#cmon bois its time for enigmas
tomfrogisblue · 7 months
another message I saw as the lore dump was progressing
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kageyamatobiyogurt · 3 years
haikyuu boys with an s/o who’s an artist - pt.4
a/n: ngl i almost forgot this series i had going on on here whoops. of coursE i had to do one of my favorite boys. 
part 1 part 2 part 3 
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tendou satori and an s/o who draws digitally 
gosh you’re an enigma to him 
he’s been following your art account even before you two started dating awie- ofc he’s one of your consistently active followers
he even shares your stuff when you happen to draw fanart of shows he likes or fandoms he’s part of 
even your rougher sketches are amazing to him just because he knows you can take it in so many different directions 
he asked you so many questions when you two started dating 
somehow he always has more, he’s just curious to know what you have in mind and he wants to understand how art works a bit more too
even if he isn’t that good at it 
“wait so explain why you picked those colors again” so you explained how color theory works a little bit
“baby, how would you compare digital and traditional art? like, is one of the two actually easier or no?” if you ramble he’ll listen intently 
“oH so you can unify something by doing that?” so you show him the difference if you did it otherwise, “ohh, i see”
“babe how do you figure out those proportions since you’re skewing the angle?”
“so what’s the plan for this one, bub?” he’ll ask plopping down next to you 
he’ll watch you work if you’re comfortable with it, otherwise he totally understands if it’s a little too much pressure 
if you let him, you can lean into his chest while you two sit on the couch. he’ll just observe as you draw on your tablet 
maybe he rests his chin on your head occasionally 
he brings you small chocolates when you work, he’ll even feed them to you if he sees that familiar crease of concentration on your forehead 
he makes sure you don’t overwork yourself too 
“hey,” he announces, nudging his head into your vision, “you,” he goes, poking your shoulder, “have been working with your neck like that for two hours, cmon stretch with me or something” 
you let him use your tablet too if he wants, but he doesn’t really gravitate towards it because it’s many features are a little overwhelming
he’s not amazing at drawing but he leaves you post-its with these little quirky drawings all the time 
somehow they’re very much like his personality and he didn’t know that you actually keep all of them 
they’re these little jagged things with faces always full of expression 
they’re a little choppy sometimes but still endearing, very him 
when he tries to draw you he always puts this little sprout thing at the top of your head. why? neither of you have a clue but it’s adorable 
honestly at some point you liked the way they all had this consistent flatness to them and even asked him just to doodle and fill an entire background of one of your pieces 
baby was so surprised you wanted him to 
little did he know this was for a background of a drawing of him 
you just wanted to put his personality into it a bit more hehe
his voice is so small when he sees it, “you made me look too good”
“satori! it’s how i see you, you know”
you’d giggle if you didn’t see him tearing up, “aw baby!” you gush
he really did cry a little, a small sniffle here too, he was surprised you loved him this much
he gives you the tightest kiss afterwards, almost making you drop your tablet. he just placed it on the closet surface near you two before taking your face in his hands and leaning down to kiss you breathless <3
“iloveyou,” is murmured against your lips ah
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fruityutas · 4 years
the devil wears prada
mafia!lee taeyong x female!reader
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lowercase intended
!this story is a work of fiction and the characters used in it are in NO WAY like this in real life!
genre: thriller, fluff if you squint hard enough, ANGST
summary: lee taeyong is a cold-blooded mafia leader, not meant to give or receive love. what happens when an innocent by-stander turns out to be the most beautiful woman he’s laid eyes on? 
✰ warnings: cursing, blood, murder, descriptions of wounds (man does taking nursing classes help with that lmao), violence
taeyong was an enigma to the world. hell, even in the mafia he confused many. he was arguably one of the best leaders out there. many feared him and his men. the tactics used by his team terrified even the toughest of mafiosos. 
 “do you want us to dispose of the body or?” the sentence johnny had asked snapped taeyong out of his trancelike state. 
 “hm, no. let them see what will happen if they try any other funny shit, the bastards really thought their new recruit could do a mission of that significance? idiots.” johnny chuckled and turned away from taeyong, a smirk overlaying his features. 
 “anything for you, tae.” as johnny walked out, taeyong thought of all the different instances where his men’s loyalty had been tested, and every single time johnny had been one of the only ones to stay by his side. he smiled to himself and left his office, ready for the next mission. he walked out into the grand room where a few of his closest men already lingered, talking amongst themselves.
 “cmon, they were already going to die, i helped them out in all honesty.” 
 “donghyuk, how in the hell is slitting someone’s throat helping them?” taeyong rolled his eyes at the two younger’s antics. 
