alice--ghost · 3 months
Anyway, I'm offering you an idea for skibidi toilets. Change the colors and characters of the agents. And skibidi. The cameras are red, and fun, activity, in short, cool guys, dap. They also always have fun with Titan. TV — blue, calm and reasonable, often help the cameras, and so that they do not break their beautiful lenses. The speakers are purple... Mmm, they become completely shorter Soundwave and Transformers Prime ~ well, in general, silence and stealth are their middle name, and consider themselves more proud because they are invulnerable to light and other things)) aristocrats in general. And yes, if they are purple, they literally become the terror of other races and especially ceramics... After all, their music is something. Their titans remain the same height, that is, the Speaker is the smallest among the titans, but the singer is serious and terrifies ceramics with only one quiet music. Breaking the stereotypes that the smallest are the most evil x)In general, you can choose other colors with characters.
But! Conditions!
1. The colors should not be original. Or at least! One race should have its own colors, and the others are different. That is, the cameras are blue, the Speakers are purple, and the TV is red.
2. Not only the colors change, but also the characters of the races themselves! If the cameras are red, then they become more curious, active, they stick their lenses everywhere where they don't need to x) you can even offer your headcannons in this.
3. Titans remain the same height. Regardless of the colors.
4. The forces will remain the same. They will be like before, but oh, they will be conducted according to the nature of the races. For example, if the Speakers are purple, then they literally will not only terrify ceramics, with their crackling speakers alone, but also with their entire appearance on the agents... After all, speakers are blind, and rely on echolocation... Imagine if they were violent... They'll hear any noise. Even just the creaking of joints. You can't hide from them. Tvmen who are blue will calm down active cameras more, and probably put ceramics to sleep more with their glow.Well, and our red operators... Well, I don't even know, to be honest... Come up with it yourself, but so that they are hyperactive and so that they can shoot!As for the Dark Speaker, you can make it more... Not as aristocratic as his fellows ^^. That is, to differ from the speakers, as in the canon. Here, draw^^
By the way, the idea came to me by chance sometime in the fall, when a girl and I were playing dreamcore and there was a blue room with speakers, and I assumed if the agents changed their colors? Then the girl also proposed with a character, now this idea has surfaced on its own. In general, keep drawing ^^If you want, I'll call this idea, colorpatternswap. Or colorswap for short. In general, create~
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alice--ghost · 3 months
I am adding another hashtag, which I mark as: #creatorcolourswap
This is my personal hashtag in colorswap and no one dares to touch it. In this swap, the cameras are red, the TV is blue, the speakers are purple. I say right away, if you want such a swap of colours, then take it, I don't mind, the main thing is without my hashtag. Under this hashtag, I will write my headcannons on my colorswap, and so on, maybe I will release a drabble on this topic, but definitely not now.
Well, here are a couple of headcannons, which will be supplemented in the future:
1. There were the first tvmen in this world, not cameras.
2. Tvmen are a bit cowardly, but very determined when everything is needed.
3. Best friends of cameras.
4. The cameras are still those with an awl in one place...
5. They will film everything, even if it blows their heads off.
6. TV's best friends.
7. Speakers generally appear so rarely that even tvmen in the original are much more common compared to them ...
8. They tried to infect their titan, but Speaker already had protection from somewhere ...
9. Everyone is afraid of them, even from one appearance to appearance. And if they should make any sound, a quiet sound, the agents immediately faint.
10. Cameratitan and Tvtitan are older brothers to their own, while Speakertitan is their father, literally.
11. Titans and agents of different growth.The speaker of 80 meters is the smallest, but he is the most serious, he does not seem to know what emotions are at all. The camera is 110 meters — average, still that funny guy and against taking pictures of how the skibidi are destroyed, the most cheerful and will always come to the rescue. Once it cost him himself and he got infected. Tvtitan 130 meters is the tallest, well, and timid. He is very afraid of hurting someone, even though he can deal with toilets with his bare hands. Tvmen 185, TVwomen 180 (with small heels 183) are the largest among the agents. Speakers 165, Speakerwoman 160 (with heels 170) are the smallest among the agents. 175 cameras, 170 camerawoman are average in height. Larger/large/long or as I call them medium agents. The average tvman is 7 meters. The average cameraman is 3 meters. The average speaker is 6.25 meters. Although I don't mind my hashtag when you were just inspired by my ideas personally with my colorswap and drew something, then please take it.
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