#cold brew. 3 pumps sugar free coconut
lunahallowell · 8 months
W when u want coffee but the coffee at Dunkin Donuts 😪 I cri evrtim.
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dockofshame · 11 months
Total Drama Pahkitew Island Contestants and Their Starbucks Orders
The final one of these (maybe?)
• Shawn: Nitro cold brew • Sky: Iced shaken espresso with 2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup • Sugar: Mocha cookie crumble frappuccino but she changes the mocha syrup to white mocha so it’s kind of like an Oreo. • Jasmine: Iced matcha lemonade with the honey blend • Max: Earl Grey tea with 3 Stevia in the Raw • Scarlett: Earl Grey tea with 1 Stevia in the Raw • Dave: Chocolate cream cold brew • Topher: Hot cocoa. It’s Chris’ favorite drink after all; second only to tomato juice • Ella: Iced white mocha with coconut milk, vanilla sweet cream cold foam, caramel drizzle and caramel crunch bits • Samey: Paradise drink with vanilla sweet cream cold foam • Amy: An extra dry blonde cappuccino with oat milk • Rodney: Iced green tea lemonade with 3 honey packets and a sugar in the raw • Leonard: Royal English breakfast tea latte with almond milk • Beardo: *Insert sound of the coffee machine here*
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thatmadhatter · 4 years
How to Order at Starbucks
This was supposed to be a reply to someone who asked for help ordering at Starbucks. But it’s way too long for a reply, so I’ve done a whole ass post.
I know how overwhelming ordering at Starbucks can be, partially because there are so many menu items. I'm gonna break down the menu a bit and then walk through how to order step by step. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask! I was a barista for over 3 years, as well as a supervisor, and I am a teacher, so I very genuinely don't mind explaining drinks or anything.
Drink Menu Breakdown:
Hot drinks come in 4 sizes.
Short= 8oz, which is teeny tiny.
Tall= 12oz AKA Small.
Grande= 16oz AKA Medium.
Venti= 20 oz AKA Large.
Cold drinks come in
Tall= 12oz aka Small.
Grande=16oz AKA Medium.
Venti=24oz AKA Large.
And *SOME* cold drinks can also be a Trenta=30oz AKA Extra Large. The drinks that can come in Trenta are refreshers, cold brew, iced coffee, and iced teas. Frappuchinos and espresso drinks (think an iced latte or iced americano) cannot come in a trenta.
Core Drinks (these should be carried year round at all locations.)
Latte - Espresso and milk. This can be made hot or iced and with or without flavor.  This can also be made decaf. A very common drink is a vanilla latte. I love a good caramel latte myself
Americano - Espresso and water. This can also be made hot or iced. You can add milk or flavor to your hearts content to jazz it up if you want. This can also be made decaf. I love an iced blonde americano on a day where I need an extra kick.
Cappuccino - Espresso, milk, and milk foam. Typically this is a hot only drink, however last year Starbucks started doing iced cappuccino’s. Personally I never liked them. A cappuccino can be made ‘wet’ which means with less foam, or ‘dry’ which means made with more foam. There is no such thing as a cappuccino with no foam, that is a latte. This can be made decaf.
Caramel Macchiato - Classic Starbucks drink, can be made hot or iced. This can also be made decaf. Vanilla syrup, milk, espresso, and caramel drizzle.
Iced Coffee - Only comes iced. The barista should ask if you want this sweetened. It automatically comes with sweetener, which is called classic syrup. You can substitute any flavor you want in this though. This is made using a special blend of coffee that is brewed and then poured over ice. This cannot be made decaf.
Cold Brew - Only comes iced. This is made using a 20 hour steeping process, which is why it has a smoother, stronger flavor. That’s also why it’s a little more expensive and why when a store runs out, they’re often out for the rest of the day. This cannot be made decaf.
Frappuccino - Only comes blended/iced. These come in all sorts of flavors and colors. They can also be made with or without caffeine. If you ever want a caffeine free Frappuccino, just ask for a *flavor* Creme Frappuccino.
Refreshers - Only comes iced. They’re basically caffeinated fruity drinks, similar to an energy drink. You may have heard of the “Pink Drink” which is a strawberry refresher made with coconut milk. I’m allergic to coconut milk, so I can’t speak as to if it’s good or not, but I know it’s very popular. This cannot be made decaf.
Hot chocolate: Mocha, Vanilla, and Milk! Can only be made hot. You can also order a white hot chocolate, which is made with white mocha instead of the regular mocha. This is caffeine free.
Hot Coffee- If you come in the early to mid morning, a barista may ask you what roast of coffee you want. There are three options, blonde, Pike (aka Medium) or dark. Blonde is the most caffeinated, and will have a very mild flavor. Pike is the standard coffee every Starbucks carries at all times. Dark will be an intense coffee flavor, usually leaning more towards the bitter and very full bodied taste.
Cafe Misto: Also called a cafe au lait. Typically this is only made hot, it’s half coffee and half steamed milk.
Chai Latte: Chai concentrate and milk. Can be made hot or iced. Cannot be made decaf. 
Green Tea Latte: Matcha and Milk. Can be made hot or iced. Cannot be made decaf. I personally don’t care for the iced version as the matcha doesn’t mix super well with cold liquid, but a lot of people do like it.
Iced Teas: There are 4 core iced teas, Black, Green, White, and Passion. The Passion tea is the only one without caffeine, but there isn’t much in the white tea. They can all be made with or without lemonade. The barista should ask if you want this sweetened. It automatically comes with sweetener, which is called liquid cane sugar.
One overwhelming part of Starbucks is the sheer number of ways a drink can be modified. You’ve seen that already with just the drink breakdown. This further breaks down some ways drinks can be modified.
Hot or Iced
Espresso Modification: Drinks that are made with espresso can be made 1 of 3 ways. With the signature espresso, which is the default of most espresso drinks. You don’t need to specify this. Blonde espresso, which has a little more caffeine but a milder flavor. Or Decaf espresso, which contains no caffeine. You can also vary the number of shots in a drink. If you ask for more shots, the drink will be more expensive.
