#coffeebaghs asks
memer-the-miner · 2 years
Hay can you do techzlatt where they go out shopping and come back home and cuddle :)
(You can choose the reason why they are cuddling)
Have some icecream and cake🍦🎂🍦🎂:>
Every once in a while, Techno, Philza, and Schlatt would have a day all to themselves. On this particular day, the three of them decided to stay indoors to enjoy each other’s company. They gathered in the TV room to relax. On the couch Schlatt sat watching a game show, quietly trying to figure out the answers himself under his breath. Beside him, Philza used the nearby coffee table to build a replica of an ancient city, barely paying any attention to the world around him. A little ways away, Techno sat in a loveseat quietly reading Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, occasionally guessing along with Schlatt. It was a serene moment that couldn’t be broken and one that the lovers wouldn’t trade for the world.
Schlatt smiled to himself as the game show took a break for commercials. He was enjoying the day so far, but he also felt like doing something with his partners. On the other hand, the ram hybrid didn’t want to break up the calm atmosphere. As he thought to himself, the ram noticed that one of the ads playing on the screen was for a bakery in town, it promoted their special cakes along with other tasty treats. The ad gave Schlatt an idea.
“We should bake a cake!” He stated joyfully. Techno gave a confused “huh” while Phil gave a simple hum to show that he heard Schlatt, though it was unlikely he actually did.
“A cake,” Schlatt turned to Techno who had put his book aside at the ram’s outburst. “I want to bake a cake with you two. Wouldn’t it be amazing to make one and then get to eat it on the same day!” Schlatt fantasized about the sweet dessert as Techno considered the idea.
The piglin considered objecting, but the excited look on Schlatt’s face made him cave in. “Okay, we’ll make a cake,” he said, watching in amusement as Schlatt fist pumped the air in victory. “However, Philza and I get to choose the flavor.”
“Fine by me, I’ll eat whatever as long as it’s cake,” Schlatt giddily agreed and shot up from the couch to get the kitchen ready.
Philza finally looked up from his model when Schlatt jumped up from the couch. “Wait, what are we doing again?” He asked, giving both of his partners a confused look. Techno gave a chuckle as he grabbed Phil’s wrist, leading him towards the fridge where Schlatt was rummaging looking for ingredients.
The pair looked over Schlatt’s shoulders and saw with some disappointment that they did not have all the materials they needed to bake a cake. They were missing milk and eggs and, when Phil went to check, wheat as well. Techno looked at Schlatt out of the corner of his eye, the hybrid was clutching a jar of sugar to his chest and Techno could see the disappointment on his face. 
“Why don’t we go to the store, Love?” Techno suggested. Schlatt looked over at Techno with a mixture of hope and frustration. “After all, Phil and I need to pick out a flavor.” Schlatt visibly perked up at this and, after placing down the sugar, rushed to the car.
Phil held in a laugh at the ram’s behavior and walked side by side with Techno as they followed.
The drive to the store felt like forever to Schlatt, though in reality it was only a few minutes. The ram was already out of the car before Phil could fully park, rushing towards the entrance of their supermarket.
Schlatt stood in the front of the store looking at the aisle signs, trying to figure out where he needed to go. Techno sidled up next to him and nonchalantly put an arm around his shoulder, keeping the ram from running off again. By the time Phil joined them, Schlatt was vibrating where he stood.
Phil gave a chuckle, “Alright then, let’s go get our ingredients.” Phil took the lead, heading further into the store as Schlatt and Techno followed behind.
What should have been a quick trip, took over an hour for the trio. Techno and Schlatt got into a debate about which type of eggs to use, while Phil struggled to open the glass door to the freezer to get the milk. When they finally went to get the wheat they saw that there was only one bundle left, leaving them to get into a fight with another shopper over it. The rest of the time spent in the store was because Techno and Phil couldn’t agree on what flavor to make the cake, after forty five minutes they settled on chocolate.
Of course the problems didn’t end when they got home. It turned out that Schlatt didn’t know how to make a cake, so Techno and Phil had to walk him through it. However, it was quite difficult maneuvering in a kitchen with three grown hybrids, leading to many eggs being dropped, sugar being tossed, and chocolate powder being lost. After all of their trials and tribulations, the three hybrids pulled their finished cake out of the oven. Calling it a cake was an overstatement sadly, it drooped to one side and the chocolate powder clearly wasn’t mixed in fully. The three themselves looked even worse for wear, all tired and covered in some of their ingredients.
Schlatt silently stared at the sweet abomination in front of him, his back to his partners.
“I’m sure it tastes wonderful,” Phil suggested hesitantly.
