#congratulations to anyone who actually reads this info dump (also thank you so much eiawo;eoawi-)
mystic-warriors · 26 days
Yo! I am FINALLY sharing my yokai oc, whos just an au if my yokai watch self insert oc died lmfao. to be clear NONE OF THIS IS CANON TO THE COMICS, THIS IS ITS OWN THING FOR FUNSIES.
I know nothing about balancing stats and moves in yokai watch so like dont @ me bro lmfao its not like it really matters anyways.
Her attribute is restoration which actually hurt my soul but she has like 4 evolutions anyways SOOO its ok, I can do what I want with them lmao
I have an empty template you can use for your own ocs here! you may have noticed page 4/3 is a new template, I made it for funsies- dont worry I'll share the file in a bit!
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for some things I couldnt fit into the templates below!:
Mysprite (My-sprite) comes from Mystic + sprite
Her nickname is Guppy, she finds it annoying because SHE IS NOT A FISH but she kinda looks like one so everyone started calling her that lmao
Befriended: “wait really? I didn't think I’d actually get this far… wait how do I make medals appear-?”
Loafing: “out of social points…"
Being traded: "yeah, that was… understandable”
Receiving food (favorite): "you thought of me? Thank you!!!”
Receiving food (normal): "thank you so much!!"
Receiving food (disliked): "thanks for the effort!"
Freed from Crank-a-kai: "wait… I'm out? I can see the sky!”
She can be found:
Special coin
Soul mystery coin
Excellent tower (at night or when raining)
Mount wildwood in trees (day or night while sunny)
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as you can probably guess these are evolution items for Mysprite, I may change the fact that they're all obtainable from fighting her but that's for later. As for the watch shard, there will be 3-4 more which need to be fused first before fusing with Mysprite to evolve her. I think it would be fun if I thought out quests to obtain the rest of the pieces as if she was actually in game. :)
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