rosaictus · 7 months
[txt] PRAETOR [txt] i hav learned how 2 use a CELL PHONE [txt] LETS GO OUT [txt] u dont hav 2 rply yet [txt] me @ golden ward @ pearl st [txt] 🌹
nero did want to see her master, whether it was a date or a little outing. she wanted to at least spoil kishinami...just this once. maybe saber will buy her a cute dress or maybe she will buy them matching outfits, she can imagine it now! not that saber has been thinking about for awhile or anything...actually the servant has been thinking about matching outfits since her time in mooncell. that damn shop keeper didn't have a single thing for the both of them.
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"umu! i am such a genuis, learning how to use this device on my own!" not really a lie, but she did ask some random citizens for help. "surely, this will make praetor swoon for me!"
with this nero goes on her way to pearl street, even if it take a bit for her master to respond, she will wait patiently!
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lunarevictor · 1 year
There's an odd sense of familiarity when coming to the fact that they were back... in this place. A place of mysteries, confusion, similar faces.. and the likes. It had seemed that the fates had dictated they would return - even if the process of time had passed - still, they would have to return.
Somehow or another, Kishinami hadn't quite wrapped their head around the idea quite yet - but, it was more comforting that their other situation at hand. Wandering about slowly through the wards - they've come across a similar face to his -which at this point hadn't quite fazed them.
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"You're still here, huh?"
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hopeled · 1 year
this is what she needed. after the mess the memory loss has caused the city and the incident with Draco, what she needed was some fun. normal fun. fun that involved nothing more than dressing up to dance and talk and worry about nothing other than how much her feet were going to hurt at the end of the night. and doing such activities with a friend was always preferable-- it had been some time since Ritsuka got to hang out with Hakuno outside of work and now, more than ever, she wishes to change that.
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" Hey, Hakuno.....can I ask you something?" with the way Ritsuka was acting, one would think she had done something terribly wrong yet it was quite the opposite.
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imbibitor · 1 year
+ @codecasts !!
they don't quite understand why this particular shopkeep has decided to fixate on them of all people, but maybe it's a storied business practice to target the wayward individual that looks like they won't talk back.
if so, it's no wonder the shopkeep continues to chug along, trying to market some intricate beaded bracelets to 'the dark-haired young'n with the discerning eye!' the old lady had called out to brazenly twenty minutes ago. they've yet to get the impression that time is a scarcity here, but at the same time, dan heng would prefer to waste their time elsewhere.
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so, they do what any right-minded person looking for an escape route might do: they throw someone else under the bus.
"... what do you think of these bracelets?" they ask the young woman who'd unfortunately wandered too close at the wrong moment.
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cosmicauo · 2 years
     // @codecasts​
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          “— Hakuno Kishinami.” The mere declaration of her name is apparently enough to make the mongrel almost drop her morning drink. Another amusing quirk of hers. “If you have made any plans for this morning, you will surely put them on hold. For now, you will walk with me. Very few beings can say they have the privilege of the King permitting them to walk alongside his glory. Rejoice— though I’m sure you’ll do so to yourself, quietly.”
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goeunhyeok · 2 years
@codecasts​ liked for a starter!
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Oh. Shit. That wasn’t supposed to happen.
It’s those damn kids. If they hadn’t started throwing snowballs at him unprompted, he wouldn’t have… err… stooped down to their level and thrown snowballs back at them. An unlucky individual had gotten caught in the crossfire with his snowball being the actual missile that hit her in the face and the kids had scurried off as though this isn’t their fault to begin with. 
Eunhyeok is quick to hurry over to the girl anyway. 
“Sorry—” He starts, instinctively lifting his hands to brush off the dust of snow on her face but immediately stops himself before he could do so. Boundaries. Right. He drops his arms back to his sides and makes another attempt at an apology. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you. Are you okay?”
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douzeepees · 2 years
Hakuno is someone who, for him, is very easy to see — even in a gathering this big. She will always stand out no matter what she wears. Sure, he may not see her as often as he’d like to, but as long as she’s well, that’s what matters the most. Although, he really should stop stalling and just go say hello. Then again, what if she’s waiting for someone else? It wouldn’t be right to take up her attention. No, he’s probably just overthinking...
The Servant does take his time as he walks over though. It’s only to leave enough time for a small pep talk, internally of course. And it’s because of that Hakuno already seems to have noticed. While not how he planned this to go, Charlemagne smiles anyway, picking up the pace a little until he’s in front of her. “We meet again. It’s nice to see you enjoying the event. You are, right?” Why would she be here if not? “Ahh, you know what, forget that. That wasn’t a smart question.” Waving a hand, he dismisses making a fool of himself in record time.
