#commercial bain maries
Simco talks about the main features & elements of commercial bain marie
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Simco has uploaded a new blog post on the Simco portal. The agency has elaborated on the various features of commercial Bain Marie. It has listed some factors that you should consider before you buy it. The post's primary purpose is to mention the attributes of the device. Besides, it talks about the points one should be aware of before buying it. Many contributors have crafted the blog. These include content writers and graphic designers. Besides, these include individuals with unparalleled specialisation in the catering sector. 
One top officer in the company says, " The device in the content is like a typical double-boiler. It is also known as a water bath. The process used in this appliance includes heating water placed in a container. Once done, one must place another small utensil inside the first one heated by the water. So, it assists in cooking food and keeps the food hot over a specific period. Nowadays, one uses the term loosely to mean the pans utilised in the pantry. The appliance takes minimal time to reheat large piles of frozen goods within a minimal time. But, one needs the devices. This is because you must bring the temperature down precisely before serving. The reason is every hospitality venture employs durable cooling solutions. It helps stock the ingredients and cooked items. 
The team explained the Bain Marie mechanism. In it, the machine heats the water and spreads it around the pan to heat the ingredients put in the vessel. This product is created in such a way as to ensure the proper cooking of delicate food items like custard. Besides, this product consists of a steamer below the outer pot. It provides adequate warming for your delicacies. One could buy the items from top commercial Bain Marie suppliers in Sydney & Melbourne. The blog intends to make them aware of its various features and factors."
Simco talks about one primary consideration before buying the product. It is deciding the reason for buying the product. The content stresses that the device serves a specific purpose. It may be indispensable for many businesses. So, one needs to determine whether they need the product in their kitchen. The blog further says that this product is available in many places. These include restaurants, pubs, cafes, food manufacturing organisations, and supermarkets. But, one has to do due diligence before deciding to buy it.
There's another factor one should check before buying the product. It's checking the temperature control feature. The write-up states that the commercial Bain Marie consists of thermostatic temperature controls. These controls enable the kitchen staff to set temperatures as required. This feature ensures the precise heating of eatables at display locations. This feature is exemplary. It provides the benefit of removing bacteria and other pollutants. But, one has to ensure the proper functioning of this attribute before procuring the item.
There's another crucial consideration before buying the appliance. It is to check the substance employed to create the item. According to the content, many equipment variants are available in the market. All of them are designed with different materials. But, the blog elaborates that stainless steel is the most used and recommended item. This is because it is durable and very useful. The substance also quickly warms your delicacies and ensures that it remains heated.
To know more about other crucial factors written in the blog, visit https://simcogroup.com.au/.
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titleleaf · 2 years
Experiments In Early Victorian Skincare: A White Lip-Salve
(Find previous posts in this series here.) Finally, a perfectly ordinary skincare item just like every other lip balm and lip oil and lip tint I own, right down to the mutton suet content.
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Who's ready to get just so kissable?
Put eight ounces of the best olive oil into a wide-mouthed bottle, add two ounces of the small parts of alkanet-root. Stop up the bottle, and set it in the sun; shake it often, until it be of a beautiful crimson. Now strain the oil off very clear from the roots, and add to it, in a glazed pipkin, three ounces of very fine white wax, and the same quantity of fresh clean mutton suet. […] Melt this on a slow fire, and perfume it when taken off, with forty drops of oil of rhodium, or of lavender. When cold, put it into small gallipots, or rather whilst in a liquid state. […] This salve never fails to cure chopped [i.e. chapped] or sore lips, if applied pretty freely at bed-time, in the course of a day or two at farthest.
This may be made as above, except in the use of alkanet root, which is to be left out. Though called lip-salve, this composition is seldom applied to the lips; its principal use consisting in curing sore nipples, for which it is an excellent remedy.
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Citing this receipt is an absolute headache -- with minor variations this basic formulation for both red and white salve shows up in texts from the 1810s to the 1850s. You can find it in The Complete Servant, A New Collection Of Genuine Receipts, Mackenzie's Five Thousand Receipts... I swear this shit is like recipe blogging, minus the long copyrightable prelude. Tl;;dr, this recipe would have been in contemporary use at the time of the final Franklin expedition, but it would scarcely have been brand new.
Batch One
almond oil
raw cocoa butter
sweet orange oil
Geogard ECT (a lip-safe, broad-spectrum natural preservative -- I bought it with watery pomatum use in mind but figured, fuck it)
Okay, so I lied about the suet, I'm sorry and I'll try to do better in the future. This is absolutely the most normie of these recipes as far as I'm concerned, after reluctantly subbing out the aforementioned mutton suet for an equally fragrant but much more anodyne fat, cocoa butter. It's a pretty standard recipe for a firm salve like I'd make with any other infused oil, though I'm skipping the alkanet here for firm and masculine Royal Navy reasons. Everything melted together readily enough in my DIY bain-marie, but I first smelled trouble when the fully melted liquid in the boiler had its own separated particles of fat. While the liquid still poured like a dream the resulting salve had tiny, faintly gritty blooms from the cocoa butter component on top as soon as it had cooled. The odor of raw cocoa butter — not unpleasant but definitely bitter — warred with the smell of orange oil, and while the consistency is certainly pleasant enough on the lip it wasn't everything I'd hoped for. I'm pretty spoiled for only the most modern and standardized commercial projects, so this minor variation troubled me.
