#computer earrings are unrelated i just fuck w them
devilfruitdyke · 9 months
shirt hair and little computer earrings acquired
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dogliker73 · 1 year
Question meme thing!! Tagged by @courfeyracs-swordcane and haven’t been able to sit at my computer and do it until now :)
Share your wallpaper: it’s been this for a Hot Minute and i have no idea where i got it anymore:
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Last song you listened to: ok i fell asleep to the album Canopy by Silent Whale Becomes a Dream, but before that i was listening to Duvet by Bôa (the serial experiments lain OP) over and over and over and over and it’s stuck in my head forever
Currently reading: Dracula daily!! i have a couple other novels on my summer backlog but i haven’t gotten around to starting them yet
Last movie you watched: Puss in Boots: the Last Wish. oh my goodness i was NOT expecting it to go as hard as it does. absolutely gorgeous movie with interesting characters and writing!
Craving: gay people curry, it is my favorite food i could eat it forever (i am going to make some tonight!)
What are you wearing right now: a blanket, i just woke up ok
How tall are you: 5′7
Piercings: I have my ears pierced and a navel piercing!
Tattoos: i am too indecisive to have one but i really want some kind of floral pattern down my leg i think it would be rad. One Day (maybe)
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses every waking moment of every day. i’ve never actually worn contacts but i like the glasses aesthetic so i see no reason to try them
Last drink: water. reminder to stay hydrated :)
Last thing I ate: a bunch of oreos. i needed to catch up on eating for the day and it was like 11 pm
Last show: Last one i finished was Fate/Zero, i am SO mad at myself for putting it off for so long it’s so good! i’m currently watching serial experiments lain but i’m putting off watching the last few episodes because then it’ll be Over and i won’t have any more to watch :(
Favorite color: pink but also i really like to see green around :)
Current obsession: Celeste, i’m replaying it rn and i am thinking of it every time i close my eyes
Unrelated obsession: i am so excited for the second session of salt marsh campaign!!!!!
Any pets: i have 2 childhood dogs (bruiser and snoopy) but they are living w my mom!!
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Do you have a crush on anyone: uhhhhh yes no maybe i don’t know it’s complicated. i hope that helps
Favorite fictional characters: Nautica and megatron transformers if you pressured me for an answer, but i don’t really have “favorites”, just a cast of characters from a bunch of things who are Important To Me and become a formless amalgam in my brain
The last place you travelled: i went to new zealand a few years ago and it was fucking RAD. i’ve been to other major cities in my state since then, but i’ve lived there already and i went to visit people so idk if that counts
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coredrill · 1 year
pre-gridnzn movie thots!!! mostly just for my own organization lmao
okay so heads up SPOILERS for both series and maybe the movie itself depending. i’ll do general thoughts first then go into some more specific ones
general thoughts:
okay. so. the gist from the trailer that i get is that because the “multiverse” is getting all wonky, kaiju start appearing again. in this case the “multiverse” means the virtual world that encompasses both the ssss.gridman universe and the ssss.dynazenon universe, perhaps also the computer world with all the lines where alexis is from(? idr i haven’t finished rewatching gridman lmao) and also the real world where akane is from?
