#collby imagines
The More the Merrier (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: After a magical xplr trip with their daughter, a pregnant reader and Colby are in for a surprise at the hospital.
Written: 2020
Word Count: 3,590
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy, swearing, NICU
“You promise this isn’t some haunted location. This is just a forest, right? No demons or spirits involved.” I ask as I help Bea out of the car.
“Babe, I’ve told you a hundred times. This is just a normal explore trip. No ghost, ghouls, or goblins. I promise. I did a lot of research.” Colby explains as he grabs our backpacks out of the trunk.
“Okay, I’m just checking. I love our family the way it is and it would be a real bummer if we had to take home a possessed 6-year-old instead of our little angel. Or you know, this next little popping out of me like an alien.” I gently rub my hand over my ever-growing belly. The fact that Colby even managed to get me out here at seven months pregnant is a miracle.
It would have been Sam, Colby, Kat, and I on this trip but Kat is 9 months pregnant and on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. Up until last week, Kat and I have been doing everything together. Joint announcements, gender reveals, baby showers, etc. When we both found out we were having boys, we had to take a break because we just know that we’re about to give birth to mini versions of Sam and Colby. Truly a nightmare.
“Bea, hold one of our hands please,” I call after the energetic 6-year-old. I let go of her hand to put her backpack on her and put mine on and she began darting further into the forest with her creepy stuffed doll that Jake gave her when she was born.
“Here, take this, I got her.” Colby hands me the blogging camera and runs after Bea. He scoops her up and waits for me to catch up to them.
“Honestly, at this rate, I’m having the baby in the middle of the forest,” I say after waddling over to Colby and Bea.
“Please don’t joke like that. I know we packed stuff in case of an emergency, but I’m not mentally prepared for that. So keep that sucker in there until he is fully cooked please.” Colby says kissing my forehead before handing Bea to me and taking the camera back.
We walk for a bit while Bea holds my hands. Every once in awhile she’ll let go of my hand to pick up something she found on the ground and put it in her backpack. Last time I checked she had about 5 rocks and a couple of twigs. The whole time Colby was vlogging the two of us. If it was for our family channel or his channel, I couldn’t tell you. Most of the time when the three of us going on little outings like this and he’s filming it’s for our channel, but he’ll sometimes include footage on his channel every once in a while.
“Mommy, daddy, look a lizard!” Beatrice yells before running forward towards a tree.
“Bea! Try not to hurt him, okay? We’re in his house.” Colby calls out after the energetic mini version of ourselves.
“Okay, so two things: 1. I really have to pee and I don’t think there is a restroom here. 2. I need a break; my back and ankles are killing me and I’m starving. Maybe coming out here this late into the pregnancy was a bad idea. I don’t remember my stomach being this big or being this tired when I was 8 months pregnant with Bea.” I stretch my back a little bit to try to elevate some of the pain.
Being this far along, I haven’t been able to get much done. I began to appreciate that my full-time job rarely requires me to leave the house. I can just sit at home and make videos while sitting in the same spot. Colby’s been great about staying home more and doing sit down videos. The further I got into my pregnancy, the less time he spent out of the house filming for long periods.
“Mommy, look how fast I can climb this rock. I can be just like daddy!” Beatrice shouts before climbing up a medium rock formation.
Colby runs after her, in case she falls. Her little legs move faster than Colby can keep up with. Looking at him now, you wouldn’t believe that he was running from cops and potential murderers nearly every day. After I got pregnant with Bea, Colby starting doing messy risky videos. Just our luck, Beatrice seems to be making up for him by doing risky things like jump on the kitchen counters. ”I’m just exploring like daddy,” she would explain when I would catch her dangling on the opposite side of the stair rails. She looks so much like him. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had my hair, you would think that Colby created and gave birth to her all on his own. For my sake, I hope our little boy is more like me. I don’t think I can handle 3 Colbys on my own. I love him, but sometimes it’s like being a single mother with two children.
We reach the little picnic area that Colby has been talking about all week. The first thing that my eyes land on in the bathroom. I immediately make a beeline to the bathroom, leaving Colby to wrangle Bea on his own. The bathroom, like the picnic area, is cleaner than I imagined it would be. Even if it wasn’t, I couldn’t afford to be picky, this baby is headbutting my bladder like a little goat. He is definitely going to be like Colby, I can promise you that.
