scungledfiles · 2 years
i hope ur ok D: also the little guy is incredible n u didn't have to make him!!!!! i can't tell who I'm talking to anymore qwq
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VICTORNIAEN BOY REPORTINHG LIVE FROM HIS BABY JAIL TO TEL U bro we hav, we have tags and also its 2 ppl to keep track of <3 ash is the nerd boy who can actually use a computer (code) and has like, a funtional adult boy brain, he generally makes userboxes (like the animal crossing ones & monster ones !) (he also makes the alert windows !! ) im row n i am very sllightlei insane i make wayy to many versions of things, was feelin quirky 1 afternoon and made 599 different cat userboxes outof the same 12 images. i have been on a blinkie making thing recentlei with my mogser blinkies n the currently still being saved out (i have to manually save and sort them) (and by currently i mean im not working on them while i have covid.) slime rancher blinkies also when u see us as cats im the gray small kitty and ash is the bigger fluffy orange kitty
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