to combat the kaiju, the dnzn gang hops to the ssss.gridman universe (possibly w the help of knight and second? cause they clearly have that ability, to travel between parallel worlds, and i think that would make sense that they are watching over the gridman gang uwu. OR the neon genesis guys probably, there is a shot in the trailer where it looks like they break into yomogi’s house or smth lmao)
chise is probably gonna pilot dyna diver and GOOD FOR HER LMAO though i hope she gets to see goldburn again too; i love that she dyed her hair for him
koyomi’s gonna not show up for work due to multiverse crises and lose his fucking job lmao. poor guy
yomo and yume i don’t really have any predictions for. they’ll be in the movie ig. their whole deals were resolved pretty well in dnzn. it looks like yomogi has to sacrifice himself at some point? idk. i think he’s gonna fret a lil about gauma never telling him the third thing
i am interested to see what they do with yuuta, like the trailer seems to lean HARD into the “confess to rikka” thing but like. it’s the only bit of characterization the dude’s got LMAO ofc it’s gonna be a thing. but also it seems like he’s maybe weighing the pros and cons of combining w gridman again?? at least, w the kaiju all showing up, it looks like he realizes he can’t fight them without gridman and probably doesn’t wanna leave the dnzn crew all on their own. maybe after yomo sacrifices himself, yuuta also decides to “sacrifice” by combining w gridman? and maybe he looses his memories again for it? idk, but i’m interested to see YUUTA get an arc and hopefully a personality instead of just relying on his cute kitten ear hair for personality alkjfhdslkj. like it obviously worked in ssss.gridman but i wanna know YUUTA yknow? not vessel-for-gridman-yuuta
utsumi did not look happy that yuuta’s still the main character LMFAO. i think he and koyomi should get drinks together or smth
no clue what rikka’s gonna do since her arc was pretty akane-centric lmao. she says she’s 16 in the trailer, so i suppose about a year has passed for the gridman gang (not sure if it’s the same for the dnzn gang?) so i imagine it’s not gonna be a grief thing? also if it is i fear they lean wayyyy to close to repeating yume’s arc w her. idk! but i DO hope she meets knight and gets to have a moment that the kid she took in and fed and bathed and showed kindness to became a WHOLE HUMAN BEING WITH A HEART because of it!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHH
on that note ANTIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE HIM!!!!!!! i’m rly excited for my way to play and for the gridman gang to see him all grown up from their weird feral adopted cat to their overprotective uncle. i will sob maybe
on that note this is unrelated but i have been reading transcripts of the audio dramas and the fact that calibur takes in stray cats is SO FUNNY TO ME considering how he basically took in confused-kitten-yuuta and feral-cat-anti LMAO
music!!! this is gonna RULE the soundtrack drops SO SOON and i can’t wait to LISTEN also i still have my hopes set on a union/imperfect mashup. PLEASEEEEEEE
ADDED THURS 3/23 i think it’s downright hilarious that like half the promo for this movie has been like. yuuta: “i need to confess to rikka 🥺👉👈” rikka: *🧍* yomogi: *actively having the biggest crisis of his life* yume: “WOOHOO YEAH I LOVE BEIN A SUPER ROBO PILOT!”
it’s nice to see yume being her silly self now that she’s been able to move on tho :] she really deserves the world
prediction: rikka: “oh wow i can’t believe that kaiju kid is our homeless uncle now” koyomi: “i think he’s like my second favorite homeless uncle” yomogi: “he’s my third” and then koyomi throws a fit LMAO
based on the japantimes review:
okay so i already threw my hat in the GAUMA RETURNING RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY FUCK GAUMA MIGHT BE COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!! genuinely i’m so excited for this he’s my absolute favorite i love him so much!!!!!!!!!!! like i could see it being some of the other eugenecists too if the rest of the dnzn crew want to use instance domination to get the kaiju under control but like WHAT IF ITS GAUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also with the universe collapsing fuckery i could absolutely see them pulling in another universe’s gauma OR gauma from the past and yomo asking him about the third thing. however if this is the case i will cry bc gauma loves his dyna pals so so so much and seeing him not recognize them . listen ...............
