drakerry · 2 days
Weeks of Sept. 21 - Oct. 5th Priority list rotation!
These are fundraisers that my vetter @moayesh has told me are high priority either due to the low amount of funds or due to the situation the person is in. If you donate to any of these, please leave a screenshot below to encourage others to donate too!
Saleh Abu Sardana: "I am creating this campaign so that I can secure my children’s future and get my life back again. I am working to achieve this with your help. The money will go to provide a decent life for my children and my wife. I hope that you will help me with this dream that did not exist before October 7 and has become a dream today. Thank you" <- Only has 65€.
Ragheb's family: "We are living in unimaginably harsh conditions. After losing home, 5 members of my family and jobs. We lost everything: our home, jobs, security. Even the devices we used to work with, due to the devastating war in Gaza. We are now living in dreadful conditions, without a stable shelter or a source of income." <- 738€.
Saadiya Masoud: Her husband and one of her children have suffered SEVERE injuries. Her husband had shrapnel lodged in his chest and her son has a spinal injury from a building collapsing on him from an air strike. Please help this family as they recover from their injuried and trauma. <- 1039 AUD.
Tawfiq Al Tatri: "Every day we move from one place to another. My house was destroyed on my family. Fortunately, we came out alive after losing many of my relatives and neighbors after the destruction of the neighborhood in which I live. Now I am trying to save my children’s lives from death and save their future." <- 1740€.
Maha Madhoun: "Eman's elderly mother enduring chronic illnesses without access to vital medication. Their escape from the relentless bombardment of warplanes, dodging bullets and navigating through a sea of injured and deceased, is a haunting ordeal etched into their memory." <- 4550$
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drakerry · 8 days
It has been 11 months of genocide. 334 days of airstrikes and ground invasions. 481,801 minutes of innocent lives martyred one after another.
I don’t know how the world can still keep spinning as this happens right in front of our faces, or why we are letting this go on for so long, but with every passing day, it seems people become used to it, even when the victims come to us themselves asking for help.
Many of us don’t know how to handle such a huge responsibility. We may feel we are not equipped to do so. That is why you get overwhelmed when you are confronted with the victims and our complicity in it and make a decision to ignore. You become defeatist.
But you can’t do that. You have to resist because this is exactly what the settler colony wants you to feel. They do want to look away. They want you to carry on with your life (your normal) while they commit the most atrocities on the most vulnerable.
Deutschland (Germany) is a country that shows no shame in their support of the settler colony. It is up to the point where they would discriminate against the Palestinians. Even to those who stand up for them. Ava Moayeri, a German-Iranian activist, has been sent to court for chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” last month!
If she goes through this, imagine the Palestinians who want nothing more but to build a better future for themselves. My friend, Bilal Salah (@bilal-salah0), is no exception. He is 22 years old and lives in Deutschland for work, but he has faced so many difficulties. He has been on the verge of deportation, making him lose access to his job and housing. His former employer has extorted €4,800 and he is still unemployed, so he can not financially support his family back in Ghazzah. This fundraiser is all he has.
So please help him achieve €110,000 by September 20th! We are supposed to raise it today (Sept 15th), but we have failed to do so. Let's make sure this doesn't happen again! We can't let him down!
As of writing this, €105,980 has been raised! There is only €4,020 left to go! If we do the math, we need at least 804 people to contribute a minimum of €5 to succeed!
Please donate and share. Bilal’s family has narrowly survived the airstrike at the al-Masawi Camp. This fundraiser will help them purchase basic necessities until Rafah Crossing reopens and they can evacuate!
Verification: #132 in the Spreadsheet.
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drakerry · 8 days
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drakerry · 11 days
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Countries that have joined or declared their intention to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the ICJ are:
• Nicaragua
• Belgium
• Colombia
• Turkey
• Libya
• Egypt
• Maldives
• Mexico
• Ireland
• Palestine
• Spain
• Chile
Source: AlJazeera
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drakerry · 11 days
Its been too long since I've properly campaigned for Mona's initiatives on my main blog! Since the last update we have a wide array of projects your donations have contributed to!
She has distributed essential hygiene kits including pads for women!
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And a lot lot lot of food package distributions as you can see below!
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Please do not hesitate to donate! Every single dollar helps!! P*ypal.
G*f*ndme for distribution of necessities.
G*f*ndme to help Mona and her family.
Instagram to track progress + above links.
(If you live in India or Pakistan and want to donate, contact her through the means listed on her account).
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drakerry · 12 days
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drakerry · 14 days
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Palestinians have been desperately digging for their loved ones in the deep craters left by an Israeli air strike on a so-called humanitarian zone, where "entire families have disappeared in the sand", the civil defence said. Um Mahmoud, a displaced Palestinian in al-Mawasi, described seeing women and children "torn to shreds" after the strikes.
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"We have been here for nine months, we have not seen a single resistance member entering the area," Um Mahmoud told Middle East Eye.
Alaa al-Shaer, who has been staying in the displacement camp with his family, said he had a message to Israelis "conducting a genocide against us".
"I have my sister, my sons, my daughters. Would I logically put between them someone wanted by the Israelis? This does not make sense."
