#colonel jakari
violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 19
“All right,” Rayak said. “Let’s go to my lab.” “Sure,” Jakari said. “Let me just say goodnight to Hayami.”
I cannot fucking cope with how incidentally gay Jakari is even when she's finally been given enough info to actually realise how gay she has been behaving.
It's full home of sexual dumb of ass hours with her and what makes it so brilliant is that by most other standards (and against all odds) she's a perfectly capable and emotionally intelligent person.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 19
“No,” Mamachi said. “For humans, it is a gesture of affection, but it’s a platonic one. Mothers and fathers often kiss their children in that spot. Friends as well. Romantic partners do use the gesture sometimes, but it doesn’t carry the weight it does with us.”
I'm mostly glad Mamachi explained because it helps avoid a painfully awkward scene later, but I gotta say I was enjoying Jakari's freak out and I'm sad this is gonna help bring it to a close.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 19
“She claimed me,” Jakari said. “What?” Mamachi asked. Jakari turned back to Mamachi. “She claimed me.”
I am laughing hysterically, and it is up to you dear readers, to decide which sense of the word I mean that.
Aliens folks. Fucking Aliens.
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violetren · 2 years
Buddy, I have been vibrating in place waiting for you to finish 18 so I could break this one out.
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Every time I look at the chapter count vs the affection being shown by Jakayami I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that this is the first book in what promises to be a series.
I guessed it'd be a slow burn early on. And I knew it'd be a real slow burn. No making love instead of fucking by the 20k mark nonsense.
But fuck, I was not prepared.
Hayami gave Jakari a forehead kiss, A FOREHEAD KISS, not a peck on the lips or cheek or corner of mouth. A little smooch to the fucking forehead with all the implications of care and tenderness over-ruling simple desire that comes with it and I have been turning that scene over in my mind like a rotisserie chicken ever since.
And it's nuts because yes this is the first overt sign of affection but its not the first sign of affection, because these assholes have been flirting via subtext and ridiculous "for the good of the mission" justifications since day one. Mamachi decided to have a tough conversation with their much more overt romantic interest with Jakari for support and Jakari brought Hayami along. Hayami wanted to make sure her parents were safe and well and decided to bring Jakari along to meet them for it.
There was no real call for either of these events even if they had been told to partner up for work. If they wanted to build a bit of trust and rapport they could have played 20 questions and tried some trust falls. But they couldn't just do that because they Like each other and wanted to try and show something real and vulnerable about themselves to see how the other reacted.
The affection has been there. It was there when Hayami decided if no one else would look out for Jakari then she would. It was there when Jakari tried to keep Hayami off of the mission because of how dangerous it would be despite having no real justification to use.
It's hilarious because Jakari's actions and though processes even if they aren't conscious/direct read as caring much more deeply than Hayami's did when I was thinking back on all the layers of subtext, because Jakari has been so fully wrapped up in self hatred and need to focus on the mission that she hasn't/couldn't fully comprehend her feelings for Hayami, meanwhile Hayami has been able to go "Oh, I like this woman a lot and want to see if its possible to explore that once we've saved humanity" and then compartmentalise it and focus primarily on the job only showing affection when there is actually time for it and when she knows Jakari needs a reality check as to her monster status.
Jakayami are taking up So Much Brain Space while (by?) doing the absolute minimum and it's slowly driving me feral.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 17
“It’s not my back I’m worried about,” Jakari said. “I know I can trust you to watch it, right up to the day Arthan orders you to kill me.” “He wouldn’t do that,” Dubari said.
What fucking rock have you been living under? Hang on where is that meme...
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@butch-kickassidy this truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
Anyways where was I? Oh yeah.
Not only are they a fucking idiot if they think Arthan wouldn't order it, they're showing their entire ass when their answer to that statement is "He wouldn't order it" and not "I would have your back regardless."
I have no faith in Dubari to ignore a direct order from Arthan, so even if they had said the "I'd still have your back" thing I would have thought they were lying, but still.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 12
Previously on Wren reads The Master of Puppets: Jakari arrived in the Flash Back sequence and determined that her nibling Karusa had given up info about drop spots and codes under torture and was likely already dead but that Mamachi had yet to break and was still alive. Mamachi endured multiple rounds of horrific torture. Cikara made a bold move offering to facilitate Jakari's rescue of Mamachi after being morally outraged by the treatment of Mamachi, that may or may not be genuine.
You can read the sneak peek of The Master of Puppets by Molly J Bragg or by the eBook version HERE.
