#convo. βΈ» 𝔱π”₯𝔯𝔬𝔴 π”ž π”±π”žπ”«π”±π”―π”²π”ͺ.
demidevildiva Β· 9 months
Location: May's Tavern (Locke Row) Open Starter
"Damn, if you were going to be staring the least you could do is offer to buy me a drink." Val said turning in her seat. She had enough money to buy herself something nice, but what was the fun in that when someone else could? She had already gotten about three free drinks from randoms at the bar, but her drink was running low.
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demidevildiva Β· 8 months
Closed Starter: @islandmumublog
"Look at you! You sexy fucker!" Val screamed when they met back up again, as if they hadn't just spent the past couple of hours running behind people inside of the maze. "Come and dance with me." she said as she spined to the music. She was a good amount of drinks in by this point, and loving every single minute of it all.
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demidevildiva Β· 2 months
Open Starter
They stared up at the stars, imagined them all raining down around them and burning the world straight to hell. Scorching the plants, the trees, the animals, and all those lowly humans that roamed amuck. The image brought an instant smile to Valentina's lips and they signed with content. "Do you recognize any constellations?" they asked, turning to the person besides them. Hunter's head laid on their feet, while Xander kneeled off to their far left pulling out what seemed to be weeds from the ground. Hunter: There's the big dipper! "Be more original." Val bit back before rolling her eyes, "What about you? What do you see?"
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demidevildiva Β· 5 months
Closed Starter: @brightstvrlights
"You keep surprising me, Henry." Val spoke as they came to a full stop from their dance, "You're really not as tamed as you seem; You wear a good disguise."
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demidevildiva Β· 6 months
Val πŸ“± Henry
v: Leaving a lady waiting is displaying a lack manners
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demidevildiva Β· 7 months
Open Starter somewhere in the streets of Locke Row
Valentina was more than slightly annoyed coming out of the police station. She wasn't sure what part of her in their paperwork classified her as a snitch. Sure, she didn't really know who killed Daniela, but she certainly would like to know. What is the likelihood of her forming a friendship if she couldn't be trusted to not blab to the pigs? Val kicked a can through the street, turning onto an empty alley way that lead to her house. It was a good five minutes into her walk when she felt someone walking behind her but when she turned she'd seen no one. Choosing to ignore it she turned back, but after a minute or two she picked up the first rock she came across and called out. "Are you trying to fucking die?"
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demidevildiva Β· 8 months
Closed Starter: @oculiaperticlausi
There was no better holiday to Val other than Halloween. She had been scaring people through the maze most of the night, and had found the perfect place to hide inside of the haunted house. It was in the dark. You couldn't see a peep, specially with her head piece but the moment she heard foot steps approaching she ran the steel part of her large sword against the ground, letting the sparks fly as she grew near the figure.
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demidevildiva Β· 8 months
Closed Starter:@eclvpses
The moment she caught a glimpse of Rosa a grin adorned her face. Not because she was excited to see her - even though she was - but because Val felt a deep satisfaction over righting a wrong that only she seemed to think existed. "Well, don't you look magnificent." she said coming up behind her. Val figured she'd know about the 'break in' at his place, but she wasn't going to bring any of that up in case she got linked somehow. "I like the look."
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demidevildiva Β· 8 months
Closed Starter:@islandmumublog
Val knew she probably shouldn't approach him so quick after what had happened. After her interrogation with the police, and them finding absolutely nothing to link her to it she felt a little too cocky. "Well don't you look dashing!" she exclaimed with a fake smile on her face. "My favorite Hero if I do say so myself."
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demidevildiva Β· 4 months
Closed Starter: @eclvpses
Be mine, and everything will be fine.
Val stood back admiring the words she so beautifully wrote with a red lipstick on the corner of Rosa's bedroom mirror. It wasn't anything new for them - or her rather. She made it a habit of sneaking into her home and leaving cute little messages confessing her love and devotion to the other woman. Valentina didn't mind the resistance that Rosa threw her way. The constant back and forth of their relationship throughout the years had become such a passionate endeavor to be a part of. A ritual if you will, along with the doll heads that never seemed to stop coming. It didn't matter if the gifts were wanted or even appreciated. Just knowing that Rosa had them in her possession brought joy into her veins. Made her heart swell and her skin crawl all at the same time. She hated feeling so... mundane, but Rosa was her entire world. Turning to glance at the sleeping figure on the bed, Valentina smiled and sat besides her flor watching her features intensely.
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demidevildiva Β· 2 months
Closed Starter: @brightstvrlights
"They'll eat you, you know?" they spoke ghostly into the dead of night as they watched Dylan in the creek. It wasn't unusual for them to wonder in the darkness. An action so attached to their very being that it got them killed and reborn. Not as unpleasant turn of events, but they could have welcomed death with more delight. Hunter: It's another rotten dog "We can smell him too, Hunter." Xander: Don't ruin our appetite with half a beast. Val ignored them, moving forwards until they stood before Dylan and fixed their gaze on the Rusalka hovering in the water. "Wanna climb in?"
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demidevildiva Β· 2 months
Closed Starter: @eclvpses
"We brought you lunch." Valentina placed the containers down on her desk and spread the dishes out to display. They did so before giving Rosa much time to reach and preventing the usual denial and negative attitude that came off her at times. They knew if they tried to meet her anywhere else she would attempt to flea. Lunchtime at work wasn't something their Flor could run from even if she did try, and Valentina wasn't above using some compulsion to make their entrance easier. "Hunter wanted gyoza's so we ordered some of those too." they spoke, opening the containers, "but we know how much you love your dragon rolls."
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demidevildiva Β· 6 months
Closed Starter: @brightstvrlights
"Liquor store had a five finger discount so I was able to snatch up a nice bottle of Casamigos." Valentina said the moment the door opened, and walked straight into the house. She didn't bother looking around much instead walked to the couch arm, taking a seat on the edge as she dangled the bottle before her before placing it on the couch. "Think you can function after a couple shots? Or would you prefer to get straight down to the needy greedy?" as she spoke she unzipped the hoodie, revealing her naked chest beneath.
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demidevildiva Β· 7 months
Val πŸ“± Mi Flor 🌷
V: Hey, where did you go?
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demidevildiva Β· 5 months
Closed Starter: @stigmvtas
It was not uncommon for her to wonder through Locke Row idly after skipping work for the last two days. She hadn't felt like going, and that was enough of an excuse to switch up her plans. Instead she stood outside of Ducky and Mercy's home, looking through the windows of each room silently waiting to see him once more. Admittedly she didn't do it as often as before anymore. Rosa had been taking a lot of her time, specially after everything that's happened, but her heart had missed her Ducky. Valentina didn't have much time to hide when she saw him walk in front of the window she occupied, but she wasn't one to run away either. She'd been caught too many times before either by neighbors or the police. "Hi!" she yelled with a grin and waved her hand, "Good to see you're not bludgeoned on the floor like that first boy was. What was his name?" she asked, mostly to herself as she touched her chin, "Talon! Poor thing... Want to hang out?"
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demidevildiva Β· 5 months
Closed Starter: @plumassieres
"Think we'll be sisters soon enough?" Val asked, taking a sip of Aroma's drink, before handing the glass back and turning to look at Rosa. "Might be a little harder to hide our love, but I do like a good challenge."
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