Flavor: There are many many flavor options. The core flavors are - Vanilla, Caramel, Mocha, White Mocha, Hazelnut, Toffee Nut, Peppermint, Raspberry, Sugar Free Vanilla, and Sugar Free Mocha. Then there are whatever seasonal syrups are available, which can vary depending on stocks and the time of year. You can also vary the number of pumps in a drink if you want. There is no charge for extra pumps of syrup if the syrup is already in the drink. Most drinks will have a surcharge for additional syrups though.
Milk: The milk options are skim, 2%, whole, half and half (aka cream), whipping cream, soy, coconut, almond, and Starbucks is in the process of doing oat milk as well. In a drink where milk is the main ingredient, such as a latte, there will be a charge for an alternative milk such as soy. However there isn’t a charge for skim, 2%, or whole. When a drink comes with milk, unless otherwise specified, it will automatically be made with 2%.
How to Order at Starbucks
There are three different methods to ordering at Starbucks. I’ll break each of them down.
Drive Through: There’s often a line. You’ll get in line and pull up to a speaker box. Typically the barista will greet you with something like B: “Thank you for choosing Starbucks. What can I get started for you?” Y: “Hi, can I get a *hot or iced* *size* *name of drink* with *any modifications* The barista will either repeat your drink back to you, or ask if you want anything else. You can add more drinks or food, or let them know that is all. The barista will usually give you a total and have you proceed forward. At the window, you’ll pay for your items. You can pay with cash, card, or the mobile app (which we’ll get to). The barista in the window will sometimes still be waiting for your drinks/good to be made. Try to be friendly and patient, odds are they’ve been yelled at several times already. They’ll hand you your items and away you’ll go!
Cafe Store: This is where you walk into a Starbucks. You’ll get in line at the register, try to figure out what you want before you get to the register, or at least have it down to between two or three things. If you’re ever stuck between two things, ask your barista which one they would order. This is a much better question than asking them what their favorite drink is or what they think you should get. Once you get to the register… B: “Thank you for choosing Starbucks. What can I get started for you?” Y: “Hi, can I get a *hot or iced* *size* *name of drink* with *any modifications* B: That’s a *repeats drink back to you* Anything else? Y: No thank you. B: Great. Can I get a name for your order? Y: Yes, *name* You can give your name, or you can give a fun name. I like saying Iron Man or something silly on occasion. Most of the time baristas will be amused by this, we see a million Jessicas everyday. But usually only 1 Spiderman. B: Okay, *name* your total is  *total* You can then pay with your card, cash, or mobile app. It’s usually pretty clear where the handoff plane is, but sometimes a barista will direct you towards it. You can go hangout near the handoff plane, but please don’t stand directly in front of it or sit on it. If the store is busy, odds are there are drinks in front of you, and standing directly in front of the counter will make it hard for others to get their drinks. After a few minutes, a different barista will call out *drink* for *name*, which you can go pick-up. I recommend checking the sticker on the side of the cup to check that it is your drink. Then you get to be on your way!
Finally we have “the app” or mobile ordering. If you have social anxiety, this is a great way to avoid having to talk to someone while you order. You can download the Starbucks app and do it all from your phone. After downloading the app, just tap ‘order’ which is the middle button in the center of the screen. At the bottom of the screen there will be a line that says “pick up at *insert store name here*” double check that you’re ordering to the correct store. Then you can browse the menu to your hearts content and add items to your order. Just make sure you press “checkout” when you’re ready, and that you get the little screen that says “your order will be ready in X-X minutes” Then you can either go through the drive through, and when you get to the speaker say “Mobile order for *name*” or you can walk into the store and go straight to the handoff plane where there will be a little area that says “mobile orders”. Just look for your order, check the name and drink on the sticker on the side, and hooray! Please keep in mind when mobile ordering to do so at least 5 minutes before you actually get to the store. Or be willing to hangout for a few minutes in the store before it is ready. I have a store that’s 7 minutes away on my morning commute, so I’ll usually submit my order right before I leave the house so it’s ready for me when I get there.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I promise, I have heard them all. Also, everything here may not apply in full to ‘we proudly serve’ locations, such as a Barnes and Noble Cafe or to Target Starbucks (also called Tarbucks)
Also I did not touch on the seasonal drinks at all here because they literally change every 2-3 months. The seasonal drinks will be things like the Pumpkin Spice, Butterscotch, Smores, etc... If you want to know what’s in season when you order, just look for a sign. Starbucks releases new signs often which will advertise whatever is in season at the time. You can also ask your barista! 
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The Right Whey: Tips And Recipes To Shake Up The Way You Use Protein
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Water and healthy protein ... Protein as well as water. No matter exactly how you mix it, the combination is simply ordinary stagnant. So when was the last time you made a protein shake with anything however water, whey, and a shaker cup?
We thought so.
The irony of all this is triggered by the truth that whey protein solutions go to their advanced best. Yet, despite protein being at its absolute finest in taste, in bioavailability and in easily blended solutions, exactly how numerous of us still stand at the kitchen sink, fill up a cup up with semi-cold water, dump an inside story of healthy protein in, and shake, after that almost plug our noses as we down it?
At this factor, you're possibly objecting, assuming "I get on a diet - exactly what else should I mix with my healthy protein?" There is some truth to that - specifically if you have a total healthy protein that has a great fat resource included, as well as no sugar, however a pleasant preference. Formulas vary so considerably, it is possible you have a protein you actually like that in fact tastes good.
Whey Protein: Diets vs. Mass
Line up 10 leading brand proteins and also you might locate extremely various dietary assays on each label. Some will differ in whey type, while others contain greater than just whey, such as casein or soy, or vary in the sweetener or flavor utilized to earn the formula palatable.
Each will certainly also include a different macronutrient break down - with more or much less carbs or fats, and a broad swing in the variety of healthy protein grams. Add to that the number of tastes in each brand, as well as the fat resource in each brand name. Some proteins will feature a beneficial medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) such as coconut milk or oil, and others will simply mix in whatever emulsifying fat is cheapest.
