#cober fanfic
At First Glance Chapter Ten || Cobert AU
Hi everyone! Sorry this update took so long. In all honestly, I was a bit lost with this story. I had an idea of where I want it to go but I had to work it out. For now, though, we have this update that I've had to beat out of my brain. I hope it makes sense or more sense than the previous chapter had anyway.
                                                   Chapter Ten
Cora had come to a realization that domestic life really does agree with both her and Robert, and life truly has been blissful. Mary has flourished under the love and care of two loving parents, and Cora has found the home she's never really thought she's looking for. Robert, for his part, has been happier as of late, and Cora feels just as happy to be able to be a part of it.
The semester is also drawing to a close, and if Cora's honest, she's quite thankful and relieved. The end of the semester would mean she no longer has to hide the true nature of her relationship with Robert. While she doesn't expect to come out just so quickly, she does hope that they can be seen more socially - not right away, no, but at least they could ease the society to their relationship, or ease their relationship to society - whichever the case may be.
She isn't under any illusion that it will be smooth sailing from here on out, there's still their families to worry about after all, but she's hoping that with the end of the semester, the sneaking around and the hiding would come to an end as well. She hasn't even had the chance to be on a proper date with Robert, and they've been together for months now, and they share a daughter together (though informally). She's not discontented, truly, of the relationship she has with Robert, in fact she is so stupidly happy, it's ridiculous, but sometimes, all she wants is to grab his hand and hold it in hers, or even just be able to go out with him at all.
"What are you thinking of so hard?" he asks her as he slides under the cover next to her in bed. She looks at him in question. He smiles at her and runs a finger down her cheek in a soft caress. "You think loudly, you know?"
She snorts at that, and then turns as he settles next to her, placing her hand on his forearm as she looks at him earnestly. She slithers her hand under her cheek. "I was wondering if Mary would like a day in the pool," she murmurs, and that is technically a lie because she has been thinking of bringing Mary to the pool so she could teach er to swim. "Not right now, but when it gets warmer. I want to teach her how to swim, and she seems to be fond of the water enough."
Robert smiles softly at her. He always gets a look in his eyes when she speaks about Mary or the many things she wants to teach her - painting, playing the piano, riding a horse. It's always a gentleness or a soft sparkle that makes Cora feel tender too. "That would be great. Maybe we could make a day of that."
It's a little far away, and she's not very superstitious, though she can't help but hope they won't jinx things by talking about it now. Hopefully, maybe, things would have sorted themselves by then.
"I was thinking of the end of the semester," she tells him honestly then, because it seems that it is exactly where this thread of conversation is about to go.
"Are you excited?" he asks then. She thinks he's asking about moving up into another year, and he looks calm and collected - his face a blank slate - that she wonders if he shares the same sentiments as she does.
She nods once. "We won't have to hide anymore, at least," she confesses. She closes her eyes for a moment, hearing the sheets rustling and she supposes he's looking for a more comfortable position. For months now, she's been spending more time here than she does in her own apartment, although she does still spend time there, not just to curb suspicion but also to just spend time with her friend and roommate.
When she opens her eyes, she meets Robert's blue ones and he's staring at her intently. She raises an eyebrow.
"You know I love you, right?" he asks her, and of course she does. She is about to say that she loves him, too, but he silences her with a kiss on her lips. "And I would love to take you out...on a date, out on a picnic with our daughter, and just...I want to do all these things with you and not hide from the world."
"I know," she murmurs as she moves closer to him, cuddling closer to his chest. The insecurities of their relationship are always there, stark and clear, because this isn't the kind of relationship that allows for peace or complacence, theirs is a love story charged with many little furtive moments, built upon a secret, and discretion is of the utmost value. It's always around her, her insecurities, because they can never really be chased away, but the love is greater than the fear, and the insecurities seem only to be a dull thumping sound at the back of her mind. "And you will, I know, but just not right now. Not when so many things are on the line."
He kisses her forehead and pulls her close. "I love you, Cora,," is all he manages to say, but it is enough.
Cora smiles and murmurs the same to his chest silently, before sleep is pulling her in and she loses the fight and goes under.
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whitefox2k18 · 7 years
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Rise Of The Shadows Characters: here are the characters the will be in the upcoming fanfic and animated series that I will make soon and there will be more Characters as well. this just there expressions.
Katy Mei- Main Protagonist
Cober- Ally Of DR. Gero
Azula- All Of Dr. Gero
Rex- Katy’s friend and Rival
Zane-  Main Character and Katy’s Love Interest
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