 “will you two be quiet? youre giving me a headache. and mark?”
 “yes, boss?” “donghyuk has a point, he wouldve suffered a much greater fate if not for him.” mark stutters and bows to taeyong, apologizing. taeyong pats him on the shoulder reassuring him he was being light-hearted with the comment. he walks away from the two boys and over to yuta and jaehyun, his two close-range shooters.
 “so who’s coming with me tonight?” they both look at him and shrug. taeyong thinks for a second before deciding on jaehyun. yuta had a bad week and needing a small break. 
 “nevermind that, jaehyun will come. yuta, you need rest, ok?” yuta nods and offers the leader a slice of cheese. taeyong looks at him questioningly and takes it. he and jaehyun walk off shrugging.
 “so whats the plan tonight, tae?” taeyong stops and turns to his companion.
 “well, johnny is stationed at the door while you and mark go in first. kill anyone you see and scope out for any other outlying threats. then you’re going to go to the main room in the building and search for the target, don’t kill them, this is actually a rescue mission. i’ll have taeil and doyoung in the van watching the security cameras. once you find the target get him free but dont let him get away from you, we need him alive. bring him back to the van, taeil will know where to go. once you and mark get to the second location, i will already be there along with jungwoo and donghyuk. we will take it from there and you can head back here after that. simple enough?”
 “of course, but who needs them rescued?” 
 “im not sure exactly who, but some ceo needs him alive apparently.” jaehyun shrugs and continues walking towards the basement, where all things field related are. guns, knives, bombs, armor, you name it and it’s down there. the team for tonights mission all get ready in their required gear and pile into two vans, taking off into the quiet night. 
walking in this neighborhood was a terrible idea. you were shivering from the cold and every sound around you had your senses heightened and on alert. ‘what a shitty night’ your thoughts momentarily clouded your mind and you failed to notice the scene in front of you. three men came out of one of the many abandoned buildings around here, but why was one tied to a chair? you look up to see one of the men pointing at you and looking worried. your walking starts to get uneasy as you get closer. the other man throws the hostage into a van and then turns to you. you’re close enough to hear them speaking. 
 “what the fuck are we gonna do? we cant let her leave.”
 “i dont know, mark, lemme figure it out. maybe she didn’t see.” your face gives yourself away, the taller one rolls his eyes and groans. he starts towards you, the other looking uncomfortable. you stumble and start to back up.
 “um can i help you?”
 “yea can you help us with something real quick? we need a third person for it.” you hesitated but slowly start to walk over to the van.
 “so uh what do you need help wi-AH, WHAT THE FUCK?” the taller man pushes you in beside the one still tied to a chair and shits the door harshly. you get up and try to open it but theres no handles.
 “shit shit shit, holy shit what am i gonna do?” the man in the chair chuckles and wheezes. 
 “so what do they want you for? interference? or maybe you’re one of them too.” you turn to look at the man.
 “what are you talking about?” he scoffs and turns his head away from you.
 “hmm let’s hope your death wont be as grueling as mine, huh?” you swallow a lump that had formed in your throat.
 “what do you mean death? they’re trying to kill us?”
 “well sweetheart, im a contract so yeah, but you- you just ran into some shitty luck huh? these are your last moments if im being honest. no one comes out after being taken by nct.” your heart rate had skyrocketed. 
 “who is nct? why am i going to die i didnt see anything of importance. i just saw those two up there ask me for help.” he tsks and smirks. 
 “thats too late now, your already in this van being taken to the second location, and thats where the boss is- taeyong -he aint a nice guy you know, i would be praying for just a simple gun to the head at this point.” your face pales and the tears start falling. why did you have to choose that shitty side of town to go through? now look what happened, you’re being kidnapped by some organization that kills people for nothing. you curl into a ball into the corner and fall asleep thinking of everything you’re not going to get to achieve. 
the van’s door slides open and moonlight streams in, illuminating you and the man still strapped to the chair. you pull your head from your knees and push yourself farther into the corner, praying they would have forgotten you. the man that shoved you in peeks his head in and looks for you. his eyes land on you and you stay put. his face quirks before he reaches in to drag you out. you put up a hefty fight, punching and screaming at him.
 “you bastard, put me down or so help me-“
 “i think its best if you shut the hell up.” you scoff at his words and still attempt to wriggle yourself from his grasp. he pinches your arm and you finally just fall limp, giving into your fate.
 “what are we going to do with her? taeyong is already in there finishing up.” your captor said cooly to the smaller man.
 “just wait until he finishes, he’ll want to know we have her.” he sighs and walks towards a different van than what you arrived in, opening the back doors before turning back around. the man holding you starts walking towards it and sets you in it.