Sweeteners also differ widely, and also could consist of every little thing from ordinary old sugar to corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, Splenda, Nutrasweet, or the even more all-natural and also healthy Stevia.
Give or take components, of those 10 healthy proteins, you can most likely separate them right into 2 classifications: Those fit to mass-building as well as those to dieting.
Typically, healthy proteins that attend to diet programs will showcase 25 to 35 grams of protein, no to 10 grams of carbs, and absolutely no to 12 or 15 grams of fat. Those fit to mass gains will include anywhere from 30 to 40 grams of protein, 15 to 40 grams of carbohydrates, and 5 to 20 grams of fat.
The excellent aspect of having such variance in proteins is that you can prefer to either use a protein on its own as a dish substitute during a diet plan, or as a meal replacement throughout a mass cycle, without having to add other foods.
But we think that if you locate a healthy protein you such as - and that's normally driven by components, high quality and preference - we assume you're going to persevere. So how does one adapt his/her preferred protein to be a year-round formula, as well as what criteria should own that choice?
Choosing a healthy protein that is formulated for diet plan, versus mass, has its benefits due to the fact that you could constantly contribute to the formula using a shake - you can not remove ingredients.
Shakes that claim to be meal substitutes or are mass-monster owned do not constantly have the most effective top quality ingredients either. They are usually rife with fillers that are not healthy and also can trigger fat storage space in the off season.
We assume it's far better to earn your own.
We are frequently asked: What does it cost? healthy protein do I require in a day in order to fulfill my objectives? We such as to take the center of the roadway as well as have you include or subtract from there. Whether you're dieting or intending to get mass, right here's a good guide that you could customize:
Daily Intake Based on 1 to 1.5 grams of Healthy protein per Extra pound of Bodyweight
Grams of Protein Required
125 extra pounds = 125 to 188 grams of protein
150 pounds = 150 to 225 grams of protein
175 extra pounds = 175 to 263 grams of protein
200 extra pounds = 200 to 300 grams of protein
250 extra pounds = 250 to 375 grams of protein
Another method to take a look at protein requirements in the diet is by portions of calories allotted:
Daily Calorie Requirements/ Percent of Protein (20-40%)
1500 calories = 75 to 150 grams of protein
2000 calories = 100 to 200 grams of protein
2500 calories = 125 to 250 grams of protein
3000 calories = 150 to 300 grams of protein
3500 calories = 175 to 350 grams of protein
4000 calories = 200 to 400 grams of protein
5000 calories = 250 to 500 grams of protein
The biggest reason a bodybuilder cannot gain weight in the off season, or fails to keep it during a diet, might be that they does not take in adequate healthy protein. Yet the various other factor may be lack of strategy behind times a protein shake is blended as well as ingested.
Here's a good rule of thumb:
First thing in the morning - Complying with a fasting state you'll place yourself right into favorable nitrogen equilibrium immediately.
Between meals - Make these easy trembles that simply fill up the void and also maintain you in positive nitrogen balance.
Pre- and Post-Workout - Protein shakes before as well as after exercises can be loaded with included nutrients to sustain workout as well as healing: Creatine and also Nitric Oxide for pumps as well as power, as well as Glutamine and BCAAs for recovery.
Evening - If you're diet programs, yet do not wish to comply with the 'Don't consume after 6 p.m. rule' have a healthy protein shake or more (one with couple of carbs as well as reduced fats) to optimize nitrogen balance during sleep as well as maintain the metabolic rate burning.
Think you know a lot about whey healthy protein? Right here are some facts in order to help you utilize it
WW1: Throughout mass cycles, you can enhance protein uptake with fast-digesting carbs, such as waxy maze or add your own to shakes that contain hardly any carbohydrate.
WW2: The very best weight gainer shake has a carb-to-protein proportion of 2:1. No commercial blends around actually attribute that - always placing even more protein in the mix than carbs. Make your very own with this ratio in mind.
WW3: If you are adding added fat to a blender shake for mass-building, add great fats, such as Omega-3s: walnuts or walnut oil, peanut butter and flax seeds as well as flax seed oil.
WW4: A suitable diet plan must have an Omega-3-to-Omega-6 ratio of 2:1. To include even more Omega-3 foods to your mixer drinks - without the fat - add foods such as spinach, watercress, kale, mint and also oatmeal. Mint leaves make a fantastic enhancement to any chocolate shake.
WW5: Whether building mass or dieting, maximize your post-workout shakes by adding recovery aids, such as glutamine, arginine, waxy maize, beta-alanine, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), along with additional vitamins An as well as C, and trace element, such as potassium.
WW6: The difference in between Whey Isolate as well as Whey Concentrate: Separate expenses much more as well as has a higher bioavailability rating of 98 percent, and nearly no lactose. Concentrate has lactose, has a reduced BV rating of 80 percent, as well as is less costly. For weight gainers, a whey concentrate could be the best option since it's greater in calories.
WW7: In spite of hearing that it's always much better to consume "entire foods" supplementing with whey healthy protein is hassle-free, requires no refrigeration, is much easier on the stomach and less dental filling, has a greater BV compared to a lot of foods, as well as is strengthened with vitamins you may not get eating just entire foods.
Tips for Easy Mixing:
All proteins advertise that they are conveniently combined, however exactly how numerous lump cost-free trembles have you had in the last 10 years? Because it's always a lot much more tasty to consume alcohol a shake that has been blended to a smooth uniformity, here are some suggestions in order to help:
Use a blender or food processor or glass and mix - don't utilize a shaker cup. No blender? Combine with a fork, not a spoon, or little mini-whisk
Add protein as well as water right into the glass a little each time. Fifty percent an inside story of protein mixes much better with 2 to 4 ounces of water.
Let it rest for a couple of mins before alcohol consumption, after that blend again.
The possibilities are limitless for drinks as well as much of exactly what you can mix in relies on your very own taste as well as just how versed you remain in just what food mixes produce desirable preference. However mixing whey protein trembles ought to also be a calculated means to obtain specifically just what you need at any type of offered time throughout your day.