“What the fuck?” I whisper to myself. I know that I needed to pee, but it felt like someone popped a water balloon. This has to be a normal bathroom break, right? I still have a month left, this shouldn’t be happening right now. My back has been hurting for a while, but that could be Braxton hicks. I had a lot of those when I was pregnant with Bea.
I get up quickly and go wash my hands. Thinking of ways to tell Colby that the baby may be coming right now. I don’t want to alarm him. Colby is cool under pressure, but he’s an absolute maniac when he’s in dad mode.
“Hey, Colby, my love, I might— What did you do?” I walk out to the picnic area covered in fairy lights and Bea sitting on the table. Colby is holding a small bouquet. The corner of his mouth crept up his face and exposed his teeth slightly. He walks up towards me and places his hand out. I take it without hesitation. He leads me to the table that Bea is sitting on and ushers for me to sit. He places the flowers in my lap and sits down next to me.
“Okay, so I know this is a bit strange and unexpected. But in all honesty, this has been put off long enough. Y/N, we’re been together for seven years and every day I fall deeper in love with you. You’re an amazing mother to Beatrice and a supportive girlfriend. I should have done this earlier but we were barely together for a year when you got pregnant with Bea and I didn’t want you to think that I was only doing it because you were pregnant and I’m from Kansas. In all honestly have done it before but it never felt like the right moment. I bought this ring the day after Bea was born and I’ve just been carrying it in my pocket for the right moment. Which is stupid because my whole brand is ‘now or never’ but I wanted the moment to be perfect for you. I know that you always say that we don’t have to get married or that you don’t need a big wedding. But I know deep down that you want those things, and I want you to be happy. You’re the love of my life and I want you to have your big fairytale wedding, so Y/N Y/LN, will you do me the honors and marry me?” Colby slides off the bench in one fluid motion and drops down to his knee. He pulls out a ring box from his pocket to reveal a ring that’s not big or small. It’s the perfect size and looks like the ring I’ve been dreaming about my entire life.
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Colby, I will marry you!” I let Colby slide the ring on my finger, which is surprisingly the only thing that hasn’t gotten bigger with this pregnancy. He comes up to my level and kisses me. Bea cheers and wraps her little arms around us.
“Oh yeah, you were trying to tell me something when you got out of the bathroom.” Colby’s face is so red and he can’t stop smiling.
“Huh? Oh! Yeah, so my water might have broken.” I rub my lower back and watch Colby’s smile drop.
“Are you fucking serious? You’re in labor and you let be babble like an idiot?” Colby starts running around the picnic table and grabbing his camera. He disappears behind the bathroom and comes back with two rangers.
As soon as we got back into cell range, I called the doctor. She told us that we had enough time to make it to the hospital. When I told Colby that my water broke, he must have thought that I mean our son’s head was currently dangling out of my vagina because he’s driving like a maniac. I feel fine. My contracts are roughly 20 minutes or more apart, which I told the doctor. I’m vlogging the whole thing because this is going to make an amazing video. You would think that after already having one baby, Colby would mellow out a little bit. I gave Bea her lunch that she was supposed to have after the proposal.
I still can’t believe that Colby proposed. I would have been fine with not putting an official label on our relationship. I could have been happy being his girlfriend for the rest of my life, but he was right I did want a big wedding. To one day be Mrs. Colby Brock. Now it’s going to come true.
“Oh, shit—” Colby mutters under his breath. He reaches into his pocket and hands me his phone. I take it from him and set the camera up on the dashboard.
“Who am I calling? Your parents?” I ask as I unlock his phone and head to his contact.
“Oh shit, I almost forgot. Call them and your parents too. But call Jake, we need him to meet us at the hospital to watch Bea for us.” He nervously runs his hand threw his hair before placing it back on the wheel.
I scroll until I find the contact labeled ‘Demon Spawn’ and call him. The phone rings about three times before he picks up.
“Hey Colby, did she say yes?” Jake asks immediately.
