#compare new den items to den betas
sunshine-omega · 1 year
Hello, Cumin here, thanks for the response and as a neurodivergent person yeah that makes sense
anyway NEW QUESTION (I have lots of those take your time please be patient): how would an alpha nesting work normally? I know how it works for me rn, but I wonder how others may nest, and tbh I'm looking for ideas
hey Cumin! please don't worry at all about sending lots of asks, they make my day :)
Alpha nesting really depends on the person! I know of a lot of miscecanis alphas who nest just as enthusiastically as omegas, as well as alphas who nest to a lesser degree, and alphas who don't nest. My alpha likes to nest sometimes, but her definition of nest doesn't include nearly as many blankets and pillows as mine does :P i think that her favorite kind of nest are the ones that i make though, and when she cuddles up in them, she considers that nesting for her as well.
I can't speak for other miscecanis folks, but I headcanon that alphas (and betas) in a/b/o would nest for similar instinctual reasons as omegas, but they might have different behaviors around their nest. some ideas:
alphas tend to be territorial about their den, and if that alpha is a nester, they are likely to be even more territorial about that nest
alphas with an omega mate might be less likely to build a nest because omegas tend to be so proud of making nests for themself and their mate
omega nests might be pretty fluffy with lots of pillows and blankets and scented items-- I feel like alpha nests are less fluffy, but have even more scented items to remind them of their pack or their loved ones
alphas only nest in a place where they feel absolutely secure. omegas and betas keep private nests too, but they might be more likely to also nest on the couch or somewhere less private like that
if you think that an alpha's den smells strongly, wait till you smell their nest
bonus hc: beta nesters are known for nesting in unconventional places like under their desk, and they are the best at incorporating boxes, tables, shelves, etc in order to keep their favorite things within reach of the nest
if you're looking for nest building advice, check out these posts!
my post with a guide to building/writing nests
post about nesting materials
post about hot weather nesting
at the end of the day though, please don't worry about doing it wrong. there's literally no way to do it wrong, because nesting is about what feels good to you. there's no right way for an alpha to nest compared to an omega or a beta or anyone else. if you're a nester, then nest on :)
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peacherweasel · 4 months
Rain World x WolfQuest: World Building Rambles: Scavengers (Part 3)
Had some more ideas & decided to put them in a separate post (rather then making an extra long post within part 2) --- Locations vary within the Scavenger Pack/Packs, but they usually have these locations within their territories: -Alpha's Den (usually the Home Hex) -Healer's Den -Tolls (found within random hexes within the territory + more likely to be found closer to the home hex) -Family Den (where parents/relatives often raise their pups) -Rendezvous Sites --- Alpha's Den/Home Hex: Kinda self-explanatory, these are the areas where the Alpha/Alphas will typically gather at, either assigning ranks to yearlings or hosting pack meetings, or just simply being there. Healer's Den: These dens are often nearby the tolls (there are some healers dens within the home hex/alpha's den.) (healer's dens are often smaller then family dens, as healer's dens are where packmates' injuries & illnesses are treated here.) Medics/Healers often reside here along with their assistants (who're usually yearling subordinates stepping in, if not older subordinates) (Medics/Healers are often Elders, who became subordinates (if they stepped down from a previous ranking, like being a Beta, as when Alphas reach the Elder Years, they'll usually only step down nearing their final years) Medics/Healers at the healer's den will also help with new parents/pups with materials & will help care for the mother if the pups are very young (few days - few weeks old) Tolls: These are found within the areas of the Scavenger Pack's territory. Usually random areas, but sometimes closer to the home hex/alpha's den as like a check-point site. Subordinates & Scouts often gather here; either to hang out, check in on packmates, plan their next scouting expedition, drop off/take materials for their next trip, etc. Tolls are also places where travelers/dispersals will also trade items & sometimes will gain something in return (if their positive reputation is high enough with said packs). Tolls often have a Signature sign: being that there's a Bull Elk skull with symbols & markings on it, that are often hanged in dead trees. Family Dens: These are often found in within the territory in certain areas (like under a rotting tree, under an abandoned building, crevice within a cliff, etc.) Parents & relatives + pup-sitters will often be here with the pups; raising, feeding, interacting, & protecting them for the first few months of their lives. Rendezvous Sites: These are places where parents & yearlings will take their pups (usually around two to two & a half months of age) as they've outgrown the Family Dens by this point in their lives. These sites can also be little areas where Subordinates will group up with the yearlings to train them for ranking purposes. (Healers/Medics will often take the yearlings/younger subs who're being sub-ranked as a healer & train them here or at the healer's dens. Scouts will gather the yearlings & bring them on mini-scouting trips/hunting trips/gathering trips. These trips usually don't take that long compared to the usual. As regular scouting trips (without the yearlings) will take a few hours, while scouting trips with the yearlings will only take like two hours at maximum.)