Foods You Can Mix Into Shakes:
Cream or half-and-half
Fruit (iced up for added density, or fresh)
Fruit juice
Coconut water
Brewed coffee (or granules for taste and also pick-me-up)
Nuts and nut butters (peanut, almond, walnut)
MCT oils (coconut oil, coconut milk, or Cap-Tri)
Cereal (Kashi, grapenuts, oatmeal)
Greek yogurt
Ice cream or frozen yogurt
Pasteurized egg whites
Pudding and dessert mix
Extracts (almond, vanilla, mint)
Spices (cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg)
You can also mix protein, thinned down with water, right into points like pancake and also mashed potato mixes to lend a higher healthy protein value to your carbohydrates.
Dieter Shakes:
Coconut Chocolate Mint Shake:
1 scoop of vanilla whey protein
1 small container of coconut water (not milk)
1 teaspoon Dutch process cocoa
3 or 4 mint leaves or mint extract
1/2 packet of Stevia
Chai Tea shake
Whey protein
Sugar-free Chai mix
4 tablespoons Non-fat Greek yogurt
Weight Gainer Shakes
Maple-bacon-nut butter B-Fast Shake (Like a bacon-maple syrup pancake breakfast)
Unflavored or vanilla whey protein
Cooked crisp bacon, (ground into dirt in mixer)
2 tbsps maple syrup or 1 tbsp maple extract
1/ 2 cup raw oatmeal (ground in advance into dirt)
Pasteurized egg whites or whole eggs
1 tablespoon peanut or almond butter - or 2 tablespoons walnut oil
Whole milk
Berry-ana Peanut Butter Shake
Vanilla whey protein
1 Banana
5 frozen strawberries
1/3 cup heavy cream
Pasteurized egg whites
1/4 cup oatmeal
3 tablespoons peanut butter
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raisanette · 5 years
Starbucks Mastrena Wednesday 4/24/2019
(The espresso machine) closed with Victoria and got my non-training name badge.
espresso: 1122 hot shots 1123 cold. in a flat white (FW) it gets a mixture of ristretto (*comes in 2′s* espresso made with less water gives it a sweeter flavor~try it somtime) and has exactly one additional shot according so 2233 hot and 2234 cold and comes in a short standard with whole milk.
Syrup 345 hot and 346 cold. Frap 234. Frap tall is the bigger green grande, etc. Default is grande cup and 2% milk for espresso beverages. Whole milk for fraps. Teas get liquid cane syrup LCS while coffees get CL aka classic syrup.
A aka Americano basically 1234 shots in h20. (Hot Americano Venti also has exactly 4 shots.)
C aka cappuccino: shots and aerate 8 seconds wet then dry foam free pour six inches from cup. Doesn't come sweetened but its 234 syrup pumps like the macchiato.
CMM-coconut milk macchiato: aerate CO milk and 1122 espresso to the cup that has 2 pumps WM add the steamed milk and shots then the caramel crosshatch with a single circle of M overlapping.
Cold Foam Cappucino-CF milk to middle line then ice to the top then shots like a CM with cold foam topping it off. 100 150 200 2% on 4 in the foam pitcher.
Caramel Cloud macchiato CCLM 2% milk cloud powder 234 because it’s going into the foam blender on 100, 150, 200. Blend on 4 in the foam pitcher. Cue shots then fill cup with vanilla 122. Pour mixture to top line on cold cup, fill ice and pour shots then hatch caramel and nitro lid. (Hot blend CCLM cloud 2,3,4 with 2%. Cue shots in shot pourer while adding 1122 vanilla then add milk airration and pour shots over. Hatch caramel and serve with the sippy lid.)
Mocha cloud macchiato gets toffee syrup 122 and a double ring of mocha over the caramel cross-hatch.
CB then in custom CF gets cold brew to the first line then water to the top line and ice. Leave an inch of room for the cold foam. Blend skim milk in the foam pitcher on 3 for 100 ml with 2 vanilla.
CACF- cascara cold foam gets 122 cascara with skim blended on 3 in the foam pitcher and 1234 vanilla added to cup the foam topped with a line of cascara sprinkles.
CAM-cinnamon almond milk macchiato: cinnamon dulche syrup 235 then almond milk then the espresso shots and crosshatch of caramel and the cinnamon dulche powder to top it off.
CB-cold brew sweet cream has cold brew to first line then water to third, ice and topped with (hc) sweet creme let it dwindle in the T, G, V or Trenta.
CICLM-Cinnamon Cloud Macchiato 2% milk to the top line then throw in 234 cloud powder to the 100 150 or 200 line and blend on 4. Cue shots then fill cup with cinnamon lemon syrup 122. Pour mixture to top line on cold cup, fill ice, and pour shots then hatch caramel, cinnamon powder and sippy aka nitro lid.
CH iced: Chai concentration 346 then milk to top line add ice and voila!
CH hot: Chai concentration pour hot water to siren’s eye then steamed milk and voila!
CHCF chai creme frap: 122 chai and creme base 234.
Chocolate milk- 1112 vanilla 2345 mocha and mix with 2%.
CM aka caramel macchiato first steam 2% then cue your shots and add one less pump of vanilla aka 234 hot and 235 cold into the cup and pour milk add shots and hatch caramel pattern with regular lid.
CRF milk poured into first line and then into blender 234 pumps frap roast 234 pumps caramel syrup then ice scoop coffee frap syrup and blende on 1. whip with caramel drizzle and those darned dome lids.
DCCF-double choc chip frap it is creme based so skip the frap roast and add your whole milk to the blender from the cup (first line) and add 234 choc chips 234 mocha and 234 creme syrup and ice. Blend and add wc and spiral sauce.
EF aka espresso frap has 1 shot T,G,V. Otherwise like the CF aka coffee frap with no whip cream.
GT/BT/WT/PT: in the shaker up to the water line, add water, suggest LCS and add if wanted then ice + shake it up.
GTF aka green tea frappuccino 234 machta (which already has sugar) into blender with ice with 122 (like STCF) classic and 234 creme base then pour frap then wc.
