didibenami · 6 years
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I know I’m not the only one who doesn’t feel safe anywhere anymore... Please Please Please consider listening to the people you may disagree with to make some changes that will benefit both republicans and democrats alike. Mentally ill shooters... or people who make it their mission to take lives DO NOT CARE what party we are affiliated with or what race, color, or gender we identify with... they will kill us all the same... please don’t wait until it’s someone you know of love because it is excruciating... and no one deserves this kind of pain... NO ONE... NOT YOU... NOT US... NOT ANYONE... NO ONE... CHANGE HAS GoT TO COME. WE NEED SOLUTIONS. VIABLE SOLUTIONS...A REAL HONEST APPROACH TO THIS EPIDEMIC that is completely out of control. Please this is an outcry for action. I am so disheartened by the news every day... and now that it happened down the street I am legitimately terrified. PLEASE do SOMETHING NOW. IF YOU DON’T... THIS AWFUL NEWS WILL JUST CONTINUE... something has got to change in our country! #thousandoaks #borderlinebarandgrill #toocloseforcomfort #weneedtotakeaction #somethingsgottagive #somethinghastochange #conversationsneedtobehad #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthisanissue #guncontrolisoutofcontrol #whatishappening #whatworldarewelivingin @realdonaldtrump #dissapointed #furious #heartbroken #hurt #frustrated #thisisnotwhatisignedupfor #thisisnottheamericandream #thisisnottheamericaiwant .... (at Thousand Oaks, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp8j29QBrgu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16n8avd08qywn
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