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wolvden · 5 years
So far...
Since there were no asks answered yesterday we thought we’d compile a list of all teasers and other information that we have released up until now!
If you’re new here...
Wolvden is an upcoming sister game to the existing game, Lioden, which will be a fun wolf-based role playing breeding sim experience (we honestly don’t know how to categorise this game any more).  You look after a pack of wolves, care for them, breed them, explore a vast range of biomes, fight big and scary enemies, and hunt a variety of prey.
Beta Testing will be free to join, but will be by application process only, we will hand select those who will join us for testing.
Early Access will be paid, but we have yet to release any further details on this.
Wolvden will be free to play after Early Access.
Wolvden has official accounts on Facebook (/wolvden), Twitter (@WolvdenGame), Tumblr (here) and Instagram (WolvdenOfficial) - our landing page can be found at https://www.wolvden.com!
Information From Teasers
This is purely information that has been released on social media officially by us in the form of teasers.
Biomes - Deciduous Forest, Grasslands, Mountains and Desert have been confirmed
Seasons - All 4 seasons will feature in the game.
Weather - Sunny, Fog, Rain, Heatwave have been confirmed.
Dusk/Twilight has been hinted at, there will also be dawn.
You can have one lead wolf, and one breeding male - they can be the same or separate.  You can have a male or female lead wolf.
Scouting - a new feature which will tie into exploration and discovery of new biomes.
Lethal mutations will be in the start of the game - the starting mutations are Conjoined Twins, Polycephaly (Separated Two Heads), Polymelia (Extra Limbs) and Brachycephaly.
Hunting Part 1 and Part 2 explain the hunting system!
Fancy new breeding page allows you to compare wolf visuals directly.
Crossroads will feature Location Tokens rather than a full map allowing us to easily add new places in the future!
Information From Asks
We won’t link to the ~100 asks here, sorry :P you’re free to check back through our Monday Answers section!  These are listed in the order we answered them, so apologise if you get a bit of whiplash when reading.
There will be 1 breeding male, rather than free-for-all breeding.
Battling will be similar to Lioden, Hunting has been revamped.
There will be custom decors on Wolvden.
We do plan to add events, though they may not be available for launch.
We will have rollover just like on Lioden, except it will occur at midnight server time instead of 2:05am.
The art and development teams are the same for Wolvden as they are on Lioden.
Wolvden will have Gold and Silver Beetles.
There are a couple of mutations planned for launch.
There is visually no sex difference in the wolf art, allowing decors and custom decors to be more universal.
You will be the leader of a single pack.
We are trying to balance gameplay for both casual and hardcore members.
We hope to incorporate storylines on Wolvden as well as some more on Lioden.
Combo bases will exist on Wolvden.
We welcome suggestions!
We have no plans for a specific Wolvden app but we are working hard to ensure a good mobile experience using the website.
We would like to continue the charity donations that we do on Lioden with Wolvden.
There will be a way to change your Pack Name.
Wolvden will be a 16+ game.
