#compare nerris and harrison to preston and nurf that’s the difference
rotomartsblog · 10 months
I hate a lot of things about the Camp Camp fandom when it was at its peak but one of the things that pissed me off the most was the fandom’s portrayal of Nerris
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archivederedblog · 5 years
Character reflections featuring the gang , but mostly Max and Ered’s dynamic as the focus. (Tag ‘long post’ or ‘goopy talks’ to blacklist)
This will be featuring Max as he’s arguably the main centered character, but will feature Ered as well, as hey I run an Ered blog and it’s high time to point out a few things to their dynamic. She will be featured last due to I will be going in-depth with her compared to everyone else.
It’s a common writing trope of having one of the main character’s be the base of everyone they know or talk to, whether being bad or good. And even Max himself can be a reflection of the characters as it can be seen with time, albeit less exaggerated.
Do keep in mind these characters are more than just his reflections, and that in the series, Max has come to or does reflect them in some way, shape or form.
This can be easily seen in his main trio of friends: involving Nikki and Neil.
Nikki: Being the chaos, fun loving girl with a pension for the occasional violence albeit with no malicious intent, this correlates with Max but also Nikki can be seen to reflect with time even from Max with her wording and dropping f-bombs.
Neil: Being a reflection of Max’s cynical nature and even more analytical side, also sharing his pension to bail anything lame.
Now you might be thinking: well they have similar traits and interests that can mesh pretty well, so that much is obvious.
However, moving outside of that to the adults.
David: He serves as a reflection of Max as he was almost akin to him when they were a kid, but also challenges his world views as his opposite on a day to day basis. David even reflecting Max’s own views at times with what he’s willing to do or say even as a plot-point with Cameron Campbell and him with gathering the gang for the S3 finale.
Cameron: An obvious reflection of Max’s manipulation and blatant use of other people, even being a plot-point to his development to not become like Campbell.
Gwen: Albeit not obvious, Gwen could easily reflect Max’s views of ‘everything is pointless’ and Gwen’s dedication and hardwork could be accumulated to reinforce his views. And even his comments reflect that for ‘useless degrees’ and so on. Along with her repeated failures and even being too qualified at one point, though even becoming bored at her new job in S3 and ends up leaving it to be back at the camp.
Moving on to the kids other than Ered:
Preston: An obvious reflection of his over dramatics, an easy link and not more needed to be said.
Nurf: Another easy link to Max’s bullying, albiet not as extreme as him, but also a good conflict to what Max thinks and says, but also in agreement as both seem kinda ‘wokeish’ but not always, as often reflections of characters do with the main. As Max is visibly afraid of Nurf in one episode. I could go on why to explain why Nurf is a good rival to him because he is as an older, bigger kid farther along the path of pushing people around etc.
Space Kid: Now is Max a reflection of Space in any shape or form you might ask? Well that’s the point: Space is basically innocent, oblivious, and so on and is almost an anti-Max, but not enough in a way to be his rival (more on that later for rivals).
Harrison and Nerris: I’ll admit that I don’t pay as much attention to these two, but the similarities I’ve noticed is that Harrison and Nerris share somewhat of an innocence with Max on matters they don’t fully understand, but have heard somewhere else, while also maintaining a better understanding such as Nerris with Ered in their talk etc.
Dolph (I’m not going over this character as I ignore him a lot but I’ll acknowledge he probably has some sort of opposite values in terms of being innocent and ignorant or whatever mindset wise, sharing that with spacekid)
All of the kids and main adults reflect Max or his views and he reflects their own or them in some way shape or form, this is often a common thing to do in writing as I’ve explained, but also to give the characters a fundamental ground to exist on to make them mesh better.
Now moving onto Ered, as why did I save Ered for last? Well, I picked Ered for last is that she’s a reflection of basically of everything that Max doesn’t have and is his opposite to a great degree while sharing a few key outlooks, making her a good rival and possibly better rival than Nurf to him. Why is this?
