#completely realistic... I don't want my character to wear those anyway... so it's all good
silver-horse · 1 year
I downloaded a bg3 mod that makes my character's tits less enormous and all the very sexy low cut outfits now have a huge gap between her chest and the fabric. lmao just like in real life. can't wear those clothes. I am truly immersed now
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ladyfeldspar · 4 years
21x02: Put It Down
I've wanted to do a watch/writeup of this episode for a while now. Tweek has been my favorite character since Gnomes aired, when I was still in elementary school and secretly watching South Park with my dad at night. Craig, while I enjoyed him as a character before, absolutely won my heart in the Pandemics and gets third favorite. (My second favorite is Clyde but that doesn't matter right now.)
And when I got into SP fanfiction, and discovered that Creek was a thing, I hopped right on that train and have never looked back. Tweek x Craig made my life when I first saw it and this episode... Well, you'll see.
Disclaimer: I have A LOT of feelings about this episode. Sorry not sorry about how long this is.
"...a performance by one of our students who has written a song..." Raise your hand if the first time you watched, you also figured it was Cartman, the most musical one of the kids.
Raise your other hand if you also got unreasonably excited when it was Tweek.
Tweek "playing" piano is both exactly what I would have expected, and nothing at all what I expected.
I really, really just want to give this poor kid a hug, Jesus Christ.
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Everyone just looks so shocked, but I feel like Kyle and Stan might actually care?
"He's your boyfriend, dude." Ugh, my HEART. They are legit and adorable and that's not the last time I'm going to say that.
Shut up, Cartman. I mean it's great you don't care if someone's gay or straight or whatever but shut the hell up.
Tweek being scared of his locker slamming, oh my gosh.
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Okay. Jesus Christ. This. We've known Craig for almost 21 seasons at this point and he has been incredibly well-established as not caring about a whole hell of a lot. So when he comes up to Tweek actively trying to help him and chill him out it melts my icy heart SO MUCH more than a cool island song ever could.
I generally hate the terms "babe" and "honey" (I'm honestly just not one for pet names) but Craig calling Tweek those things is fucking adorable.
Side thought: I want another episode just about the two of them, and I want Tweek to be wearing Craig's hat.
"Cuuupcaaaaakes!?" Kills me every time.
Heidi is too sweet for Cartman.
Stan you're such a douche but I love you anyway.
Tweek's cupcakes are frosted 1000% better than mine ever are.
But his kitchen looks just like mine after a day of baking.
Fuck you Garrison for ruining Tweek's happy little moment. He deserves all the happiness in the world.
Craig just calmly walking into the kitchen, like, was he there the whole time? Just hanging out letting Tweek do what he had to do and destroy the kitchen? More proof that they're legit - find me anyone else that Craig has supported this much.
Like he went out and bought Tweek a fidget spinner how fucking cute is that?!
Okay. "Go ahead and bomb us, Kim Jong Dong," also makes me laugh for like twenty minutes.
Why is this song so catchy?! Why are Cartman's songs always so fucking catchy?? Like Minorities which I constantly have to stop myself from absentmindedly singing in public.
Logic!Cartman is remarkably inclusive.
Mic drop.
Poor Tweek, like Jesus, his dad is infuriating and so stupid. Not Randy level stupid but like, quit shoving a fidget spinner in your kid's face and actually talk to him for Christ's sake.
But I mean, this is also the parent who pointed a gun at Tweek's head while teaching him how to avoid being abducted, so I don't know what I expect of him honestly.
That poor kid getting run over. And yet it's that part of the story that pushes this episode into feeling like a older episode and is half the reason I love it so much. There's a really good point to be made, but the constant killing of kids by distracted drivers gives it the fucked up South Park edge.
I love PC Principal in this episode too, and how he just doesn't really care what the hell Cartman wants.
Open door, turn on light, close door. "Waaaaaagghhhh!" "Hey, Tweek."
You have to wonder how often this has happened. And AGAIN, more proof that Craig really legitimately cares about Tweek. Imagine if anyone else woke Craig up like this. I really don't think he'd be so calm.
But it's Tweek, so he just yawns and deals with it because that's what you do when you care about someone.
Also, Craig sleeps with his hat on and that's adorable.
I love how they edited Tweek's picture into real photos.
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I feel so bad for Craig here. And through most of the episode actually. He's doing all he knows to do, because this is the kind of stuff that helps him. He's really trying, and Tweek's just wired differently.
And he has a stuffed astronaut monkey, because long live Spaceman Craig.
Again, shut up Cartman.
He brought him to an AMUSEMENT PARK, Craig has pink cotton candy, and they're holding hands. It's this kind of stuff that makes my brain explode from cuteness.
Of all Tweek's twitch noises, I for some reason find the, "rrrrgh" he does on the Ferris Wheel one of the cutest ones.
This fight breaks my heart a little because again, Craig is trying. He has put so much effort into doing his best to help Tweek and finally, finally gets frustrated. It shows how much patience he has for Tweek that it took him so long to get to this point.
I just want to hug them both during this fight. God knows they need it. It's just such a realistic argument, ugh.
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And then this moment. This moment where everything clicks, both for us (the parallels of Logic!Cartman/logical Craig vs emotional kids needing to grieve/emotional Tweek needing to freak out) and for Craig, who finally realizes that everyone handles stress differently and you have to adapt to their coping mechanisms to be able to help them. And as soon as he puts that together, he's off to go find Tweek because he's worth it to him. And my heart melts again.
And he does so well, too, despite being completely out of his element. Their little smiles after Tweek calms down, Jesus Christ.
This song. THIS SONG. I don't know what it is about this song but it just hits me SO hard every time. Tweek actually being able to play the piano beautifully (I will argue that it's because Craig is there with him and that makes Tweek feel so much better), CRAIG SINGING even though he clearly isn't the most comfortable with it and is obviously doing it for Tweek (ANOTHER point of proof for the realness of their relationship), the chorus, the Cartman rap (!!!!), the memorial of distracted driving victims (Kenny)...
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And this moment, right here. When it goes back to the two of them there, and the spotlight focuses on them and they smile at each other, just oh my gosh. I get really weepy almost every time I watch this. They're adorable. They support each other. They're willing to grow and adapt for each other. They have a real connection with each other. They're happy together. Like look at Craig's smile. How can you not love that?!
Thanks for reading my rambling disjointed nonsense. This episode is always going to be one of my favorites. Tweek and Craig forever. The end. 💜
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