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Batch Two (pictured here alongside some cold cream tins)
olive oil
shea butter
sweet orange oil
Geogard ECT
For batch two, I did indeed use olive oil, paired with shea butter as has become my usual suet/tallow substitute in these experiments, but I found myself with a problem I hadn't considered: what, to an early Victorian, makes olive oil "the best"? We can probably assume this excludes obviously-oxidized, rancid, or adulterated oil, but would a Victorian cook prefer a pungent, peppery oil or a mild one? Would they be accustomed to working with a Mediterranean mainstay like olive oil at all?
Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management gives an outline on the uses of olives and their oil that sure makes it sound like a common enough ingredient in the middle-class English home, albeit one of limited usage:
There are three kinds of olives imported to London,-- the French, Spanish, and Italian: the first are from Provence, and are generally accounted excellent; the second are larger, but more bitter; and the last are from Lucca, and are esteemed the best. The oil extracted from olives, called olive oil, or salad oil, is, with the continentals, in continual request, more dishes being prepared with than without it, we should imagine. With us, it is principally used in mixing a salad, and when thus employed, it tends to prevent fermentation, and is an antidote against flatulency.
But Mrs. Beeton gives us no clues about what flavor profile is to be preferred or how to distinguish a good olive oil from a bad one. Modern preferences regarding olive oil in the US and UK alike are shaped by 20th-21st century fashions in cuisine and diet, from Tuscan cooking and the Mediterranean diet to concerns about free radicals and triglycerides -- I prepared this batch of salve with the tail end of a bottle of imported EVOO, certainly a product of all those influences -- but after all, we're not eating this stuff outright, we're just rubbing it on our lips, or nipples. The perfumer Charles Lillie makes an assertion about the forms of olive oil most suitable for mixing with fragrance:
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(He also marks out the best olive oil in terms of its price -- fourteen shillings per gallon in 1825, around £52 GBP adjusted very broadly for inflation. Which doesn't help me now, but ok, cool.)
What if we look earlier? Friedrich Christian Accum's 1822 treatise on the adulteration of commercial goods warns of the risk of contamination with lead, and of the deliberate dilution of olive oil with other oils like poppyseed, not unlike the modern traffic in counterfeit EVOO. "Good olive oil," by Accum's definition, "should have a pale yellow colour, somewhat inclining to green; a bland taste, without smell; and should congeal at 38 degrees Fahrenheit." So it certainly sounds like the pungent, peppery oil I might use for the dinner table (or indeed on a salad) is right out, but gorgeous Georgians and vile Victorians were out here performing DIY tests for detecting adulterated oil just like I am when I get paranoid about my California Olive Ranch EVOO being secretly 90% canola or something.
Olive oil was even more popular with 19th century pharmacists than with salad-makers due to its abundance of applications, both external and internal. (In the spirit of my original meta, I have to say here: lube.) Even so, would a salve like this one really find its place aboard a polar expeditionary ship? A rosy alkanet lip stain is right out for most occasions, but chapped lips and chapped nipples are facts of life in all climates, and I don't have any reason to think personal sundries along the lines of Crozier's ill-fated tea and sugar would be excluded from officers' belongings, perhaps those of ordinary ratings as well.
Gentlemen in the civilian world and Royal Navy alike might stock their own medicine chests for travel and day-to-day use; these chests contained independently-sourced materials making for a range of self-treatment options for complaints both minor and major. The National Maritime Museum currently holds one of Sir John Franklin's own medicine chests, looking very handsome with brass fittings and its own set of scales for dosing; fellow Arctic explorer and Franklin searcher Sir William Edward Parry owned another glorious example of the same, handsomely made and stocked with painkillers, laxatives, and much more. Judging by its survival it's evident Franklin's own chest wasn't recovered from any wreck, but we know that the final Franklin expedition carried at least one communal medicine chest aboard, as it was found abandoned at Victory Point.
This chest isn't one of the luxe private articles marketed to gentlemen like Franklin and Parry but a prosaic piece of luggage intended for organization-wide use. Alongside opium, camphor, ginger, and Tolu balsam the Victory Point chest contained peppermint oil and a two-ounce bottle of olive oil. No one would waste such things on a remedy for chapped lips, certainly not at the "abandoning our ships and sledging to our doom" stage of the expedition, but it seems plausible enough to me that the private version of one of these chests might contain a personal care product like this one, whether homemade by a loved one or purchased as a commercial item from the same pharmacist who sourced the more potent medical preparations alongside it. Maybe more realistically, such an item would find its place alongside hairbrushes and tooth powders -- as more and more materials are able to be recovered from the wrecks of Erebus and Terror, I'll be really interested to see what further personal items are able to be recovered.
If you're interested in the contents of these personal medicine chests and that of the Franklin expedition chest, please run, don't walk, to Dr. Marieke M.A. Hendriksen's wonderful paper "Consumer Culture, Self-Prescription, and Status: Nineteenth-Century Medicine Chests in the Royal Navy". (Hendriksen does wonderful work around the material culture of medicine in general and I'm so jealous in the best way of her work around Early Modern consumption and taste.) Richard J. Cyriax's 1947 article "A Historic Medicine Chest" treats the individual contents of the Franklin chest in some detail, and is absolutely worth a read. There's another topical remedy for skin ailments lurking in Cyriax's account of the medicine chest contents that I'll be getting to very soon in this experimental series…
Would there be any interest in a tinted version of this salve that does incorporate an alkanet infusion? I've made so many individual salves and balms and whatnot as a part of this project that I'm planning on putting them up for sale on BigCartel; Etsy would be way more convenient apart from every other thing wrong with Etsy as a selling host. Let me know too if there's any other kind of receipt recipe from this era you'd be interested in seeing and trying, even if it's more likely to be found in the civilian world than at sea.
