#cmon let's talk headcanons and theories and memes
biggie-chcese · 9 months
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come join our (18+) rain code discord server where it has many features such as a dedicated channel to being normal about yuma <3
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booabug · 7 years
Nino Headcanons
Not a musical snob at all. Actually loves taking apart pop songs to see what about them makes people tick.
One of those people just naturally inclined to music, so has a hard time with things like sight reading.
Studying music theory academically gets him like
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but he really does want to understand it, so he makes Adrien help him with music theory homework.
It’s the biggest test of their friendship for Adrien.
Plays piano four hands duets with Adrien, no matter how much he has to pore over and study classical sheet music, because so help him he will help Adrien enjoy piano more. Music should be fun. What are they doing to his poor boy.
It is seriously the most (b)romantic thing ever.
Anyone else in their presence is like, "Should I leave you two alone... ?"
He’ll bring a guitar to a hangout or party and play requests sometimes, but might sneakily segue into meme songs like Wonderwall or Rickrolling just when everyone gets into it.
Adrien loses it every time. Everyone else is Done.
Loves instruments that are kinda messed up so they have unique sounds. Raids second hand stores for them regularly.
His floor is clothes and small instruments. Has stepped on things like a harmonica hidden by a shirt more than once and ended up laying on the floor groaning in pain.
Do not get him started on CGI overtaking practical effects.
If he really likes a film he’ll see it like at least once a week for it’s entire cinema run.
He’ll cancel to hang out and do something else if his friends want, but he’ll be passive aggressive about it the entire time.
After enough movie hang outs/talks with Marinette, she takes an interest in technical aspects of film like costume design ofc. After a while, the two will get completely engaged in analyzing a movie. Anyone else with them feels like a third wheel.
Alya feels so cheated.
(It’s official from one of the the web specials that Mari goes to the movies with Alya because they like talking about the story afterwards.)
(Nino still takes her to the movies, but she knows he’d rather be talking about it with Mari after.)
Watches "making of" and "behind the scenes" extras every time, and often movies he's seen before with commentary on. Extended cut? You better believe he is all over that.
Alya: [bored] Let's watch something else now. Nino: Nuh-uh, you make me listen to how stupid and convoluted  your comics are all the time. You can do this for me. Alya: That takes up so much less time, though. Nino: It honestly doesn't. Alya: It so does! Nino: You've literally had to pull out a whiteboard to explain. More than once. Alya: The diagrams help! Nino: ... Mari would understand. Alya: HOW DARE-
His parents are pretty chill, but his grandparents have none. They are those “Why can’t you meet a nice Moroccan girl?” grandparents.
He’s a Good Boy. He’ll try to compromise & make them happy most of the time, but sometimes it can’t be helped. Once things started getting serious with Alya, and he would talk to them about her, he eventually had to tell them that her family’s Catholic. His grandparents got really quiet and Nino was terrified.
(The same thing happened vice versa with Alya.)
(Even traditional members of both families are cool with it after a while because ‘cmon they’re goals.)
Wears a trimmed beard when he’s older I will fight you on this. (I won’t please don’t fight me I’m very Soft I just like beards okay)
A traditional Moroccan wedding is the only time he’ll cancel on you for something else that isn’t an emergency.
Sorry but are you going to feed him home cooking of some of his favourite comfort foods and dance with him for an entire night? Yeah, he didn’t think so.
Speaks Darija at home. Makes those multilingual mistakes, especially when he’s tired. He’s either French first language or may as well be though, so it mostly happens at home. That just means it messes friends up that much more.
Once asked Adrien if there’s an equivalent for حشومة عليك in French.* Adrien was speechless. He made the Nino At Music Theory HW face.
Adrien: [after a full minute of staring silently at each other] I... I can’t answer that. It’s Arabic. Nino: Yeah, I know there’s a big culture gap, but like... as something you react with. Adrien: I can’t- it’s impossible for me to answer. Nino: Right? Sometimes I see a dude being gross and I just wanna say it, but like? Nothing really fits? Adrien: Nino, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Nino: Whaaat? I thought out of anyone you’d get that feeling the most.
It goes on like this for way too long.
Plays Overwatch just to play grouped with Mari and Adrien.
Mains Lúcio, of course.
Alya doesn't play with them because Mari let her try on her computer once, and she got so ragey, everyone had to stop playing to focus on calming her down.
Sometimes puts autotune on while playing so he sounds ridiculous in voicechat. (This has happened to me with a rando in TF2 once, it was amazing.)
Not as much of a gamer as the other two, but likes chill stuff like Harvest Moon and Katamari Damancy. Owns Okami on both PS2 and Wii.
As you might have noticed, I'm a DJWiFi shipper first, but in this house we multi-ship like adults. There's fuel for Adrino, Ninette, and poly up there too, and I am totally for people taking it romantically
Disclaimer: I’m not Moroccan, Arabic, or Muslim, so I'm really sorry if points related to those are off! I tried my best, basing things off research and analogues of my own experience and heritage. I just really didn't want to ignore his heritage. I’m assuming Nino’s family is Muslim because Morocco's culture is very Islamic. Similar thing with Alya, Martinique is largely Catholic.
*"H'shuma aalik,” romanization correction thanks to @themillenialnextdoor! Basically, “shame on you,” but hshuma is a unique cultural concept of shame, so there's connotations that just don't translate; again, I was thinking of this analogously using the concept of hia, shame in Filipino culture.
Please add to this. Or make a new headcanon post and tag me. Conflicting headcanons welcome, and corrections to any misconceptions very welcome. I just want a headcanon party for this good good DJ boy.
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