#connecting dots. getting spirk
favvn · 2 months
Putting under a read more because I keep making too long of posts about Star Trek TOS. But Amok Time has me reflecting on the idea of belonging/a place to be for Kirk and Spock. (Also, this is a mess. I need to edit this better into a more coherent and concise point.)
In The City on the Edge of Forever, Edith Keeler confronts Kirk and Spock and tells them, "You know as well as I do how out of place you two are around here." It's straight observation: Spock isn't human, and they both have knowledge that is impossible for them to have in the 1930s.
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In Amok Time, T'Pau tells Kirk, "Do not interfere, Kirk. Keep thy place." Kirk was voicing his concern about Spock fighting another champion and dying as a result of an uneven match against someone who doesn't care for Spock's life (mistakenly believing that Spock's fever correlates to physical weakness as happens in humans). While he has been told twice at this point that the choice to stay and fight is his to make, T'Pau still indirectly urges him to reject taking part in the ceremony, even if it is only to aid Spock's safety and well-being. In doing so, she recalls Kirk's outsider status. This is not his place as a human, even if such concerns are to be expected of Kirk as a human. If it wasn't for Spock pledging on his behalf and naming him friend, Kirk would've been back on the Enterprise had T'Pau and Vulcan tradition had their say. But Spock's insistence on the right to have his friends at the ceremony and his explicit designation of Kirk and McCoy as his friends puts Kirk in a grey area between Vulcan tradition and established relationship.
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Back to The City on the Edge of Forever, Spock, of course, asks the question, "Where would you estimate we belong, Miss Keeler?"
Edith responds, "You? At his side as if you've always been there and always will."
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This dialogue is entirely directed at Spock despite his phrasing of "we" rather than "I." And given Joan Collins delivery (is it the dialect she uses? Is it just me? I feel like it's just me), the line sounds vaguely dismissive, making Edith seem as if she is annoyed at Spock for always lurking around Kirk like his shadow, or it's as if she is implying that Spock will never be more than at Kirk's side, as Kirk's Number Two. (In static images you can read whatever infliction into the words, and I will admit, the first time I heard them spoken in-scene, it didn't sound as I had anticipated. Maybe I'm off-base here, but it reminds me of Margaret Sullavan's delivery of the "instead of a heart, a handbag" speech in Shop Around the Corner, a "blend of poetry and meanness," as the film itself calls it.) Regardless, it's telling that a stranger immediately tells Spock that he belongs at the Kirk's side, despite knowing nothing of their relationship as friends and as Captain and First Officer.
Kirk, on the other hand, is told he belongs "in another place." Keeler admits she doesn't know where he belongs or how she knows he doesn't belong, just that he doesn't fit his current circumstances. His place, however, is not dependent on Spock, at least according to Keeler (which is a shame given the impact of repetition, bookend phrasing to call attention, etc.). My point being that, according to Edith Keeler's observation, Spock's place is dependent on Kirk but Kirk's place is dependent on no one. It's sadly one-sided when viewed like this but it puts more focus on Kirk's place being more nebulous.
Back to Spock. In a previous episode, This Side of Paradise, Spock falls under the plant spores' influence and finds himself overcome by feelings of happiness, love, and belonging. The spores immediately overcome any resistance he, as an emotion-repressing Vulcan, ought to have had. But Spock is not fully Vulcan. He is also half human, so the implication is that such strong and positive emotions tapped into his human half at the expense of his Vulcan upbringing. And for a character caught between the two opposing extremes--logic versus emotion, other Vulcans call his status into question due to "weak/diluted blood," humans don't accept him because he has chosen to live according to Vulcan principles--there's no wondering why he gives into the spores' influence. (Compared to Kirk, who is too driven by ambition to give in to the spores, despite being ruled by his emotions and having no explicit training to reign in emotional influence. Neat foil there. To say nothing of the security of identity versus uncertainty/shame of identity. Hmm. Wonder what that could also imply.)
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It is in this episode that Spock says, "I don't belong anymore," after Kirk breaks the spores' influence on Spock.
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Later, Leila realizes Spock is no longer under the spores' influence--"You're no longer with us, are you?"--and tells him, "You can belong again," implying that he only needs the plant spores once more, should he so choose.
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Despite having the option to belong again, Spock declines, stating his responsibility to both The Enterprise and to Kirk. He likens it to a self-made purgatory, this adherence to duty at the expense of happiness, much like how his adherence to Vulcan custom is at the expense of his human half. Spock chooses an in-between place--not heaven/paradise or hell itself--a place of work (if not possible suffering), of purification.
Spock's words parallel Kirk's at the end in This Side of Paradise: "Maybe we weren't meant for paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through."
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Now, back to Amok Time. Kirk, of course, accepts the challenge. Despite all the times he has been told he can leave. Despite Spock and McCoy both trying to get him out of it. He is not bound to fight much less stay as an outsider to the ceremony and to Vulcan entirely. But he chooses to stay and fight. A man who has no place to turn to beyond where he decides to be, who has shown he doesn't care about Starfleet orders, but will choose to do whatever is necessary for Spock.
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telldaily · 1 year
Will make you 😊
Spock decides it's time to help his captain connect the dots about their relationship.
#Spirkrec #Spirk #StarTrekTOS #Fluff #Humor
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