Techno put a hand on Schlatt’s back “I know how badly you wanted to bake a cake and-”
“And what?” Schlatt asked, turning around to face them. Phil and Techno were surprised to see a beaming smile gracing the ram’s features. “This is honestly one of the best cakes I’ve ever made. I mean look at it!” He gestured excitedly to it. “It’s not even on fire!”
Phil and Techno let out a sigh of relief knowing that Schlatt didn’t regret coming up with the activity.
“Of course,” he continued, making the other two tense up slightly, “It wouldn’t have mattered if it was horrible anyway.” Schlatt grabbed their hands and held them close. “This was an amazing day and I’m so happy I could spend it with you. I might even call it one of the best days of my life.”
They stood in silence before Phil and Techno both went to kiss Schlatt on his cheeks. Schlatt couldn’t help but giggle as his partners kissed every part of his face. Techno pulled back first.
“We should probably not let that amazing cake go to waste,” as he said that Techno grabbed the cake knife and began to cut out pieces for all three of them.
They sat down on the couch, Schlatt mostly draped over the other two, watching whatever show popped up first when they turned on the television. All of them ate silently, occasionally making a comment about the show. 
At some point Schlatt turned away from the show and looked at Techno and Phil. Phil had already finished his slice of cake and the ram could see that Techno had become too distracted by the show to keep eating. He couldn’t help the bubbling happiness that welled up inside him. 
Whispering to himself Schlatt sighed, “I definitely wouldn’t trade this for the world.”
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memer-the-miner · 2 years
Welcome back again hope you're doing well can you do techzlatt where they just go on a picnic date :> (Schlatt takes Phil’s hat after)
have a good day also have some Dino’s 🦖🦕🦖🦕🦖🦕✨
:D thank you for the welcome and for the dinosaurs!!! I will cherish both!
Here is your short and sweet story!
The universe feels friendly, open to suggestions. It lets the sun shine down warmly onto the grass, making the ground warm to the touch. It lets the wind play around the flowers and trees, causing the air to be filled with rich and pleasant smells. A tree sat atop a gradual hill providing shade over its crown. It was the perfect spot for a picnic, for three lovers to have a relaxing afternoon.
Philza set the blanket as his partners came up behind him, Techno carrying a cooler while Schlatt handled the food basket. 
Phil sat down and watched as his partners set up the rest of the picnic. Schlatt brought out the custom made birdseed-bread and placed beside it a homemade carrot pie. Techno opened the cooler and brought out two bottles of water handing one to Phil and the other to Schlatt. The three sat there in a comfortable silence, watching as the clouds passed overhead. Phil gave a hum as he stretched his wings out, the open back of his robe allowing maximum range of movement. A quick look at his partners showed that they both had a light layer of sweat on them.
“You know,” Phil starts glancing at the other two hybrids. “You could have worn something more comfortable.” He stated, gesturing to their attire. 
Schlatt had worn his usual suit while Techno wore clothes fit for a king that lived in the Arctic. 
Techno gave a light hearted scoff. “Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean that we can’t look amazing.”
“That’s right, not all of us can pull off the bucket hat-kimono combo, Love,” Schlatt adds before drinking half of his water in one go.
Phil leaned over and grabbed a slice of bread, “Don’t say that, mate. I’m sure you could pull it off.” He takes a bite of the slice before giving a hum. “Actually maybe not the hat.” He adds smirking.
Schlatt gasps in mock offense before trying to grab the bucket hat off his head. Phil laughs as he moves just out of range of the ram. Schlatt followed after him, chasing after his hat.
“I bet I would look amazing in that hat,” Schlatt stated as he kept trying to snatch it off of the avian’s head.
Phil threw what was left of his bread slice into Schlatt’s face before he took off running down the hill, calling over his shoulder, “Catch me if you can mate!” Phil laughed as he heard Schlatt shout “You're on!”
Looking over his shoulder Phil couldn’t help but smile as he watched Schlatt take off running after him. The ram came charging at him, every time Schlatt got too close Phil would use his wings to fly a couple of feet away. The avian laughed as Schlatt jumped after him. He quickly glanced over at the top of the hill and was surprised to see that Techno wasn’t there.
Suddenly a pair of strong arms locked him in place.
“Both of you stop messing around,” Techno huffed, he changed his grip so that he could carry one hybrid with each arm. Then the piglin easily picked up Schlatt as well, paying no mind as the ram squeaked in protest.
Techno placed them both gently on top of the blanket before holding a plate in front of each of them. The plates each carried a slice of carrot pie.
“I’d rather not let this beautiful day go to waste,” he said, gesturing to the environment around them. Techno then began to eat his own pie slice, humming in satisfaction.