"The Israelis said, 'go to the safe areas' and that is what people did," he added.
As the sun rose, more people headed to the area to try to support rescue efforts. Others were looking through the remains of their tents, in apparent attempts to salvage anything from them.
Those trying to leave struggled to work their way through the giant craters left in the ground.
Tearfully standing outside Khan Younis' Nasser Hospital, a woman mourned her sister, who was killed in the attack.
"My sister was martyred, she was 35 years old," she told MEE. "Her husband disappeared when the Israelis took him six months ago."
The woman, who was just a street away from her sister's tent, says she is survived by six daughters and two sons.
"How can you see a girl get orphaned? No mother, no father, no grandparents, no one," she said.
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drakerry · 14 days
Israel recycles the same justification and it's really obvious that this is one of those instances where they repeat a lie long enough in hopes it becomes truth.
So here I am repeating the obvious just so that this lie doesn't get normalised:
Israel is conducting airstrikes on shelters and displacement camps, a flagrant violation of international law.
These camps and shelters have always, always been in areas designated as "safe zones" by Israel. So even if Hamas members were doing backflips in the middle of the camp, that does not mean Israel can bomb an area it directed civilians to go to.
Though never, not once, was Israel able to prove that it had in fact killed Hamas members when it committed these massacres. Civilians who live in these areas have recorded their testimonies time and time again to say there has not been any Hamas activity around them.
Still, nothing justifies the bombing of schools turned shelters. Nothing. Nothing justifies using heavy artillery against tents made of fabric and plastic sheets. Absolutely nothing.
I have probably made a variation of this post 600 times in the past 11 months alone, but remember that repeating these Israeli "justifications" without challenging them only allows Israel to continue its crimes and prolongs this genocide that had already claimed the lives of way more than 50,000 Palestinians.
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drakerry · 15 days
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drakerry · 15 days
September 6, 2024 - Militant protesters took to Berlin’s streets, responding to Israel’s ruthless expansion of its war of extermination into the West Bank. Around 100 masked activists marched through Berlin, condemning Germany’s direct complicity in the genocide, with Berlin handing weapons straight into the hands of the Israeli occupying forces. Slogans were sprayed on walls like “When West Bank burns, Berlin burns.” Light barricades went up, and pyrotechnics lit the night. [video]
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drakerry · 15 days
Priority list for the coming week!
05/09/2024 - 12/09/2024
These are fundraisers that my vetter @moayesh has told me are high priority either due to the low amount of funds or due to the situation the person is in. If you donate to any of these, please leave a screenshot below so I can tally the amounts donated to the fundraisers!
Hazem Mohammed Al-Bardaweel: Hazem has lost his wife and children in a bombing that injured him badly. He needs help starting anew while grieving the loss of his family to genocide.
Hossam Bardaweel: Hossam has lost his parents and all his siblings, and is now left to care for his siblings' children and widows on his own. He needs help supporting them while grieving the loss of his family to genocide.
Namer Matar: Namer has lost his baby due to a sudden illness that affected his newborn twins. The family is devastated, and his wife is struggling with postpartum in conditions of genocide while grieving her newborn.
Mohammed Matar: Mohammed's entire future as a water infrastructure engineer, and the company he was setting the building blocks for are all gone. He now has to care for his children and his wife struggling with postpartum in conditions of genocide.
Rania Youssef: Rania's father was the breadwinner of the family. He suffered from an untreated chronic illness that took his life during the acceleration of the genocide. She needs help taking care of her family while they grieve this immense loss.
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drakerry · 15 days
malls are dying because they don't have blacksmith, apothecary, alehouse or peddler's
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drakerry · 15 days
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The Cradle: Telegram
Jenin Brigade (of the Quds Brigades) held a military parade in Jenin camp yesterday (Sunday) to mourn the fighters who were assassinated by israel during its latest aggression in the West Bank, dubbed the battle of the 'Horror of the Camps' – a clear indicator that israel has once again failed to uproot the resistance.
Glory to The Resistance
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drakerry · 15 days
Please enjoy these back-to-back homers.
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drakerry · 17 days
People making post to (rightfully) mock zionists are getting more interactions than the ones on fundraisers. That's great that you are laughing at them but what are you actually doing to help their victims? How much times do palestinian have to wait for you to start caring? Do you need to see another beheaded baby to start donating or is it just performative?
I can't believe than even after posting about the shootings my friend Shahed and her family survived and her showing the BULLETS that got in their house (not the first time it happened) people barely gave attention to her posts and donations are getting even slower. Only 3 in one day.
If I can't post for a day I feel like people on tumblr will forget her and abandon her campaign. And frankly I don't have much hope that people will act to help her get to her goal, be it short or long term.
If you can't donate then please at least share her posts @drshahd and @shahdhatem, make your own posts to reach more people, send her fundraisers to people you know or tag them. Just please do something !
I don't know what to do and what more to tell you to get to act.
Donate here
Vetting by @/nabulsi
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drakerry · 19 days
coming into my inbox with that foolishness like arabs don't come in every shade from ahed tamimi to fatima bernawi. dpmo
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drakerry · 19 days
wtf is a white arab
literally none of your fucking business
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