#cookiemonster wrote the fucking Best analysis on each individual like
casualavocados · 2 years
you guys dont understand the architecture gang are the charming supportive friends who handle problems in objectively terrible ways bc all of them are spitfire passive aggressive idiots at heart who have compulsive follow the leader disease (which when the leader is wai turns into terrible aggressive faceoffs), and the engineering gang are the chaotic loyal friends who handle problems in very good and gentle ways bc all of them are very sweet dumbasses at heart and have (enough) individuality among them to have opinions on their own. i'd kill for both groups.
*bolts upright* this is why safe and louis dont have any lines in ep9 until after wai passes the ball to pat during the rugby game and pran breaks the ice by talking first, while korn mo and chang all get a little individual focus. they're all written to be quite complex and interesting within the little we see of them if you're willing to look at it rather than immediately divide them into "good" friends and "bad" friends.
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