lunarevictor · 1 year
Their memories were fragmented - this was something they knew. Somedays, they'd have trouble recalling the simplest things, yet they could remember other things. It was frustrating.
At least, Kishinami felt that they knew and most importantly remembered who their Servant was. At least - that was their conclusion - but sometimes, they had a nagging feeling - it wasn't as what they thought. That very reason would be often differing images they'd see -
Of different people, voices, the ideas of who they were - sometimes mixed, and sometimes separated. But then that feeling would simply fade, as they had some concrete idea of who they thought their Servant to be. At least - but they wouldn't put past the images of a stern man in a red coat, and a woman with the grace of an empress…
And, the person matching that faded, if somewhat visible image existed in front of them. Their heart stirred if only a little, but the confusion they had, totaled. As they tried to process all this, her voice jolted them slightly - with that question.
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She didn't know who he was.
"… Kishinami Hakuno."
'memories are a fickle thing.' a statement that the king of heroes had said to her and that has been on her mind since her initial conversation with him.
nero claudius would like to pride in having all of them, but there was always something in the back of her mind...it was always nagging her, there was something else in her memory missing. she remembers almost everything from her time on moon cell, well almost. saber will keep this to herself.
that holy grail war...in the school, if her memory serves her right. kishinami hakuno, nero's master or what she likes to claim at least. even with that annoying caster being on this island, there was no reason to doubt her position as kishinami's servant. still, there was this nagging feeling within her that something about this wasn't right.
she can feel her heart beat fast, who was this? this boy has the same aura as praetor...what is going on here? nero was aware of doppelgangers of servants, but of masters? was that even a thing that could be possible?
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"are you? nay...who are you?"
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lunarevictor · 1 year
They don't quite relax with what being said, however did not change their expression, nor, stance. Kishinami was hardly a mistrustful person, but however, their interactions with other people had been very little in between, most of have been falsified, or hardly friendly conversations to begin with.
Which lead them to think that she was hoping to get something out of them. If so, they would be if a bit stubborn to comply whatever the reason maybe.
Then the situation changed when she revealed who she truly was. A Servant. Eyes narrowing ever so slightly. What did a Servant want with them?
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"… And, you followed me for that? For what? What's the point?" They reply, giving no actual reason for her to believe they knew what she meant. If anything they hardly wanted her to know about them being a Master.
"Sure, perhaps you should have just come forth instead following in silence, then. Hardly the best way to go, I feel. I don't like the idea of being trailed."
She could hardly blame them given that everyone here had every right to be suspicious of the other. And Mélusine entire demeanor, right down to how she presented herself definitely didn't help the servants case in the slightest bit. If anything it did just make her more suspicious especially after admitting she was following this complete stranger with no real rhyme or reason.
Yet she continued to persist, hoping to at least ease the tension somewhat. Talking was never her strong suit and it was becoming increasingly apparent.
"I'll say it outright. Something about you reminds me of the Master from my own world." Whether or not he understood the actual meaning of those words was another thing entirely. But she continued regardless, hoping to get whatever was on her shoulders finally off.
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"Mind you that was largely the reason I did want to stay as hidden as possible for so long. To ensure I wasn't making a rash judgment on someone that was similar."
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lunarevictor · 1 year
actions speak louder than words non - verbal / action prompts from yours truly. (add a "swap" to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
back, sender gives receiver a back hug.
beckon, sender beckons receiver closer with a finger.
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
book, sender helps receiver get a book from a higher part of the shelf.
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick.
catch, sender catches receiver by the waist after they bump into each other.
choke, sender saves receiver from choking by giving them the heimlich.
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
cry, sender wipes tears off receiver's face with their thumbs.
dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
dip, sender skinny dips in front of receiver and invites them to join.
dog, sender's dog pulls them in receiver's direction.
drive, sender drives receiver somewhere in their car.
drag, sender drags receiver into a room and closes the door behind them.
draw, sender draws receiver like one of their french girls.
face, sender turns receiver's face towards them.
flower, sender gives receiver a flower.
footsie, sender initiates footsie with receiver under the table.
