miscxllany · 3 years
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@coccinellc​​​ said: “  am i dramatic?  yes.  is it justified?  also yes.  ”
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❛ I think your drama is cute, it's very Marinette-esque. It never gets boring being friends with you. ❜
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storytell · 4 years
@coccinellc     /     permanent nathaniel starter call
❛     sorry  ,  this  is  kind  of  out  of  nowhere  ------  uh  ,  i  ...  okay  .  so  ,  marc  and  i  are  starting  to  work  on  a  new  story  arc  for  our  comic  ,  and  i  was  wondering  if  you’d  maybe  be  interested  in  helping  with  some  of  the  new  designs  ?     ❜  you’re  afraid  of  coming  off  as  too  eager  ------  you  don’t  want  marinette  to  feel  like  she  has  to  help  ,  or  anything  ,  because  you  know  she  has  a  pretty  busy  schedule  as - is  .  but  on  the  other  hand  ,  you  really  do  like  her  work  ,  and  you’d  been  thinking  about  asking  something  like  this  since  you  and  marc  started  with  the  comic  .  you  just  ..  hadn’t  really  been  sure  she  had  the  time  ?
but  ,  as  marc  had  pointed  out  to  you  ,  the  worst  thing  she’d  do  would  be  to  say  no  ,  and  that  wouldn’t  be  the  end  of  the  world  .
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❛     i  mean  as  a  commission  ,  not  just  as  a  favor  .  obviously  i’d  pay  you  .  if  you  were  interested  .     ❜  you’re  quick  to  add  that  on  ,  just  in  case  she  gets  the  wrong  idea  .  ❛     i  just  think  it  would  be  nice  to  have  something  new  ,  and  i  can’t  think  of  anyone  i’d  trust  more  with  something  like  this  .     ❜
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qba1 · 5 years
 i   feel   like   ...   chloé   may   be   the   only   one   in   mari’s   class   that   understands   her   ,   canon   wise
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lauteurdeladyblog · 5 years
coccinellc replied to your post: so when are we having our rpc-wide meeting where...
u called?
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YEAH girl--! Took y’long enough t’pick up! We have a bonifide CRISIS on our hands!!
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darkchose · 5 years
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              (🐱)┊WIDE-SET HUES ENSUED. beaming down to the bridge of his nose with a dumbfounded look plastering his essence. Lightly flinching at the touch. ❝ uh—oui ? ❞ She didn’t meant that, right ? 
              He knew Ladybug wasn’t the biggest fan when it came to his flirtatious habits——in addition knowing she had her heart set on someone else——yet, something about her flirting back always had his heart on a string. Like her yo-yo, always bouncing back. The proximity only causing his cheeks to redden substantially. Chat didn’t dare to question the meaning behind her response in detail though, instead, helplessly concurring on the spot. 
↪ BOOP THE SNOOT || no longer accepting.
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timeknght · 5 years
@coccinellc​ liked for a starter.
       He’s gotta be honest --- Paris isn’t his favorite place in the universe, but it comes closer to ‘favorite’ than Houston. That’s what happens when your older brother up and moves you to France without an explanation, but he’s used to it ( Dirk’s weird about shit like that. )
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       Well, like, he’d gotten enrolled in school, all that jazz. Whoop whoop, an American living in Paris, stumbling over his French, how fucking great! He’s the annoying Texan with the shades, and he never takes ‘em off, so whatever. SURE, he gets it, he doesn’t really wanna be here either ---
       And whatever other thoughts his brain’s going through to, listening to shitty Bastille remixes via his phone, fades the second the akuma attacks ( is it akuma? He’s not sure on the words ), and a blue-black haired girl with space buns and a mask pretty much swung through the air... swings? Whatever, but he knew EXACTLY who that is: you know, THE Ladybug?
       Okay, there’s no way he’s going to miss this on his second week in Paris --- as dumb as it is, he’s going to follow her. BAD IDEA, but! WHY NOT LIVE A LITTLE?
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mistoffelous · 5 years
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        meow!  she smelled nice━━  freshly baked bread, perhaps? or the lingering scent of a well made breakfast? either way, a cat’s nose had quite an uncanny power to trace a snack to its source. perhaps if he looked cute, he could receive a treat.   or at the very least, a couple well deserved pats. 
