#combining hyperfix with special interest means I will write easily over 100k for just part of this
zeb-z · 2 years
So your Star Wars au, what plot lines have you got, it could be from any of the smp, give me everything you had planned out in term of plot at least.
Alright, so the main plot lines I have fleshed out revolve around dsmp as I’ve had the most time to plan those? Under the keep reading I do have more Hermitcraft plot as well though pfjsjfjfj
Tommy is a Jedi initiate who almost doesn’t become a padawan, a story similar to Obi-Wan’s - he’s assigned to the AgriCorps once he’s past the age of mentorship. No master wants him, he’s far too emotionally charged, angry, has feelings he doesn’t understand how to properly deal with - many think he’s a ticking time bomb.
Sam comes back to the temple from an extended mission, and runs into Tommy just before he’s meant to get on the ship to his assignment, and sees a troubled kid with so much potential who just needs a little guidance but is refused out of fear from the order - he looks at Tommy and sees himself. So he names him as his padawan right then and there, and the rest is history.
Tubbo is Tommys best friend, they grew up together from crèche to initiates in the same clan, until Eret asked Tubbo to be his padawan learner. Tommy gets his assignment to AgriCorps, and Tubbo is who he goes to straight away - Tubbo comforts him and makes a grand plan of running away together and becoming the greatest space pirates to have ever plundered the galaxy. It’s a fun thought, but Tubbo entirely means it - he’s got a bag packed and ready so he can stow away on Tommys ship, and surely the two of them could figure it out from there.
Wilbur is a senator from some planet that’s barely in the mid rim, famous for being the leader of the revolution that toppled the previous monarchy of the planet. He’s a smooth talker and knows how to make a speech, and can be absolutely infuriating to work with, but he’s not a bad guy. He does his senatorial work, he volunteers his planets resources when he can, he works on establishing a proper infrastructure for refugees - especially and specifically for those who were previously slaves. When the clone wars comes around, he’s one of the loudest in the senate about bills for clones rights as sentient rights.
He’s got an ego and a temper, but he’s not an idiot. The political climate is pretty much the same as it is in Star Wars canon - a republic succumbing to corruption, greed, and malicious workings from the few in charge who siphon more power until they have total control. He’s never liked Emperor Dream, he’s never been a fan of the republic as a system, but he isn’t pushed to work outside of the laws to fix things until the death of the Jedi and the birth of the Empire.
He’s started a revolution before, led a rebellion from the ground up - he can certainly do it again.
Now the real plot, the big I have drafts for chapters of this fic plot, starts after order 66. Tommy thinks everyone is dead and he’s barely survived, only to find out Tubbo is alive through the force, but hurt and in need of rescue. Wilbur starts sparks of the rebellion in the heart of the Senate, doing what he can with subtlety and spreading the fire to what people he can. Eret, who was the one who betrayed the Jedi Order, realizes what they’ve done and leaves, coming to terms with the effects of their betrayal and doing what they can to fix it.
Dream is the Emperor, and is having a grand time consolidating his power and controlling the galaxy. Quackity runs Las Nevadas (of course) someplace in the outer rim, taking in Sapnap and Karl (who are both jedi) and acting as best as he can as a neutral ground.
Technoblade is a Mandalorian, specifically a True Mandalorian, comparable in Star Wars canon to Jaster Mereel in terms of Mandalorian beliefs. One of the only survivors from Galidraan, he joins Death Watch and seeks bounties to make a living, and comes to his own realizations about Death Watch maybe a little too late.
Ranboo? He’s just a nobody, from nowhere, who helps Tommy and Tubbo when they crash near his home on some backwater planet after Tommy rescues Tubbo. He helps them fix their ship and in return he joins them, finally stepping off solid ground and seeing the stars for the first time. He’s somehow the most force sensitive bastard ever, of all time, and just doesn’t realize it.