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nzdepot · 1 day
$297.25 $130.79 SOGA 2X Aluminium Oven Baking Pan Cooking Tray for Baker Gastronorm 60*40*5cm - Baking Trays - GastronormPlate6040X2 https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/soga-2x-aluminium-oven-baking-pan-cooking-tray-for-baker-gastronorm-60405cm-baking-trays-gastronormplate6040x2/?feed_id=173949&_unique_id=66efcee1d0f79 Features: SOGA Aluminum Gastronorm Pan is a standard size that fits into universal racks, heating elements, and walk-in coolers. Suitable For Bain Marie / Gastronorm Trolleys and Insulated Pan Carriers This standard is made to rationalize the working processes in food industry operations by creating a high level of compatibility with kitchen equipment. Inclined edge They have seamless construction and are durable, corrosion-resistant, and non-tarnishing. It does not react to any food and protects flavors. Suitable for heavy commercial use such as hotel, restaurant, buffet, catering party portions, cooking, and more. Specifications: Material: Aluminium Dimension: 60*40*5cm Available: Set of 10, […] #
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Fielding Mellish: Woody Allen Nancy: Louise Lasser General Emilio M. Vargas: Carlos Montalbán Yolanda: Nati Abascal Esposito: Jacobo Morales Luis: Miguel Ángel Suárez Diaz: René Enríquez Arroyo: Jack Axelrod Himself: Howard Cosell Mrs. Ruth Mellish: Charlotte Rae Dr. Al Mellish: Stanley Ackerman J. Edgar Hoover: Dorothi Fox Paul: Eddie Barth Semple: Conrad Bain British Ambassador: Baron De Beer Man On Cross: Allen Garfield Himself: Roger Grimsby Himself: Don Dunphy Priest: Dan Frazer Dr. Feigen: Martha Greenhouse Man Tortured: Axel Anderson Perez: El Tigre Pérez Judge: Arthur Hughes Prosecutor: John Braden Policeman: Ted Chapman Sharon: Dagne Crane Douglas: Nicholas Saunders The Interpreter: Eulogio Peraza Senator: Norman Evans FBI Man #1: Bob O’Connell FBI Man #2: Robert Dudley Norma: Marilyn Hengst FBI Security: Ed Crowley FBI Security: Beeson Carroll Snake Bite Lady: Princess Fatosh Cigarette Commercial Man: Dick Callinan Patient in Operating Room: Hy Anzell Subway Thug #1 (uncredited): Sylvester Stallone Woman in Hotel Lobby Cheering Honeymoon (uncredited): Mary Jo Catlett …: Tino García Sanchez: David Ortiz Angleró Film Crew: Screenplay: Woody Allen Screenplay: Mickey Rose Producer: Axel Anderson Producer: Antonio Encarnacion Producer: Jack Grossberg Executive Producer: Charles H. Joffe Producer: Manolo Villamil Executive Producer: Jack Rollins Original Music Composer: Marvin Hamlisch Director of Photography: Andrew M. Costikyan Editor: Ron Kalish Associate Producer: Ralph Rosenblum Production Design: Ed Wittstein Orchestrator: Ralph Burns Music Supervisor: Felix Giglio Sound Effects Editor: John Strauss Unit Production Manager: Morton Gorowitz Production Secretary: Noni Rock Producer’s Assistant: Henry Polonsky First Assistant Director: Fred T. Gallo Script Supervisor: Barbara Robinson Location Manager: William Eustace Casting: Vicky Hernández Transportation Captain: Richard Augustine Transportation Captain: Harry J. Leavey Unit Publicist: Samuel D. Berns Title Designer: Norman Gorbaty Set Decoration: Herbert F. Mulligan Special Effects: Don B. Courtney Gaffer: Robert A. Hudecek Key Grip: Michael Mahony Property Master: Connie Brink Costume Design: Gene Coffin Wardrobe Supervisor: Martin Gaiptman Makeup Artist: Guy Del Russo Sound: Nathan Boxer Sound: James Sabat Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Al Gramaglia Assistant Editor: Susan Behr Still Photographer: Jack Stager Movie Reviews:
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tulsiironworks · 3 months
Cake Display Counter Manufacturer
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We, Tulsi Iron Works from 2007 are one of the famous manufacturer and supplier of an extensive array of Cooking Range, SS Counter, SS Service Trolley, SS Storage Rack and much more.
Cake Display Counter Manufacturer
Our offered range consists of best grade Three Burner Cooking Range, Two Burner Chinese Cooking Range, SS Namkeen Display Counter, SS Cake Display Counter, Stainless Steel Display Counter, Stainless Steel Tea Counter, SS Commercial Pizza Oven, Stainless Steel Deep Fryer, SS Hotel Service Trolley, Stainless Steel Bain Marie Counter and many more.
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 These products are designed under the direction of designers using high-quality SS with the set market norms. The products we are offering are admired for their elegant designs, crack resistance, and perfect finishing. These are available in different sizes, designs and other requirements as per the various choice of our clients.
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Our organization is backed by a sound infrastructure that is full of all the equipment. It has been divided into designing, manufacturing, quality control, warehousing, and packaging unit. Moreover, this facilitates quality testing units of the design SS kitchen equipment, to make sure that these meet the quality standards.
