#comes out from my hole 5000000 years later and replies 2 this
lifeguilt-blog · 7 years
@dusk-hero​. ;;
The blade at his throat was cool, the edge sharp and biting. Still, Kureto did not panic or falter. Instead, he met the eyes of the person who was at the other end of the threat, curiously.
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“You won’t do that.” Calm, steadily, he spoke. “You may hate me, but you will not kill a Hiragi. You know the consequences of that, Ichinose Guren. Would you really take my life at the cost of your own, those of your subordinates?”
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                    KURETO’S words only served to tighten Guren’s grip on his sword. He knew the Hiiragi heir had a point. He wouldn’t. He COULDN’T. Not without living with the consequences. And the worst part was admitting that he was right. He was but a caged bird in the Hiiragi’s midst -- he had the freedom to spread his wings and fly, but ultimately, even that false feeling of freedom was only granted to him by the Hiiragi themselves. He commanded an entire company despite his young age with only his charisma to serve him, but he knew that at any time, he was to send them to their deaths if the orders given to him were as such. Lips pursed themselves, teeth ground themselves against each other and the ebony-coloured blade that rested rather snugly against the taller man’s Adam’s apple wavered slightly. He trembled, not out of fear, but because of the sheer effort of BARELY controlling his frustration. “They had nothing to do with this. Sayuri, Shigure... You were supposed to be interrogating ME. Leave them out of it.”
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