let him eat crabs (said through sniffling)
also the live action bits. i feel like that might just be toku? like when the review mentioned nge i was like “oh live action like eoe used” but tbh i think they might just be having a live action tokusatsu battle?? or like phasing in and out of one as the multiverse collapses??? they did make that gridman suit lmao, maybe just for promo but. much to think about
oh OR my other guess here is that it’s akane but like. i’ll talk abt that more in the next section lmaoooooooooooooooo
based on the ““““leaks””””:
LOL. LMAO. these aren’t real but i wanna talk about them anyway
okay to be fair they MAY be real but the thing that makes me think they aren’t is akane returning?? like. if nothing else i do trust trigger with knowing when a story should end and akane’s story has ended. HOWEVER i don’t trust the fuckers at tsuburaya cause idk them but i feel like akane’s the ssss-anime franchise’s most popular character and they wanna milk her presence for all its worth lmao. (she’s def the most popular for eng speakers that i’ve seen; idk if it’s the same in japan. also apparently this is trigger’s biggest property in japan??? which makes sense cause it’s a franchise and they’ve made two installments for it but like. idk i was surprised!!! anyways lmao)
and idk i think akane returning COULD be handled well but like. only if everyone else goes to her yknow? she has moved on from her escapism, but if the gridnzn crew fall into the Real World and rikka’s like “oh shit let’s get akane to help!” i could see that working fairly well. and then she says goodbye to them all again but she’s in a better place w it this time around :) could also lead to some tension too
but like. “galaxy gridman is an enhanced form created by akane in the real world” what
also they refer to the dnzn world as the “real world?” so is the dnzn world just the real world but animated? i am so confused LMAO, is this bc gauma’s the og gridman mummy? is gauma & the eugenecists from the real world but went to the dnzn world when they time jumped?
characters from the og gridman show showing up seems like it’d be confusing more than anything else tbh, but it would fit the “extra cameos” mentioned in the japantimes review as well as if they show up in live action............
“yuuta unites w gridman and sets out to save other worlds, rikka waits for him and they meet again as adults” what is this drling in the frnxx-ass shit..............
however the teasing of the next installment called THE KNIGHT and it being about ANTI........................okay!!!! okay!
on the whole i hope this is all fake (and the akane return REALLY tips me off that they ARE, alongside the fact that there is like two plot points mentioned and then literally a million things abt the ending?) but like. we’ll see i suppose LMAO
HOWEVER ANTI SPINOFF!!!!!!!!!!! I’LL TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways i may update this up to when the movie actually comes out and HOPEFULLY someone posts full spoilers online cause i wanna know!!! and who knows when it’ll come out in the states LMAO. this summer i hopeeeee i’m so excited to see it ugh. the fact that the lagann-hen animators are all coming back for it AHHHHHHHHHHH!
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sadprose-auroras · 5 years
‘Greed’ – Gwilym Lee X Ben Hardy X Female Reader (SMUT)
A/N: Uh, this bouta be the filthiest thing I’ve ever written. I’d like to formally apologise to Ben Hardy, Gwilym Lee, anyone who reads it, and God Herself. Heavy content warning, obviously. Please proceed with caution.
Also, I just realised the only two smuts I have on here are threesomes. Idk what that says about me kskdfjksk
ALSO I’ve really just been on a roll in the last couple days?? You know your procrastination w writing uni assignments gets that bad, that you begin to pump out fanfiction at an insane level
I wrote this at 1am, and it’s entirely unedited and barely proofread.
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 It truly seemed like the day was never going to end. You truly were about to reach your breaking point. Customers seemed extra impossible to please, the pain in your back was unrelenting, and you were even getting annoyed with your usually favourite co-workers.
 “Jesus, Y/N, what’s gotten into you today?” your work best friend Sarah asked, frowning as you became increasingly frustrated when you couldn’t seem to fold a pair of jeans, a seemingly impossible feat. Nothing, that’s the problem, you thought.
 “Nothing, I’m sorry,” you said with a light chuckle, shaking your head. “Maybe I’m just PMS-ing, I don’t know. Just one of those days,” you said with a shrug. But you knew exactly why you were frustrated. Why you just wanted to rush home as soon as you could.
 “Tell you what, why don’t you take off early? I can tell you’re having a shitty day. We’ve got everything covered here. Go home and have a glass of wine and take a bath,” she chuckled, obviously sensing there was something else going on.
 “Are you kidding? That would be amazing, are you sure?” you asked. Despite how desperate you were to get home, you couldn’t just leave an hour early.
 “Yes!” she said with a smile. “Seriously, get!” she smacked your bum playfully.