Phil glanced over at Schlatt and saw that the ram had already eaten half of his slice. He had a smile on his face and as he noticed the avian’s gaze the ram pointed excitedly at Phil’s plate. Phil let out a small huff before taking a bite. The carrot pie was delicious, not just because Phil loved the taste but also because he knew that Techno had spent his time and energy making it just for this afternoon.
He took another bite before he spoke, “Tech, this is one of the best pies I’ve ever tasted!”
Techno gave him a soft smile. “Then I’ll  have to make it again some time for you.”
Feeling a wave of giddiness, Philza leaned over and placed a peck on his lover’s cheek. 
“Hey, what about me?” Schlatt asked, though he was trying to seem mad, Phil thought he looked adorable. Rolling his eyes and grabbing the other's tie, Phil pulled him in for a kiss.
Suddenly Schlatt jumped back with a shout of victory. The ram had placed Phil’s bucket hat proudly atop his head. To confirm, Phil raised a hand to his head only to meet his warm hair and feathers. By the time Phil had processed what had happened, Schlatt had already taken off running. 
Techno let out a mock gasp, “I can’t believe he could do something so atrocious.” Phil laughed before punching the piglin in the arm.
“You’re helping me get that hat back,” he stated firmly, a bright grin planted on his face. 
“Of course, my Angel,” Techno took off after Schlatt as Phil glideded behind him.
The three lovers would end up spending the whole afternoon chasing one another around the grassy field. Their food being left for the bugs, their blanket being covered in green leaves and pollen. Of course they would not change that afternoon for even a second, in fact they may find themselves having a picnic atop this hill once again in the very near future.
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memer-the-miner · 2 years
Alright now if you hear me out how about schlatt having a bad day and techno and Phil calm him down with cuddles and kisses?
bruh sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy it and if this isn't what you meant don't be afraid to correct me!!!
Story under the cut!
Schlatt woke up gently, poking his head out from under the blankets he saw the morning light peeking through the curtains. Beside him Techno snored loudly and the ram could hear the sounds of a spatula hitting the side of a pan. Schlatt pressed a kiss on the side of Techno’s head, the piglin letting out a snort in his sleep, before creeping out of the bed and heading into the kitchen. His hooves clicked against the floor, brushing up against the occasional fallen feather.
“Morning my muse,” Schlatt hugged Phil from behind, the avian giving a soft laugh as he finished the breakfast he was making. Phil moved the eggs in his pan over to a plate which held a couple slices of veggie bacon.
“Mind setting the table for us?” Phil asked turning around in Schlatt’s arms to give him a peck on the nose.
The ram-hybrid blushed as he nodded, picking up the plate and setting it at the kitchen island. He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and set it beside the plate. He then grabbed a knife and fork alongside a spoon for Phil. Behind him his lover poured some bird seed into his bowl. 
Phil muttered a thank you as he took the spoon from Schlatt. The ram himself said a quick prayer to XD before digging into his eggs and bacon. As the two silently ate their breakfast, listening to their lover snoring from the bedroom, Schlatt knew today would be perfect.
Today was horrible.
So far Schlatt had gone for a walk to the store to grab some pet food for Techno and a new toolbox for Phil when it started raining. The rain hadn’t bothered him all that much beside the light fear it would get worse. However, as soon as he took a breath a car sped past, drenching his good button up in mud.
The ram suppressed a groan as he continued his journey to the shop. 
When he finally got to the store, Schlatt saw that it was packed to the brim with people. Feeling his anxiety rise, the ram had plastered a plastic smile on his face as he made his way to the pet aisle. 
As he moved down the aisles Schlatt was horrified to see that the products were not where they usually were. The ram grabbed the nearest employee.
“Excuse me, but has the layout of the store changed at all?” The ram asked, trying to suppress the anxiety rising in the back of his throat.
The employee nodded. “Yes, the store is under new management, so we are trying out a new way of organization.”
“Ah… is there any way you can direct me to the pet aisle?”
“Hmmm,” the employee hummed as they thought about it, they then shrugged in response. “Sorry I don’t know where that has been moved to, you’ll have better luck on your own.” The employee then left Schlatt in the middle of a sea of people as they went back to their station.
“XD guide me,” Schlatt joked to himself as he started in the closest aisle. 
The ram-hybrid walked around for thirty minutes before finding a remnant of pet products. He gave a silent cheer as he moved down the aisle, scanning for a specific brand that Techno used for the wolves.
Then Schlatt found it, the last bag left from the shelf.
And it was sitting in someone else’s cart.
Before he could leave Schlatt rushed up.