All posts will be tagged "tmop spoilers" and linked as they are made.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 9
"...So when I say it’s been a long time since I’ve given any thought to something like that, what I mean is, it’s been a long time since I’ve had to think about how to protect someone at all." ... “How can you live like that?” “I don’t know,” Jakari said. “Sometimes, I think the only reason I’m still alive is because I’ve gotten in the habit of not dying, and I don’t know how to break it.”
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Jakari: Please remember I am a killer and I am not to be woobified. I am deeply DEEPLY tragic and have blood on my hands that I cannot bring myself to regret spilling and WILL spill more without hesitation if it will aid in ending this senseless war. Even as we speak I am planning a murder.
Me: My precious baby 😭 Hayami hold her!
On the extremely more memey end of the spectrum, tossing all the gorgeous writing and stripping the dialogue to its barest of bare essentials:
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 7
Now she was quiet and motionless, and it felt wrong to Jakari. .... Jakari frowned. He hadn’t said anything about that when he was explaining how the implants worked, and it seemed like the sort of thing Hayami would have wanted to know.
Ma'am your gay is showing.
This definitely goes beyond "I have to be concerned because we're assigned to work with each other" territory and headlong into "Jakari hasn't realised she's catching feelings yet" territory.
I do like that she is just as concerned about Hayami's autonomy as she is about her general health.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 5
Jakari watched her with a look of horror as she took a sip of her coffee. “You don’t like it?” Hayami asked. “It smells wonderful, but it tastes like burnt plastic.”
Awwww we missed getting to see Jakari have her first sip of coffee. We still get to see the ripples of it though.
Hayami is living that classic hard boiled detective life of only drinking black coffee, its a little bit funny me that when trying to improve the coffee for Jakari she only goes so far as to add sugar, she doesn't even consider adding milk or creamer. I bet if Jakari still hadn't liked it she would have just given her up as a lost cause.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 4
“Why?” Hayami asked. “If this Cikara is really as dangerous as you say, why did you break cover? Why save me?” Jakari looked at Hayami as if the question itself made her uncomfortable...
She was operating on peak gay and didn't even realise it.
Oh I am gonna have so much fun yelling at these idiots to just kiss already.
Here ends chapter four. I'm gonna get myself a hot drink then settle into chapter 5.
I wonder if we'll get a morning after "breakfast" scene or a time skip ^_^
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 25
Jakari reached out and pulled Hayami into her arms. “We can still do this!” she shouted.
Awwwww hopeful Jakari is so delightful!
Maybe she's not gonna have that full blown mental breakdown later after all.
I still think she'll probably have a small scale one, past few days have been STRESSFUL, but hey, it could've been much worse.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 25
“Dubari will remain in your brig for the remainder of our alliance. They will not be sent off world. They will stay in a cell, so I know where they are.” Jakari looked over at Napati, who gave a small nod. “Agreed. I have Napati’s approval for that.”
Good. That is an excellent fucking stipulation.
Kinda concerned Cikara is gonna use that knowledge of where Dubari is to kill them eventually. Not worried for Dubari though. Worried for what it'll do for the alliance.
Also kinda concerned Prack will do something stupid to help their child. Or that Arthan will show up and try to throw weight around on purpose.
Earth is not gonna be prepared for Arthan and Jaya coming to measure dicks in person.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 25
“Is there still an alliance?” Jakari asked. “If you’re still open to one,” Cikara said. “Nira is dead, but that still leaves Saka and Jaya. Both bigger threats than Nira ever was.”
Ok you can retain legend status.
At this point I have a working theory that the war is gonna change from being the current Char vs Suil configuration to Cikara, (Jakari and maybe Napati's) faction vs everyone who wants to keep the war going aka Arthan's faction and that's what later books in the series will follow. People who were on opposing sides will end up on the same side and everything will end up unstable as fuck but very cool and entertaining to read mess.
I mean... It's entirely possible Cikara might still do something shady but I enjoy Cikara as a character. I am much more concerned and angry at Arthan.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 25
“How?” Jakari asked. “I saw…oh. A Talus doppelgänger.” “Yes,” Cikara said. “After your little stunt the other night, I didn’t trust you. A wise choice, it would seem.”
Cikara, you fucking legend!
If the consequences of Arthan and Dubari's choices gonna be Cikara revoking the deal then they can go back to being dead, please and thanks.
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 25
“Why? What is it?” Jakari asked. “I’ve got Cikara on the line.”
Sorry, I mean
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 25
Jakari gave Mamachi one last pat on the back and walked back over to where Hayami was standing. Hayami reached out and took Jakari’s hand.
Awwwww, they cute!
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