#collecting disorders and disabilities like pokemon cards
monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
Sleepy and bored how's it going?
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bearcina · 3 years
Tumblr media
Welcome to my page, I’m your host, Bear! I’m a 20yr old aspiring author and OOAK doll customizer!
Masterlist (Amazon wishlist)
My pronouns are they/them/he/she/dude
I’m always looking for new friends, I don’t bite! I just write kinky stuff!
My Ask Box is always open, feel free to ask any questions!
Presenting, under the cut!: Q&A!
I see you’re here for the rest of the post!
Where can I find you off of Tumblr?
You can find me on Discord, Bearcina#5637!
My Steam is the same, Bearcina!
My AO3 is Bearcina, and here’s a direct link!
My KakaotalkID is bearcina! My kakao name is Bear'ika (little bear)
I’m on Wizard101 as Maria Rainbowbreath, a level 50-something Balance wizard, I specialize in supports, hit me up for a True Friend code! I just finished Dragonspyre!
What do you use to draw?
I use an XP-PEN brand tablet for digital work!
I do doll face-ups with Arteza watercolor pencils, soft chalk pastels, mica powder, Mr. Super Clear UV Matte Flat, and LOTS of DuraClear in Matte, Gloss, and Ultra Glossy!
My sketchpads are off-white and textured for watercolor pencils! I use Pilot pens for inking, and these pencils for sketching!
Do you have a Masterlist of your fanfics and works?
Yes, and here’s the link to the Masterlist!
I’m into Astrology, what’s your birth chart?
I am a Gemini (sun), Sagittarius (Mars), Libra (Rising), Taurus (Venus), Ares (Moon) and a Gemini (Mercury)!
What the FUCK is wrong with you?
A LOT. I’m disabled and mentally ill from some serious childhood trauma! Here’s a nonexhaustive list of my problems!:
Generalized Anxiety
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Panic disorders
More Depression, but make it ~Seasonal~
Migraines (a LOT)
Herniated spinal discs
Chronic fatigue
And so many more!
I’m also autistic, I have ADHD, dyscalculia, and my brain is about as functional as a goldfish! (surprisingly smarter than expected but still dumb as a damn rock-)
What fandoms are you in? What interests you?
I currently enjoy: (current fixations are bold!)
Katamari Damacy
The Outer Worlds
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 3
Spyro the Dragon
Hades (game)
Pokemon! (Sinnoh, Alola, and Galar right now! I have one of every gen but Hoenn)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, and Explorers of Darkness/Sky (I don’t have time!)
The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Link’s Awakening (all three editions), and A Link Between Worlds and many others!)
Portal 2
Portal: Aperture Tag
Portal Stories: Mel 
Animal Crossing (Check above for my switch codes to play NH with me!!)
Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer
Star Wars, specifically The Mandalorian and things related to Mandalorians! (I’m learning Mando’a with help from the Oyu’baat!)
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld 
Good Omens
Prospect (2018) (I love Ezra!)
SCP Foundation
The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel! (podcast)
The Magnus Archives (podcast)
Wolf 359 (podcast)
Elaines Cooking for the Soul (podcast)
MarsCorp (podcast)
Oz 9 (podcast)
StarTripper!! (podcast)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris (podcast)
Welcome to Night Vale 
Mars’ Best Brisket (Podcast)
EOS 10 (podcast)
Distractable Podcast (by markiplier)
The Sims
Sewing, I do mine by hand and machine! (ask me about my machines!)
Historical sewing
Cosmetology (I grew up in a salon, my mother is a beautician and I love dying and cutting hair!)
Acrylic nails (they’re so pretty!)
ToonTown ReWritten (Find me as Fancy Lolipop the bear or Deputy Biscuit the deer!)
Wizard101 (I like playing!)
YuGiOh (I collect the cute cards >w<)
Martial arts (I did karate for many years and i got my black belt! I also like playing with rope darts, though I’m not good!)
Tarot Cards and other such fortune telling things, I’m a pagan and a witch!
Any other questions? Send me an ask!
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the-changelings · 2 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptance Day 1
Introduce yourself. Talk about who you are as a person. Your age, hobbies, special interests, family, etc. Anything you feel comfortable sharing.
hi! We are the Changelings, a mixed-origin DID system of 50+ members. Our body is 25 years old, and we vary in age from 3-ish to ageless, with most members being 8-11 or 18-25.
We’re all super creative types, with varied skill in each thing. Some of us are good at singing, some are good at drawing or painting, some are good at writing poetry or playing instruments. We consider all of these to be at least adjacent to stimming if not a straight up stim. We are also fond of reading, and just now getting back into it after several years of aimless booklessness.
