#comon lets form a circle and point the finger of shame on the german education system 🫵
wikagirl · 4 months
I forgor I wanted to post this so here it is a month later.
Time to clown on the "indian" aka stereotypes about natives art project week stuff from primary school (like 2007/8) I found in a box at the very tippy top of a shelf while cleaning my room
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so first of can we please talk about how dusty this is? when I say it was at the tippy top of the sehlf I mean it like it was so far back I had to get a broom to pull the box forward, this thing has not seen the light of day for 16ish years
but now on to the contents
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so first we have these little pouches which, by themselves, would be a pretty neat and cute arts and crafts project if it werent for the context of the overarching theme
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then we got these things which I am assuming are supposed to be a pretty sad mockery/imtation of the medallions that are a traditional item in a lot of tribes in different variations across the american continent.
Gotta love how primitive these are, like it just shows the image that (sadly) most folks still have over here especially on the country side where learning about what european settelers did over in america is not seen as relevant enought to german history to teach about even tho the way settelers "managed" the "native issue" was literally the blueprint for concentrationcamps but that‘s a topic for a nother day
but I have give little me credit tho for scribbeling a literal thunder dragon on there, little me had good taste.
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then we got a flimsy little cardboard tomahawk and a drum made from a flower pot and like 8 layers of that thin paper people weap sandwhiches in. Again, the drum would be a cute idea for a craft project if it weren‘t for the context.
While I‘ll most likely toss out the other stuff I will try to actually salvage the drum, sand off the acrylic paint and give it a new paint job and slap some fake moss on it, make it a little fairy core drum so when my bff rings her ocarina we can be a little fairy bard group at larps.
okay and not for the the ✨costume✨
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yeah it-…its literally just a sheet with a neckhole and these fringey bits cut into it and a strip of fabric from the same sheet with little bisons on to it 😐👌 I am cringing as much as you are (probably)
so um yeah that‘s it. that‘s the post. I could write an analysis about this and how it perfectly displays the lack of care of european schools to properly teach about american history and what kind of rotten foundation the great land of the free is actually built on but honestly I don‘t really feel like I need to? I think you get the point?
like literally native hisotry is an OPTIONAL topic not in history but in ENGLISH class in 10th and 11th grade and only for vocabulary reasons, most of the time teachers tend to pick australian aborigines because it is a less political topic…aaand yeah its just really sad I guess.
I got lucky in 10th grade and had a teacher that eas close to retirement so she just didn‘t give a shit about the curriculum and freestyled about anything she was passionate about and since she lived in the US near a rez for like 10 years this was one of the topicss
also really glad that the internet exists and gave me the recources to educate myself more on topics like this because oh god I don‘t even wanna know what I would be like if that wasn‘t the case.
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