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dina300794 · 8 months
Commercial Planetary Mixers: An Essential Tool for Chocolatiers
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When it comes to crafting exquisite chocolates, the precision and artistry involved demand the right set of tools. Among the essential equipment that every chocolatier should have in their kitchen arsenal is the commercial planetary mixer. This versatile appliance goes beyond the realm of baking and finds a crucial place in the world of chocolate making, offering benefits that elevate the entire chocolate production process. In this blog post, we'll delve into why commercial planetary mixers are considered indispensable tools for chocolatiers.
Homogeneous Chocolate Blending:
Commercial planetary mixers are designed to provide thorough and homogeneous blending of ingredients. In chocolate making, achieving a smooth and consistent texture is paramount. The qt equipment mixer's planetary motion ensures that all components, including cocoa mass, sugar, and cocoa butter, are blended seamlessly, resulting in a velvety chocolate mixture.
Precise Temperature Control:
Temperature control is a critical factor in chocolate crafting. Commercial planetary mixers often come equipped with features like variable speed settings and temperature control options. Chocolatiers can precisely adjust the mixing speed and temperature, allowing them to create chocolates with the perfect texture and flavor profile.
Efficient Melting and Tempering:
Melting and tempering chocolate are delicate processes that require precision and control. Commercial planetary mixers often include attachments like a heating element or a bain-marie, facilitating efficient and controlled melting of chocolate. This ensures that chocolatiers can achieve the ideal tempering conditions for glossy, smooth, and perfectly crystallized chocolate.
Versatility in Recipe Development:
Chocolatiers are known for their creativity, and qt equipment commercial planetary mixers support this by offering a range of attachments. From whisk attachments for aerating chocolate ganache to paddle attachments for incorporating inclusions, these mixers provide the versatility needed for experimenting with diverse chocolate recipes.
Time and Labor Efficiency:
Chocolate making is a time-consuming process, and efficiency is key for chocolatiers managing high production volumes. Commercial planetary mixers significantly reduce the manual labor involved in mixing and kneading, allowing chocolatiers to focus on refining their craft and developing unique chocolate creations.
Consistent Quality in Large Batches:
For chocolatiers catering to commercial demands, consistency in quality across large batches is non-negotiable. Commercial planetary mixers qt equipment, with their robust build and capacity, ensure that each batch of chocolate maintains the same high standard, whether producing small artisanal batches or large-scale commercial quantities.
Easy Cleanup and Maintenance:
Time spent on cleanup is time taken away from crafting delectable chocolates. Commercial planetary mixers are designed with easy-to-clean features, making the post-production process efficient. Removable bowls, dishwasher-safe attachments, and accessible components contribute to a hassle-free cleaning routine.
In the world of chocolate making, where precision and consistency are paramount, commercial planetary mixers stand out as indispensable tools for chocolatiers. From achieving the perfect blend to ensuring efficient melting and tempering, these mixers contribute significantly to the art and science of crafting exceptional chocolates. Investing in a high-quality qt equipment commercial planetary mixer is not just a practical choice; it's a step toward elevating the entire chocolate-making experience and delighting the taste buds of discerning chocolate enthusiasts.
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The Bain Marie counter stands as a stalwart workhorse, playing a crucial role in maintaining the quality and consistency of dishes.
To explores the importance of Bain Marie in commercial kitchens and how they contribute to the overall success of foodservice operations by clicking here: https://deepamkitchen.com/2023/10/28/bain-marie-counter-manufacturer/
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homeandliving · 11 months
Unlocking Culinary Excellence: The Versatility of the Bain Marie
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In the world of culinary arts, precision, control, and finesse are essential to creating exquisite dishes. Among the many tools that elevate a chef's expertise, the Bain Marie is an invaluable kitchen workhorse. Also known as a water bath or double boiler, the Bain Marie offers many uses that extend far beyond its simple appearance. In this article, we explore the versatility of the bain marie and the many ways it enhances cooking techniques and culinary experiences.
The Bain Marie: A Culinary Chameleon
The Bain Marie, a humble yet highly versatile kitchen equipment, consists of two containers: an inner container and an outer container filled with hot water. The inner container is placed in the outer container, and the water provides gentle, even heat for cooking or warming delicate dishes. This setup lends itself to various culinary applications, making the Bain Marie a true chameleon in the kitchen.
Delicate Chocolate Tempering
One of Bain Marie's most celebrated uses is chocolate tempering. Achieving perfectly tempered chocolate is crucial in creating glossy, well-textured confections. The gentle and controlled heat of the Bain Marie ensures that the chocolate melts smoothly without overheating or burning. Whether crafting truffles, dipping strawberries, or moulding intricate chocolate decorations, the Bain Marie is your trusty ally.
Exquisite Custards and Sauces
Custards and sauces, like crème brûlée or hollandaise sauce, demand precision in temperature control. Overcooking or curdling can lead to undesirable results. The Bain Marie offers a steady and gentle heat source that keeps these delicate creations at the ideal temperature, ensuring a silky-smooth texture and consistent results.
Melting Butter and Other Ingredients
When a recipe calls for melting butter without scorching, the Bain Marie is your solution. It ensures even, controlled melting, essential in baking and sauce preparation. You can also use it to melt chocolate, cheese, or other ingredients that require careful heating.
Reheating Prepared Dishes
Reheating quiches, flans, or casseroles can be a delicate process. The Bain Marie is perfect for gently and evenly reheating prepared dishes without altering their texture or taste. It's an excellent choice for keeping your culinary creations pristine when it's time to enjoy leftovers.
Buffet and Entertaining Assistance
A Bain Marie is a lifesaver when hosting a buffet or elaborate dinner. It can keep prepared dishes warm and ready for serving, ensuring that guests are treated to hot, delectable meals. It's an invaluable tool for those who enjoy entertaining and want to maintain the integrity of their culinary creations.