  ✧☽ ━ @coccinellc  / starter call.
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coccinellemiracle · 5 years
@coccinellc // continued from x
Tikki has seen it time & time again with each Ladybug. Yet Marinette was different about how she balanced her time depending on all the challenges she took head-on. She stayed optimistic through it all no matter how bad things seemed to go even when she was close to becoming akumatized.  When Marinette snapped at her she turned to the side to avoid facing her. She wasn’t mad at her not in the slightest because she was aware that being a superheroine wasn’t the easiest thing to handle. However through all their ups & downs whether Marinette was herself or Ladybug Tikki firmly held onto her word to her fellow kwami that day that Marinette was the best Ladybug she had served. 
She remained silent as she thought of ways to encourage her holder to stay positive despite all the stress that was consuming her in both parts of her life right now. Yet when she heard Marinette apologize for snapping at her she softly smiled to herself as she hugged Marinette’s cheek. Even if Marinette couldn’t get the right words out for a proper apology the kwami was quick to forgive her. After all, there was no need for her to be upset with her since it was obvious how stressed she was. Regardless she loved Marinette very much and would remain by her side until the end of time. 
❝  I know Marinette. But the sooner we get started on these projects the further we’ll clean off this large plate. Besides, you know I’ll help you every step of the way.  ❞  
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meistoshia · 5 years
@coccinellc​ sent: ‘ not a day passes where i don’t embarrass myself but it’s ok because i’m on the path to destroy my ego so i won’t be embarrassed anymore. ’
more popular text posts.   //   accepting.
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                                ❛          oh ,       i     embarrass     myself     all     the     time     too  ;          i     just       have     no     shame ,       so     i’m       exempt     from     the     consequences .          ❜
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pvssydolled · 5 years
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❛  you’re marinette, aren’t you ? it’s an honor to be able model something you made on the runway soon ! think it’s amazing that you made quite the name for yourself here in paris ! ❜ her parents had told her tons of stories from their trips around the world when they got back recently, but they had seemed mostly proud of telling her about a designer from paris that the gabriel brand had first discovered. ❛  ah -- i’m ann, by the way. ann takamaki, to be exact. nice to meet you ! it’s sort of my first time going on the runway for my parents who are running the next fashion show here since i usually do stuff for magazines back in japan.  ❜ |   @coccinellc
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qba1 · 5 years
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 the   stars   and   the   planets   must   have   aligned   because   chloé   bourgeois   was   feeling   affable.   it   may   also   have   had   something   to   do   with   her   mother   currently   being   out   of   town   on   a   short   trip   ,   but   that   didn’t   make   it   any   less   of   a   miracle.   ❝   dupai   ---   marinette   ,   what   do   you   want   ?    ❞   it   missed   her   completely   that   her   choice   of   words   were   definitely   a   bit   funny   ,   especially   considering   that   chloé   had   been   the   one   to   approach.
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gxthicruins-blog · 6 years
✘   @coccinellc┊ starter call - tigras
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❝ No, really, I betcha can’t guess who my master is, Ladybug!~ ❞ TIGRAS PURRED as he sped around the serene area. He was bored with exploring around the area of the house boat--YOU’D THINK WITH A BOAT ON THE RIVER, the Couffaine family would be speeding all around Paris BUT ALAS they were anchored, boring Tigras to no end. Therefore, as Juleka had taken an early night to mope around about some... flower type girl, he had floated off and accidentally stumbled upon the superhero.
❝ C’mon, are ya chicken? Go ahead, I’ll give ya three guesses. ❞
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gooselullaby · 6 years
@coccinellc because Marinette also apparently wants to suffer.
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         “Ma...Mari...?” It’s all she can struggle out at the moment. Nanako is very glad to see Marinette. How the girl found her in such a large place, she’ll never know. But boy was she happy! But, Nanako was also a bit jealous. Marinette got to keep her pink on. Why couldn’t she? What was so wrong with Nanako’s dress that they had to take it away and give her this plain white one? It didn’t suit her at all. Looking down at the dress sadly, she looks back up at Marinette, unable to hide her sadness.
         “I wa--...My...my dress...”
