jobsnigeriarank · 3 years
Provost Job at the Kaduna State Ministry of Health Nigeria 2021
Provost Job at the Kaduna State Ministry of Health Nigeria 2021
Provost Job vacancy at the Kaduna State Ministry of Health Nigeria June 2021  The Kaduna State Ministry of Health invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position below: Job Title: Provost Ref No: CNM001 Location: Kaduna Job Description The Provost is the Chief Executive Officer of the College and reports to the Governing Council of the College. He / She…
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thecameronowens · 6 years
Parent Conference [Cameron x Noah x Misty]
@itslostgirlmisty @thenoahvalmont
Noah met with Misty at the level e camp and regardless of them being friends he was pissed. “Mind telling me why Stiles likes to take my kids virginities? I’m just curious is that a kink I haven’t heard of or is Stiles just a fucking douche bag because it seems like the latter.” [Misty] “Noah I don’t want to fight with you. I am sorry about that, I didn’t know that Stiles slept with both of your kids. I would have talked to him about it but he never brought it to my attention. You know I value that in all my kids, Hope decided it didn’t mean anything to her but TJ views it just like Grace and Liam do. I apologize for him.” She said. “But none of that would have happened if Liam wasn’t a total asshole and broke Stiles heart.” [Noah] “Why are you even fighting for Stiles he isn’t your son? He is Nibs and Sam’s and last time I checked they aren’t here. What Nibs send you because he doesn’t care?” He asked before looking at her hand. “Jesus you aren’t even wearing your ring why are you doing this? My problem isn’t with you and you know this. I love Hope and TJ. But Stiles I am done with. You and Nibs aren’t together so why are you here?” [Misty] She moved her hand and rolled her eyes. “Stiles is my son, regardless of if I am with Nibs or not. And yeah we are having some problems but that doesn’t mean I am going to hold that against my kids. Look regardless I am here for TJ and Grace, the two innocent people in this. I am worried about them.”
Cameron had finished work early and went to pick up Noah from the level e camp. He saw her talking to Misty and grew concerned. “What is this about? What did Stiles do now?” He asks.
[Noah] “Stiles fucked our daughter and our son and now Grace has locked herself in her room and won’t come out because she’s heartbroken. Why is she heartbroken? Because Nibs and Sam’s kid said he loves Liam.” Noah said to Cameron before shaking his head. “Misty my problem isn’t with you and I’m not talking to you because I know you are pregnant and I am not going to stress you out. You aren’t Stiles actual parent, I am not going to yell out the way I want to yell at Nibs and Sam.”
“Okay fine you want to talk to Nibs or Sam I don’t care but my problem is with you. My son doesn’t deserve to come to me crying because your kid did exactly what you say you are mad at Stiles for. If he loved Stiles, he should have stayed with him or just left my family alone, but no he decided to date TJ. TJ feels the exact same way Grace probably does and if you get to yell at Nibs or Sam I get to yell at you two because it’s your job to raise your son to respect people’s feelings not shit on them. And don’t treat me like I am made out of glass, I am fine. The babies are fine, but I refuse to let your son abuse my children’s feelings.”
Hearing Noah’s words, he was angered. “Stiles fucked Grace?” His eyes turned red. “She is a baby Misty! Liam never fucked TJ, he wouldn’t do something like that. He would court TJ first, our son doesn’t just sleep around with anyone he wants to. We both raised him better than that.” He took Noah’s hand to keep himself from wanting to say more.
[Noah] “I am sorry about TJ and yes I will talk to Liam about it I promise but again since you aren’t Stiles actual parent I can’t address the problems I want to. Just go, if you are done with Nibs then be done with him completely.”
Misty ran a hand through her hair as she nodded, “I know Cameron and I will speak to Stiles about that because I don’t approve, but as Noah seems to love pointing out he isn’t actually my child and I can’t force him or make him see things a way that he wasn’t raised. TJ and Hope are aware of how important sex is for a royal and I chose to let Sam and Nibs raise Stiles the way they wanted and I just helped.” She responded. “I...I am not done...I...this isn’t about me Noah. I am not Nibs and I’m not Sam but I can go to them and say whatever you need me to. So please stop bringing up my problems with my husband and focus on the task at hand.”
Listening to Noah’s words, he was wondering why Noah chose to talk about Nibs and Misty’s relationship when there was their daughter’s dignity at hand. “You really want to talk to her now about Nibs? What about our daughter? She is crying her eyes out and I promised her we would return to help cheer her up.”
