#compensating for how little I've drawn red lately
ittybittyone · 3 months
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Constellation Talk
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headoverjojo · 4 years
Hi Tricia! I've been waiting for your askbox to be open so this is so exciting! May I request a scenario of part 4!Jotaro falling in love with a fellow graduate student? Perhaps them studying in the library late at night together?
Deb!! Hi hi :3 Hhhh I’m so honored you wanted to ask me to write something :,) I hope you’ll like it!! ❤️❤️
Graduate student Jotaro Kujo falls in love with a fellow gratuade student while they’re studying in the library late at night
(Under the cut for length!)
Taking a doctorate wasn’t easy. You knew it, you knew it too well, but you were more than determined to take it with the highest grades. Even if this meant you had to study all day and part of night. Even if it meant you had to spend more time at the library, surrounded by books, than at your own flat.
For a while it was a solitary experience. You were there, with your cup of sweet coffee -caffeine to stay awake and sugar to have a boost-, your troop of pencils and highlighters, your books and a lot of strength, studying hours and hours, drawing tabs and schemes, taking notes… you were so zealous that everyone in the library noticed you, even if you were so focused not to notice them.
One of the people who noticed you was a graduate student, right like you, who, like you, was there to study for his doctorate in marine biology. His name was Jotaro Kujo.
Jotaro wasn’t easy to notice, despite his massive and towering presence. He was so silent and quiet that, if one was in a hurry, wouldn’t have noticed that young man sitting all by himself with his books. He liked it, all in all; he preferred to be by himself. His ex classmates whispered that he was like this due to a traumatic experience; someone said his mother almost died, someone else that he had seen one of his friends dying, someone said he had had a very serious accident that left him in a coma for a while and when he woke up was like this. Jotaro never paid attention to those petty gossips; he didn’t need a reason to be like that: he was the person he was, nothing more and nothing less.
In the library, Jotaro was finally safe from all the unwanted attention he got when he was outside. His tall and menacing figure always drew attention, spanning from intimidation to attraction. He was just… so tired to have all the eyes pointed on him. He just wanted peace. And in the library he could finally be left alone and in peace. There, he managed to blend his figure with the ambient. It was so nice to finally have some time for himself…
Still, your passion and dedication drew him to you. He was used to see his classmates -well, a good 95% of them- bored or not really involved in what they were studying. He always cringed when they openly complained about it. Why were they there, if they hated it so much? He just didn’t understand. And he didn’t care to understand that kind of behaviour. He was content with his books and his studying plan. So, when he saw the real interest in your eyes while you were devouring a textbook, he felt positively surprised. It wasn’t so common to see an attitude like yours…
For the first time, he was the one drawn to someone else and was willing, well… to try it. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad to have a friend, the first after the tragedy in Egypt…
“Y/N, when did you think to tell me that Kujo’s swooning over you?” you frowned, perplexed by your friend’s words. Kujo? Who was this Kujo?
“Who is doing what over me?” your friend rolled their eyes, huffing. Sometimes you were so clueless! But being the first of the class had to be compensated somehow, they guessed.
“Jotaro Kujo. He’s taking a doctorate in marine biology. Oh, c’mon, you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed him! He’s so tall and broad, it’s impossible to miss him! And a little bird told me that he started to sit nearer and nearer to you in the library… so? What’s going on?” they lightly elbowed you, with an allusive look on their face that dropped when they saw the real surprise on your face. Oh, c’mon…!
When they were about to lose all hope, they spotted right the young man they were talking about. Your friend took you under their arm, discreetly turning you to his direction.
“See that tall boy sitting all alone with a hat? That’s Jotaro Kujo.” you tilted your head to a side, watching him. He was really… big, as your friend said, but you also noticed that he was so still and quiet that he almost blended with the brick wall behind him. His hat covered part of his face, but you could see a bang of black hair and the serious line of his lips. He was almost… gloomy, as he was mourning, or as he was always deeply sad, or as he was deeply regretting something…
As he was feeling watched, he lifted his head, frowning. When his blue eyes located you and your friend, he seemed genuinely surprised, and the heavy curtain of gloom disappeared from his face, taking with it also few years that made him seem older. You thought he was way prettier when he looked like this, like the young man he was and not like a grown man full of regrets.
You smiled at him, waving a little your hand, and, to your surprise -and framed by a loud gasp from your friend’s side- his cheeks warmed in a nice light red and he averted his eyes from you, tilting a little his hat. It seemed like he was trying to hide his face, but you knew it wasn’t just this. He was returning your greeting, in his own way.
That evening you went as always at the library, but this time you wanted to finally greet Jotaro Kujo properly. So, when you felt his presence near to you -he scooted nearer you, you noticed, but never too much. He was respecting your boundaries and you were so surprised and softened by his behaviour-, instead of keeping your head in the pages, you turned to him, smiling. He evidently wasn’t expecting you to notice him -every night you were always deeply focused on your textbooks, all in all, but he was content to share some time studying near you-, but he quickly recovered, tilting again his hat to greet you.
“It’s rare to see someone here this late.” you started, talking in a low voice. Even if you were basically alone, you were still in a library! He hummed in agreement, toying with a pen, so small in his big hands. You had the chance to look at his writing: it was so neat and pretty…
“Uhm… maybe, since it is basically just the two of us, we could help each other?” he turned again to you, his face painted with surprise. You were… genuinely enjoying his presence? You weren’t scared, or attracted in a sort of morbid way? You really just wanted to… hang out? In a genuine friendly way?