“Excuse me,” he huffed out, getting the other shopper’s attention. “But can I please have that bag of pet food you have?”
“What do you want it for?”
“Well my fiancé runs a wildlife sanctuary, he uses that specific brand for the wolves,” Schlatt calmly explained while eyeing the bag in the other’s cart.
The other shop thought about it for a second before turning to him. “Sure I’ll give it to you-”
“Thank you so much-”
“In exchange for your phone number.” The other shopper held out his phone for Schlatt to put his number in.
“O-oh,” Schlatt eyed the phone warily. “Uhm I don’t know if you heard what I said earlier, but I’m already spoken for.” Schlatt held up his hand so that the other could see his rings.
The man smirked, “He doesn’t have to know, besides someone as cute as you should have two boyfriends.” The man got closer to Schlatt.
Closer than he liked.
“Well good thing I already have two fiancés,” Schlatt retorted, letting the smile drop from his face. “Y’know what, I'll just get a different brand this time.”
Schlatt quickly walked away before the other could say anything, but still heard as he muttered “Fucking whore,” under his breath.
Schlatt gave a shuddering sigh and grabbed a bag of senior dog food. “This will work right?” He muttered to himself and then started to look for Phil’s toolbox.
It was easy enough to find and there were multiple sets, so he wouldn’t have to deal with any more creepy shoppers.
Right as he grabbed the toolbox, Schlatt was shoved to the ground. 
The box broke underneath him, the pieces scratching the floor.
When he turned around to see who shoved him, Schlatt’s ears were already ringing as someone yelled at him. From what he could make out from the monologue and the “Hybrids promote Beastialty '' shirt she wore, Schlatt could tell that this woman was very anti-hybrid.
Schlatt had to get up by himself as security dragged the screaming woman away. As he glared in her direction an employee appeared next to him.
“Sir, I would like to inform you that you have to pay for the broken product,” they said, gesturing to the smashed toolbox on the ground.
“What?!” Schlatt whirled around to face them. “But it wasn’t my fault that it broke!” The employee nearly shrugged in response and left Schlatt to pick up the pieces.
“Hey wait!” He called out, but the employee was already gone. Groaning the ram-hybrid picked up the pieces of the broken toolbox alongside a new one.
His head felt fuzzy, both with anger and embarrassment.
Schlatt trudged to the checkout and groaned as he stood in line, the people in front of him moving at a snail's pace.
After twenty minutes it was finally Schlatt’s turn. He paid for the dog food, the toolbox, and the broken toolbox. His card was declined over four times before he gave up and started to use cash.
Schlatt felt himself heat up as eyes fell on him.
He just wanted to get home.
As soon as he exited the store he dumped the broken tool box into a trash can and began his journey home. Much to Schlatt’s dismay it was still raining and the downpour was worse than before.
He couldn’t even call an Uber because he left his phone at home. So the ram-hybrid walked through the rain, carrying a toolbox and a bag of senior dog food. 
Of course it only took a few minutes before a car sped past drenching him in mud and dirt once more.
By the time he made it home, the rain had mostly cleaned away the mud, still his hooves were caked and his shirt was ruined.
Schlatt gave a sigh of relief as he put his hand on the door knob. When he entered the warmth of his home, he would be able to bundle up in his bed and pretend the world didn’t exist.
Sadly reality had other plans as the door didn’t budge. He tried it again, but still it was locked in place. Grumbling to himself he searched his pockets for his keys and found that they were nowhere to be seen.
That was the last straw.
Before Schlatt realized it, he was crying. He was tired, creeped out, hurt, drenched, and he was alone. 
Dropping the toolbox and dog food beside the door, Schlatt sat on his own porch as he cried.
He didn’t know how long had passed before a hand tugged on his shoulder. Schlatt didn’t bother looking up and let it guide him inside. The ram-hybrid was placed on the couch.
A second pair of hands shoved a set of dry pajamas into his hands. He changed slowly without a word, dimly hearing the sounds of cooking in the background.
He sat back down on the couch, staring down at his own hooves. Schlatt felt pathetic.
He was stupid.
He was selfish.
He was a baby.
A kiss placed itself on his head. A blanket found a way around his shoulders. Phil curled into his side whispering words of encouragement under his breath. On his other side Techno held a bowl of warm soup and was lifting a spoon to the ram-hybrid’s lips.
Schlatt ate the soup, even taking the bowl out of his lover’s hands to eat it himself. Techno ran his fingers through Schlatt’s hair while the piglin nuzzled his neck. Phil held his hand as the avian continued to whisper loving words to him.
The anxiety faded away and while his eyes ached, Schlatt felt loved. 
Maybe today was alright after all.
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