“Hey Jake, it’s me. Colby’s driving right now.” I put the volume louder so Colby could hear.
“Oh fuck— um… did Colby ask you about… brunch on Sunday at our place?” I can hear Tara next to him whispering about something.
“Jake, you’re fine. I asked her and she said yes. You can relax.” Colby says—yells— from his side of the car.
“Oh! She said yes.” Jake tells someone, again probably Tara, on the other side of the phone.
“You know they’re on speaker, I can hear them. But congrats you guys!” Tara cheers.
“Thank you. But we’re actually calling you guys so you can meet us at the hospital.” I explain. I watch Bea spill something in the review mirror and hand her a napkin.
“We’re already here. Wait, is the baby coming?” I hear movement on the other side of the line.
“Wait, why are you two at the hospital? Did Jake play with the easy bake oven again?” I thought after the last time, Tara and I hide that stupid thing. Jake almost burned the house down when we were all living together still.
“Huh? Oh no! Kat is having the baby. Should be any minute now. We’ve been here all day.” Tara explains. I’m positive she took the phone from Jake and sent him off somewhere.
“Wait, Kat went into labor and didn’t tell me?”
“Her water broke right after you texted us that you left. She refused to let any of us tell you guys because she didn’t want to ruin the proposal. She said that we could tell you guys after. But don’t worry. Everything is fine, Sam has been coming out every like 30 minutes with updates. Now that we know you’re back from the mountains, we’ll text you until you get here.”
“Okay thanks, but you don’t need to. We’re like five minutes away.”
“Okay, we’ll be waiting. Just don’t have my nephew on the side of the road or anything.” Tara says before hanging up the phone.
Lying in the hospital room, I wait patiently as the nurse checks the ultrasound. She has an indifferent face, probably not to scare expecting mothers, but her lack of expression is what’s scaring me. She has been looking for a while and has even taken a few pictures. Colby sits beside me with Bea sleeping in his lap. She fell asleep in the car right before we got here. Lucky for Colby, I could still waddle on my own so he could carry Bea.
“Okay, everything looks okay. The doctor will come in to confirm and give you your options.” The nurse smiles as she removes the ultrasound jelly from my stomach.
Colby grabs my hand and strokes it quietly. I know he must be stressed and what he can do right now is limited. However, this small little touch, one he’s must have done hundreds of times, is enough right now.
Dr. Long comes in and greets us. She must have just come from Katrina’s room. She gave birth right after we got here. We were lucky enough to see everyone before we got shuttled off into our room. Dr. Long squirts more cool ultrasound jelly on my belly and scans around. After a few seconds, she clicks a button so we can hear the heartbeat. It sounds different than before, almost echoed.
“Okay, Ms. Y/LN, Mr. Brock a lot of things are happening right now. We missed something during your first few scans. There is a second baby in there, hiding behind your son. We didn’t detect the second baby because it is a bit smaller than the first baby. Their heartbeats were very close in sync which is why we couldn’t notice two different beats. Both babies are doing well. I’m just going to check to see how dilated you are before we can talk more.” Dr. Long wipes off the jelly and covers up my stomach.
“S-second baby? You mean she’s having twins?” Colby asks, jumping up and waking up Bea.
“I’m actually going to kill you,” I mutter under my breath. Giving birth was hard enough, but two at the same time had to be worse.
“Yes, twins. It’s not uncommon for parents to not know they’re having more than one baby until birth. Would you like to know the gender of the second baby?”
Colby takes a quick look at me and I nod.
“Yes, please. I mean it doesn’t matter but knowing would still be nice.” Colby asks.
“Baby B is a girl. And it looks like you’re in pre-labor. Your water did not break but you did pass the mucus plug. You’re only 4 centimeters dilated, so you still have a while.” Dr. Long finally resurfaces and looks at Colby and me. Our faces must be panicked.
“So, what then? We stay here? We go home?” I ask sitting up a bit more.
“Well, Ms. Y/LN, you have a few options. First, because you are 35 weeks pregnant, that’s still a bit early even for twins. I would suggest slowing down the labor for a few hours and injecting the babies with a steroid that would help their lungs develop faster. It’s two injections 12 hours apart. Or we can get ready to do a C-section right now. In both cases, the babies might have to spend some time in the NICU, but both methods are safe this early.”