GTL aka shaken green iced tea lemonade. Green tea up to water line then add lemonade. sweetened with LCS aka liquid cane syrup if wanted.
GRTL aka green tea latte 234 matcha powder into steamer with 2%. I saw Nikkole make this with milk and just stirring in Matcha although I saw a recipe that included water before adding milk and using the shaker cup with CL syrup.
Horchata Almond: almond milk to first line on cup with coffee blend 234, add to blender with ice 234 coffee syrup and blend. Then add to cup cinnamon dulche syrup 122, frap whip, caramel, and cinnamon dolce powder topping it off. 
Iced coffee comes sweetened (ask if they want it sweetened still) 345 vanilla.
JCF aka java chip frap made the same way as CF except with mocha, chips, and wc and spiral mocha.
L-latte. Espresso 1122 then steamed milk.
LM-latte macchiato (no syrup/caramel) whole milk and an extra shot 2233.
London Fog- tea latte with Earl grey and 345 vanilla.
MF-frap roast 234 mocha pumps 234 base 234 ice blend then just whip no spiral.
MT Lem- lemonade up to syrup pump line on the shake cup then add 345 machta powder with ice.
MIS aka misto is half coffee to siren’s eye then half 2% steamed milk.
HC aka hot chocolate 345 mocha and 1112 Vanilla. aerate 2% WHC has no V.
***SF and SFC syrup frap and syrup creme frap -234 classic?***check sunday
Salted Sweet Cream Cold Brew in the custom box: SCCF drink box: CB gets 2 packets of salt blended on 3 in the foam pitcher 100 with sweet cream and 1234 caramel syrup.
Vanilla sweet cream cold brew VSCCB gets 345 vanilla plus sweet cream.
Starbucks double shot: (Lisette says SD) espresso shots 235 (practically double) with CL syrup 235 and ice to the top in the shaker cup and top with 2%.
STCF-Strawberries creme frap. 122 Classic syrup, ice, creme base, and strawberry sauce poured into bottom line of cup with whole milk poured to bottom line and added to blender. Strawberries sauce poured in cup again then the blender contents on top with whip.
Teas-white (peach infusion), green (strawberry infusion) and black (pineapple infusiion) *don’t add water just the tea and the infusion.
Violet- berry refresher base +dried blackberries with coconut milk and Pink- strawberry refresher base + dried strawberries with CO milk. DD- mango dragon fruit refresher +dragon fruit with CO milk. Remember to add scoops of berries! 2tall=1venti. 
MCCF or CCCF (mocha cookie crumble frap or cookie crumble creme frap basically the JCF and the DCCF except with WC and cookie crumble)234 frap or just milk then 234 mocha 234 CHIP ice and coffee or creme base then WC and 7 shakes of cookie crumble *black crumble* dump frap in then WC and 4 shakes of chocolate cookie crumble topping it off and mocha drizzle.
SMRF/SMRCF frap roast 234, milk pour to bottom line with 234 vanilla pumps, add ice, coffee or creme frap base, blend add marshmallow wc to cup (1″) pump milk chocolate sauce 122 swirl on bottom of cup swirling pour blended stuff into cup top with wc and 4 shakes graham cracker topping.
CRCF/CRCCF (Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino/Caramel Ribbon Crunch Creme Frap) whole milk to bottom line then frap roast or no frap roast 234, add ice and 234 caramel pumps with 234 base, blend and add WC 1″ to bottom of plastic cup with 122 caramel pumps. Pour frap into cup then top off with WC and 4 shakes sugar caramel topping and caramel drizzle.
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hudsonespie · 5 years
Oasis Of The Seas Set To Undergo Royal Caribbean’s Largest Amplification Yet
The ship that revolutionized the cruise industry, Oasis of the Seas, marks its 10-year anniversary with a larger-than-ever, $165 million amplification. The first to introduce the unique seven-neighbourhood concept and one-of-a-kind AquaTheater entertainment venue, Royal Caribbean International’s original gamechanger will set a new standard for family vacations with first-to-brand experiences and the latest Royal Caribbean hits. Guest favorites making their way to Oasis as part of the 63-day modernization include a reimagined, Caribbean-inspired pool deck that will feature a Splashaway Bay kids aquapark and The Lime & Coconut signature bar; famed Quantum Class staple, Music Hall; the Perfect Storm trio of waterslides, and the Ultimate Abyss – the tallest slide at sea. Debuting alongside this lineup is the cruise line’s first barbecue concept, Portside BBQ, and dedicated karaoke venue Spotlight Karaoke. The amplified Oasis will set sail on Nov. 24, 2019, beginning 7-night Eastern and Western Caribbean itineraries from Royal Caribbean’s new, state-of-the-art Terminal A in Miami.
Representation Image – Credits: cole85459/wikipedia.org
The architectural marvel will break even more records when she heads to the Big Apple in May 2020 as the largest ship to sail from the New York area. Oasis will reposition to her new summer home at Cape Liberty in Bayonne, New Jersey, offering 7-night sailings to The Bahamas with visits to Royal Caribbean’s newly transformed private island destination, Perfect Day at CocoCay.
“When Oasis of the Seas debuted as the world’s largest and most groundbreaking cruise ship a decade ago, the typical cruise vacation as the world knew it was forever changed. Today, our Oasis Class ships continue to lead the industry and attract vacationers new to cruising,” said Michael Bayley, President and CEO, Royal Caribbean International. “Now with the opportunity to disrupt the industry once again, we’ve gone all-in with our biggest and boldest amplification yet. Oasis will turn heads when she arrives to Miami this November and the Northeast in May 2020.”
Iconic Top Deck
For all-day Caribbean vibes, guests need look no further than the reimagined Pool and Sports Zone. The transformed neighborhood will feature new ways to relax, celebrate and plunge into adventure, joining the popular twin FlowRider surf simulators, nine-deck-high zip line and twin rock-climbing walls.
