wanna die” *hyperventilating*
- Is...is that George just doing a silly voice
- “Everything about you SUCKS”
- The looking sexy Brooke line is incredible
- -“she had a shirt just like this HEEH”
Do you wanna ride:
- Nothing is really different other than it’s a little faster and the “pink berry” but it’s already such a banging song so no complaints
- I can only think of the Boyfs version now oof
Be more chill pt.2:
- “everything about me makes me wanna die?
- “bE mOrE cHiLl....hehe~”
- Squip is a much better manipulator here, he’s not just scary
Sync up:
- “Come one go gGhAAAAA”
- This song is just a roast change my mind
- “You should ignore her” :( Jenna no
- The squip override is really funny to me idk why
- Overall a nice addition to the soundtrack
A guy that is kinda be into:
- Like “do you wanna ride” there’s not a big difference, but that’s okays because I love this song
- “I guess a part of me likes to- who knew?”
- The clapping is cute aww
- another song I don’t really like lol
- Brook got all “Janet from rocky horror” With her voice and I dig it
- THEY CUT “take me inside you forever” IM CANCELING JASONS SQUIP OVER THIS
- Jearbear? What is this fanfic?
- Jakes character development makes me so happy!
- “Sounds like” “an act? Yeah is not” oh my god they gave jake so much character
- “Player 2” Fuck Jeremy Heere, in this essay I will-
- “I’m tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am” watch me caption an edgy picture with that in a week
Looser Geek Whatever:
- *chuckles* I’m in danger
- “I felt....in-cons-e*quential*”
- “I knew I had no....potential”
- The beginning of this song sounds like words fail form DEH
- “Being lonely is stupid tough” OOF me too
- You shut the fuck up about Michael
- “geEk”
- I hate this I hate it it’s so much meaner than the og
- “the problem Has Always BEen ME” *music cuts out*
- Out of context this song is so good but in context it makes me big sad:(
- “I’m player one” no you ain’t
- Micheals gentleness is “Jeremy, you coming?” And then Jeremy’s panic and fear in “optic nerve blocking on” is so much better than the og
- this is my favorite song so it better slap just as hard
- “Wo-a-o-WOO”
- New verse slaps
- RICH SAYING “and gasoline” IS NOT OKAY
- I still prefer the og but this was really good
Do you wanna hang:
- I HATE this song so much already
- The dialogue really helps explain that this song is borderline assault
- Bitch sound like Lola from big mouth
- Asweep uwu
- Yeah I’m fully done with this song it makes me uncomfortable af
Micheal in the bathroom:
- Xylophone is way more prominent wow
- Come through synthesizer
- The music matching to “I wanna dance with somebody” is a gift from god
- He really portrays the panic attack so much better here wow
- That chest voice on “wish I was never born” hit me hard
A guy that id kinda be into (reprise):
- no comment tbh
Smartphone hour:
- I love this Jenna wow
- The high voice for “this shit”
- “Yeah I know”
- “Jakes house” nice addition
- “Ignore >:(“
- Saxophone ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- “For a tiny guy” “aww”
- That whistle tho
- The scream lol
The pants song:
- Oh new Mr. heere oof
- The dialogue underscore is Michael in the bathroom oh no
- He says pants so aggressively
- This song is another one of my favorites
- “He called me a looser-” “he called ME a looser”
- This dialogue is so sweet
The pitiful children:
- Woah new intro
- This version is....more threatening if that makes sense? Like this squip seemed genuinely dangerous
- “Oh and Mountain Dew” “okay 😋”
- The opera singer is singing smartphone hour lol
The play:
- That director is a big mood
- THEY CUT “to bad you don’t have one of those, anymore” IM LIVID
- Wills glitches without editing wow
- The dialogue is so sweet holy fuck
- “Hewwo jake will you make jwemy dwink this”
- The in sync screams lol
- The creepy twin dialogue is better
- The build up instead of harsh cut to Christine is interesting
- “oh god” “OW” Oh God” “GAH” OH GOd” “nooo” “OH GOD”
Voices in my head:
- New intro
- It’s faster
- Rich sounds like such a dork omg
- Everyone unfollow me this is all I’m gonna talk about for a while
- New girl lines!! I like these ones better
- I just wanna know who Rich’s squip is okay
- They pitched Michael up
- Holy hell Im living for the squip interactions
30 notes · View notes