#columbia loveeees using edward said's name for clout and then turning around and pulling this shit lmfao.
drakerry ยท 8 months
the more i learn about what happened at columbia on the 19th the more horrified i feel. two students that i know of had to be admitted to hospital and receive treatment for exposure to chemical fumes and hundreds of other peacefully protesting students inhaled the same bioweapon - which is manufactured in the us - and are still experiencing symptoms like lightheadedness, nausea, irregular heart rate, eye pain, shortness of breath etc. and from the administration? crickets. not even a condemnation of violence in the most general terms let alone any punitive action against the former iof soldiers that perpetrated a hate crime against THEIR STUDENTS. on THEIR CAMPUS. and now the columbia ig page has comments turned off. no press release, nothing from the nyt, and the student newspaper didn't even report on it until today.
this comes after columbia suspended its chapters of sjp and jvp months ago and now they have the balls to play the "well this was an unsanctioned demonstration" card on the victims like... let this be a reminder to anyone who still has faith in american institutions that regardless of their intellectual posturing they are actively complicit in genocide and eager participants in the western settler colonial project. and the more prestigious the institution the greater its culpability
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