greenbaumlaw · 3 years
Consumer Debt vs. Commercial Debt, What’s the Difference?
In this YouTube video, Parris Trimble breaks down the differences between Consumer Debt and Commercial Debt and gives us specific examples of each.
Full Transcript:
Hi, my name is Parris Trimble and I’m an attorney here at Greenbaum Law Group. Greenbaum Law Group is a commercial collection and judgment enforcement firm. Here at Greenbaum Law Group, we only take cases that involve commercial debt and do not take cases that involve consumer debt. You may be wondering what is the difference between commercial and consumer debt. In today’s video, I will give you a brief very general overview of the two types of debt.
Let’s start with consumer debt, this is something we are all too familiar with. Consumer debt is sometimes called retail debt, and it is debt that is incurred by an individual in the course of their daily living. Consumer Debt is the money you owe as a result of purchases that you made for you or your family members. Let’s look at a couple of examples. You go to Macy’s to buy new clothes for your infant and charge it to your Macy’s card, that’s consumer debt. Or perhaps you have termites and you tent your house, money owed to the Exterminator- that’s consumer debt.
Now, let’s look at commercial debt. Commercial debt is typically debt that’s incurred between businesses. Now, it’s even the case if the business is a sole proprietorship or partnership. An example of a commercial debt could be unpaid invoices for a bulk supply of sweatshirts to a retail shop or say I want to start a new pizza parlor and I go out and get a small business loan to start the pizza parlor, the business loan is commercial debt.
Now, let’s look at an item and see how the item could be a commercial debt or a consumer debt. The example I’m going to use is a dining table. If I go out tonight and buy a new dining table for my kitchen at home and put it on my Visa card, that’s consumer debt. However, let’s say I want 20 new dining tables for my pizza parlor, the 20 dining tables for my business is business debt and that is considered a commercial debt.
Originally published at https://collectionlaw.com on April 23, 2021.
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AMP Copy of Improbable Debtor Excuses #15
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In our work, we have found that the vast majority of debtors are good people who have simply fallen on hard times. The best way to get a payment of your debt is to work with them and to provide them with the financial guidance they need to get out of the mess they are in. Unfortunately, not all debtors are so willing to pay. Through our friends in the industry, we have put together this list of absolutely ridiculous debtor excuses. Please take these with the humor that they are intended. Commercial Receivers Incorporated is the lowest cost commercial debt collection agency in the industry. We combine our low costs with our exceptionally high success rate to bring you the best bang for your buck commercial debt collections. We provide you with the lowest rates on collection ranging from 12% to 10%! We believe that it's your money and that you deserve to get as much of it back as possible. Contact Commercial Receivers Incorporated to get back more of what's owed to you. Commercial Receivers Incorporated is a commercial debt collection agency only. If you are looking for the collection of consumer debt, we are not the agency for you. Read the full article
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Delinquent debtors got you down? Are you a business struggling to collect on your accounts receivable? It's time you enlisted the help of a commercial collection agency. Commercial Receivers Incorporated is the lowest cost commercial debt collection agency in the industry. Our competetive rates can be as low as 10% on qualifying claims! Our philosophy is that you are the one who extened the credit, so you deserve to get as much of that back as possible! Contact Commercial Receivers Incorporated today to take back mroe of what's yours. Read the full article
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In our work, we have found that the vast majority of debtors are good people who have simply fallen on hard times. The best way to get a payment of your debt is to work with them and to provide them with the financial guidance they need to get out of the mess they are in. Unfortunately, not all debtors are so willing to pay. Through our friends in the industry, we have put together this list of absolutely ridiculous debtor excuses. Please take these with the humor that they are intended. Commercial Receivers Incorporated is the lowest cost commercial debt collection agency in the industry. We combine our low costs with our exceptionally high success rate to bring you the best bang for your buck commercial debt collections. We provide you with the lowest rates on collection ranging from 12% to 10%! We believe that it's your money and that you deserve to get as much of it back as possible. Contact Commercial Receivers Incorporated to get back more of what's owed to you. Commercial Receivers Incorporated is a commercial debt collection agency only. If you are looking for the collection of consumer debt, we are not the agency for you. Read the full article
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