Scientific and Molecular Gastronomy
In the realm of modern cuisine and molecular gastronomy, the Bain Marie plays a pivotal role. Precise temperature control is essential when working with gelatin, sous-vide cooking, or creating foams. The Bain Marie provides the controlled heating environment necessary for these avant-garde techniques.
Selecting the Right Bain Marie
Choosing the right Bain Marie for your culinary needs is crucial. Here are some considerations:
Size: Opt for a size that suits your kitchen space and intended applications. Smaller models are suitable for home use, while larger, commercial-grade Bain Maries are designed for high-volume cooking.
Material: Stainless steel is a common choice for Bain Marie containers, as it's durable, non-reactive, and easy to clean. The choice of material depends on your kitchen's specific use and requirements.
Temperature Control: Look for models with precise temperature control features, such as adjustable thermostats or digital displays. Accurate control is crucial for culinary applications that demand precision.
Durability: A durable construction ensures the longevity of your Bain Marie. The quality of materials and workmanship should be considered when making your choice.
Ease of Cleaning: Opt for models with components that are easy to clean and maintain. Removable parts and dishwasher-safe components are highly convenient.
Culinary Excellence with a Bain Marie
The Bain Marie is an unsung hero in the culinary world, offering a wide range of uses that elevate cooking techniques and enhance culinary experiences. From chocolate tempering to exquisite custards and sauces, delicate ingredient melting, and the preservation of prepared dishes, the Bain Marie demonstrates its culinary prowess. In the ever-evolving cooking landscape, it also plays a vital role in scientific and molecular gastronomy.
For those who aspire to culinary excellence, the Bain Marie is more than just a kitchen tool; it's a partner in precision, ensuring that your culinary creations meet the highest standards. Whether you're a home cook or a professional chef, a Bain Marie is a culinary essential that unlocks the door to perfection in your kitchen. So, embrace Bain Marie's versatility and experience its culinary possibilities, all while taking your cooking skills to the next level.
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chefstylekitchen · 1 year
Table Top Bain Marie Counter Manufacturers in Trichy, Madurai are one of the most important pieces of kitchen equipment that are used in all commercial kitchens.
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klikpath01 · 1 year
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Our specialization is in the field of manufacturing commercial kitchen equipments in Bangalore. Some of our products are ovens, deep fat fryer, bain marie, plate warmer, ovens, trolleys, hot case, pickup counter, plate warmer, exhaust systems, service counter, sweet display counters, glass display units, pizza counter, bakery display counters, refrigerators, water sinks, storage racks and all kinds of hotelware. Nearly a decade of experience in fabricating kitchen and hotel equipments has helped us to grow stronger in the market. Our products are used in hotels, restaurants, hostels, banquet halls, hospitals, industrial canteens, resorts, clubs, choultries and educational institutions. We are also one of the very few suppliers of imported kitchen equipments in Bangalore.
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We are “KTM Engineering Solution” we offers products as per the market demand. Our firm is situated at Ayyappakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Since 2016, with the expert professional’s team and advanced technology, we are engaged in the business of manufacturing of qualitative assortment comprises Bain Marie Counter, Kitchen Equipment, Material Handling Trolley, Storage Rack, Industrial Storage Bin, Dining Chair and more.
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heavybao · 1 year
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Electric Bain Marie With Cabinet - - - - Worktop in stainless steel. Incoloy stainless steel heating elements positioned out of the basin. Electronic regulation of power. Large stainless steel basin to facilitate cleaning operations. Front drain cock with safety system to avoid accidental opening. #heavybao #trolley #servicetrolley #servingtrolley #worktable #stainlesssteelworktable #waterurn #waterboiler #gnpan #gnpan #gncontainer #kitchenequipment #cateringequipment#chafingdish #buffet #kitchentools #kitchenware #wallshelf #kitchenshelf #handsink #kitchensink (在 Guangdong Heavybao Commercial Kitchenware Co., Ltd.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Crvf9NAvlsI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marie-bradshaw · 2 years
Marie et les bains coréens
Aloha chers lecteurs,
Cette semaine je suis en Corée pour étudier leur façon d'aborder le skincare et les produits de clean beauty que je n'aurais pas déjà repérés.
Dans la tradition coréenne, les bains publics sont importants.
Bien qu'ils existent depuis des siècles, leur expansion date du dernier, vers 1925, alors que le pays est encore sous domination japonaise.
On les appelle "jimjillbang" ou "mokioktang", et on en décompte plus de 200 dans Séoul, signalés par un sourire avec trois volutes de fumée au-dessus.
Les logements n'étant historiquement pas équipés de salles de bains au siècle dernier, la population venait se laver/detoxifier ici.
L'entrée est de 10 000 won, soit 7€ et vous pouvez prendre un massage traditionnel avec gommage obligatoire avec, en supplément.
Ici hommes et femmes sont séparés, je ne savais pas encore pourquoi, j'ai vite compris.
La tenancière de l'établissement me saute dessus en bas une escaliers pour que j'enlève mes chaussures et les dépose dans un casier.
C'est vrai que les asiatiques ne rigolent pas avec les chaussures à l'intérieur, elles sont toujours retirées à l'entrée, et c'est clairement pas ça qui les a empêchés de prendre plusieurs méchantes vagues de Covid... Mais ok.
A la vue de la taille minuscule du casier, je tente de lui faire comprendre que mes affaire ne vont pas rentrer dedans.
Elle me fait signe qu'il y'a d'autre casiers pour les affaires, ça c'est pour les chaussures juste.
