#considering how much hanako absolutely despises himself
mari-lair · 6 months
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Aidairo thinks so too:
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Both are bad at opening up, they can't be upfront about their feelings. In this panel is about confessing to their crushes, but it applies to any vulnerable feelings: They don't want to talk about it or appear vulnerable, ever.
Aoi and Hanako mask their insecurities with a playful/bubbly smile a lot, not letting even their closest friends see them being 'weak' and immediately coming up with distractions or excuses so that their friends stop focusing on them.
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Both act as if dying would be wonderful but they just hate themselves and want to stop having to exist with themselves. They are both the same brand of cowards.
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They love their very few friends but they also look down on them, as likely to be inspired and in awe of their loved ones determination and kindness as they are to resent it.
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They hate themselves and think their precious people are "too good for them", that they are unlovable by comparition, so they self-sabotage themselves, but they can't stand the idea of being alone. Willing to run at anything but still clinging desperately to them.
They are both extremelly possessive. To the point of being pathetic.
Hanako gets touchy and flirty, Aoi gets salty, it is a very different approach, but both of their worlds crumble when their crush is not making them their priority. Regardless if the person that caught their attention is someone they trust, it isn't good enough, no one is good enough, it has to be them, regardless if they don't consider themselves a 'good option' (which kind of feed into their self hatred)
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bonus that is more of a funny coincidence than a similarity, considering how vastly different the context is: Their suicide plan involves stabbing a loved one in the chest (akane would have died if he was in his human form)
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