 “You’re the best, Sar, thank you,” you grinned, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, before gathering your things and speed-walking to the carpark, using all your restraint not to run any red lights. When you arrived home, you let out the biggest sigh of relief when you saw your boyfriend Gwilym’s car in the driveway, and not your roommate Ben’s.
 You practically burst through the door, rolling your shoulders back, tossing your jacket and purse down and kicking off your shoes immediately. You paused, hesitating for a second, before unzipping your uncomfortably tight jeans and tossing them on the back of the couch with your jacket, leaving you in a cropped off-the-shoulder knit and panties, shrugging as you looked down at yourself. Not bad for someone who felt like shit.
You actually decided to take Sarah’s advice and pour yourself and Gwilym a glass of wine each, before trekking upstairs into the office, sighing in relief when you saw him sitting at his computer, typing away furiously, his back turned to you. He turned around when he heard you, immediately smiling in surprise.
 “Hey love, what are you doing home so early?” he asked with a sweet grin, taking the glass of wine from you and welcoming your immediate positioning on his lap. He didn’t even question your lack of clothing, either. The two of you were just so comfortable around each other.
 “Long day,” you sighed, resting your head on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arm around your waist. He frowned in sympathy and kissed your temple.
 “Anything I can do to help?”
 You could certainly think of a few things.
 Acting on impulse, you placed your wine down, taking his as well and ignoring his whine of protest. You re-positioned yourself so you were straddling one of his thighs, arms around his neck as his arms instinctively settled on the small of your back on your bare skin, drawing small circles with his thumbs. His lips were curved in an understanding smirk, eyes locked on yours.
 “I see exactly what’s going on here, baby…” he said, his voice dropping an octave in the most delicious way possible. “You were so pathetically desperate to get off, that you left work early. That’s exactly it, isn’t it?” he said, raising an eyebrow, large hands running up and down your back, causing heat to immediately rush to your cheeks. You stayed silent, like a deer caught in headlights.
 “Oh, drop the act, love. I can read you like an open book,” he said with a condescending chuckle, hands settling at the top of your ass. “Tell you what, I’m going to continue working, and you’ll get yourself off on my thigh, yeah? Fuck yourself on my thigh, since you’re just so fucking desperate. How does that sound, baby? You’ve gotta be quite though, or I’ll stop being so fucking generous.”
 You nodded rapidly, eyes blown impossibly wide. Gwilym tsked, grabbing your chin forcefully.
 “That’s not an answer baby girl, I asked how that sounded.” he spat, a droplet landing on your cheek.
“S-Sounds so good, Sir. A-And you’re right, I spent all day thinking about you, that I had-“ Gwilym cut you off with a sharp smack to your ass, making you yelp and jerk forward.
“I only asked you one question, slut. Speak only when I say you can, otherwise shut the fuck up. And do what you’re told.” he said as he took both his hands off you, continuing to type and keep his eyes off you entirely. You went to stand up and take your panties off, but Gwilym pulled you back forcefully by the hips, shaking his head and chuckling sadistically.
“Keep them on. They’re bloody soaked and ruined already. I want you to make a mess in your panties, like the dirty, desperate little girl you are. Especially if you’re gonna walk around the house like that and leave the fuckin’ office door open, where anyone could know how much of a desperate whore you really are.” You both know who he meant by ‘anyone.’
 You didn’t need to be told twice, immediately beginning to grind yourself against his thigh, whimpering softly at the delicious friction of his jeans against your swollen, throbbing clit. You bit your lip to suppress any loud noises, chest heaving with shallow breaths as you fluttered your eyes shut and rocked back and forth, up and down, Gwilym completely ignoring you as he worked.
 Just as you began to reach your climax already, your wetness soaking through to Gwilym’s jeans, your pussy making obscene noises as you moved around, Gwilym gave in, turning his attention to you. He placed his hands back on your hips, digging his nails in, causing you to let out a loud, strangled whimper. He clenched his thigh, eyes trained on the sight of you looking so desperate to cum, especially even more when he did so.
