#confessor von valancius
mountainashfae · 8 months
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I have a feeling this is how the recruitment with Pasqal is gonna go because this mental image is what got me to try downloading the game in the first place.
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mountainashfae · 6 months
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it's messily done but forcing myself to have this one completed. My Adeptus Ministorum in Rogue Trader, the Confessor. I'm not as into this game but at least I've given them fun lore to play around with.
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mountainashfae · 8 months
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still messing around with practicing the guy. Getting used to their design and all. I have no idea how to pose him he's just kinda vibing at any given moment.
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mountainashfae · 8 months
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honestly yeah, I'll share it. Behold the WIP for my new custom portrait in Rogue Trader. It' going to be hell to finish but hey, might as well go all in with the project. I can't go a single game without the fancy lighting.
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mountainashfae · 8 months
there’s only a single brainworm for Confessor so far and it’s how they only have titles and have no name. If you don’t call them Archdeacon they request you call them Confessor, a previous title. Even “von Valancius” is more of a title than a name.
having a little fun with a guy whose concept is a complete lack of substance and who is being built up around that void.
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mountainashfae · 5 months
🎂 tell me about confessor... I do crave the lore
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people?
An easy one would be that while they seem like they'd be a natural leader, once they determine their direction they follow it clearly and with purpose, but they are not a leader. Not at all. He is not a person for making decisions or being in charge. He basically bluescreens once all the early goals set out for him are accomplished and he's gotta pick their next destination.
While I have read that the Adeptus Ministorum and Adeptus Mechanicus don't get along very well, I'm not sure that their positive opinions about the Mechanicus are super surprising since they're from a Forge world.
One that actually might catch people off guard is how viscerally uncomfortable he is with warp travel. Especially for the people who met him after becoming Rogue Trader. At the first chance possible, he finds a place away from the windows to spend the trip, so he doesn't have to look at the warp.
[ Odd OC Asks ]
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mountainashfae · 8 months
1, 2, 3, 11 for RT asks?
Thanks Milk!! I've already got 1 and 2 in this post.
3. What is their Archetype?
The Confessor is an Officer! There's not a big narrative reason for it, I picked based on what type of character I wanted to play. The idea is to progress to Grand Strategist at Lv 16.
11. Any non-companion NPC's that your RT has an interesting dynamic with?
I feel like it's unfortunately too early for me to have a good answer for this. But Kunrad definitely hit a unique dynamic immediately I guess? While the Confessor treats himself like a tool, he chooses who wields that tool. When Kunrad used the power of Chaos to force him to act, that immediately conflicted with his belief there. Theodora has permission to use him, not Kunrad, and certainly not Chaos.
[ Rogue Trader Asks ]
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mountainashfae · 8 months
Lmao it's fine. I also gave up on the format.
1, 5, and 7 for the Confessor, if you will ^_^
Because I worked slow on the one from Emma, I've already got 1 and 7 over in that post.
5. What was their relationship with Edelthrad? Would your RT have been happy with an advisory role, or had they always wanted something more?
I was really hoping someone would send this one. Edelthrad was an interesting figure for the Confessor. Like, that first impression is not strong at all. There was an expectation that he would be a rival. But everything happened so fast and they never got to experience that dynamic. But the Confessor saw the two of them as equals during that short period of time.
If everything hadn't happened, they would've been perfectly fine in an advisor position alongside Edelthrad. Perhaps even better off in that position. After all, if they consider themself something to be used, so they need someone in the position to use them.
[ Rogue Trader Asks ]
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mountainashfae · 8 months
1, 4, 7, 8, 9? (rt)
1. What was your RT's homeworld? How do they feel about it?
The Confessor is from a Forgeworld! They have a strong if ironic respect for the Adeptus Mechancius because of it. Still working on how a guy from a Forgeworld ended up in the Adeptus Ministorum.
4. How did your RT feel about Theodora? How did they feel when she died?
They did not know Theodora for very long before The Incident in the prologue happened and lost her already. After being handed the von Valancius name, they basically saw her as "the person who will use me" and trusted her judgement for that. Gave her the permission to use them in that way. After she died, it was like they became directionless. There was the task at hand, and the tasks to restore the ship, but after that...?
7. Are you or are you planning to go Dogmatic, Iconoclast, or Heretic?
Dogmatic! They are very devoted to their cause even if they're a bit Iconoclastic too. Not that I've gotten far enough to earn points in anything else.
8. How much does your RT buy into the Imperium's dogma? What do they agree or disagree on?
The Confessor like. SUPER follows the Imperium's dogma. They consider themself a tool to enact the dogma. Though that's not their job anymore. They're working on that.
9. Who is your RT romancing/planning to romance?
This is such a mean question because Pasqal is the one that all of us desire but he's not an option. So far I've only recruited Cassia of the romanceable companions, so who's to say how things will develop. For the moment, the Confessor will likely not be romancing anybody.
[ Rogue Trader Asks ]
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mountainashfae · 8 months
picking up Confessor and holding them up to the light like a cool bug. I wonder if I need to add “the” to the beginning of their title/name to get across the “they don’t have a name they only use titles” thing.
they are the confessor, the archdeacon, the rogue trader.
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mountainashfae · 8 months
a second brainworm for my rogue trader has appeared and it's that next to only going by assorted titles, they basically see and treat themself as a tool. But they choose who is allowed to use them that way. The God-Emperor and Rogue Trader are more than welcome to arm themselves with him, but trying to force it (like a certain bitch in the prologue) only breeds resistance.
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mountainashfae · 14 days
it's a shame I don't really talk about the Confessor or even continue RT because I love their concept. In literally any other setting than 40k.
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mountainashfae · 8 months
6 for the rt ask
6. What was their relationship with others on the flagship before the events started?
The Confessor kept busy with his work for the Ministorum as soon as he was ordained, so he never really had chances to run into them. After all, Theodora herself was surprised to find a priest among her prospective heirs. But back in the days when they were still a confessor and were nowhere near the position of archdeacon, they got to meet Argenta in passing. They respect her a lot from that brief period they knew each other. Everyone else though.... he basically met as the events were occurring.
[ Rogue Trader Asks ]
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mountainashfae · 8 months
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I don't know what I'm doing but I DO know that I have a new OC that might stick around. We'll see. The Venerable Archdeacon Confessor von Valancius.... he doesn't actually have a name except the new one he just got. Went by a title even after he got a new title.
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