Going over a list:
She is one of the eldest and tallest while he is one of the youngest and shortest, but still not the utmost short/youngest I guess.
She is highly physically capable while he is not.
While probably not the least liked kid? I imagine while still friends with him: a lot of the kids do pick Ered over Max, even Nikki in her season debut and Nikki still later on shows to be an ‘Ered fan’ later on.
Max is incredibly angry, confrontational and hot-headed while Ered is seemingly calm, collected, keeps to herself and overall well ‘chill’ as she’d say it. However, both of the characters have been angry or calm to some degree. It varies from situation to situation but usually follows those settings.
Max overall cares what other people think about him, this much has shown and even Ered did to a degree until her S3 episode with Nerris, as I imagine she still does to a degree? But probably not as much, as Max uses it to protect himself whilst she uses it more as a way of ‘oh wait this is dumb, why do i care’.
Max isn’t that good of a fighter which makes sense given his frame and size: as other than Nurf which I imagine is equal or on par to Ered given what both have shown in physical capability, along with Ered’s background with her dads whom would most likely teach her to fight. Along with the fact she’s been confirmed to grow up to be a secret agent on Luna’s twitter. You HAVE to be able to fight in a profession such as that, so if not now? Later.
And going further on that? Ered has the most ‘healthy family’ in canon according to RT and regarding any writing that contradicts that? Probably isn’t applicable as RT knows it doesn’t always make sense or really cares.
She’s probably more well off than Max due to the fact at minimum her dads make 400k a year with combined salaries, 500k if ranging in at the highest of their profession for both of them.
Max is signed up for nothing, while Ered is literally signed up for extreme sports for one of the more exciting options available in comparison to him.
Max is a schemer with his intentions blatant and out there, whilst Ered has shown a few times throughout the series to be more subtle until revealing them mid-way or we see the end result of them.
Ered has rarely shown to say curse words compared to Max.
End list as we’d be here for a while if I kept going.
Moving on, the main point of Ered’s outlook vs Max in that it shares: ‘Nothing matters, so why care?’ But add onto the end, ‘Nothing matters, so why care? Let’s have fun.’ outlook. As this can be demonstrated with how Ered is with her extreme sports, and even to others saying to Nikki ‘You might actually die!’ and being smiley and excited about it nearly in S3 when they thought Nikki was going to die that day.
They have similar outlooks and views, but with slight differences that seemingly matter in the end and have highly contrasting results, to which Max is even coming around in S3 and probably more so in S4. Both of them have never fallen for each other’s schemes as a thing to add.
It’s why I even in AUs, such as involving Jen and Daniel with Ered? While Gwen and David are willing to help Max, I generally have both of them being unwilling to aid Ered and due to FBI/government reasons: they have some form of thing that forces them into doing it while wearing an explosive collar. It also matches up with the fact that Gwen, David and Max have darker hair color schemes, whilst Ered has lighter ones matching with Daniel, Jen and so on. Along with the fact they’re not her actual parents though people she uses/does away with at some point (At least in discord AUs I’ve done, as it’s harder to find people blog rp-wise willing to kill their/bad end their characters and I get that), as she has her dads still. While Max still retains his old parents to whom he feels alienated from, but seemingly is warming up to Gwen and David a lot more than his own parents to whom he thinks doesn’t care. (This is more of an rp parallel thing as to why I do this and think Ered is a better rival to Max than say Vera or something in an AU involving Jen and Daniel: as what does Vera have compared to Max as opposed to Ered other than violence? Not much really from a narration wise)
And that being the final thing said: this is why I have Ered in my own personal opinion: as a rival to Max but also serving as a big sister figure to him and perhaps the other kids: as hey, she’s been there too in Max’s situation possibly. I mean she has new parents and a classified background so the possibility is very real.
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5tell4r · 6 years
If camp camp characters were TF2 characters, who would be who?
