#collin lenn talks
Collin looked concerned.
After a low tide round with the high winds making a tornado, the tornado didn’t dissipate.
Instead it was getting stronger.
As the group finished a high tide, connection to the helicopter was fuzzy.
“HEY! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!? HELLO???” Collin called into the mic.
Although it was still flying around, the helicopter suddenly left as the other two squids with him started to freak out.
Though no salmonids in sight, Collin noticed the waters were starting to go higher than usual. Completely stuck at the very top of the ship, it wouldn’t be long before it was completely submerged.
“Shit,” he remarked as he looked at the group.
“Look, my sister in law predicted this; but maybe to well. You stick we me, okay. We’re going to get out of this,” Collin spoke before pulling his phone out and making a call.
“Tarts, get over here. The storm is stronger than we anticipated,” Collin spoke.
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"Lulu, are you home?" Tay taps on the door. "I've got something of a song written up."
Collin opens the sliding door of their bedroom and waves.
"Hey! Tay man! Was up? Keep it down a little. Lulu is still sleeping. Morings are being rough for her. Uh...concert might have to wait a few months. Consider yourself an official uncle? Great uncle now? Either way, Lulu is pregnant," Collin speaks.
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“Wahoo, we won!!!” Lulu exclaims.
“Nice. Well, I can say for one thing, it was a nice time with T. All the jokes was a nice bonding time. Though I’ll probably have to owe Gids a nice date as make up,” Lutarna chuckles.
“Come on! White Chocolate; cream color. Like who wasn’t going to win,” Collin laughs.
“Well, don’t know about you two, but I’m tuckered out for sweets for a while and it’s way past little man’s bed time,” Lulu chuckles.
“Yeah, we better get home. Still, do we get chocolate as a reward?” Collin.
Lulu and Lutarna laugh.
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“Ah, sorry,” Collin remarked, “It’s been a weird last few days. Collin. Collin Lenn.”
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“Who’s the human?” Collin questioned, confused and starting to panic.
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“Hehehe,” Collin chuckles.
“Quit laughing you,” Lulu chuckles.
“But it’s CREAM color,” Collin snickers.
“You are terrible,” Lulu laughs.
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“Oh, you do? Where’s that?” Collin asked curiously but quitely.
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“Hey, do be careful. Weather is going to get bad here soon. You got a place to stay right?” Collin remarked.
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“Yeah. A human thing that survived,” Collin signed, “Learned when young.”
Pointing to the bento box, Collin continues.
“Lutarna cooked for you. She means what she says. We’ll help you.”
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Collin nods.
Do hand motions, Collin signed, “Can you sign?”
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"You sure this is a good idea?" Lulu asked.
"Fish don't like change in weather. The waters will be too rough for them to surface unless the want to get dragged away. They would be stupid," Lutarna replied; looking at a map of the salmonid zones.
"I don't like the fact you are risking both my fiance's life and your's to do this,: Lulu huffed.
"Hey, it will be alright," Collin remarked.
Lulu just huffed.
"Just need the right storm," Lutarna commented.
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"I see. Well, just be careful okay," Collin replies as he pulls out a container with a sandwich in it, "It looks like it's going to be bad."
With that Collin takes his leave; keeping it short to not have too many eyes on him.
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"So how did it go?" Lutarna asked.
"Your weren't kidding about him looking scrawny. I feel bad for the poor guy. I have. A feeling those goldies are keeping a heavy eye on him. He seemed really nervious," Collin replied.
Lutarna frowned.
"Thinking they were watching?" Lutarna questioned.
"I wouldn't be surprised. He said they could read the sign language so any communication is tricky," Collin remarked.
Clinching her fist, Lutarna huffed.
"Any move you make they will see it," Lulu spoke, "Getting him out of there is going to get tricky."
"Unless there is some way to distract them," Lutarna remarked.
"Like what?" Lulu questioned.
"Something that could make them sick?" Collin suggested.
"That or something they can't swim through...I got an idea but will need a day or two," Lutarna spoke before leaving g the room.
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Collin’s ear’s drooped.
“Will cut convo here then. Good luck,” Collin signed.
Pointing to the box, he slipped the top portion off and handed Jeff the smaller part before nodding and taking leave.
In the smaller portion was a properly made meal that was still warm.
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“Goldies?” Collin spelled out with an ear twitch like fish fins.
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When no one is looking, Collin slips a small bento box to Jeff; recognizing them from from Lutarna’s description.
Inside the lid there is a note as well as a second box the true bento is in.
“Hey, It’s Lutarna. This is Collin. My sister’s fiancé. Don’t worry. I keep my promises. Just trust and keep an eye out for him. In time I’ll get you out of this,” the note read.
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