“Seeing as you didn’t even know our daughter was crying or what it was about I don’t understand how you could have possibly told her that? Also she’s not even letting people inside. She starts screaming and unless you are immune to that I don’t even know how you would have gotten close to her?” Noah said letting go of Cameron’s hand. “Do you know why I am bringing up your problems? Because Grace is a lot like you, innocent, believes in love, and just wants to be loved. I could understand her falling for Stiles, I mean you fell for Nibs so there has to be a good thing about Stiles. But hm I realize that I am very very wrong to think that. Do you know why? Because Stiles is nothing like Nibs, he is all Sam and Dylan. He is wanted to move on from one of our children because what? He was lonely? He felt abandoned? And now I am supposed to believe that you are leaving Nibs for what? Tell me Misty. Tell me there is some redeeming qualities about Stiles before I kill him. Tell me why you are leaving Stiles father.”
“I...I am not leaving him. I...oh for fuck sake Noah there isn’t anything wrong with Nibs it’s me okay? It’s me. I wanted to cheat on him. And I almost did because yes I, like Stiles, felt lonely and abandoned and I was looking for something to feel that void. I wanted to leave him. I wanted to divorce him and he wouldn’t let me, he never lets me walk away. That’s who Nibs is. I don’t know about Stiles okay, yeah maybe he is a lot like his mother but that’s not Nibs’ fault. He raises all his kids the same way and instills in them values I believe in as well. I am not wearing my ring because I don’t have it. I gave it to Nibs and maybe he will give it back when we fix our problems or maybe he won’t and I will be single. But as I’ve stated single or not, Stiles is still my child and I will have him speak to you and apologize to Grace but you need to have Liam apologize to TJ and then stay away from my family. I can’t punish Stiles, I will leave that to ‘his real parents’ but know this if Grace is like me, she will find her Nibs and he will care for her. He will take her broken heart and fix it so no one will ever be able to break it again. He will love her until Stiles is just a blimp on her timeline. He will show her what true love is. I promise.”
He put his hand back at his side as he shook his head. “You mentioned she was heartbroken earlier that means she was crying. It’s not rocket science Noah. I promised her when she was little that we would be there to comfort her and instead you are here picking a fight about someone else’s husband. What the fucking hell Noah? Why does it matter what Nibs does? Why do you care so much about their marriage, let her handle that. It’s none of our business what her and Nibs do just as it’s none of her business what we do. Why can’t you just drop the whole her leaving Nibs, she isn’t going to leave him because they love each other. They have been through so much and here you are telling her to leave her husband. Stop focusing on Nibs and Misty’s marriage for once and focus on our daughter. She needs us and you arguing about Misty and Nibs’ marriage is not a priority nor should it be.” Cameron states while getting annoyed how much he had heard Noah going on about Misty and Nibs and about how Noah would treat her better than her husband. It made him feel like he was some placeholder and that if Misty ever did end it with Nibs that Noah would leave him for her.
His eyes flashed blue at the thought before putting his hands into his pockets. “I am going to go and check on our daughter because one of us needs to be there for her right now. If you want to continue to argue about her marriage just...I am done with this conversation.” He responds before stepping back and heading to the castle to check on Grace.
[Noah] Noah watched Cameron leave and sighed before looking at Misty, “This isn’t you. You don’t cheat. Look I will keep Liam away from both Stiles and TJ so long as you do the same. And I know you, if you were thinking of cheating it’s because you don’t want Nibs so...be honest it’s yourself. You didn’t forget your ring.
Misty looked down as she shook her head. “I never meant I forgot it. I know Nibs has it because I gave it to him but if you are asking if I asked for it back then no, I didn’t. I am not proud of what I did Noah and yeah I don’t know why I did it but I know I love Nibs and that’s what matters right?”
[Noah] “Did Finn love you? He cheated cause he felt alone and abandoned, do you think that’s love? Because you and I both know it’s not. You messed up but you need to do what you wished Finn did, just leave.”
“I...no it wasn’t love. So is that what I did? I made Nibs feel how I felt seeing Maya and Finn. Because if it is then yeah I will leave. It’s not love Noah. It’s not.” She replied as her eyes turned blue. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t. He wants to fight and I want him to be happy so I’m fighting, but you are telling me not to. What am I supposed to do?”
[Noah] “You know what to do, you just said it. He wants to fight not you. So leave. Look it’s not easy. The kids get sad, you get tempted to just jump back in it with them. But you figure it out. So leave him.” Noah said looking at her.
She listened to his words and she just nodded, “I will talk to him...I will figure it out.” She replied. “I’m going to go, I will tell Nibs what you said about Stiles and Liam and I will do what is best for me and no one will change my mind about it.”
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