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EYYY cross over of my two favorite things!! a really forced one...but yayyyy
it’s kinda hard to compare the personalities of a bunch of crazy mercenaries and children in a summer camp...so they’re just the kinda play styles I think they’d have!
Max: Scout. VERY aNGRY. Yells at his team all match and takes the credit if they win. If someone doesn’t directly pocket him, he throws. kinda toxic not gonna lie.
David: Engineer. Pray you dont have to play with him. builds dispensors and hides. Do NOT conga!! HE WILL NEVER STOP. Cries if his stuff is sapped or destroyed. Should play medic but its too stressful and people keep yelling at him.
Gwen: I legitimately have no clue. Pauling?
Nikki: Pyro. Heals????pshhhhh don’t need em. Really chill player but terrifying to the other team. Gets overly excited. Doesn’t spy check enough.
Neil: Medic. Poor boy gets bullied into playing support every time. Very anxious and angry when the team is loosing. PARANOID of spies and yells at Nikki to check every 5 seconds. Hates cosmetics. Kills a surprising amount of people.
Nurf: Heavy. Bullies Neil into pocketing him. Actually very positive to team. HEY ONLY HE CAN BE A DICK TO THE MEDIC! Very mediocre Heavy, nothing too special but he gets the job done.
Nerris / Harrison: MERASMUS! YES! JUST BECAUSE OF THE MAGICS! They’re two kids in a trench coat, Harrison holding Nerris on his solders. They fall over a lot. BUT FEAR THEIR POWER!!!
Dolf: Medic. Not just because he’s German!! I just think that he’d be an amazing medic and would support his team real good but also be really scary to the blue team. Says kinda creepy things when he heals someone. Gets way too into character but he’s good! DO NOT BULLY THIS MEDIC!!
Space kid: Soldier. Just because they both have domes on their heads and yell a lot. yep. Uses the rocket jumper, jumps all over the place. Doesn’t care about winning, just wants to have fun!
Preston: Spy. Really likes acting to be the opposite team. Not too good at it but he’s passionate and that’s all that matters! Does weird yells when ever he tries to back stab someone and dramatic monologues when he dies.
Ered: Sniper. Reaaaally chill. Pretty good sniper. Thinks his shades are totally cool. Has all the coolest cosmetics and looks funky fresh every game.
Daniel: Spy. Ok this one is obvious. KNIVES. He is fucking terrifying. Invincible. Likes spooking David out and destroy everything he builds and back stabs while he’s emoting. Wayy too good at disguises and fools everyone.
Jen: idk? I don’t know anything about Jen she had like 2 seconds of screen time? She probably has a fuck tone of cosmetics and looks sweet every game.
Campbell: SAXTON HALE! Literally only difference is Campbell would not think twice before fighting a child.
Quartermaster: Demo. They’re both cyclopses! Instead of a sword he uses the pink dildo.
this answers way too long. ^
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radicalgh0st · 6 years
Camp Camp Monster au
so i know just about everyone has their own monster au but uh i wanted to make one of my own!
i’m kinda nerdy about mythology and folklore so i had a lot of fun looking up different creatures to make my au unique!
long put under cut because i also have notes on what creature the characters are and why i chose them!
First, all characters related to Camp Campbell are Hybrid (or crossbreed), and the camp is basically a refuge for monsters, albeit in different ways for each character. I can go into that in another post. Also, as I started making this post I realized I missed Kevin and Miss Priss, but otherwise I have just about every character, excluding (most of) the townspeople.
David - Werewolf/Vampire Hybrid
I know werewolf is a pretty common choice for David, and that’s because it’s cute. Originally David was a Werewolf/Werecat Hybrid, but then I thought it’d be funny for him to be half Vampire because it’d conflict with his love for being out in the sun. 
Gwen - Witch Faun
Witch!Gwen was always going to be a thing, then I read a fic where she was some kind of Faun and loved that idea. I can link to the fic when I find it, but I’m gonna finish this long post first.