“I mean, I want to keep them in for as long as possible so probably the first option. What do you think Colbs?” I ask. My stress levels increase. I know that Dr. Long says that the babies will be fine, but I can’t help but worry.
“Hey, it’s your body. I’ll support whatever you want to do but I think that’s best too.” Colby goes back to stroking my hand. Beatrice is resting her head on his chest.
“Okay, we’ll be back in a few minutes to get set up.” Dr. Long says before leaving us in silence.
A week to a month; that’s how long Dr. Long says the twins might have to stay in the NICU. Relatively speaking, they’re fine. They’re just premature and struggling with low birth weight and underdevelopment. They’re too small for car seats, which Colby is going to have to get another one of. We’re going to have to get another one of everything. Maybe we can exchange the stroller we got at the baby shower for a double one. We’re also going to have to get a lot more baby clothes, or at least another going home outfit for when the time comes. I also had my own complication after giving birth and now have to stay an extra day. Mentally, I wasn’t prepared for two babies, and I don’t think my body was either. They came five minutes apart, first our son, and then our daughter.
“Hey, Y/N,” I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. The nurses were checking on the twins so I decided to give them some room and step out.
“Hey, Kat, Sam, how’s little Oliver?” I smile at them. They’re walking towards me, holding their little bundle of joy in a car seat.
“He’s fine. He passed the car seat test so we’re set to go home. How are the twins?” Sam asks. Kat gives me a quick hug from her wheelchair.
“They’re doing their best. They’re Colby’s kids so they’re stubborn as hell, I can tell already. How are you feeling Kat?” I look at the exhausted Canadian. She had a smooth birth and gets to leave a day after. She has bits of blue dye in her hair that she got done after finding out she was having a boy.
“I’m tired and everything hurts. I don’t know how you did it twice in one day.” She sighs and brushes her hair out of her face.
“I don’t know. But you two go home and snuggle that little baby before he starts smelling like sugar and play-doh.” I joke. I wave them off and go back to watching the nurses. They’ve moved on to other babies now.
“Mommy!” Just as I’m about to get up and go back into the NICU, I hear Beatrice running down the hall. Colby is following quickly behind her.
“Hi my loves,” Bea climbs up next to me and rests her head on my chest.
“Sorry, she was just excited to see you and the babies.” I noticed the vlog camera in Colby’s hand. I’m glad he’s still documenting everything for us.
“Where are they? Where are my baby brother and sister? Daddy said that they were dropped off this morning.” I look at Colby confused because we had a conversation about how we would explain this all to her. In fact, I know we had a conversation with her months ago about where babies come from.
“I panicked…” Colby says quickly to explain why our daughter was talking about storks.
“Well, your brother and sister are in that room right there but you can’t go in there. They’re really small and a little bit sick. So, they want to be extra safe and only let mommies and daddies in there. But one of us can go in there and FaceTime so you can see them.” I stoke Bea’s hair and kiss her forehead.
“Okay, I understand. It’s like when my throat was hurting when I was little and I couldn’t go to preschool so other kids couldn’t make me more sick. What are their names?” She asks running over to the window and tiptoeing so she can peek in.
Colby and I had a lot of time to think about this. We decided on two conditions:1. I would name our daughter and he would name our son and 2. their middle names would match. We split the job in half to deal with the stress. We didn’t even have one name when we knew that we were having one baby, let alone two.
“Well, your brother’s name is Aiden Isaiah. And your little sister’s name is Chloe Isabella.” I explain to her.
“Yeah, and they’re both so excited to meet you and explore the world with the rest of us,” Colby says softly before kissing me on the cheek. With that kiss, I knew that everything would be fine.
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katiedreamy · 7 years
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Charles Xavier imagine. This time with a song REALIZE - COLLBIE CAILLAT . The song, pics or lyrics are not mine and belongs to their authors.
Type of imagine: FLUFF
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maggyfall · 8 years
Do all the questions for the ot3, JUST DO IT!
