#continuing this little fluffy AU where malaya lives and has trouble with verbal communication
taoofshigeru · 1 year
A Cure for Joy, but Not for Silence (Chapter 3: A Stalwart Ally)
Malaya struggles with communicating, and a helpful suggestion comes from an unlikely place. (Castti Florenz x Malaya)
Two days later...
"Malaya, what are we trying to make?" Castti said, a little frustration seeping into her voice. "This is a paralysis cure, no?"
The dark-skinned apothecary pointed at the cluster of orange thistles on the table for the tenth time.
"No, but if we add it now then the mixture might become toxic-"
Malaya shook her head widely from side to side, then slapped her forehead with her palm and walked away. She sat down on her bed, facing away from Castti. Puffy the Octopuff hopped up to Malaya's bed and got a nice hard *Squish*!
The older woman sighed. Ochette, who was on watch duty, look from her mama to her mama's wife, not sure what to say.
When Throné came to switch with the beastling for the watch that night, she immediately noticed something was off. The former thief had a feel for these things, and grabbed the hunter before she left the room.
"What's wrong? Something happen with those two?"
"I dunno." Ochette shrugged, a little nervous. "Mama Castti and mom's wife were working on some medicine, then they got into some kinda argument and it just got louder and louder. I hope things're gonna be okay."
"Hmm..." Throné looked over at Malaya. "She's still not talking, right?"
"'Far as I can tell, yeah." Ochette yawned. "I'm taking my break now, m'kay?"
"Could you do one thing for me, first?" Throné held her hand for a moment longer. "I need a pen and a piece of paper."
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