Cameron - Trickster
I didn’t know what to have Cameron as for the longest time because I felt that nothing fit well enough. I also wasn’t sure what his role would be, and I still don’t. However, having Cameron as a Trickster just seems like a good fit considering all the shit he gets up to.
Jasper - (Ghost) Werecat/Werewolf
So, of course Jasper is going to be a Ghost, and I always had him as some sort of Were-creature. First, he was just a Werewolf who eventually turned into a Ghost, but when I changed David’s type I felt that Jasper could take on his original idea.
Also, originally Jasper wasn’t going to have a real role in the au, but god if I don’t love the boy enough to actually keep him around.
Quartermaster - Homunculus
So, yeah, having the Quartermaster as a Undead seemed pretty fitting, and I couldn’t think of anything else. Then, while still researching I decided some kind of artificial life fit pretty well, especially with my headcanons for the QM in canon.
Max - Human
Yes, Max is the outlier in all of Camp Campbell. Max is the only Human. The idea here is that Max’s parents didn’t care enough about what camp they were sending him to that they accidentally ended up sending him to a camp that was secretly for monsters.
Neil - Harpy/Ziz
Neil with feathers just has ideas to it that I like. With his anxiety it gives way for crazy molting and giving him something to pull at. His mother is a Harpy, and his father is a Ziz. The Ziz is a creature from Jewish mythology that is described as a griffon-like bird; in the mythology it’s described as having a wingspan large enough to cover the sun, but Neil’s wings are nothing like that due to his Harpy side.
Nikki - Rougarou/Dryad
So...Werewolf!Nikki is a favorite, but I didn’t want to go that obvious...and went with a different version of the same thing. A simple explanation is that Rougarous are Werewolves from Cajun folklore, the name taken from loup-garou, which is the French word for a a Werewolf. I got Dryad from a fic as well, I think it’s the same one that had Faun!Gwen but I could be remembering wrong; it also ties in with her history in the Flower Scouts.
Dolph - Alp/Brownie
I always knew I wanted Dolph to be something like Brownie. Why? Because I think the idea of him being a household spirit is cute, I don’t know why but I just do. An Alp, is a night demon that is often likened to a Vampire; and its also some kind of Elf, which is just another kind of household spirit.
Nerris - Elf/Human
Kind of obvious, and I couldn’t think of anything that would fit her more. Her mother is an Elf, and her father is a Human.
Nurf - Minotaur/Dragon
Minotaur!Nurf just fits, so does Dragon!Nurf. I like the idea of an angry Nurf preparing to charge while snorting fire out of his nose.
Ered - Selkie/Vampire
I haven’t figured out how Ered’s dads fit in, but I always wanted her to be a Selkie. I love Selkies, I don’t know why, I just do, and I feel like it’s a good fit for her. I went through other ideas for the second kind, but ultimately decided on Vampire. I realize I have quite a few blood-suckers in this.
Preston - Satyr/Human
Okay so I know a popular choice for Preston is Unicorn, but I never understood why. Satyrs are always connected to fertility and sexual desire, yes, but they’re also featured in ancient Greek theatre. There used to an entire genre of Satyr plays, but now there is only one complete play remaining.
Harrison - Wizard
Also pretty self explanatory. In this au, a Wizard is a human from non-magical origins who is either born with magic or gains magic in life (as opposed to a Witch, who are distantly related to fairies and demons). I can get into the difference between Witches and Wizards some other time.
Space Kid - Changeling
I had a lot of trouble with Space Kid. I know a lot of people put him as an alien, and I get that, but I personally feel like it doesn’t fit him. I originally wanted him to be a creature that could never get to space, just to make his obsession with it more meaningful, but then the fact that his character is related to a real life person showed some complications. I thought about having him also present as a Wizard, but then got the idea of him being a Changeling (which also brought in some angsty ideas for my boy).
Gregg - Dwarf/Bigfoot
I didn’t know what to do with the older counselors, which led to this. Basically I chose this just for laughs. He’s half of one of the smallest creatures in folklore, and half of a cryptid that’s known for being large.
