writerishh · 11 months
Innocent Love
Felt euphoria, I feel like I’m flying in the stratosphere, Pleasant voices I hear, drowning in love, that’s rare. It’s so exciting, refreshing and astonishing, It’s so beautiful, serene and mesmerizing, I look like an angel to the person I love, I take good care and send letters through dove. We are just perfect, power couple I say,He blooms this flower and becomes my sunshine everyday. I’m so…
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saths6604 · 4 years
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#سردمہری #stahs #tahirarslanhussain #chowkstudio #coldbehavior #feelingsquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B6oZx--hPbH/?igshid=1rzm10bkab7k2
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infoburger · 3 years
Name: Jason Trakas
Age: 16
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Sky Blue
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Origin: Castelia City ,Unova ( Greek-American like )
Parents ? Stathis Trakas ( 35, father ) ,Zekia Stathis ( 34, step mother )
Siblings ? Nelia Trakas (18, older sister ) ,Kwamie Trakas ( 16 ,younger step brother )  Eyana Trakas ( 15, younger step sister ) Aiden Trakas ( 6, younger half brother )  Nadia Trakas ( 6 , younger half sister )
Grandparents ? N/A
Aunts and/or Uncles ? Emmanouil Trakas ( uncle ,25 ) Karissa Trakas ( aunt ,27 ) Ba, Feng ( uncle ,25 ) Ba ,Hollie ( aunt ,25 )
Cousins ? Ba ,Sharise Ming ( older cousin ,17 ) Althaia Trakas ( younger cousin ,15 ) Silvanus Trakas ( younger cousin ,6 ) Ba ,Fenny Mei ( younger cousin ,6 )
Others ? N/A
Height: 5’11
Birthday: January 25th 
Starter: Tepig ( Cori )
Occupation: Cashier and counter attendant of Soy he Olive
Usual Place to Find at: At his food stall on Mode Street of Castelia City
Important Notes:
Speaks with an NYC dialect ,but is known to slip with an mixed  dialect similar to his step mom.Hears Greek and Mandarin  at home.
Runs a food stall with his step brother ,sister ,and step sister. If you’re in his domain will assume you’re there to eat.
Highly intelligent and loves reading Pokemon research reports.
Likes rugby , running ,cricket and basketball.
Is usually with Kwamie
Quick Personality Sum:
Intelligent and level headed ,he’s not easy to temper.
Straight forward and deadpan 
Despite his bluntness and coolness ,he’s very adaptable for his business’s sake.   
Very protective of his family and Pokemon alike
Quick Backstory Sum: First son of Dr. Stathis Trakas , Jason was about ten when his mother left him almost discouraging him away from becoming a trainer altogether . After his father remarried he was around the age to become an licensed trainer as his new step brother ,taking an Tepig while the other took a Oshawott. He’s 
Faceclaim: Sakamaki Shuu from Diabolik Lovers
Relation to Muse(s): Older brother ofAiden and Nadia Trakas, older cousin of Fenny Mei Ba and Silas Traka.
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Cori  ( Jolly, Likes to thrash about )
Jason’s starter and loyal companion ,she have cheerful outlook on everything around her. She’s playful and always to be in a good mood ,Cori doesn’t seem to know her own size though at times too affection with others. 
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Hong Bai  ( )
Originally she was withKwamie ,but since Jason and Kwamie traveled together she never had to worry about missing him. 
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Name: Kwamie Trakas ( formerly Ba ) 
Age: 16
Hair Color: Sable Brown
Eye Color: Yellowish Brown
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Origin: Nimbasa City, Unova ( Jamaican-Chinese like )
Occupation: Chef of Soy he Olive
Parent ? Zekia Trakas( 34 , mother ) Stathis Trakas ( 35 , step father )
Siblings ? Eyana ( 15, younger sister ) Nadia ( 6 , younger sister ) Nelia ( 17 , older step sister ) Jason ( 16 , step brother ) Aiden ( 6, younger brother )
Grandparents ? N/A
Aunts and/or Uncles ? Emmanouil Trakas ( 25, uncle ) Karissa Trakas ( 27 , aunt ) ,Feng Ba ( 25 ,uncle ) , Hollie Ba ( 25 , aunt )
Others ? Sharise Ming ( 17 ,older cousin ) , Althaia ( 15 ,younger cousin ) Silvanus ( 6 ,younger cousin ) ,Fenny Mei ( 6 ,younger cousin ), 
Height: 5’8
Birthday: January 26th ( celebrated on 25th )
Starter: Oshawott ( Quan )
Usual Placeto Find at: At his food stall on Mode Street of Castelia City
Important Notes:
Speaks with an mixture of a NYC dialect and his mother’s mixed accent. Hears Greek ,Mandarin , and Patois at home.
Runs a food stall with his step brother ,sister ,and step sister. If you’re in his domain will assume you’re there to eat.
Highly athletic and intelligent like his step brother
Likes rugby , running ,cricket and soccer.
Is usually with Jason.
Quick Personality Sum:
Can seem stone faced and cool from his coldbehavior ,but he’s actually quick to irritate and can be very impatient with others.
Direct and straight forward ,likes to get to the point of something quickly.
Is untrusting of certain people at firstand kind of a skeptic. Despite this is very gentle to children and Pokemon.
Very protective of his family and Pokemon alike
Quick Backstory Sum: The oldest of Zekia Ba’s children ,his mother left his father after not coming home for long; not seeing him for around five years or so. After his mother remarried he was around the age to become an licensed trainer as his new step siblings ,taking an Oshawott. Now he runs an food stall with his siblings.
Faceclaim: Kassim from Magi
Relation to Muse(s): Older brother of Aiden and Nadia Trakas, older cousin of Fenny Mei Ba and Silas Trakas
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Quan   ( Mild ,Very finicky )
Kwamie’s first Pokemon and shows great discipline to others. He’s polite ,gentlemanly , and humble around others though he is reserved. Doesn’t approach many without his trainer or a companion doing it first with him following suit. Have a strong friendship with Cori the Emboar and seems very protective of her.
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Relationships with Others ( Non or RP Wise )
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“ Nosy aren’t you ? Ah well ,it’s not anything interesting with me and my brother anyway. “ 
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writerishh · 11 months
Did he disappear? Or his LOVE ?
Changed hearts never made me feel comfortable,But here, my love completely changed as a person.It’s so saddening,  a weight on my heart,I saw his love disappear slowly ,And that really tore me apart . Where is he? I don’t know when he’s sitting next to me in the car.I fell in love, but not with himHe has changed or disappeared ’cause he didn’t have an empty heart. I’m still finding hopelessly…
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