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's.
grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving.
jump, sender jumps onto receiver's back.
kiss, sender kisses receiver.
link, sender links arms with receiver while walking.
massage, sender offers receiver a massage.
patch, sender patches up receiver's wounds.
piano, sender teaches receiver how to play the piano.
pin, sender pins receiver's hands behind their back.
pluck, sender plucks something out of receiver's hair.
press, sender presses receiver against a wall.
propose, sender proposes to receiver.
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet.
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
serenade, sender serenades receiver with a song.
sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees.
size, sender measures the size of their hand against receiver's.
shoes, sender removes receiver's shoes for them.
sun, sender rubs sunblock onto receiver's back.
tattoo, sender gives receiver a tattoo.
tie, sender helps tie receiver's tie.
tuck, sender tucks receiver's hair behind their ear.
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella.
warning, sender presses a knife against receiver's neck as a warning.
zip, sender needs receiver's help to zip up the back of their dress.
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lunarevictor · 1 year
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i could use some more threads, so here's a small starter call at 3!
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lunarevictor · 1 year
for anyone that hates the new dashboard
script for the old dashboard
script for the shop button and minor tweaks
redirects tumblr for you to following
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lunarevictor · 1 year
The bemusement was expected, of a Master who had participated in his own journey of entirely differing nature to her own. Now and then, the irregularities of freely exchanging True Names occurred, but as a fleeting reminder — simply one of many unique qualities about Chaldea’s venture in contrast to that of individual mages feuding in competition for the Holy Grail, or whatever circumstances might have afforded them the partnership of a Servant. Her head swayed, the comfortable curve of her lips never diminishing. “It’s alright. I’m just one of numerous Servants my Master shares a contract with, and it can be confusing having several from the same class together. This makes it easy to distinguish one another and deepen our trust".
Atop those factors were her advantage over most others in the city as one unrestrained by the Stars’ system as testament to the longevity of her stay, but those would be details for later, once they were better prepared to digest the full extent of their new environment.
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Instead, her attention circulated the choice of knight from the Round Table’s arsenal. “That’s right. Actually, when we first met, we were on opposing sides, but he and some of the others have become our allies in the time since. Have you met him yourself? Or perhaps he was the Servant you summoned? I’m afraid he isn’t currently present on the island; he has been, so there is every chance of a return if you hope to see him again”.
Their worries has been eased, if only a little bit. The terms of her contract to her Master had confused him even more. In fact, he had never heard of any Master having multiple Servants at once - an inconceivable thought, at least to him that is. But the way Mash spoke of it, it didn't seem unreasonable, even if a little strange.
"… met him?" A long pause. "Well, he certainly wasn't the one I summoned --… it was someone else who summoned him."
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Kishinami becomes quiet - clearly remembering the face of the one who summoned Gawain, a young man, that seemed princely and charming. Clearly the predicted winner of the war, but loss to him. He held his arm unconsciously, clenching it slightly. Feeling a need to change the subject immediately, "So, you were on opposing sides…?"
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lunarevictor · 1 year
           LOANER   skateboard tucked under his arm, Ritsuka surveys SkateJam with a broad grin. There’s something really nostalgic about it… Well, there’s something really nostalgic about most of Sunset Circuit. It’s like someone binged a month of Western television from before he was born, fed it all to a computer program, and stamped the result onto an entire island. In short, he loves it. 
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           Hearing the uncertainty in Kishinami’s voice only prompts him to smile wider, offering a thumbs-up.  ❛   Hey, there’s no time like the present. I’ve never done it before either, so we both have a learning curve to deal with. You came all this way, so… might as well try it at least once, right ?   ❜
Jolted in surprise by the other's reply - to be honest, Kishinami hadn't thought they've spoken aloud. Perhaps, they're more too used to being alone in their thoughts - and speaking to themselves. Asides from that, they look at the other, slowly nodding at his words. They suppose he was right - it didn't hurt to try.
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A sentiment that they'd hardly considered before, before now that is. They give a moment of silence, taking another look around. It was completely if anything foreign to them - then again most of it were. "… right. I suppose, I could at least try--"
Then hesitatingly, trying to stand uneasily at their board, they slip.