          She was trying so hard to ask if she could have her dress back. This gown didn’t suit her. Besides, if they were going to make her stay in this room that had no windows for her to do anything but stare at a wall and sleep, they could have at least given her some color to do so with.
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lauteurdeladyblog · 5 years
●❩❩❩ @coccinellc​ [is in for a really special night]
‘Of course’. Alya could feel her face go flush already. Because Ladybug had said ‘Of course’ she would be here--as though it should be obvious. And yeah, maybe it should have been, but these feelings--being able to express them so openly, rather--were fresh and new and the giddiness she felt at the thought of having such an openly romantic relationship with the heroine of Paris made Alya’s heart swell.
Once she had led Ladybug into the living room, Alya could not keep her eyes off of her. She watched the heroine’s eyes widen, took in her excitement and apparent hunger for her spread and swelled with pride. She had made Ladybug this happy--no one else--and they hadn’t even tasted it, yet!
But, her broad-smiling excitement came to a pause at Ladybug’s question. Alya allowed the kiss, of course, but immediately after, a scolding finger came up into the air and Alya shook her head in response. “Ah-ah... that’s for me to know, and for you not to worry your spotted little head over. Re-lax, girl! C’est Saint Valentin !”
Still, Alya was hardly angry. She could never be angry with Ladybug, and even if she had been, the mention of the hero having her own gift would’ve thrown her enough to distract her anyway. Talk about two surprises in one-- “Oh--! Ladybug, you didn’t have t--”
But then the gift came out. And it was as simple as could be: a rose and a letter--but Alya was touched just the same. “Awww... Girl--!” She didn’t know what to say. Or even what to do with herself, at first. “You didn’t have to,” she ended up repeating, wiping an eye even though she hadn’t read the note yet. 
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“Okay.” She took a deep breath, regaining her composure. “I’ll put the note right here. I can’t be-lieve you’re makin’ me wait... but I trust you. Lemmie find a vase for this rose real quick, okay?” Already, Alya was making her way towards the kitchen. But she gestured towards the couch as she wandered off, not forgetting that she had a guest. “Make yourself comfortable!” 
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riddentime · 6 years
✩。:*•.──    @coccinellc    ||    gets   Alix just bc.
                               IDLE   ROLLING   through   the   streets   of   Paris   after   school   had   led   Alix   to   stumble   upon   a   familiar   face;   Marinette.   she   was   just   SAT   ALONE   on   a   park   bench   looking   miserable.   brow   furrowing,   the   pink   haired   girl   approaches   as   slowly   as   her   blades   will   ALLOW.    cautiously   calling   out   to   her   friend.
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                            ❛      ...  Marinette   ??     are   you   okay   ??    ❜
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coccinellemiracle · 5 years
‼️ ( mari and tikki reuniting somehow years after mari gave the miraculous back ?? hell yeah )
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@coccinellc shouted Spots On!
٠•●♥ Ƹ meme Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ //  ıllıllı accepting ıllıllı
After Hawkmoth’s defeat that night many years ago Tikki hadn’t been aware that Master Fu asked for the Miraculous back promising Marinette that they would meet again. Most of what she remembered was Marinette trying to stay optimistic through their last moments together even though it was clear she was hurting deep down. As much as Tikki wanted to ask why she was upset she had her guesses and shrugged it off trying to make Marinette believe she was unaware which she did pretty well. Yet like all good things them as a team was destined to come to an end for a time. 
During the last few years, Tikki had lost count how long she had been in the Miracle Box safely among her fellow kwamis. However, when she felt a familiar presence near the box something in her changed she had started acting like the old Tikki. Before she knew it she was engulfed by a bright light pulling her into the Ladybug earrings. Once the box containing the earrings were opened she appeared before her holder. Yet when dark blue hues fell upon her holder she saw a grown woman crying at the sight of her and at first, she almost immediately recognized those blue eyes. Yet when the stranger said “ Hello Bug Mouse. “ Tikki smile grew as wide as a Cheshire cat before she flew straight for her cheek to give her a hug. Oh! How she wished she had longer arms to wrap around Marinette, but she would accept this. There were no words to explain how much she missed Marinette.
❝  Marinette, You’re so grown up. What happened to your pigtails?  ❞
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