Ah. Très bien.
Je m'exécute sagement et commence à enfiler cette petite merveille de maillot de bain que j'ai mis 2h à trouver dans un centre commercial de la taille de St Germain Des Près, en me perdant trois fois dans le métro aller/retour.
Justement parce que je n'en avais pas pris dans ma valise.
Une pure merveille dénichée chez Oysho, une pièce à découpes vert fluo.
Bref, je l'enfile un sourire aux lèvres et il me va à la perfection, ouf!
La doyenne qui ne m'avait pas quitté des yeux, en même temps j'étais la seule non coréenne dans ces bains, me fait signer de le retirer tout de suite.
Ah, vraiment?
Parce que là c'est à dire que j'ai pas eu le temps de faire mes abdos aujourd'hui et bon voyez' ça me gêne un peu quand même!
Là je regarde autour de moi, et mes yeux sont assaillis de corps nus.
Vieux, jeunes, flasques, moins flasques, il y'a de tout sauf de la pudeur.
Ok bon, je vois qu'il n'y a pas de honte à avoir ici et que c'est un lieu pour les femmes, par les femmes, sans jugement, que ce soit de ta ligne, de ton épilation du maillot ou dans mon cas des tatouages, pas toujours très bien vus à l'étranger.
Je suis d'ailleurs la seule à en porter, et pas qu'un peu.
Force est de constater que je suis aussi la plus musclée du groupe de vingt femmes présentes ici.
D'un coup j'ai l'impression d'être une guerrière samouraï, et j'avance la tête haute.
Les yeux s'arrêtent sur mon encre, mon épilation en ticket de métro typiquement européenne, face à un "au naturel" total côté Asie.
Mais personne ne me dévisage, le respect est l'ingrédient clef ici.
Plusieurs bains s'offrent à moi, un chaud à l'eau salée, deux bouillants à l'eau douce, une mini-piscine à l'eau froide, un sauna et un hammam.
Des tables de massage sont installées à l'entrée des bains et je vois trois femmes en sous-vêtements, les seules habillées, s'appliquer dans leurs gommages à leurs clientes comme si leurs vies en dépendaient.
Elles me font signe de me doucher puis d'entrer dans les bain bouillant et j'y reste une dizaine de minutes avant de partir me rafraîchir dans l'eau glacée, les nanas rentrent dedans sans sourciller, et je me sens un peu ridicule de hausser les sourcils au ciel et de laisser échapper un "OH LA VACHE" en me glissant dedans, à la vitesse d'une tortue handicapée en fin de vie.
On revient me chercher rapidement pour que je retourne au bouillant, et je ne comprends pas vraiment pourquoi.
"Elles veulent peut-être attendrir la chair de la poule avant de la gommer et de la masser dans tous les sens"
Bon, ok, j'abdique, et me replonge dans l'eau à 40 degrés.
Une mamie déjà bien submergée par l'eau me fait signe que je peux me rapprocher des bulles au centre.
"Nan mais là si je cuis plus on va pouvoir me servir à dîner je te le dis"
Puis c'est à mon tour de m'allonger sur leurs tables de massages.
"Let's goooo!"
Je demande à la masseuse de quel côté je dois me placer, et vu que personne ne parle anglais ici, on échange avec des signes dignes de ta meilleure partie de Pictionary.
Et c'est parti.
De ma vie, j'en ai testé des massages/gommages, mais encore jamais rien de pareil.
Commençons par le gommage, elle me fait tourner sur chaque côté de mon anatomie pour bien passer trois fois le gant et le sucre gommant, avec la force d'une acharnée.
Ca en est douloureux, je peux vous le dire.
Mais là je crois que niveaux peaux mortes du corps tu peux pas encore en avoir à la fin de ce truc, impossible.
Gare aux peaux trop sensibles, ceci n'est clairement pas pour vous.
Vient ensuite le rinçage au seau d'eau puis le massage corps complet avec soin du visage (80 000 won avec le gommage, soit 60€, bien moins cher que chez nous parce qu'il n'y a que des locaux, comptez le triple facile dans un SPA touristique).
Elle m'applique généreusement une huile de massage et je me dis "ça y est je vais pouvoir me détendre".
A la façon thaïlandaise, elle masse les nerfs, s'applique sur les points de pression de la médecine chinoise, et me tord dans tous les sens, monte sur mon dos en tenant mes bras en arrière, me balance de grandes claques sur les épaules, et va jusqu'à chercher les nerfs de ma mâchoire pour les forcer à se relâcher.
Douloureux. Absolument pas relaxant, mais diablement efficace.
Ensuite c'est le tour de mon visage, elle me donne un nettoyant doux à grains, que je n'applique qu'à moitié, les grains même doux étant bien trop abrasifs pour la finesse de la peau du visage.
Qui n'exfolient pas vraiment par-dessus le marché.
Je me rince, et reviens sur sa table, elle me fait glisser d'un côté à l'autre sur le ventre façon toupie, et j'avoue que ça me fait rire.
Pas de chichis entre nous, on est là pour être efficaces.
Elle applique des serviettes bouillantes sur mon corps avant de continuer le massage, et commence à mettre des tranches de concombre glacées sur mon visage.
Parfait pour la micro-circulation tout ça.
Moi qui les voyais couper ce légume aux vertus humectantes toute à l'heure en pensant que c'était leur casse-croûte, je vois que non.
Ensuite, elle m'enroule le visage d'une toile respirante, assez surprenant, et applique une p��te assez lourde.