We will try to have a wiki available for launch, or shortly after.
There will not be any seasonal differences in wolf coats.
Pup Stages will exist, either on launch or shortly after.
Exploring will be a thing on Wolvden.
The aging system will be the same as on Lioden. Please see Corrections.
Pack names are alphanumeric, can contain special characters and emojis, and can contain up to 25 letters.  It will automatically have “Pack” suffixed to the end. Please see Corrections.
Claiming will be similar to Lioden. You can claim male wolves too!
Some mutations will be the same as Lioden has, as they exist on wolves too.
There will be personalities.
Your lead wolf can be male or female.
We do not have an official launch date yet.
There will be a role similar to Broodmother.
We will keep litter sizes the same as on Lioden.  Please see Corrections.
There will be a custom decor uploader similar to Lioden’s.
There will be leaderboards.
There will be something similar to battle beetles, but not at launch.
Poses will be available for both sexes as there are no visual lineart differences between the sexes.
You will be able to live in different biomes.
We have breeding items planned.
Pack members will have personalities.
You will be able tell which method a wolf likes when claiming.
There will be a breeding request system.
Wolvden will be based in modern times but events may transport you to different eras.
We will give announcements in advance of releasing beta testing and early access information.
Something similar to the Giving Tree will be available on Wolvden, but perhaps not at launch.
Pregnant wolves will require nesting.
Pregnant wolf art is definitely on the list but may not be available at launch.
We are figuring out elderly wolf appearances.
The site’s layout will be different, but you’ll still be able to code your dens.
There will only be one lead wolf, you don’t control a pair, but we have options to allow you to role play a pair of lead wolves.
You can switch out your breeding male early but you can only have one breeding male at a time.
Official premade Wolvden avatars/tags will exist!
Coat tiers will exist.
There will be different titles you can set instead of “Lead Wolf”.
Impression will not exist in Wolvden.
Males can hunt.
You will be able to move biomes.
There are 76 starter bases prepared for launch.
We hope to release Wolvden in 2019.
We have mini games planned for Wolvden.
We will not have an Alpha/Beta system built into the game as it has been disproved multiple times.  However, we have left the room for roleplaying this if you wish to do so.
Seasons will not affect breeding cycles.
There will be a page similar to the Oasis on Wolvden, but renamed to fit with the setting.
Different biomes will have difficulties which make them harder to scout, explore, and live in.
We have had Wolvden on our minds since 2013 which is when we registered the domain name.
You can fully customise an existing wolf, or create a new one, with the Wolf Customiser.
Studding will be similar to Lioden.
Creating your first wolf will be a stripped down version of the customiser, allowing you to hand-select the base, markings, etc. rather than rolling pre-set wolves.
You can explore any fully scouted biome regardless of where your pack lives.
Mutations will apply to both sexes as long as they’re not mechanically dependent on sex (e.g. double uterus).
You will be able to communicate with all members of the game, not just those in your current biome.
We welcome any Youtube channels (or other content creators) who wish to release content about Wolvden to approach us through [email protected] with the email subject “Wolvden Content”.
Wolvden will be treated as a separate game to Lioden - you will not be able to claim your Lioden ID on Wolvden, or have any other account crossover feature.
We have plans to make scouting more useful than to only scout new biomes.
Scrying will be a feature on Wolvden!
We will look into a name randomiser for Wolvden.
We haven’t yet released any information about beta testing or early access.
Scrying will have a SB cost.
Some unique Wolvden features may potentially make their way over to Lioden depending on user feedback.
We will be announcing EVERYWHERE when we release information about beta testing and early access.
The aging system on Wolvden will last the same amount of time in real life, but in game wolves will live to 7.5-8 years of age.
Pack names will no longer have “Pack” automatically suffixed, and can be up to 30 characters in length.
Litter sizes will be 1-6 puppies with 1 and 6 being the rarest, the average being 3-4.