 “ya’know you made this whole thing hard for us? usually if a person sees something like what was happening they turn away and leave.” you scoff,
 “i already told you i didn’t see anything.” he smirks and turns away laughing.
 “i’m not dumb, i saw you before you even saw us. so what were you doing on that side of town so late at night?” you refused to reply. 
 “mark can you see if taeyong is almost done? i’m getting tired of watching this girl, she’s such a brat.” he turned back towards you and got closer.
 “am i gonna have to repeat myself? i require answers when i ask something.” you rolled your eyes and look away. before you can blink he’s grabbing your hair and yanking you closer to his face.
 “i dont like attitudes, brat. its like you want me to hurt you.” your eyes turn to saucers and you whimper out,
 “i- i was staying and studying late, i’m, i’m not supposed to be here please let me go! i wont tell anyone i dont even care i just want to go home!” he scoffs and hangs his head before looking back at you. a new voice makes its way to your ears.
 “i’m afraid i can’t let you go, sweetheart.” 
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dingalingalingis · 5 years
(Because the 27th is INTERNATIONAL GAY BOYS GET MARRIED AND GO TO TROPICAL ISLAND FOR THEIR HONEYMOON day and I'm all over Witch! Green from @imperial-palace I had a small idea)
Red was an enigma, something taunt and close to the surface but still too deep to touch and sometimes Green would joke to him that Red fit the definition of the bermuda triangle by Alola, an ocean of shades darker than the eye can see and able to pull things in. And also for some god damn stupid reason that ran through the whole family, he was way to gay for his own good.
Green looked down at his ring finger and flushed.
"I can't believe you've done this." Green griped before looking out to the ocean enriched Alola from the plane window, Red made a small affirmative noise and cocked a brow from his journal with a crooked lip “Like… Cmon its… it's too sweet…" 
He made a motion, a short cleaning spell to remove the fog from his breath from the window.
Red leaned back and seemed to contemplate with himself, tapping his fingers away on the bind of the journal in his hands. He put it down, slipping over to look at Green 'you sound so idiotic'. Green gasped, a harsh sound as the witch flicked the air in a spell to pull Red's ear.
How he spoke though, with mirth and joy, was how Green blinked, backmasking to their childhood where Red's face was one of a scuffed up child with grass-stained knees and a mouth that spoke none but signed foul words that giggled while being a guinea pig for Green's old tests.
"Red just try this!"
'Whats in it now?'
"Well I dunno just drink it."
He remembers when he would show Red some of the spells he could do in secret, then he'd spent the night and taught a smaller, more susceptible, Green to speak the same way which always led to Oak’s anger and Daisy's horribly hidden glee at hearing the eleven year old yell ‘fuck’ at the top of his lungs at the most minor inconvenience.
He could remember them hiding away while there were Champion meetings, wallowing with their Pokemon as their brains patted away at its emotional pockets as it searched around their peripheral vision for each other. Because Green was alone with him, Red said in a tone too high for an teen, he'd tell jokes that he overheard the adults say until the steps came close and they feared being caught skipping out. And so they were quiet, hearing the elite four speak words they knew and yet never spoke of again. He was cold then too, he agreed to stay beside Red even with the flush on his cheeks.
"Why did I even agree to do this with you?"
'Cause you like me?'
"Dont put words in my mouth Red."
He remembers snapping his fingers in the silence and a blanket appeared, Red didn't say anything but he could feel him press his side against Green's more after that.
Zenosyne enraptured them and right then and there Green realized how much of their lives were gone to time, he leaned back and sunk into the seat with a frown “You're a big dumb idiot you know that right?”
Red laughed, shaking his head semi-affectionately as Green moped in his spot, messing with the ring on his finger affectionately. Red locked the journal and set it on the arm of his chair, raising his arms with fingers spread wide “C'mere.”. Green eyed him weirdly, squinting heavily through his shaded glasses before relenting, sliding over to plaster his head on Red's shoulder.
He was a lot warmer, a literal heater compared to the chilly airplane and Green nearly melted at the comfort of it. Red let out a chuckle, a soft little thing and easily leaned back against Green like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was, Green supposes, that he likes this more than riding his broom. Green's brain oh so helpfully pointed out that it was even better. They sat there for a while in silent comfort, only making gentle motions to each other to replace their words.
Green waved his hand, and Red could feel the most gentle caresses on his cheek.
Mew cooed, invisible to anyone but Red and Green, in Red's lap.
Red easily draped his arm over Green's shoulder and squeezed, he took a breath, a short laugh, and knocked their rings together.
And all felt right to them.
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