Elle me retourne encore et cette fois c'est le tour de mon crâne d'être soigné entre ses mains expertes à défaut d'être délicates.
On commence par défaire mes cheveux, les mouiller, les shampouiner, et sachant que je viens de devenir blonde avec tout ce que ça implique niveau soins et produits spécifiques à appliquer pour ne pas perdre mes cheveux, je grince un peu des dents mais choisis de vivre l'expérience jusqu'au bout.
Je constate que les claques ne sont pas réservées au corps et elle tape également la longueur de mes cheveux, juste lavés.
Pourquoi? Aucune idée.
Peut-être pour leur dire "on arrête de déconner et on rentre dans le rang maintenant!" je m'amuse à penser.
Les points de pression qu'elle exerce sur mon crâne me font un bien fou et je sens quelque chose se relâcher, tout ce qui me préoccupe en ce moment sûrement.
Vient le tour du soin puis elle me refait un bun et me fait savoir que c'est terminé.
Alleluïa !
Je la remercie en me penchant en avant avec les mains jointes comme pour prier, leur signe local emprunté à la culture japonaise.
Tellement huileuse, que si tu me touches tu glisses à coup sûr.
On termine avec un coup de sauna, où je retrouve deux femmes de la quarantaine, assises par terre avec un saut que j'identifie rapidement comme étant du sel.
Elles me font signe que je peux me gommer avec, et je tente de leur expliquer que j'y suis déjà passée vingt minutes...
Puis l'une d'entre elles me baragouine dans un anglais approximatif qu'elle apprécie mes tatouages et me demande ce que la sainte sur le côté signifie.
J'avoue que je n'ai aucune idée de la religion pratiquée ici, une recherche Google me dira plus tard que 46% sont bouddhiste, 52% protestants ou catholiques et quelques uns chamanistes.
Je lui explique que c'est Sainte Marie, et que celle là en particulier s'appelle une "Santa Dolorosa" typique du sud de l'Espagne, d'où j'ai des racines, qu'elle prend toute la douleur du Monde sur elle, a tendance à se sacrifier, et que c'est pour ça qu'elle pleure des larmes de sang.
Je ne pense pas qu'elles aient saisi tout ce monologue passionné, mais j'aurais essayé!
Elle pointe ensuite mon dos, et je me retourne pour lui montrer que c'est une autre version de la même figure emblématique.
Celle-là a eu le coeur transpercé un certain nombre de fois, mais elle a le visage déterminé de celle qui va se battre et répondre, c'est une guerrière bien plus qu'une sainte.
Il est temps de m'extirper de cette torpeur ambiante, les femmes sont assises sur ce qui a l'air de sieges en plastiques pour enfants, occupées à faire leur toilette avec des seaux d'eau, et des stations sont présente de l'autre côté du sas de l'entrée, avec des sèches cheveux à usage payant et des crèmes pour le corps au thé vert.
Je fais donc de la monnaie pour pouvoir me sécher correctement, assise paisiblement, en constatant qu'ici on se sent comme à la maison.
Il règne un air de bienveillance et de respect, qui a le don de vous faire oublier que vous êtes complètement nu/e au milieu d'inconnu/es et on en oublie le temps qui passe.
Un stand de produits de beauté et de boissons se tient entre les casiers et le premier sas, on peut même y acheter des vêtements.
Un écran de TV assez imposant diffuse un soap local, plusieurs tables avec des chaises vous permettent de prendre un instant pour vous ou de vous maquiller avant de vous remêler au tumulte de la ville, le sol est chauffé de telle façon que de marcher pieds nus est un régal, et on ne peut que vouloir prendre le temps de traîner un peu ici, dans cette bulle de bien-être, avant de retrouver pollution et agitation à l'extérieur.
Une fois rentrée à l'hôtel, n'ayant rien mangé de la journée, je prends une salade au café du coin et en trente minutes le choix "sortir pimpée comme jamais dans un bar tendance blindé parce que c'est samedi soir" ou "dormir à vingt heures trente devant Vampire Diaries parce que le massage m'a vidée" se fait plutôt facilement, et je sens au plus profond de moi que les bienfaits de ce moment "detox" ne s'enregistreront qu'avec une bonne nuit de sommeil...
Qui durera douze heures, du jamais vu, pour me réveiller en pleine forme!
Une expérience que je vous recommande donc chaudement si vous vous aventurez dans ces contrées !
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homeandliving09 · 2 years
How to Choose the Right Bain Marie for You
You'll find many different types of bain marie on the market. These can be countertop models or even hot cupboard styles. If you're looking for a new bain-marie, you'll want to learn how to choose the right one.
Hot Cupboard Bain-Marie
A hot cupboard bain marie is used in a variety of businesses. You can use them in takeaway stores, restaurants, buffets, canteens and even in residential care homes. If you are purchasing one for your business, knowing which type is best for your needs is important. The food you serve is a big factor in determining the kind of Bain Marie you should purchase. In addition, you should be sure that you choose the right size. Also, you should clean the unit regularly.
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Hot cupboards have a built-in temperature controller and adjustable thermostat. That allows you to regulate the temperatures and keep them within safe limits. However, it would be best if you also looked for models with fast heat-up times.
A hot cupboard with sliding doors has a bain-marie, cold water connection, removable sliding doors, pilot light, and circuit breaker. The units also feature a heating element under the base for easier cleaning.
Mobile units are a good option. These units should have sturdy castors and manoeuvrable handles. Most manufacturers provide the option to buy mobile or fixed units. Depending on your requirements, consider a countertop model with an open water bath or an enclosed model.