Announced Upcoming Teasers
Genetics System
Registration Customiser Demo
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aion-rsa · 3 years
New World: The Fastest Way to Reach Level 60
New World is finally here, which means that it’s time to lose yourself in another MMO and say goodbye to every other aspect of your life as you try to hit the game’s level cap as quickly as possible. 
Yes, while it’s always nice to advise people to stop and smell the roses in an MMO, the truth of the matter is that many modern players are more interested in leveling as quickly as possible so that they can finally start “playing the game.”
While leveling in New World is surprisingly slow compared to other modern MMOs, here are a few things you need to know about making the most of your time in the game and reaching level 60 as quickly as possible.
How Long Does it Take to Reach Level 60 In New World?
It’s a little difficult to say for sure how long it takes to reach Level 60 in New World given that it seems like nobody has managed to hit the cap in the retail version of the game quite yet (at least to my knowledge).
However, what we’ve seen so far during New World‘s first few days of retail availability and the earlier beta periods tends to suggest that it’s going to take you about 100 to 200 hours to reach level 60 depending on how you choose to play.
To be clear, that’s a more “cautious” estimate that accounts for the slow nature of the leveling process and the activities of the average New World player. It really does feel like leveling is intended to be a big part of the early New World experience and, as such, it’s pretty clear that you’re not meant to reach the level cap in less than 50 hours. Even early diehards are going to have to work hard and use optimized strategies to potentially reach that point closer to the 75-hour mark.
That being said, it’s going to be interesting to see how much that time estimate drops once players start hitting the level cap and discover the absolute best leveling methods and routes. It’s highly likely that gamers who start playing New World about a month or so from now will be able to hit the level cap in well under 100 hours. 
The Fastest Way to Level In New World
It’s going to be a little while before we know what the most optimized leveling route in New World is, but here are a few ways you can speed up the initial leveling process:
Use the Town Project Board As Often as Possible
The Town Project Board has actually been “nerfed” since New World’s betas, but it should still be your go-to option for questing and leveling. You’ll obviously want to prioritize the Project Board quests that offer the most experience points, but since most Project Board quests are easy and plentiful, it’s really just a matter of finding as much time as possible to complete as many quests as possible. 
Always Prioritize Main Quests
While New World’s Main Quests aren’t nearly as plentiful as its side quests, they’re often the most “efficient” source of XP in the game. While you’ll sometimes find yourself waiting to hit the next leveling milestone needed to unlock the next string of Main Quests, you should prioritize completing those quests whenever they appear.
Level Up Your Skills Along The Way (Especially Harvesting)
In games like WoW, it’s honestly somewhat counterproductive to try to level your job skills as you try to also level up your character. That’s not the case in New World, though, as leveling your skills not only yields small amounts of character XP but high skill levels in certain trades can make the leveling process much faster overall. Harvesting is an especially valuable skill for a variety of “little things” you’ll need to do along the way.
Choose XP Bonus Rewards Whenever You Can
As you gain reputation in your current territory, you’ll slowly unlock new rewards that grant you bonuses while playing in that territory. Obviously, the optional rewards that grant you bonus XP should be a priority if you’re just looking to level as quickly as possible. Having said that, don’t overlook the “gathering speed” bonuses and similar rewards in the late game as they could prove to be more valuable in the long run.
Complete Faction Quests in Level Appropriate Territories to Maximize XP 
You’ll learn early on that Faction Quests yield impressive XP rewards (including a shocking 200% XP bonus for your first few Faction Quests of the day), but what you might not realize right away is that your XP gains actually scale with the territory you’re currently in. As such, you’ll want to complete Faction Quests (and other quests, for that matter) in the most “difficult” territory you can survive in to maximize your XP rewards.
