#congrats!  you have a brand new rival/potential boyfriend kaiba!
chaoscheebs · 1 year
So, consider: a stunning reversal on the whole awkward-ass Yami Yugi-Anzu date, i.e. Atem setting up an outing with Seto and then peace-ing the fuck out, enjoy your date, Yugi.
Yugi, bless his heart, tries so hard to fake not being the one in charge of the body.  Jacket draped on the shoulders like a cape?  Check.  THE PHARAOH VOICE(tm)? Check.  Project (false) confidence like a boss?  Check!
He almost gets away with it.  There are small tells, of course, but it’s not like Seto’s ever really talked to either of them much outside of card games; how could he tell Atem isn’t quite that prone to sass, or to show glimmers of anger (mostly on behalf of others) quite so readily?  Hell, how would he know Atem isn’t half as much into cute things as Yugi, or that the way the body dresses is 100% Yugi, pseudo-capes aside?
The jig is up, eventually, because Yugi literally physically cannot keep up The Pharaoh Voice(tm) because honestly, it starts hurting to do after a while, and has to admit that, sorry, his other self is Just Not Into You Like That, Seto.  And then Yugi, dear, sweet Yugi, does the one Cardinal Sin that Seto can’t stand: he sympathizes with him.
It hurts, doesn’t it, he asks.  To be ignored by someone you try your best to reach out to, to gain acknowledgement from?  It’s even worse when you’re only seen as a weak meat puppet for the person that person really wants to be with, you know.  But you still want to duel with someone today, yes?  Then Yugi will be your opponent, Seto.  And even if you never reach out back for him, he’ll make sure you acknowledge his skill as a duelist.
Fast forward, card games happen, Yugi wins--not him and his other self, Yugi--and Seto’s like “well, fuck me” internally, because he is Realizing Things and does not how to deal with it.
(Later, at home, this conversation effectively happens:
Mokuba: So, how was your ~*~date~*~, big brother~? Seto: *grabs briefcase of cards, looking haunted* Yugi’s hot. Mokuba: What?  O.o Seto: *starts going through cards, looking for better card synergies for deck, still looking haunted* Yugi’s hot.)
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