“S-Sir..” you whined loudly, squeezing your eyes shut, mouth hanging open in utter bliss, just about to release. You’d been so caught up in the euphoric feeling, that you didn’t hear the car in the driveway, the door being unlocked, or the footsteps coming upstairs. Gwilym did though, glancing over your shoulder to the open door every couple of seconds. 
 Little did he know, Ben had seen your pants strewn on the couch on his way in. He’d secretly found both of you incredibly sexy, silently getting himself off in his own bedroom when he heard the two of you through the thin walls. The way you turned into a submissive puddle with so few words, the way Gwilym held you in the palm of his hand, made him rock-hard.
 Ben rounded the corner to the open door, doing a double-take when he saw the two of you. “Oh, my god!” he said loudly, and you ceased moving, your eyes snapping open and even more heat rushing to your cheeks. You froze, unable to move or speak or think. Gwilym was a little more direct, though.
 “Come on, Ben, don’t you wanna join us?” he said, as if it were the most casual, obvious fact. Ben hesitated for a second, before giving in and coming into the room. He’d be crazy to pass this opportunity up.
 “Are you okay with this, Y/N?” Ben asked sincerely, and you nodded rapidly.
“P-Please…” you croaked out. “Need it so bad.” It was like a switch flipped in Ben, and he got a wicked grin on his face, boldly moving to run his hands through your hair, before tugging it to one side, attacking his plump lips to your neck and sucking and biting, causing you to mutter and whimper in pleasure.
“I think she likes that,” Gwilym chuckled darkly, his hands still gripping your hips harshly. Ben continued his assault of your neck, slipping your bra strap off your shoulder and continuing up and down, hand still tugging your hair harshly and keeping your head in place.
 “Keep moving baby, wanna see you get off on Sir’s thigh. I wanna see how fuckin’ desperate and greedy you are.” With that, you immediately began moving your hips again, at a more rapid pace this time, while Gwilym continued speaking.
 “Do you want Ben to see what a dirty little girl you truly are, hm? Wanna soak your fucking panties and my jeans, and make an absolute mess, huh? Such a little slut. Look at her, mate,” he said, addressing Ben. Ben played along, trailing kisses up to your ear and nibbling at it.
 “God, she’s such a desperate little whore, wanting two men to dominate her,” he observed whispering in your ear. You were rendered completely speechless, heart pounding rapidly as you moaned loudly and ground down on Gwilym’s thigh, chasing your release.
 Gwilym continued clenching his thigh every so often, taking you by surprise and relishing in the way you scrunched your face up or shook a little more when he did. Ben began to leave marks down your collarbones, before lifting your jumper up and undoing your bra, lips never leaving your skin. When he swirled his tongue around your nipple, you were absolutely gone for. You gasped and writhed and shook as you came harder than you ever had before. Your head was spinning as you slowed and came down, practically panting at the intensity of it all. And yet…
“Sir… need your cock, p-please… I need m-more…”
While you expected some kind of shock from your request from Ben at the very least, both men laughed expectantly, exchanging a glance.
 “Is that so, you naughty little thing?” Gwilym said as he slipped a hand into your soaked panties, rubbing slow circles on your clit, causing you to whine loudly and buck your hips up. “Answer me,” he growled, circling your clit unbearably hard and fast.
 “Y-Yes, and I want Ben to fuck my face,” you admitted sheepishly, causing Ben to draw in a sharp intake of breath. Both men were impossibly hard from watching you get off, and nothing sounded better to both of them than that.
“Get up and walk yourself to the bedroom then, baby, if you want it so badly.”
 You knew this tactic so well. Gwilym enjoyed humiliating you, laughing when you couldn’t walk after an intense orgasm, tying you up and leaving you for hours, crying and begging to be fucked. You gave in though, enjoying it just as much as he did. You stood up, bracing yourself on the desk for fear of your knees buckling underneath you. You felt bot men’s eyes drilling into your back as you stumbled into yours and Gwilym’s bedroom, tearing off your jumper and bra as soon as you got there.
