thecameronowens · 6 years
Running into Liam and Hope [Cameron x Misty x Hope x Liam]
@itslostgirlmisty @hope-robinson
Misty laughed at his words, “Sure I don’t mind going with you.” She replied waiting to follow his lead out of the castle.
Cameron nodded his head before leading them out of the castle. “So I only know where some stores are...I haven’t really been here in a long time so...please do lead the way.” He laughs nervously as they walk down one of the hallways.
Liam was standing in the hallway with Hope when he heard someone coming down the hallway and smelled that it was Misty and his father. He pushed Hope quickly against the wall putting his hand up on the wall in front of their lips as he moved his lips to her neck. “Sorry your mom is coming.” He said knowing she hit her head on the wall by accident as he moved his head to make it look like he was kissing her neck.
Hope groaned as she hit her head on the wall. “It’s okay just give me a warning next time.” She said before wrapping her fingers in his belt loops and pulling him closer to her. When she saw them coming closer she let out fake moans knowing she would get their attention.
“Well if you only know those stores then those must be Noah’s favorite right? We should just stick to those.” She replied walking beside him before seeing Hope and Liam together. She knew that they were doing this to get attention so she figured she would entertain them for a second. “Hope, Liam, do you two mind heading to a bedroom if you are going to do that?”
“I don’t know...I just knew them from when I was younger actually…” To say that Cameron was thoroughly confused by what he saw and heard would be an understatement. “Hope and Liam? Since when did that happen? Well I mean I guess Noah would be happy to hear that Liam is finally over Stiles. Awe come on Misty let them have their fun, I know that you and Nibs used to do this in the hallways all the time. Or at least from what I have heard.” He teases hoping she didn’t take it personally.
[Liam] Hearing Misty’s words he pulled away from Hope and pretended to fix his pants. “Oh sorry Misty, I just got carried away you know.” He responds looking at Hope. “Dad what are you doing here?” He asked before Misty could respond to what he had said because he really didn’t want his dad to offend Misty by bringing up her personal sexual relationship with Nibs.
The hybrid moved her hair in front of her neck as she smiled at her mother. “Hi mom, hi Cameron.” She greeted. “Me and Liam are very recent, after we both were told we couldn’t be with the people we love we decided to just forget about our happiness and date each other so we can give the people what they want. Who cares if we are in a relationship that makes us both miserable right?”
“Right...anyway, just move out the hallway. I don’t need Stiles seeing you or your father. But if this is real like you say then I guess I can’t hide it from them anyway.” She responds.
“I asked Misty for help with planning a surprise for your mother now that he is back..” Hearing Hope’s words, Cameron frowned, “What are you talking about?” He asks while looking at her. The siren then looks to Liam, “Wait what? I never said you couldn’t be with Stiles. Why would you do something that makes you unhappy? I thought I raised you better. Your happiness comes first always, you know this. Your mother might be mad about the whole Stiles thing but he will get over it. You should be happy, just as your mother and I were. You know...the whole not being able to be together because of the lineage thing...anyway, oh I took Noah to the doctor and you are going to have a baby brother! Isn’t that exciting?”
[Liam] “Yeah dad that’s great, I’m really happy for you two.” He replied smiling happy to his father happy again now that his mother was back. Pulling Hope towards him he just shrugged, “I don’t want to make mom mad just like Hope doesn’t want to make her mom mad. It’s real. What we have between us. I could kiss her if you want?”
“What?” She said to Liam before shaking her head, “I mean yeah he could but like what would that prove? It wouldn’t prove anything besides that we are dating and you should just take my word for it.” She said getting out of Liam’s hold. “Kissing would be dumb, so we don’t have to do that. At all.”
“Yes it would be dumb because you would die. Now nice try trying to fool us now if you will excuse us we have better things to do and a lot more to deal with. I’m quite disappointed in you Hope, you know better than to lie to me. I will deal with this later.”
“You don’t have to worry about Noah, I can take care of him don’t worry. He can never say no to me anyway for certain reasons which shall not be named. You don’t have to appease us Liam just do whatever makes you happy.” Cameron reassures him before gesturing for the boy to come over. “Now come here, I haven’t seen you in a long time so give me a hug.”
[Liam] Liam rolled his eyes at his dads awkward timing before pulling Hope back and kissing her trying to make it believable. “There see she’s still alive now is that all? We wouldn’t lie about this now goodbye.” He said taking Hope’s hand and dragging her away.
Hope felt Liam’s lips on hers and just went along with it before he pulled away. She nodded and looked at her mom, “Yep...I feel fine. Not in pain at all. So see I don’t lie.” She said before waving goodbye to both of them and following after Liam.
Misty just shook her head. “You are just like your father.” She sighed. “Nibs wants you with Zach he’ll deal with this.” She replied. “Excuse me Cameron, I’m suddenly lost all interest in going out. The guards will show you where the waterfall is since it’s in our territory and my ladies will help with decorating. Excuse me.” She said turning around and heading to her office.
The male was hurt when Liam didn’t hug him and he pouted. “Ah fine you two do whatever. Wait you are leaving me with random people. Oh boy...I don’t do well with random people. Mis-” Watching as she turned around and left, Cameron was just awkwardly standing there and just waved at the guards. “Hi….uh..”
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