I would say our main special interest is language. I used to read the dictionary for fun, and enjoy putting complicated metaphors and long, pretty words into our poetry. This also manifested into secondary special interests of queer identity language, disability language, and psychology.
Unfortunately, our family isn’t as accepting of any of this as we would have hoped. We are the oldest of 6 siblings and grew up Baptist—not a great environment for a girl-shaped Autistic person. Our parents are convinced that ADHD is something a person can overcome if they just try hard enough, and I haven’t even told them we believe we are Autistic. They also avoid talking about DID/systemhood entirely.
That said, we have a wonderful queer and neurodiverse chosen family who love and accept us and who we can shower our love on too! Much better and very healing.
Additionally we have depression, psychosis (related to the depression, probably), ADHD, C-PTSD, and assorted other disorders that make us feel like we collect them like pokemon cards. We are learning American Sign Language and know some Spanish and some French.
question post (link) | day two (link)
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fivedollarradio · 3 years
I got in trouble for saying many, if not most, people in the US don’t have the luxury of mental health care, but why does no one talk about the privilege in being able to “pursue” a specific diagnosis? Someone I read elsewhere (okay, hate read) posted that they sought out a diagnosis of autism. Granted, I’m not qualified to diagnose someone via Twitter, or anywhere else, but NOTHING about them reads neurodivergent. Christ, I’m more autistic, but can’t afford a diagnosis. What bothers me most, though, is this person recently came out as “queer,” which, okay, the closet is still very real but I’ve been around enough activist-y environments to spot this pattern of sort of “vague” marginalized identities: queer, on-the-spectrum, and I guess the next will be disabled, though invisibly so. Before you all get mad at me, I’m not denying these things exist, but I’ve seen this happen to many times before: collecting marginalized identities like Pokemon cards. And it’s always the things that are difficult to prove (I don’t really see anyone seeking out a diagnosis of Schizoaffective disorder or something that has less fluid diagnostic parameters), but impossible to argue against lest you want to be labeled ableist or bigoted. 
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mysurveys · 7 years
Random Qs
Survey #41 on the Countdown to 2018!
Here’s another from last week.
What's a recurring thought on your mind today?
I've thought about Christmas a lot since Mom and I went shopping for those on our list.
Have you had any confrontations lately?
Nothing in months.
What's the last charity you donated to?
I think I last donated some cat food to Petco. Charity should start at home and in your community. There are just so many big charity organizations you can't trust.
Do you feel all fuzzy and good when you do a good deed?
It obviously feels good, but my personality is too much like Daria Morgendorffer's for me to get all warm and fuzzy inside.
Don’t you just hate foot cramps?
No, I love cramps of all kinds. /sarc
Would you say you have an infectious laugh?
So I've been told by several people.
Shouldn’t you be doing something else right now?
If I had something else I needed to do, I would be doing it.
Do you have anything planned for the summer?
I don't plan in advance all that often and I don't vacation then.
I've only got plans to go to some Christmas thing in Galveston with my mother and cousin right now along with revisiting the Aquarium Pyramid at Moody Gardens.
I’ve already gone once with Mom and we loved it. I’m wanting to see the otters and sea turtles again before getting something from the gift shop.
What's something you worry about often?
I'm not a worrier, but I have reasonable concern over my health.
Are there any mountains nearby where you live?
There's nothing too close, but Texas does have some mountains.
Did you like to collect frogspawn as a kid?
I didn't do any real collecting outside of Pokemon cards.
Do you walk fast or slow?
That depends on the destination and whether or not I'm hurting.
Do you keep birthday cards or throw them out?
I toss them after reading them.
Do you play any team sports and if so, which position do you play?
I've never been into sports.
What would you do if you found a small, lost child?
I'd see if they can share their name or anything pertinent first. Depending on that, I'm either going to take them to the proper authorities or get the store to use the intercom. Something like that. It just depends on their abilities and where we are.
Do you listen to Dimmu Borgir?
I don't.
Would you agree that the best music comes from North Europe?
I don't pay any attention to where an artist is from unless it's in a foreign language, but there are good artists from all over the map.
Does sitting in waiting rooms drive you insane?
I can go about two hours of just sitting there before I get restless. Anything longer and I want to move around, though.
I'm not someone who remains plugged in while away from home all the time since that's just too obsessive. I’m also content with myself and amused by my own imagination so just sitting and waiting really doesn't bother me. 
What form of public transport do you use most often?
I don't use such, but I don't drive either. I'm not able to leave home without my caregiver due to learning disabilities at this point so I'm always with my mother who drives several people around regularly.