 “Jesus, she really is a slut. You were right…” Ben said to Gwilym, eyes raking up and down your naked, trembling body. Gwilym hummed in agreement. The way both men were fully clothed, and you were entirely naked, cum staining your inner thighs, left you even more impossibly weak.
 “Hands and knees baby girl, now.” Gwilym commanded, and you obliged, flopping down like a rag doll, your limbs still shaking. The sight suddenly became too much for both of them to bare, and they simultaneously undid their belts and pants, releasing their achingly hard cocks. You paid particular attention to Ben’s, your mouth watering at the sight of the red tip leaking with precum, and his delicious girth.
 They wasted no time in positioning themselves at either end of you, Gwilym kneading your ass cheeks as he spoke.
“Tell you what, I want to see you drooling everywhere first baby. Ben, do you think you could spit in the little slut’s mouth? She loves it, she’s such a messy thing.”
 Ben didn’t hesitate in grabbing your chin and forcing your panting mouth open, spitting in your mouth, some of it dripping down your chin. He grinned, watching as you swallowed and licked your lips, eyes hooded. “Jesus…” he murmured as he bit his lip, releasing your jaw.
 “Much better. You ready now, baby girl? Ready to be stuffed full of cock, like the little cockslut you are, yeah?” Gwilym asked, causing you to whimper and push your ass back towards him, mouth hanging open. They both took this as a yes, and, at the same time, Gwilym thrust into you, and Ben forced himself down your throat while he gripped your hair.
  All talking ceased as the three of you became so lost in the eroticism of it all. Both men grunted and growled with every thrust, and tears streamed down your face at the restriction of air, as well as the stretch from Gwilym’s huge cock slamming into you relentlessly.
 “Such a good little girl, taking us so well,” Gwilym moaned. “Makes me so fuckin’ horny to see you being used like this. Just our little fucktoy to own and use for our pleasure, to fill up with cum. Isn’t that right?” he asked, knowing very well you couldn’t answer, as Ben was unwaveringly forcing his cock right to the back of your throat, making you gag. Just when you began to think you couldn’t take anymore, both men looked at each other and nodded, ceasing their actions.
 You gasped and tried to regain your breath, panting. Yet, the emptiness was an unwelcome feeling. Gwilym sensed your demeanour, knowing very well you could take more. He picked you up with ease and threw you onto the bed like a rag doll, parting your legs with his large hands and holding you still. They resumed their positions, Ben’s cock at your trembling lips, Gwilym’s dragging up and down your folds.
 “Want you to cum for us, baby. Like this, and no more. Stay still, or you won’t get to.” Gwilym commanded, and, with one flick of his tip on your clit, you came again, every muscle in your body twitching as you squirted, making a mess on the bed.
 Ben watched in wonderment, chuckling softly. “Jesus Christ, you just obey every order you’re given, don’t you?” You merely nodded, eyes shut and breaths shallow and uneven.
 “I have another order for you, then. Keep your eyes closed, and don’t fucking move.”
  Yes sir,” you murmured shakily, not even sure who was talking to you at this point. You heard a bit of shuffling around, before you felt your hands and ankles being held down and tied harshly. You laid still, using all your willpower not to open your eyes. You then felt a hand on your chin, forcing your mouth open before a piece of material was shoved in your mouth.
“Open,” a voice you assumed was Ben’s, commanded. You did, breathing through your nose rapidly as you saw how spread out you were, each limb tied securely to a corner of the bed. A bandana had been shoved in your mouth, and Gwilym and Ben now stood on each side of the bed, both fully naked. You let out a hearty growl in the back of your throat at the sight, looking back and forth rapidly, eyes wide.
 “Now, you have two options,” Gwilym said, licking his lips, absentmindedly stroking his cock. “We can both cum all over you, and take a photo of you laying there so pathetically, or we can get each other off while you watch. Cause it’s about time, huh baby? We let you cum twice already. It’s our turn, you greedy little thing. So… what will it be?”
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