The adrenaline is turned all the way up with heart-pumping additions, including the Ultimate Abyss, a 10-story test of courage and the tallest slide at sea; and The Perfect Storm, an action-packed trio of multistory waterslides known as Typhoon, Cyclone and Supercell. For the youngest, the most thrilling Splashaway Bay at sea yet is to come, with a Splash Pad for tots, three waterslides, water cannons, fountains, pools and the first-ever twin drench buckets.
At the center is the new Caribbean-style pool deck with The Lime & Coconut. The signature bar will be one of the liveliest spots on board, day and night, with poolside cocktails, DJs and live music across two locations. Every pool is only as good as its places to chill, and Oasis will deliver a larger variety of seating and shade, including comfy casitas, daybeds, hammocks and swing seats, new whirlpools on the top deck, and a refreshed Solarium for the adults.
Mouthwatering Dining
The boldest Royal Amplified modernization to-date will introduce various new dining venues that will further diversify Oasis’ 23 specialty and complimentary options.
Royal Caribbean’s latest culinary creation and first-ever barbecue restaurant, Portside BBQ, will offer an authentic, meat-packed menu inspired by the best-in-class barbecue across the United States. From smoked marbled brisket, pulled pork and chicken, to beef ribs and burnt ends, the casual eatery on the pool deck will tie it all together with classic sides – including mac and cheese, homestyle cornbread, baked beans and coleslaw – and down-home desserts such as the Banana Dream and a brownie cookie mashup.
Across the way, guests can find Mexican grab-and-go fare at El Loco Fresh, serving up made-to-order tacos and burritos, quesadillas, mini salads and salsas galore. Playmakers Sports Bar & Arcade will anchor the lineup in the signature Boardwalk neighborhood. With 80 big-screen TVs, tabletop games, arcade classics, tournaments, an Owner’s Box VIP room, bar fare and ice-cold brews, Playmakers is where everyone in the family wins. Sugar Beach, with more than 220 types of candy and a new walkup ice cream window, is the icing on the already-tasty offering on board Oasis, which includes Chops Grille, Giovanni’s Table and Izumi.
Chart-topping Hot Spots
Nights out will take on a whole new meaning on board the newly amplified Oasis. The new Spotlight Karaoke on the Royal Promenade is where budding singers can rock out to their favorite tunes at the dedicated karaoke venue’s main stage or one of two private rooms.
First introduced on Quantum of the Seas, live music venue Music Hall will make its Oasis Class debut. A roster of live cover bands, an expansive dance floor, pool tables and intimate loungers across two levels give vacationers ample room to end the night on a high note at a place where every seat is the best seat in the house.
Rounding out the list of go-to hot spots is the dynamic duo of robotic bartenders that will mix, muddle, stir and shake cocktails nonstop at the Bionic Bar. The new venues join nightlife favorites on board, including Boleros, Schooner Bar, Blaze Nightclub & Comedy and English pub Atlas & Globe.
Family Time Redefined
Oasis will, yet again, redefine family vacations with a bold combination of programming that brings families together while also providing ways for everyone – from parents, to kids and grandparents – to enjoy time on their own.
Babies, kids and teens are in for a reimagination of their dedicated spaces, enhanced from top to bottom and amplified with technology to offer interactive, personalized and unexpected experiences. Adventure Ocean will receive a total makeover, with newly designed areas organized by activity type and created to fully immerse kids and their families in the adventures they choose based on their interests. Returning offerings include a nursery for the youngest of travelers, and a specialized area with programming for kids 3 to 5 years old. Teens can rejoice in their more off-the-grid hangout. With exclusive features like a “hidden” entrance, gaming lounge, movies, music, and a new, laidback outdoor deck, teens are free to engage however and whenever without interruption.
Adding to the variety of activities, featuring ice skating and mini-golf, Oasis will challenge friends and foes with a new glow-in-the-dark laser tag game, Clash for the Crystal City. Two clans, the Yetis and Snowshifters, must go head-to-head to claim the crystal city and defeat impending extinction. At the new Royal Escape Room – Mission Control: Apollo 18, the year is 1973 and travelers must come together to launch Apollo 18 to the moon by solving every mind-bending puzzle before time runs out.
Oasis of the Seas is the first of the cruise line’s renowned Oasis Class – the world’s largest cruise ships – to be modernized as part of the Royal Amplified fleet modernization effort. Rooted in research and guest feedback, Royal Caribbean’s investment of more than $1 billion in the program spans 10 ships in four years and touches every facet of the guest experience to bring new thrills and signature experiences designed to appeal to every generation.
Reference: royalcaribbeanpresscenter.com
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from Storage Containers https://www.marineinsight.com/shipping-news/oasis-of-the-seas-set-to-undergo-royal-caribbeans-largest-amplification-yet/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dalmorosblog · 6 years
How to have a healthy pantry: What to stock for success
Healthy Food Guide nutritionist Claire Turnbull shares four steps to a healthier pantry.
Eating well and making healthy choices takes more than just knowing the theory about what foods are good for you and what are best to limit. As well as having a pantry stocked with foods that make it quick and easy for you to put together healthy options, it is important to consider the way your pantry is organised, and the ease of access to different types of food. Here is how to get your pantry in great shape.
Step 1: Stock up with healthy staples
This is a great time of year to go through your pantry and refresh things. Start by emptying everything out and get rid of anything that’s out of date. Then compare what you have with our pantry staples that make meals healthier (right) to see what is missing. While you’re unpacking your pantry, look at how you stack things to see if there is a better way to save space and make things easier to find. Then, over the next few shops, or as finances allow, work on re-stocking your pantry with healthier ingredients.
Pantry staples that make meals healthier
Grains and cereals
Brown rice, arborio rice, wholemeal pasta, egg noodles, bean noodles, wholegrain couscous, quinoa, microwaveable rice pots/pouches: Opt for the wholegrain version of these where you can. They have more fibre, which helps you feel fuller and is important for a healthy digestive system. Noodles and pasta made from beans (eg, black or edamame beans) are a great way to boost the protein in a meal and good for kids.