Here’s a rundown of the territories you should be questing in based on your current level:
Level 5: Everfall, Firstlight, Monarch’s Bluffs, Windsward
Level 25: Brightwood, Cutlass Keys
Level 30: Weaver’s Fen
Level 40: Great Cleave, Restless Shore
Level 45: Mourningdale
Level 50: Ebonscale, Edengrove
Level 60: Reekwater, Shattered Mountain
Use PvP to Level Up Your Weapons Quicker
While it’s technically possible to play New World without diving into the game’s PvP, sticking to the MMO’s PvE content means missing out on a big chunk of the experience. Actually, it also means missing out on literal New World experience as PvP combat is one of the quickest ways to level up your various weapons and use new weapon skills to mow through high-level enemies that much quicker.
It’s also possible to unlock Faction-based XP rewards by taking over territories, but at the moment, it’s difficult to recommend focusing on that side of the game if you’re just looking to hit level 60 as quickly as possible.
Expeditions Are a Fantastic Way to Level Up (Eventually)
You can start running Expeditions (New World’s dungeons) around level 25, and you really should run them as soon as you can. Not only do Expeditions offer incredible gear upgrades, but Expeditions and the quests associated with them are some of the game’s most reliable sources of respectable XP. Having said that, you will need to complete other quests between Expedition runs to maximize your leveling speed. 
New World Leveling Quick Tips
If you really want to optimize your New World leveling experience, consider utilizing a few of these tips that will help shave a few hours off your total leveling time.
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Fast travel as often as you can. While that obviously means unlocking as many fast travel shrines as possible, you can sometimes “game” the system by owning multiple properties or even just dying so you can respawn in a settlement. Do whatever you can to reduce travel time. 
Pick up every piece of glowing “lore” you run across. Interacting with those items yields small XP rewards. 
The fastest leveling weapon at the moment seems to be the Hatchet. Its quick attack speed and movement bonuses are natural allies for any speed leveler. Of course, it’s hard to go wrong by eventually leveling up your AOE weapons. 
Play in a group when you can. A good group makes it that much easier to survive high-level areas and run more Expeditions.
Help players attack mobs whenever you can. New World utilizes a “shared” XP system, so this is a great way to help yourself and other players. 
Always log-off in settlements so that you’ll get the “Well Rested” XP bonus the next time you log back in.
Always store your crafting materials whenever possible. You do not want to become over encumbered out in the wild or waste time with inventory management while leveling. 
The post New World: The Fastest Way to Reach Level 60 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3zTGPgd
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willard573020-blog · 6 years
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Call of Duty: Cold War Alpha Start Time – When Does the Alpha Start?
Activision will give Call of Duty fans their first taste of Black Ops: Cold War during the game’s free open alpha. Set to be held from Sept. 18-20, the alpha will allow players to try out three classic Call of Duty multiplayer modes — Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Kill Confirmed — as well as a new mode called Combined Arms: Domination, a “12v12, vehicle-inclusive twist on traditional Domination, set in larger maps compared to the game’s traditional 6v6 play spaces.” Expect to be able to play across five new maps in the game in locations such as Miami and Moscow.
Those interested in participating in the open alpha can download it now on PlayStation 4. If you’re wondering what the actual start time for the Cold War open alpha is, servers will go live at 10 am PT/1 pm ET, according to Activision. You’ll then have a whole weekend to enjoy a slice of what the game’s multiplayer has to offer.
The open alpha is happening exclusively on the PS4, which means that Xbox One and PC players will have to wait a bit longer to finally get their hands on Cold War. Fortunately, a longer beta period in October will follow the open alpha. Like the alpha, the beta will begin on Oct. 8 exclusively on the PS4. In order to access the early access beta on Oct. 8-9 on the PS4, you’ll need to pre-order the game on the PS4 or PS5. The PS4 open beta will begin on Oct. 10. The Xbox and PC early access betas will be open to those who pre-order the game on those platforms on Oct. 15-16. Everyone else get access to the open beta on Oct. 17-19.
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The game, which is being developed by Treyarch and Raven Software, will also feature a single-player campaign and a co-op Zombies mode. Cold War will allow players to bring all of their progress and items from the Modern Warfare version of the Warzone battle royale mode to the Cold War version of Warzone. Players will be able to continue playing Warzone through Modern Warfare when the new game launches as well.