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lunarevictor · 1 year
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      ❛   Would you believe me if I told you there were four ?   ❜   
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lunarevictor · 1 year
There was always an awkward feeling inside the fairy’s heart when she was “people watching” out in Spirale. On one hand she knew now how intrusive it was to push herself into someone else’s life or problems. However even if this wasn’t Fae Britain Mélusine found herself continuing to preform her duties, even if the way she did want to help people out was a bit roundabout.
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“My apologies. You just seemed a little lost here. And I just happened to be in the area when I spotted you wandering around.”
But that probably wasn’t much of a good excuse if they had already noticed her following behind for quite some time. And committing to actually doing it added another layer of weirdness on top of it.
“I don’t mean you any harm either.” Even if her aura might have said a different story. If they could even sense who she was…
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They give a hardened stare in response, bereft of any emotions whatsoever. It was a stare, that seemed, tired or annoyed. Whichever it was, it certainly was directed at the other - whoever she was. Shoulders slumped downwards but their pose was hardly relaxed - but more determinant to leave immediately.
Which to say, who could blame them - as situations like these were prone to reminders - very painful ones at that. They steady themselves, with a heaved sigh. "Right. Sure, I don't like being in this area." That's all they have in reply.
As much as her concern was something a "nice" category, it didn't stop them from being suspicious. If she was worried, she should have come towards much earlier, instead of following them for a good while.
"Sure." It didn't sound like they believed her, either. "Whether you didn't mean any harm… I don't like the feeling of being trailed. Followed." In fact, perhaps her following Kishinami may had done more harm than good.
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lunarevictor · 1 year
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      ❛   And you’re back.   ❜ SHE    answers their question with a statement — one padded by a light sense of warmth. Hakuno had been on her way home from work, wondering which leftover bit of Shirou’s cooking she’d eat first when she got there, but that entire train of thought no longer seemed important. Well — unless Kishinami was also hungry.
      Despite how pointless the question seemed, she wondered what it had been like when they left this city. Had they met the same end ? It wasn’t exactly something they discussed with each other, but it had always seemed like a safe assumption. So… had there even been anything to go back to ? Was it just… some dark, unfeeling state between sleeping and waking ? The thought will just spiral if she lets it go unchecked — so she forces it back with a metaphorical broom, shaking her head with such ( brief ) force that her hair sways to and fro. A gentle smile ghosts her lips, in case there were any question of how she felt about their reappearance.   ❛   I’m glad. It’s good to be able to see you again.   ❜ 
"… I'm back." They say after some hesitance, perhaps lamenting something, or whatever seemed to inconvenience them. Kishinami simply stands still where they were - eyes looking around - as if trying find something new, or avoid the other's eye contact. While they may had the same warm feelings, they weren't going to express it - or wanted to. Then inexplicably, their stomach growled.
But, they weren't the type to actually care about that - ignoring that growl, they try to focus on her. It was weird for them to to focus on their own needs - especially weirder to feel hungry after this long. Going back to that place had taken away any thoughts of taking care of themselves. It wasn't as if they needed to - they were going to go gone. Likening it to a darkness and hollow - they are quiet - only to become perplexed by the sudden movement of Hakuno. Again, they remain neutral, unsure, how to react and rather tight. "…"
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A pause.
"Mm. I hope things has been well… during your stay here."
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lunarevictor · 1 year
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"... so wait - was there three of them? why do i remember so little of this..."
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lunarevictor · 1 year
While most of the time, they'd be on the other end - the other end of doing the staring (a really terrible habit, really) - but this time - Kishinami was being stared at. Taking a walk in Pearl Street while purchasing nothing, would do that probably - it's a rather expensive place to shop at. But that asides - there was rather keen stare, as if one's eyes were to bore through them. Figure them out - or disassemble them on the spot. While they weren't words they'd usually use... it felt that way all the same.
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Then they looked to turn to see - who it was that seemed so keen to stare them down, to only be lost at words. While it does occur to them, they had er, to say many times been at lost of words - this time was truly astonishing for them. There was something... warm, radiant about her, and yet - they couldn't recall... why.