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“...If you’re not expecting anyone right now, do you want to dance for a bit?”
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isolaradiale · 5 months
Sadly I think I need to let her rest for a little while, so I’d like to drop Hakuno Kishinami (F) from fate. She was housed in house 115. Thank you!
She'll be dropped for you!
– ⋆ mimosa.
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everydayisanight · 6 months
"That is a shit ton of sandwiches you got there." Compared to the two that were on Jill's plate she was impressed someone could stock that much food in a short time. Sure at parties like these there really wasn't ever a limit but still...there had to be something in place right?
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"You uh...you that hungry or something? I mean the roast beef one seems pretty good. But I don't think I'd handle any more then that."
@codecasts | s.c
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moonflora · 1 year
" Ice-cream?" she's heard of such a treat, though her knowledge extends to that of something read within one of the many books that kept her occupied within the dream. it is not something she's had herself. this young woman seemed extremely inclined to it though, listing off numerous flavors-- none of which made sense to the doll. smoked salmon, honey lobster, oyster....nothing which sounded 'sweet' to her.
but there is one that catches her attention-- chocolate mint chip. well-sounding enough, though she does have one question.
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"Why is it green?"
@codecasts -- starter call
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cometform · 2 years
     // @codecasts​  | Maskerade Festival
          “... You goin’ to that ball that showed up, Master?” It was pure coincidence that Master and Servant crossed paths tonight, but it’s clear they’re both dressed up for very different occasions. Hakuno isn’t wearing her usual clothes, but... they don’t really count as being fancy, either— still, he’s got a nagging feeling that it’s part of the festivities going on. As for Rider, well... He’s in his usual outfit, of course— geared up for battle, as always.
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          “Not sure what the idea is behind the getup, but... Looks good on ya all the same, Master.” There’s an approving nod and grin, as Rider follows up while leaning against the nearby wall. “As for me... fancy get-togethers like that aren’t really my thing. Sounds like what the richer, noble folk would do all the time... I’m more of a rowdy party kinda guy— so I was just gonna do more monster hunting. It’s been pretty fun, actually— probably cause I’m not at full strength, so it evens things out.”
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rosaictus · 1 year
happiness couldn't describe what saber feeling in this moment. trying her absolute best not to jump with joy upon seeing someone as precious as her master. indeed what a wonderful moment this is. had this been rome, her citizens would spend days upon days celebrating the reunion between them. whether or not her citizens would really appreciate it or not.
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"if it isn't my beloved preator! you did miss me, yes?" it matters not where the both of them are, fate will always bring them back together. oh how nero wanted to pick hakuno up and spin her around, the love she is feeling almost wanting to burst.
"our reunion calls for a celebration!"
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 month
Empress Nero, would now be a good time to discuss upgrading the check_location(); codecast? Or would you prefer some other time?
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"Yes, yes. We can discuss that."
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"What would you even want it to do? It can calculate the location of allies perfectly fine, after all."
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hopeled · 2 years
“ Well. Shirou’s gonna kill me for sure. Oh well, he’ll understand!” besides, she won’t even be at the cafe when he sees the mess she left.
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      “ Ha~ku~no~!” is just how she’ll call to her friend, singing her name as she reaches out to wrap her arms around the other’s arm, pulling it close and giving it a hug with a little laugh. “ Look what I made you!” she pulls back just enough to pull out a small bag filled with chocolate that’s shaped like her command seals, beaming with pride at getting them down so accurately. “ Happy Valentine’s!”
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kaibutsushidousha · 6 months
Are mages right to be scared that one day magecraft will cease to exist? Fate Requiem has everyone knowing about Heroic Spirits and who knows how much more about Mystery. The Moon Cell essentially gave mages a way to use their knowledge even when the planet lost its mana.
I won't comment about Requiem since we don't have the details on that yet. That's kinda hard to bring up naturally when the narrator was born after Requiem's weird status quo was already established.
EXTRA, however, is an example of magecraft ceasing to exist. Codecasts are a replacement that employs knowledge of the previous system but it's still something else entirely as far as someone interested in the preservation of magecraft should be concerned.
But dropping the technicalities to talk about things, the biggest constant in Type-Moon's universe is that nothing lasts forever. That's the idea defines the power of Shiki, two of Nasu's most important protagonists. Every scared that something will cease to exist is right even if their coping mechanisms are very wrong. The lines and dots are everywhere, physical or abstract.
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ofglories · 2 days
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"Souls and magic are fundamentally two separate things. For example I don't use magic, I use CodeCasting since the arcane had long vanished by the time I was created. And yet I do have a soul of my own." Your local AI lifeform from the Moon is here.
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