Darla - Adlet/Melusine
Somehow, I actually put thought into Darla, as opposed to my joking around with Gregg. First I was going to have her be some kind of Yokai, but then that had so many options that I felt didn’t work. I’ve seen her portrayed as a mermaid, and while I like that, I feel that mermaids are kind of tricky to use.
An Adlet is a race of creatures in Inuit mythology from Greenland. Adlets are basically people with human bodies and dog legs, the lower part being canine and upper part being human.
The Melusine is a water spirit from fresh water that’s much like a Mermaid. From waist up, the Melusine is a woman, but from waist below she is a serpent or fish. Sometimes the Melusine is depicted with having wings or two tails, or even both. The Melusine has also been called a Fairy.
Sasha - Dryad
Originally Sasha was a Nymph, but I wanted to give her a bit more. I wanted at least one of the Flower Scouts to be a Dryad, same as Nikki, and that just ended up going to Sasha.
Erin - Samodiva
Also fitting in with the Flower Scouts, a Samodiva is a Slavic nature spirit related to woodland fairies or nymphs.
Tabii - Pixie
Originally Tabii was going to be a more specific kind of nature spirit, but I ended up choosing Pixie for her due to her behavior. Pixies are mischievous and childlike, which I feel fits Tabii.
Pikeman - Rå, Bergsrå
God Pikeman was difficult at first, mostly because I was trying too hard and had a more difficult idea for the Woodscouts.
Don’t be confused with the Egyptian God Ra (note the little diacritic ring). A Rå is a spirit in Norse mythology that protects a certain land. There are different kinds of Rå: Skogsrå, Huldra, Sjörå, Havsrå, and Bergsrå. Skogrså and Huldra are connected to the forest but they’re female, Sjörå and Havsrå are freshwater and saltwater respectively, and Bergsrå are connected to mountains. I couldn’t have Pikeman be a Skogrså or Huldra, and it wouldn’t make sense to have his landform be water, so I decided on Bergsrå, which also ended up matching with Petrol, albeit unintentionally.
Jermy - Swamp Creature
I...don’t really have much to say here. I’m still not even fully happy with my decision, but I can’t be bothered much more than this.
Snake - Tiyanak
Originally I was going to make another joke by matching Snake with a Multo (the spirit of a dead person looking for justice) for a voice actor joke. I don’t remember why I changed it, but at this point I don’t want to think too hard on the Woodscouts.
A Tiyanak is a demon from Philippine mythology that is formed from the soul of an unbaptized, dead baby.
Petrol - Troll
I settled on Troll pretty fast, compared to the other Woodscouts at least, and it ended up matching with Pikeman unintentionally; Bergsrå live in mountains either with their relatives or with trolls.
Daniel - Demon
Self explanatory. I’ll probably have him be a specific kind of Demon once I flesh out the different kinds a bit more.
Jen - Demon
Also self explanatory. If I end up making Daniel a specific kind of Demon, Jen will probably end up being the same.
Bonquisha - Satyress
A Satyress is basically the female version of a Satyr. I chose this mostly due to the shirts Bonquisha wears, and lack of better ideas.
Katie (Waitress) - Faun
Okay, I don’t know why, but when I was making this list this just came out and I just can’t bring myself to change it so yeah. Katie is the waitress from the Bonquisha episode, and Katie is just the name that came to me. I feel like she’d be a cute little faun with all those freckles.
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metalshootingstar · 7 years
Is That What You Think?
Summary: When Dolph hears the other campers talking badly about him, he runs off and thanks to a history book finds out just who everyone has been comparing him to. Which prompts a heart to heart with David.
Rating: R (mentions of the holocaust, mentions of hitler)
A/N: So, this was an idea that popped in my head, and y’know Dolph was born out of a joke but he’s not a bad character. He’s actually one of the nicer campers, and well he’s an eight year old kid. So yeah here we go
“ Hi five!” Exclaimed Dolph, as he raised his arm outwards a huge smile on his face as he expected a high five back. Only to be met with disturbed looks, and winces. The eight year old knitted his brow in confusion, and tilted his head to the side. He just shrugged, and walked off to get more sticks for the firewood. He hummed, and got a few...when he heard them speaking nearby. 