While the game will be available on next-gen consoles, Call of Duty fans will have to buy the Cross-Gen Bundle on PS4 or XBO to upgrade to the PS5 and XSX versions when they launch. That bundle will cost $70, making Cold War the latest cross-gen game to not allow players to upgrade to next-gen for free.
Pre-order bonuses will allow players to “instantly unlock digital rewards, including Black Ops Operator Frank Woods for play in Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare now, and receive early access to the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Multiplayer Open Beta. Open Beta dates to be announced soon.”
Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War will be out Nov. 13 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The game will also release on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 later this year. You can pre-order the game here.
Stay tuned for more on Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War coverage.
The post Call of Duty: Cold War Alpha Start Time – When Does the Alpha Start? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2EcbMp7
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Is the Call of Duty: Cold War Alpha on Xbox One and PC?
Fans hoping to finally get their hands on Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War will be test out the game during the free open alpha on Sept. 18-20, starting at 1 pm ET that Friday.
During the alpha, players can test out three traditional multiplayer modes — Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Kill Confirmed — across the game’s new Miami, Moscow, and Satellite maps, according to Activision.
A new mode, Combined Arms: Domination, will also be included in the alpha. The mode is described as a “12v12, vehicle-inclusive twist on traditional Domination, set in larger maps compared to the game’s traditional 6v6 play spaces.” Armada and Crossroads will be the maps included for this mode.
There’s just one catch, you’ll need a PS4 to participate in the Cold War open alpha. The alpha is exclusive to the PlayStation, which means Xbox and PC gamers will have to wait until October to play Cold War.
Fortunately, the alpha will be followed by a beta period just few weeks later. The Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War open beta will begin on Oct. 8 on the PS4, which is again getting the beta before any other platform. In order to access the early access beta on Oct. 8-9 on the PS4, you’ll need to pre-order the game on the PS4 or PS5. The PS4 open beta will begin on Oct. 10. The Xbox and PC early access betas will be open to those who pre-order the game on those platforms on Oct. 15-16. Everyone else get access to the open beta on Oct. 17-19.
Here’s a full breakdown of the dates:
While Activision didn’t share more details about what will be playable during the beta, it’s safe to say that it will focus on the multiplayer aspect of the game. A mix of Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy, Domination, and Kill Confirmed are probably your best bet, although Cold War is also introducing a few new match types to the mix. New modes include the 6v6 objective-based VIP Escort, the 12v12 large-scale mode Combined Arms, and the 40-player multi-team mode Fireteam.
The game, which is being developed by Treyarch and Raven Software, will also feature a single-player campaign and a co-op Zombies mode.
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Cold War continues the story of the very first Black Ops game, which saw US operatives deal with a Russian threat in the days leading up to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The new game, which is set in the 1980s, will have to reckon with the tail end of the Cold War. Returning characters include Alex Mason and Frank Woods from the first game as well as the debut of Ronald Reagan in the Call of Duty franchise.
“Nothing is ever as it seems in a gripping single-player campaign, where players will come face-to-face with historical figures and hard truths, as they battle around the globe through iconic locales like East Berlin, Vietnam, Turkey, Soviet KGB headquarters and more,” reads the campaign’s description.
Cold War will allow players to bring all of their progress and items from the Modern Warfare version of the Warzone battle royale mode to the Cold War version of Warzone. Players will be able to continue playing Warzone through Modern Warfare when the new game launches as well.
“Uncover dark Cold War experiments that unleash a new Zombie threat to take on in frightening and intense co-operative gameplay with friends,” Activision said of the undead component of the new game. More details regarding Zombies are coming at a later date.
Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War will be out Nov. 13 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The game will also release on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 later this year. You can pre-order the game here.
The post Is the Call of Duty: Cold War Alpha on Xbox One and PC? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2RD823a
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