#considered putting flirty headcanons in here but i didn't think it went with the princess theme lol
Hi I ABSOLUTELY need to hear more about Evergreen being treated like a princess
Also maybe im biased but i feel like both bickslow and evergreen flirt with the rest of the team on the regular (in a friends way) - particularly freed and he is so done with it
I've got you! And I totally agree with the flirting thing (I actually almost put that in my last Raijinshuu post lol). I can see Bix getting really into it tbh
Evergreen wasn't always treated as the princess. When she first joined the team they were pretty hard on her (stupidly believing women to be weak). They barely even let her join the team
But then Evergreen literally knocked some sense into them and things changed quickly
Being impressionable teen boys, they learned everything they knew about girls from her (which she greatly exaggerated how you should treat a close female friend (she wanted princess treatment))
Her room is the only place they do not go. Everyone else's rooms are free range (mostly for Bix who will make himself at home anywhere)
There's two bathrooms in their home. One for the boys and one that's solely Evergreen's
She has the biggest room as well. "Women need more space than men. You wouldn't understand."
Evergreen shivers? All three offer their coats.
When it's that time of the month, she is basically a goddess. She picks the meals, they buy her goodies, and check on her constantly. (They do not understand women problems but they know she's cranky and will do anything to make her feel better)
The first time she cried in front of them, they nearly went on a murdering spree
One tear is enough for them to fuss over her for days. (Making her cry is unforgivable)
They strike the fear of god into every man that hits on her. She appreciates it most times, but it does get a little inconvenient
The boys basically form a triangle around her at the beach to stop men from staring at her (same thing at parties)
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