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I’d like to introduce my rebels group, The Starrunners, active starting around 13 bby! Some of you might recognize the togruta, since she already has a ref, but she got a name change so I though I’d throw her in with her crewmates. The other four will likely show up again when I make individual refs for them!
Name: Jai'ed Cos Species: Duros Pronouns: He/Him
Name: Asha Tarragon Species: Twi'lek Pronouns: She/Her
Name: Cora’la Fiori Species: Togruta Pronouns: She/Her
Name: Enzo Sinjal Species: Zygerrian Pronouns: He/They
Name: Muelle Rastus Species: Codru-ji Pronouns: She/Her
On the off chance anyone wants to ask questions/chat about any of these characters, feel free! I’m trying to flesh out their personalities at the moment!
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Despite being born and raised among togrutas, years spent in Zygerrian society means that Cora’la actually speaks Zygerrian the most fluently. She’s pretty proficient in Basic, excluding the most advanced medical terminology. Her Togruti however is very rusty, and the more of it she forgets, the worse she feels, as the language is one of the few connections that she still has to her heritage. 
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Hi I love your Togruta's montral markings
Ayy thanks so much!!
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Height Chart
Now that everyone’s ref is posted, I can put this up! A reference for me so I can keep their heights consistent
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Last one! Somewhat of a remake of her old reference. Though not much has changed, her age was, her armor stripped down, and a plasma shield added. As usual, if you have any questions/comments ask away!
Name: Cora’la Fiori Species: Togruta  Pronouns: She/Her Height: 5′3″ (without montrals) Age: 23 yo in 11 bby
Personality: She worries about people almost to the point that that she often takes care of them far before herself.  Pretty soft spoken unless she’s scolding someone for putting themselves in danger. Her attachments can be a little stifling/unhealthy at times. 
She has some skill in healing people, and has not yet been in a position where someone died in her care. (They’ve died before outside of her care, it’s just that she’s never seen it). She is deeply afraid of losing anyone. If someone were to die on her, she might lose herself.
More Info:
- Her blaster is a modified DC-15S clone trooper blaster. It’s not legally available to standard civilians, but it’s not uncommon on the black market.
- Her vision is slightly compromised, making her near-sighted. She hasn’t had the chance or the opportunity to have her eyes fixed, so it just gets a little worse every year.
- She suffers from extreme night terrors. Like, waking up with her throat raw and drenched in sweat night terrors.
- (Not really about her specifically but about her species) Kiros togrutas are a little different genetically than the mainline togrutas. Mainly, they have way more variety in their skin tones and they have become able to digest things like nuts and fruits.
She grew up a perfectly happy little girl on the Togruta artisan colony of Kiros. She spends her days climbing trees, scraping her knees, learning to weave from her father, and serving as an assistant to her parent (they’re a healer/apothecary).
At age fourteen, she is abducted along with the rest of her people by Zygerrian slavers. Both of her parents are killed in the Kadavo facility, as she finds out later. This is one of the many things that begins to slowly break her spirit as she toils in the mines.
Her talent for healing is discovered by the guards when she treats the wound of a slave and they manage to recover. She is sent to assist in the med center, allowing them to dedicate fewer of their own people to taking care of slaves. She is shown to have a great proficiency in the medical field.
The slaves that had not yet been sold or killed are rescued by the Republic, but by that time she had already been moved off-world. Over the next several years, she serves as assistant in a medical center on the Zygerrian colony world of Scintella. By keeping her head down and working hard, she is able to avoid a beating and gain a privileged position.
When the son of a royal family is seriously injured, she is used as a personal medical helper to him. After a few years, they develop a bond and decide to skip planet together.
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