Having a few pouches or pots of pre-cooked rice (brown or the mixes with quinoa) on hand is ideal for when you’re short on time. Just mix with canned fish and salad or frozen veges.
Oats (wholegrain and rolled): Oats make a quick and easy breakfast. Try porridge, bircher muesli or overnight oats, or you can add them to smoothies. They are also great to use in baking.
Flour (wholemeal, cornflour and alternative flours, such as buckwheat, brown rice, spelt or quinoa): Wholemeal flour is higher in fibre and B vitamins than white flour, so is a better choice, and cornflour helps thicken sauces without needing to make a roux with butter and plain flour. Alternative flours can be nice to use if you have a good recipe that you know works well with them. If you’re a baker, you’ll need some white flour too.
Popping corn: Making your own popcorn is very easy. It’s also cheaper and healthier as you don’t have the added salt and sugar.
Cans and cartons
Fish (tuna, salmon and sardines): Canned fish is a quick and easy way to add protein to breakfast (on toast), lunch (sandwich, wrap or salad) or dinner (fish pie, fish cakes or in a frittata).
Vegetables (tomatoes and beetroot): Canned tomatoes are a staple for so many dishes. Check the labels and look for ones with no added salt.
Reduced-salt stock and tomato paste: Choose low-salt or no-salt versions. Most of us have too much salt and this is an easy way to have less.
Canned legumes (chickpeas, kidney beans, black beans and reduced-sugar-and-salt baked beans): Legumes are packed with fibre, low GI and cheap. Use them to make your own healthy dips, add to mince dishes, casseroles and salads or create meat-free meals.
Dried lentils, split peas and legumes (if you have time to soak and cook your own): Red or yellow lentils are great in a dhal. Brown or Puy (French green) lentils hold their shape so are perfect cooked, then used as the base for a filling salad.
Curry pastes and reduced-fat coconut milk (canned or powdered): Use curry pastes and coconut milk to quickly create a vegetable curry. Compare nutrition labels to choose products lower in sodium and saturated fat.
Long-life milk (or milk powder): It’s always good to have a backup for this essential.
Wholegrain crackers: Crackers can make a quick and easy snack or lunch option. Top with canned fish, cottage cheese or avocado and tomato.
Nuts, seeds and dried fruit
Nuts (unsalted almonds, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, Brazils and pine nuts): Nuts are packed with healthy fats, fibre and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Add a few to your breakfast, smoothies and salads, or sprinkle them over stir-fries.
Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and linseeds/flaxseeds): Seeds are a healthy snack, just be mindful of your portion size as they are very energy dense. A tablespoon or two is enough for most people. You can also make your own nut and seed butters if you have a good blender.
Dried fruit (figs, apricots, dates and prunes): Use dried fruit in baking or have a small serving with breakfast or as a snack. Keep in mind, dried fruit is a concentrated source of sugar. Dried fruit can be easy to graze on, so avoid making it too accessible in the pantry if you’re tempted to keep nibbling.
Spices, herbs and seasoning
Mixed herbs, mixed spice, cinnamon, cumin, curry powder, paprika and chilli flakes: These are good staples that add flavour with less salt. Keep stock of your favourites, and remember they don’t keep their flavour forever.
Check the ingredients list on spice mixes. For some, salt is the first ingredient, meaning the product has more salt than anything else.
Spreads and sweeteners
Nut and seed butters: These have all the benefits of nuts and seeds, ready to spread on toast. Choose products with no added sugar or salt.
Honey and maple syrup: Honey and maple syrup are useful for baking and making the occasional sweet treat, but they are still ‘free sugars’ so limit the total amount you have.
Reduced-sugar jams: There are jams available now with a higher proportion of fruit to sugar. These are a better choice as most people have more sugar than they need. An easy swap for jam lovers.
Extra virgin olive oil: A flavoursome oil, especially useful in salads.
Rice bran or canola oil: Good value oils for cooking or salads where you don’t want to add a flavour.
Sesame oil: Adds an Asian flavour to dressings and stir fries.
Oil spray (or in a pump bottle): This helps you to control how much you use.
Sauces and condiments
Vinegars (red, white and balsamic): Vinegars are perfect for dressing your salads.
Mustard, wasabi and horseradish: Best kept in the fridge once open, these are a great flavour boost.
Reduced-salt soy sauce and fish sauce: Soy sauce is very high in sodium, so choose the reduced-salt option and use small amounts. Fish sauce is commonly used in Thai cooking, but is also very high in sodium, so use sparingly.
Reduced-fat mayonnaise: Lower in kilojoules and saturated fat than standard versions.
Tea, coffee and herbal teas: Stock decaf options for those who can’t tolerate caffeine or for that afternoon or evening hot drink.
Hot and cold-brew iced teas: There are lots of delicious iced tea bags available that have no added sugar.
Step 2: Organise where things go
The reality is, when you see food, whether you are genuinely hungry or not, you are likely to be tempted to want to eat it. Professor Brian Wansink, of New York’s Cornell University, is renowned for his research into eating behaviour and suggests you are three times more likely to eat the first thing you see, rather than the fifth. So, if the first thing you see when you open your pantry is a bag of chips or biscuits then, by default, you are more likely to eat them than something healthier that is further back and out of sight.
If you have foods in your house such as biscuits and chips, keep them up high, out of sight and out of easy reach. Having to get on a stool to reach them creates a good barrier, and keeps them out of kids’ reach too. Using non-transparent containers for biscuits keeps them out of sight. Or avoid having them in the house altogether, that’s the simplest way to eat fewer of them.
Are you someone who nibbles on the nuts, seeds and dried fruit in the pantry? Or do you have them out on your kitchen bench and eat more than you probably need? If so, try moving these up a shelf in the pantry, or put them into a harder-to-reach non-transparent container. While these can be healthier snacks than other foods, if you eat them just because they are there, and not because you are genuinely hungry or in need of food, that’s not ideal.
Have a healthy snack area in your pantry as your go-to for an after work or lunchbox snack. Include individual servings of nuts and seeds, plain popcorn, wholegrain crackers and small cans of fish. It’s also good to have a fruit bowl where you can see it, so that fruit is easier to reach than snack bars.