He nodded, still in awe, and you smiled again, happy. You knew it! All the stories about Jotaro Kujo, about his apparent criminal behaviour… weren’t true. He really seemed a good man at heart. A bit closed, but still a man with a good heart.
He answered to all your questions. You noticed how his enthusiasm and sincere love for what he was studying managed to leak out even if he was as serious as always. The best way to see it was in his eyes; they always softened when he talked about sea life… or when they looked at you, you noticed, feeling a little warmer on your cheeks.
He walked with you to your flat -and you were so grateful; you didn’t like to walk alone at late night-, and, when you finally bid goodbye, you take his hand in a firm and warm handshake, smiling at him.
“Anyway… my name’s Y/N. Let’s see tomorrow at the library, so!” you waved your hand, before closing your home door behind you. Jotaro stayed for few seconds more, before moving towards his own little flat.
Y/N… he wouldn’t have forget.
Jotaro couldn’t get you out of his mind.
The time he spent with you at the library was the best he had ever had since… always, to be honest. He didn’t feel uncomfortable or weird when he talked to you about his studies, nor he thought of you as weird when you talked about yours. He was fascinated by you, you as a whole. You were so passionate and talented, so refreshing and curious…  and you had guts! What he loved -loved? Yes… maybe it was so- the most was your honesty. You were always so blatantly honest to him that he never, not even once, doubted your words. With you he felt… safe. He wanted to spend more and more time with you. He wanted to know you better and to be familiar with the most silliest things about you. How did you like your coffee? What was your favourite color? Would you have liked to fly to Europe? It was a matter of details, for Jotaro. And the more he came to know you, your little quirks, your little habits -how you always put your highlighters in chromatic order, how you always caressed your textbook covers before opening them, how you always tilted your head to a side when he talked to you, as to hear him better-, the more he liked them. He loved them. He wanted to know more of them, and you, and…
Was this love? Was he falling in love?
It would have explained the warmth he felt when he was with you, why he always had to bite back a smile when he was thinking about you. Why he always cheered up the right moment he was able to sit near you, even when his day had been a mess…
Well… if this was love, it wasn’t bad. It wasn’t bad at all…
And maybe, the next time you would have seen each other, he would have invited you to take a coffee. It would have been a nice step forward.
And then… well, you would have seen together where that path would have lead you to.
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roboraindrop · 5 years
This is really silly and dumb, I just wanted an excuse to write and not go to bed yet dkdbdjdb
The kiss was broken and Rain sighed against the lips of the love of their life. Their hands cupped his handsome face, thumb ever so lightly brushing his cheek. Their eyes opened slowly as they pulled back, getting a good look at Dick. He was so beautiful in this moment, and in every other moment, that it made their heart ache.
The detective in question's eyes were still closed in the wake of the kiss, and his cheeks had a nice dusting of red to them as well. The blissful smile that was painted across his face seemed to be a permanent feature when Rain was near. It didnt take long for the feeling of their eyes on him to cause him to open his as well. The second he saw the way they looked at him, he grinned that world-shattering, heart-stopping grin of his that turned Rain's insides straight to jello.
"Oh, stop," Rain groaned, but their voice retained their playful edge, "Don't do this to me."
Dick simply stared for a moment, absolutely smitten with the way the last bits of sunlight from the window played in his partner's mischievous blue eyes. "Huh? What'd I do?"
"There! You're still doing it!"
"Doing what?" He was starting to get genuinely concerned at their distressed tone, a sudden seriousness coming over him like a heavy blanket as he searched their eyes. If something was bothering them, he was bound and determined to take care of it. "What am I doing?"
Rain sensed his change and smiled reassuringly, and almost apologetically for making him worry, "Making me fall in love with you all over again!"
Dick's seriousness melted and he felt the blush all the way to his ears. It didnt matter how often they said it; This feeling of fullness and warmth in comparison to the many years of being alone and lost in life had made him hypersensitive to the words even still. The fact that he was loved filled him to his core, and he was overjoyed!
"Hey, you did it to me first!" He teased in response, lovingly ruffling their washed-out orange and purple hair that reminded him of a pb&j. "Its only fair that I do it to you, too!"
"In what universe is that fair?" Rain huffed. They still stared at him like a lovestruck fool, feeling more and more drawn to him by the second. They stole another, much quicker kiss from him before grumbling, "Its not even legal for somebody to be so damn gorgeous."
He chuckled a little, breathless as he set to smoothing down their ruffled hair. He had been the one to mess it, sure, but he knew how much they liked it played with. "...I'd do anything for you, y'know," He sighed dreamily.
"Anything?" He nodded. "Then I demand that you arrest yourself right now for being too cute!"
The detective paused, as if really considering something. After a moment, he spoke again. "I don't think that's real legal grounds for an arrest, pal... But if you have another crime I've committed...."
"Okay, how about grand theft?"
"What?! No way, pal! What'd I steal?"
Rain's eyes softened and they traced the curve of his jawline for just a moment before looking into his eyes again. "My heart, dummy."
"Uh-uh!" He defended, feeling his insides go all weak at their touch, "You cant get me on that one either, pal! I can't steal what you gave me willingly!"
"Too late, you've been found guilty! I demand compensation for my pain and suffering!"
The detective submitted to his fate as a criminal, looking up at them through his lashes, "Alright, pal. Anything you say. What's the fine?"
"10,000 kisses! I want immediate payment, please."
Dick frowned playfully, leaning in so that their foreheads were touching. "I don't know if I can pay that all up front, Sunshine."
"Its okay," Rain answered, sliding an arm over his shoulder while their other hand walked it's way up his chest, fidgeting with his tie. They were more than ready to get started on collecting. "We can work out a payment plan."
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