“ Do you think he knows he’s doing it?” Asked Neil, Dolph raised an eyebrow, and hid behind a tree as he listened in. 
“ Oh leave him alone, he’s just a kid.” Said Harrison. 
“ Uh-huh yeah but there’s a difference between being an eight year old and eating boogers or something, and doing....what he’s doing.” Said Neil. 
“ Neil hath a point. I mean look at how he acth and dresses, personally I think he’s gotta be doing it on purpose.” Said Nerris, Dolph looked down at his clothes, hugging the sticks close to him as he glanced down sadly. 
“ Betcha five bucks he’ll be super messed up when he’s older. “ Said Max, as he ate one of the marshmallows. 
“ Well of course he will be.” Said Nurf. “ Kid walks around looking and acting like Hitler, something’s gotta be wrong there. Personally I think it’s his parents’ fault. Maybe they hate him.”
“ Guys, he’s eight. How many of us did stupid things when we were eight?” Asked Harrison, trying to be the reasonable one here. 
“ Why’re you defending him? “ Asked Preston, 
“ I’m not, I just don’t think we’re being fair here.” Said Harrison,
“ Harrison, he looks like Hitler and who has some disturbing tendencies. Or did we forget when he was counselor that one day?” Said Max, making Harrison look away. 
“ Kid’s a total nazi in training.” Said Ered, flipping her hair. 
Dolph’s eyes widened as he stood there and listened to them speak. He closed his eyes, and but that didn’t stop the tears from trailing down his cheeks. He took a deep intake of air and tried not to make a sound....and failing. 
“ Hey did you guys hear that?” Asked Nikki. 
Dolph bit his lip before stepping out and glaring at everyone. He tossed the sticks onto the ground and stood there. His eyes bloodshot, and his cheeks flushed red. Everyone’s eyes widened when they realized...he’d heard every word. 
“ Vell, at last zhe truth finally comes out.” Said Dolph, his voice cracking softly. 
“ Dolph it’s not...I mean-” 
“ Shut up Nikki, I z-zought you vere all my friends. But I was wrong, you’re nothing but a bunch of backstabbing, mean, bullies!” Exclaimed Dolph, as the tears came down harder. None of the other campers said anything, even as Dolph turned and ran from the fire. He cried, as he ran and ran even running past David and Gwen before tripping and falling. Tearing his pants and skinning his knee...but he ran anyway. 
“ What happened? We were gone five minutes!” Exclaimed Gwen, as she walked up to the rest of the campers. 
“ We kind of...messed up.” Said Neil. 
“ Dolph kind of heard us talking behind his back and....it didn’t go so well.” Said Nerris, as she looked down guiltily. David looked back at the tents, he’d let Gwen do the lecturing right now. 
Dolph laid there on his cot, hugging his stuffed frog to his chest. He whimpered, and buried his face on its fluff. He hated this. Back in Munich, he’d been bullied relentlessly, the same in Pasadena when he and his family moved to America, and...now here. Why?
Why did everyone hate him so much? He didn’t understand. 
Actually, there was a link....all bullies always brought up that man, the one he supposedly resembled. He’d asked his parents about him, only for them to dismiss him or telling him they’d tell him when he was older. He bit his lip, and with frog still in hand, knew of where he could go to get information. He snuck out of the tent, and went to the Quartermaster’s Store. Thankfully, the old man wasn’t there. He went over and looked through the Quartermaster’s books, when he came across a history book. 
Curious, he flipped through it, searching and searching when he came across a chapter about World War 2. He sat down, with frog plush beside him and read. His eyes widened in horror, when he came to a part describing the Holocaust and all the innocent lives that were taken. There were even some pictures, that made his chest go tight and he just...felt so bad for these people. They didn’t deserve this. 