"..." @rosaictus
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lunarevictor · 1 year
While Kishinami was always the type to watch for their surroundings, this certain instance... they hadn't. By an off chance, they had wandered into Fibonacci Ward - the place, if anything overwhelmed them the most. Everything in here was just over simulated to the blast and it was hardly the greatest place to be for them.
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On top of being slightly overwhelmed to the max, they had for sure certain was on their trail. They didn't know why - or nor know their intentions why. As much as they liked being on the cautious side, they were alone and certainly couldn't fend for themselves. "Who's there?"
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lunarevictor · 1 year
There's an odd sense of familiarity when coming to the fact that they were back... in this place. A place of mysteries, confusion, similar faces.. and the likes. It had seemed that the fates had dictated they would return - even if the process of time had passed - still, they would have to return.
Somehow or another, Kishinami hadn't quite wrapped their head around the idea quite yet - but, it was more comforting that their other situation at hand. Wandering about slowly through the wards - they've come across a similar face to his -which at this point hadn't quite fazed them.
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"You're still here, huh?"
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lunarevictor · 2 years
“I don’t mind being looked at usually, but you’ve been staring for such a long time that I find it more than just a little rude.” She’s used to being stared at, but it’s the lingering looks that he pays her that say much more than words ever could. Miko cups his chin, pulling him down to eye-level as she gives him a once-over. He didn’t seem familiar to her in any capacity, a complete and total stranger. “Yes…just as I thought, I don’t know you.” After saying so, she releases him from her hold.
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“So, then tell me, what about me is so interesting that you feel the need to gawk at me, hm? I’m a taken woman, I’ll have you know.”
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Kishinami hadn't mean to stare that long at her - it was just that the familiarity between her and Caster was ... a little too close than he thought it'd be, so he was caught of guard when spotting the other woman. Now, er, his habit of getting distracted when staring at someone - had caught her attention... Oops. The sheer action of his chin being cupped and everything felt - unfamiliar. They weren't used to being held like that even. "Ah, uh - I didn't meant to -" He sputters when released from her grasp.
"Oh, uh, I - um, you looked similar to someone I knew - that's all - so I was caught of guard... well, I, uh realize it was really inappropriate for me to do that. Sorry."
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lunarevictor · 2 years
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“Se-seven months!? Forgive me, senpai!” Minako quickly bows, her ice cream out stretched to her side to avoid tipping it over or knocking into it. She stands up straight, utterly flabbergasted that she insinuating she’s been here longer. Her helpful nature can become overbearing, and this is one of those moments.
“S-sorry, I didn’t realize you have been here that long. I hope you’re enjoying yourself. It’s funny, I’m happy to be here. My life has been… a whirlwind of events to say the least. I’m itching to have a peaceful and care-free life! Also, I want to make tons of new friends! Only a few of my friends live here, so it would be nice if I can make more. Kishinami-San, do you have any of your friends from home living here?”
"Senpai?" Would... being here that long mean they were a senior to her? He didn't get why the sudden formality which felt awkward. "You don't need to call me that, really." The only formal titles they received was Master ... and well what Caster had called him.
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"Don't worry about it... I hadn't really thought about it that much... I don't tend to keep track of time -- well, I used to... but once I occupied with things. You're happy to be here...? Well, I'm not sure how I feel -- I'm still figuring out a lot of things -- oh make friends huh? You're different from a lot of people I used to know. On the whole make lot of friends part... I mean."
A pause. "No, not really. I don't think it'd be possible for them to be here, even."
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lunarevictor · 2 years
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“Last stop!” Minako leads the way to the bakery section. Her eyes sparkle gazing upon the cakes, cupcakes, and pies. She once more places an order, refusing the glance at her bank around as she graciously takes the bag of the desserts. She suddenly notices the customers giving her and Kishinami curious looks.
“Ah, hehe, how about we have our dessert somewhere quieter? Like the park?”
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“Right, of course.” He wasn’t questioning it by any means, but they had mostly kept to himself, watching her do as she pleased. They were unbothered by the stares - if anything attention good or bad never really got to him. “... Sure, that’d be a nice change of pace.“
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