#cod priest grian au
codfather · 7 months
With the cod shrine Grian made, my brain immediately made an au of priest Grian, God Jimmy (based off E1 Jimmy where he's the Codfather), and adventurer Scar who Grian is debating sacrificing for a mending book
Also just fun interactions of Jimmy being a wildly feared god, sending waves of plague random, but Grian just being like "Hey. Fuck you."
The mending book is maybe some form of a sign from the Codfather in [insert fantasy town name here], where you pick a rare item and then if the Codfather has chosen you you'll find the item. Jimmy decided to fuck with Grian by giving him basically every other rare item aside from the one he wanted
Scar comes in after he wanders in, sees everyone fishing and asks to join in. They oblige, because they're not an asshole fantasy town. Jimmy wasn't paying attention, and meant to finally give Grian the mending book, but sent it to Scar instead. This is why Grian's debating sacrificing him despite the fact human sacrifice is very illegal.
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codfather · 6 months
With the shrine Joel made in his newest episode, fleshing out more of this au I made of Cod Priest Grian (what I'm calling the au (link is to the first post I made)
Grian: Almost a high priest, he just needs the mending book and he'll be one. Worships the Codfather in a very casual manner, being one of few able to properly hear his voice vs just feel his intentions from the waves
Scar: Traveler who sells animals and accidentally grabs the mending book meant for Grian. Because of this, he technically counts as a high priest, despite never praying to Jimmy ever. He'd heard of the Codfather in his travels, but only the myths about his role in the end of the world, a la Ragnarok
Jimmy: God of sea creatures and disasters, told in stories to be the destroyer of the world. Main source of worship is the hermit folk, but has other churches elsewhere. Can communicate fully with Grian, Gem, and Joel
Joel: Reincarnation of Joelious, god of pottery and sacrifice (He knows, but the others don't). He occasionally prays to Jimmy, but it always feels weird, so he doesn't do it often. Prefers to try to gain the attention of the blue axolotl, though it's unsure as to why he does to the other hermits
Gem: High priest of the Codfather, she constantly laughs at Grian's failed attempts. She's aware of the joke, where as Grian only thinks he's being unlucky or Jimmy thinks he should've chosen a different symbol. Worships the twin gods of magic and power but out of a familial thing more so than a true belief
Lizzie: Side, Blue Axolotl, god of the ocean and battle. She seems to have disappeared from worship about 500 years ago, and her temples that survived look frantically ruined. Joel's trying to get back in contact with her via prayer as a human, because all godly attempts have failed.
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