Bain maries are a great addition to any commercial kitchen. Their ability to maintain a consistent temperature is invaluable for delicate cooking. But you must understand how to set the temperature properly before using them.
Countertop Bain-Marie
If you're looking to make a purchase in the kitchen, you'll be glad to know that there are various options. It includes the electric and gas-powered countertop Bain Maries. Choosing the right one for your kitchen will go a long way to ensuring a stress-free day. There is no shortage of countertop cooking equipment options these days, but you'll want to do your homework before making your final selection.
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One thing to consider when shopping for a countertop Bain Marie is the material used to make it. Stainless steel, aluminium and polymer are among the most common materials, but you can also opt for wood or granite if that is more your speed. When choosing a countertop Bain Marie, you'll want to ensure you have the space for it. You'll also want to look at other kitchen amenities like prep sinks, storage and dishwashers.
Having a countertop Bain Marie means you can easily prepare your food in a streamlined fashion. With a countertop Bain Marie, you'll enjoy your lunch without worrying about the meal going cold or getting stained. Lastly, you'll be able to enjoy a nice dinner with your family after a long day at work.
Making Custards in a Bain-Marie
A bain-marie is a fancy name for a water bath. It's a cooking method that creates steam evenly distributed around a custard or other food. It is useful for keeping delicate desserts from overheating or drying out.
A water bath also allows the custard to cook more slowly. Custards are typically cooked in ovenproof dishes, such as ramekins, and then transferred to a larger pan lined with a tea towel to help insulate it from the heat.
The bain-marie is a popular method of making custards. If you're unfamiliar with this technique, you can use a small pan to make the same effect. However, a metal pan will burn the custard more quickly.
Bain-maries are often used for Leche flan. These creamy desserts are made with milk, eggs, and sugar. Traditionally, the ingredients are mixed, poured into ramekins, and then baked in the oven.
A bain-marie is also useful for cooking meat terrines. Terrines are composed of many layers of minced meat and need to be heated gently. To get the best results, stir the custards during the process. Another technique is using a double boiler. A double boiler works similarly to a bain-marie. However, a double boiler is much more compact and requires only a heatproof bowl.
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catherine-geoffray · 2 years
04–01–23 C’est une grande chambre dans un appartement qui vient d’être livré à un couple de retraités. La femme est encore au lit tandis que son mari déjà levé tourne autour. Il attend avec impatience que la grosse couette qu’ils ont commandée leur soit livrée pour pouvoir enfin éteindre la clim. En effet de grosses trappes d’aération s’ouvrent par intermittence pour cracher un air chaud qui les fait suffoquer. Moi aussi, je déteste la clim. Une envie très pressante me fait lâcher un début de pipi sur le parquet que je m’empresse d’essuyer avec un mouchoir en papier avant de me précipiter dans la salle de bain. Comme toutes les pièces, celle-ci est immense. Une construction en bois, ajourée, trône au milieu encadrant un spa. Soudain la pièce se met à bouger. L’appartement se déplace sur un rail circulaire qui nous guide vers le centre commercial situé dans le même ensemble d’immeubles. La porte s’ouvre directement dans un magasin de jouets où mes petits-enfants se ruent sur des figurines de plastique aux tons pastels, rose ou bleu, kitsch et mièvres. Je maudis en bloc le progrès, la clim et le rail qui me propulse malgré moi dans ce temple de la consommation.
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foodequipment101 · 2 years
Bain Marie Reviews
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Using a Bain Marie is a great way to heat and reheat your favourite dishes. Whether making a simple stew or a decadent steamed dessert, the gentle temperature of the Bain Marie will help you maintain the perfect temperature. It can also use to emulsify sauces and melt chocolate. The name of this cooking device is derived from the French term "water bath". It is a small, oven-safe container that holds water for warming or cooking food. It is usually made of stainless steel, although ceramic models are not as standard in commercial settings.
The Bain Marie is a simple piece of equipment. It consists of three essential parts. The outer container is typically made of stainless steel, although ceramic models are also available. The inner container is usually a small pot or bowl. The inner container holds the food, while the outer container is the heat source. The inner container is then transferred to the oven. The outer container can line with a kitchen towel if you prefer. The temperature of the inner container will adjust by changing the liquid in the larger pot.
The name "Bain Marie" can be attributed to the female alchemist Mary, who was known as the prophetess and lived between the 1st and 3rd centuries A.D. She is believed to have invented the Bain Marie to keep her dishes at the proper temperature. However, her invention was more like laboratory equipment than a kitchen appliance.
A modern Bain Marie is similar to a double boiler. However, it is made from a smaller metal cylindrical container placed in a larger pan of hot water. The two pots work together to create a gentle heat that surrounds the food with a uniform temperature.
Traditional, liquid-filled Bain Marie is similar to a double-boiler in that the water acts as an insulator, and the steam created by the water re-distributes the heat around the pan. The main difference is the amount of steam produced. If you don't want to wait for the steam to build up, add a small amount of salt or alcohol to the water. It will lower the boiling point.
A modern, electric "dry-heat" Bain Marie is similar to a traditional liquid-filled version but can be heated faster. It is also less energy-intensive, so it is more environmentally friendly. It is also easier to clean. However, it can dry out hot sauces quickly. Therefore, check the water level regularly and replace it with fresh water. Adding fresh water when you remove food from the pan is also a good idea.
There are also commercial versions of the Bain Marie that can extend the life of foods that have been heated. They are commonly used in assisted buffets and canteens and are also suitable for food displays. They are also available in wet and dry heat versions.
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