I used to need her around because of Social Anxiety Disorder too, but that's become such a minor factor these days.
Would you consider yourself an adrenaline junkie?
I'm not one.
What catches your eye first when it comes to the opposite sex?
The combo of hair and eye color. My eyes are attracted to black hair, especially with light blue or light green eyes.
What moisturizer do you use, if any?
I don't need it.
Do you ever go onto Fail Blog?
I hadn't heard of it until now, but I checked it out.
Do you ever put sticky notes around the place to remind yourself of things?
I don't.
Would you eat a spider for $50?
As it is or cooked? Maybe cooked if I felt in the mood for that shit, but I'm not hard up for cash.
Would you rather be a kangaroo or a koala?
Koalas in the wilds of Australia are fracking disgusting. The babies eat diarrhea and they have chlamydia which is threatening their species.
That STD causes blindness, infertility, UTIs and incontinence. Gum leaves are also toxic and contribute to the their characteristic lethargy.
Why would anyone want to be one of those?
What's a common slang word from where you live?
Everyone knows that Texans use "ya'll" here in the USA.
Would you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
I don't pay attention to trends or what everyone else is doing and I take the lead in my friend groups. They tend to follow whatever I'm up to and I always gain some amount of power or influence in the chats I use too.
Everyone follows to some extent, but leaders do more leading and will be independent thinkers who don’t take things at face value.
Do you keep your fingers on the home keys when you type?
I hate doing that because it feels so unnatural.
Are you easy to talk to?
It really depends on whether or not I like you and how close we are. I'll be very vocal about that, but there are a few people who fall somewhere in between even though we're on friendly terms.
Honestly, I’m abrasive with idiots who lack morals since I can’t muster up a tolerance for stupidity and those who lack an honest conscience.
If you have no regard for the sanctity and intrinsic value of human life then I just can’t force myself to love and respect you. Why should I?
Can you juggle with more than two items?
I don't know and I don't care to try.
Do you own a pair of roller skates?
I don't.
Has anyone ever assumed you can’t speak English?
Do you live in a rural or an urban area?
It's urban by definition, but it's not a huge metropolis.
At airports, do you ever worry your luggage won’t arrive?
I've never used one.
Do your parents ever call you by any petnames?
My mother used to, but she does that less since I'm no longer a kid.
If so, does it annoy you?
Hers never annoyed me, I just didn't like my father calling me "kiddo" in my late twenties and I told him so.
Do you like jalapenos?
Not really.
Do you know any really tall Asian people?
I've encountered a few and I find tall male ones really attractive.
Have you ever been knocked out?
I haven't.
What other windows have you currently got opened?
The Nintendo wiki listing all the Pokemon games and the Pokemon wiki for FR/LG since I was playing those recently. Then I've got an Amazon page up and the Surveys comm. on LJ along with my surveys Google doc.
What woke you up this morning?
I woke up naturally the first time and ate a little bit before going back to sleep. Then I was woken up about and hour and a half later by my mother so we could get some Christmas shopping done after lunch before going over to her mother's to put up the tree and give Grandma some early gifts.
Who else is in the same building as you?
My parents are home along with three pets.
What's your favorite childhood book?
Goodnight Moon and Where The Wild Things Are were the most memorable books I owned way back when.
Will your day be a good one?
It's nearly over by now and it was mostly good.
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fivedollarradio · 5 years
Re: Lena Dunham collecting illnesses like Pokemon cards
I grew up around a lot of sick people. Good health wasn’t a given; being ill was the norm. It wasn’t unusual to listen to someone talk about their toilet habits (and more) at dinner. (This story gets passed around a lot: an older cousin of mine overhearing an adult conversation about childhood illnesses chimed in with, “Well, I’ve had everything but the clap, and I guess I’ll get that too.) On the plus, there was very little stigma or shame about it, it just was. However, none of this was presented as an :”identity as a sick person.” Being a person meant being a sick one, if not now, eventually. When I see someone like Lena Dunham collecting, not just sickness (she actually has a tattoo that reads “sick”), but attractive, vague, hard-to-diagnoses diseases that seem to affect primarily well-connected white women, I side-eye hard. Ehlers-Danlos is real and can be disabling, but has earned status as a “trendy” disorder in the vein of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and the CDC-disputed “chronic lyme.” If she hasn’t come out with the last one already, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s next on her list. I’m also not shocked that she recently came out as an addict.
I have no empathy for someone who wants to make “sick girl” her brand. I also can’t help but see it as a “get out of privilege free” card. Maybe not in any conscious way, but if you’re sick, you can’t be too awful, right? I mean, who’s going to tell a chronically ill person to check her privilege?
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