And what about the fridge?
Apply the same pantry principles to your fridge.
Put these foods at the front so they are the easiest to see and reach for when you’re hungry: chopped veges, vege soup, fresh fruit, unsweetened yoghurt, cottage cheese and healthy dips
If you’re aiming to have fewer alcoholic drinks, a beer or wine fridge in the garage or outside is more helpful than having them in your kitchen fridge. Alternatively, keep alcoholic drinks out of the fridge altogether to tame mid-week drinking. Warm white wine or beer is far less appealing. Keep red wine or spirits out of sight and out of easy reach
Have still or sparkling water in bottles or jugs in your fridge door so you have something chilled and ready to drink. Flavour the water with iced tea bags, sliced fruit, cucumber or mint to make it more appealing
Keep blocks of cheese and any treats you might nibble on at the back, in non-transparent bags or containers or up high.
You can now buy reusable food wraps made from fabric and beeswax, which are a great way to use less plastic wrap and make food slightly less easy to see, which can be a good thing.
Step 3: Stack it right
Having everything fall out of the pantry every time you open the door can be a real pain. Look at getting transparent airtight containers that are easy to stack and label. Keeping things in airtight containers will help them last longer. And don’t forget a few non-transparent containers to store treat food up high, out of sight.
Some food we keep in the pantry might be best kept elsewhere, to prolong the shelf life:
If you buy nuts or seeds in large quantities, it might be best to keep only a small amount in your pantry. Store the rest in your fridge or freezer to keep them fresher for longer. They are high in fat, so can go rancid easily
Chutneys and jams are much better off in the fridge
Check the back of your sauces and condiments. Some are okay in the pantry, others would be better refrigerated.
Step 4: Plan and save
Once you have your pantry set up and ready to go, the goal is to keep it that way. Before you go shopping, have a good look through what you have already.
When you plan your meals, not only is it quicker and easier during the week to get dinner on the table and pack a healthy lunch, it can save money too. When you know what you need to buy, you’ll probably waste less food.
from Healthy Food Guide http://ift.tt/2B75786 via IFTTT
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thecalorieguru-blog · 7 years
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Skip the Line at Starbucks (and the artificial flavoring!)
Rise and shine! My day does not start until I’ve had at LEAST one cup of coffee. I’ve been an avid coffee drinker since the seventh grade. Granted, I haven't always supported the self-brewing method. In fact, I actually used to buy coffee from Starbucks a minimum of twice a day, without fail. But, after learning of the endless benefits of brewing from home, I’ve never looked back. The next time that you're craving a grande iced coffee with milk, why not make your own cold brew for a fraction of the cost, without the six pumps of artificial liquid sugar?
It all starts at the grocery store. I buy organic, freshly-roasted coffee in bulk from Whole Foods Market. People often associate the words “organic” and “bulk” with a hefty price tag. After reading this, you’ll see just how affordable making your own coffee can be. You’ll be navigating the grocery store like a pro, without maxing your credit card. Choose a roast that works for you. For me, the darker the beans, the better. I buy the organic French roast for $13.99 per pound. Incase you didn't know, a full bag of coffee beans is about a pound, so you're only paying $14 bucks for about two weeks worth of fresh coffee. The average cost of an iced coffee drink from Starbucks is anywhere from $2.50 to $4.00, depending on the type of milk or flavoring that you add in. Aside from being organic, the bulk beans offered at Whole Foods brew a bolder, cleaner batch of coffee. Once you choose your desired roast, simply grind em’ up either in store, or at home and prepare to enjoy the cleanest cup of cold brew you've ever had!
I use the CHEMEX 6-cup coffee maker, which goes for about $40 at retailers like Nordstrom, or even Urban Outfitters. They’re significantly cheaper than espresso machines, which can easily go for well over $300. Think of it this way, spend $40 once and get a lifetime of coffee. A $40 Starbucks gift card would last me about a week, if I were really spending carefully. While I prefer this method, any coffee brewer will work. Aside from the coffee maker, I use CHEMEX’s pre-folded, all natural coffee filters. Each box has 100 filters, sold for only $8.90 from their website. It’s important to use all natural coffee filters to make sure that there aren't any chemicals or oils being filtered into your morning cup of joe.
After choosing a brewing method that works for you, simply add in your fresh grounds, boil some water in a teapot, and get brewing! Here’s a procedure on how I make my ideal cup of coffee:
Put about a tablespoon of organic honey into your favorite cup (I use to-go cups so I can grab it right before I leave in the morning)
Pour in your freshly brewed coffee and mix the two together (this prevents the honey from clumping)
Add in a splash of unsweetened, organic almond milk (feel free to substitute almond milk for soy or coconut milk, or enjoy it black!)
Chill  your coffee overnight and enjoy in the morning either at home, or on your way to work, school, etc.
My recipe makes a great tasting drink that is easily under 50 calories, depending on the amount of milk and honey that you put in. I use honey as a sweetener instead of traditional sugar because of the crazy health benefits and the great taste. Honey contains antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-fungal enzymes, and flavonoids that reduce the risk of some cancers and even heart disease. It also helps to keep your throat healthy, which is great for me considering how much I talk during the day. Adding this to your daily coffee instead of chemical-filled sugar syrup is certainly a better option! A half-gallon of 365-brand organic, unsweetened almond milk goes for about $3. This entire half gallon is cheaper than most drinks from any coffee retailer, not just Starbucks. The honey will add sweetness to your coffee, so there’s really no need to buy pre-sweetened almond milk. Almond milk adds a great nutty flavor to your coffee, while only containing 40 calories for a whole cup. I add in just a splash, which amounts to 15 calories or less! Almond milk is also cholesterol free, and contains no saturated fat. It’s almost too good to be true.
By making coffee at home instead of buying a cup per day, you’re in control of everything that goes in, while saving tons of money. I really hope that you try this recipe, and establish a long-lasting habit of home brewing. It’s time to take control of what goes into our coffee! Enjoy everyone!
Until next time,
- Gio
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