Who is the most affectionate? Felecia and Cherche tie for this in private, but in public Felecia loves being affectionate. After she’s more confident in the relationship.
Big spoon/Little spoon? Frederick and Cherche switch between being the biggest spoons. They ussually sleep Frederick on the left, Felecia in the middle, and Cherche on the right. But they’ll alternate who gets the middle. Imagine Felecia trying to big spoon Frederick? She totally does and he finds it adorable.
Most common argument? “Can we ban Felecia from helping out with chores?” Currently the answer is no.
Favorite non-sexual activity? ...These losers honestly like doing chores or just doing anything domestic together. Especially cooking. Felecia still has a lot of trouble and still very clumsy but she tries.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Frederick- For Cherche he loves her loyalty, humbleness, and just how powerful she is in battle like jesus even he’d never mess with her. probablyhasathingforbattleladies As for Felecia he adores her never give up attitude, drive, and her desire to devote her life to helping others. Also her abilities in battle. DidIsayprobablyDEFINETYLhasathingforbattleladies.
Cherche- For Frederick she loves his gallantry and loyalty. Also impressed with his skill in combat, she doesn’t date/marry wimps and they still spar. For Felecia she adores how Felecia wants to learn how to be a proper maid and happily tries to teach her domestic skills.
Felecia- For Cherche she LOVES how confident, cool headed, and how amazing she is around the house. Cherche is her ideal self, minus the wyvern and weird sense of what is cute. For Frederick she also loves how cool headed he is but also how assure he is of himself. And his chivalry, Felecia loves chivalry!
Shit this might have meant physical features. QUICK ROUND
Frederick- For Cherhce her smile, Felecia her legs. Also likes Cherche’s legs. Frederick is a thigh/leg guy.
Cherche- Frederick his smile, Felecia her eyes.
Felecia- Both of them she loves their hair.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? Cherche and Frederick kinda have a big talk on what this means about their marriage, but come to an understanding they want Felecia a part of their relationship. Felecia is all “THEY’RE MARRIED AND IT’S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN! SO DON’T HAVE A CRUSH ON THEM!” She gets kinda withdrawn because she feels it will never happen, BOY IS SHE WRONG!
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? Frederick is called Freddy Bear because the MU told Felecia an Cherche the story about the bear. Frederick would refer to both of them as milday at times.
Who worries the most? Felecia, Frederick is a very close second.
Who tops? Cherche AND Frederick are more dominant in bed. With the occasional Felecia topping because she’s curious. 
Who initiates kisses? Cherche! She even initiates them between the other two.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? Cherche if she wants to be romantic, Felecia if she’s nervous, and Frederick when he’s being protective. Cherche reaches for their hands the most.
Who kisses the hardest? Cherche. Frederick is kinda a middle ground, Felecia is a very soft kisser.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Felecia, only if she’s having a bad day though. They’re all really good at getting up and ready for the day.
Who says I love you first? Cherche for sure.
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) CHERCHE, SHE EVEN MADE THEM LUNCHES! It’ll ussually just be an “I love you!” or a “be careful out there!” If the other two are on missions.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? I feel like Frederick and Cherche would tell Gerome as soon as the relationship between the three starts, and after that Frederick explains it to Chrom and Lissa, Cherche to Virion, and Felecia to her father. News then slowly just trickles out.
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Cherche would love randomly grabbing them both to waltz.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Cherche is best cook
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Frederick unintentionally, he’s 100% serious with his lines BUT THEIR REALLY CHEESY.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Cherche~
What would be their theme song?  Fallin’ For You by Collbie Calliet because that’s hilarious for them as a song.
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Cherche and Felecia duet? CHERCHE AND FELECIA DUET!
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Working. Frederick still trains knight for the Ylessian army or performs missions for Chrom. Cherche also trains soldiers, performs mission for both Chrom and VIrion, and works around the house. Felecia would work as a maid for either Chrom or Maribelle and ATTEMPT to do work around the house. Would also perform missions, maybe become an Ylessian general? *shrugs*
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. THEY AREN’T IN THE SAME GAME. Oh headcannon? 
Felecia can never return home back to the Ice Tribes and becomes massively homesick. It’s ok she finds a new home!
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