“Dolph? What’re you doing here?”
He looked up to see David, but said nothing as he continued reading. 
“ Who did zis?” Asked Dolph, as he held out the book to David as he sat down beside him. 
“ Um, it’s complicated. See, in Germany at the time....” Dolph listened, as David tried his best to explain the Holocaust and World War 2 to him...albeit, trying to soften blows of what his people did. Still, Dolph looked downwards in shame, and hugged his doll closer to him. 
“ So zhat’s vhat zey think of me.” Said Dolph softly. 
They thought he was like a genocidal dictator, who killed innocent people. Which, honestly made his heart sink into the pit of his stomach and suddenly...everything made sense. The strange looks, the withered stares, the trash talking that had occurred earlier. Years of bullying was explained. 
“ Dolph,”
“ Don’t call me zhat.” Said Dolph, before facing away from David. “ Zhey think I’m a nazi in training zh-zhat I’m like him.....but I’m not. I don’t vant to be like him, I don’t vant to hurt anyone. I’m a good person.......aren’t I?”
“ Of course you are.” Said David softly, as he brushed some of Dolph’s hair back. “ Listen, Hitler was a horrible man who did terrible things. Yes, you have similar names, and similar looks, but you’re not like him at all. The fact that being compared to him makes you so upset, and you don’t want to hurt people speaks volumes. “
Dolph sniffed and looked up at David, still crying. The counselor hugged him tightly, and slowly Dolph hugged him back crying onto his shirt. 
“ So, you think I’m a good person?” Asked Dolph, looking up with hopeful eyes. 
“While I do think you are,  It doesn’t matter if I do or not. What matters is what you think, do you think you’re a good person?” Asked David, Dolph looked downwards. Blue eyes looking at the book, and recalling the pictures found in the book, Of piles of shoes and rings, of people looking so emaciated with big eyes looking so broken. He felt so bad for all those people, all those innocents who lost their lives because one man was so hateful. The eight year old wanted nothing to do with him or any of his ideas, he didn’t want any part in a belief that allowed people to be treated like this. So...maybe he was a good person? Because he didn’t want anything like that to happen ever again. 
“ I zhink so.” Said Dolph, David smiled softly and ruffled his hair. Well, he’d tried anyway. 
“ C’mon, why don’t we head back to the bonfire?” Asked David. 
“ Nein, everyone hates me.” Said Dolph. “ I vant to be alone. “
“ Please David, I just vant to go back to mein tent.” Said Dolph, David nodded and after placing a bandaid on the child’s knee allowed him to go back to his tent. David went back to the bonfire, where Gwen was sitting with the others. 
“Where is he?” Asked Gwen. 
“ In his tent, he um needs some time to think.” Said David before turning to the others. “ Everyone, I’m very disappointed in you. “
“ Oh come on Dolph’s being a huge baby.” Said Max dismissively. 
“ And how would you feel if you were compared to one of the worst people in history? Dolph didn’t even know who Hitler was, until I explained it to him just now. He was crying, thinking he wasn’t a good person, because of it.“ Said David, and the others looked away. 
“ Well...now I feel like an asshole.” Said Neil. The others mumbled in agreement, when Nikki immediately stood up. 
“I have an idea!” 
Dolph sighed, as he sat on his cot, when he looked up as his tent fluttered and he heard someone whisper as a paper was sent. Curious, he went over, and saw it was a card. He smiled softly, as everyone signed their names and words of apology as well as compliments and nice words. He stepped out, and saw the other campers there. 
“ Hi, we’re sorry about-”
Dolph held up his hand cutting off what Neil was saying, before outstretching both his arms. 
“Hugs?” Said Dolph with a smile, showing the incident was forgiven and forgotten. The others hugged, save for Max who stood there reluctantly before looking one way then another before entering the group hug. David smiled, and discreetly took a picture of the cute moment. 
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