(Dream does. Dream also has an eye on Tommy as a surviving jedi padawan with a checkered history - either way, he’s looking for an apprentice of his own)
Philza and Sneeg are partners in crime, whatever that crime may be. Hitmen, mercenaries, smugglers, whatever hat the job calls for they wear it. Their ship isn’t anything impressive, but Phil’s talent as a pilot more than makes up for it - Sneeg’s skill on the turrets picks up whatever slack is left from there. It’s not too long before they join the rebellion themselves - they may not have hearts of gold, but working under Empire conditions is just not worth it, and hey, maybe they can find a little more help with their own troubles with the Pyke’s.
Niki and Jack are Jedi as well, Niki with an excellent connection to the living force, while Jack has connection to the Cosmic force. By all rights he should be dead, shot fatally during order 66 and dragged away by Niki - but he’s not, and his connection to the force has been fractured ever since. Niki as well has trouble seeing the light, during what feels like the end of all things.
All the OG L’Manberg crew were close before, including Wilbur. Jack worked mostly in the senate, with a bit of an interest in politics, but mostly used as an overqualified bodyguard for senatorial escorts. He worked most often with Senator Soot. Niki is close to Jack, Eret is close to Niki, and the rest of the connections are obvious from there.
Of course there’s a teary reunion, years down the road somewhere in a rebellion base. A day where even the general can take it easy, where the rebels can drink and dance and have a moment of hope and joy and love, making everything worth it.
Along the lines of order 66, and onto some hermitcraft folks, Etho is a mechanic on Coruscant when it all goes down. He’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe in the right, and helps save some Jedi.
Now far before order 66, even a while before Sam meets Tommy, Grian is taken in by the jedi order. He’s an amnesiac with far too much skill with the force to be turned away, not that it was easy for the council to decide. Scar fights tooth and nail for that decision to be made, having been the one to rescue Grian.
Grians memories come back fractured, cracked, through confusing dreams and visions of things he should recognize. He was involved in a mysterious and ominous force cult, the Watchers, who were obsessed with the omniscient powers the force could bring. Seeing what is, what has been, what will be, and always hungry for more.
He’s often struck with visions, sometimes helpful, sometimes not, often debilitating until he can unlearn the way the watchers taught him to seek them out rather than building shields to avoid constant connection to the force. Until then, he has to piece together his visions to figure out just what he used to be, and how to stop what they’re planning next.
This leads him and Scar to quite the adventure, along with Ren - a spacer who will take anyone anywhere if they’ve got the credits. He used to be a king on his home planet, until his kingdom was overthrown and he had to flee. Now he’s constantly on the move, making money where he can, and learning that there’s more to the galaxy then both nobility and war.
Xisuma is a senatorial aid for some Senator in the republic - for who, what planet, is inconsequential. What does matter is what he overhears one day, whispers of a nefarious plot that he clearly was never meant to witness. Plans on getting Senator Dream elected Chancellor, murmurs of dissent and planets wanting to secede, political plots that he’s far over his head in dealing with.
Cub and Mumbo are top scientists, well renowned and respected in the republic, with top level clearance for all the latest projects. They work on prototype weapons and defenses especially, while their colleague Zedaph works more on the biology side of things. He’s taken on to a top secret project, picked back up by Chancellor Dream when he takes office, and really cannot talk about it - and Cub and Mumbo grow very concerned at their own work, and the way Zedaph seems to disappear.
Doc has long since quit his scientific work for the republic, instead using his technical know how to find work in the outer rim, making money for taking odd jobs offered by questionable people and then doing what he can for the less fortunate. He’s less than pleased when he starts getting tracked down by the republic to work for them again, personally asked for by the chancellor. Whatever nonsense they want him for, he’s certain it’s some level of unethical, and wants no part of it.
There’s of course more, but these are the most major plot involved characters as of now. Pix has another large chunk of plot that I’m currently fleshing out as well. They all survive order 66, they all play some sort of role afterwards.
The main story’s theme is quite a few different things. A lot of discussion of what the jedi order should have been as opposed to what they were. About emotional regulation and feeling your feelings instead of blocking it all away. A lot of politics and commentary on it, a lot about fascism and how it rises. How to live with grief and to continue even after it feels like the end of everything. How hope is always there so long as there is life, and what that means for different people.
If not happy endings, then hopeful endings. And found family of course.
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