#corbyn besson billboard
drippinart · 1 year
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson in a tuxedo? yes sir 🥵
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youngbloodseavey · 5 years
stay golden // corbyn besson
this is my “thank you for 2k followers” post. i’d like to say thank you, because i never thought this would ever be happening when i started this blog. thank you guys for supporting me and this blog, even when i don’t post or i don’t follow through with my projects. thank you. thank you for 2k. it means the absolute world and more to me. i love each and every one of you with my entire heart and more.
request: Requests are open! Yay! I have some requests that I've been storing up  just waiting for this moment. So let's say that Corbyn had this childhood friend who was also his neighbour and one day when they're like 14/15 she moves to the other side of the country and they get disconnected. She always had a crush on him and so when she finds out he's on tour like 4/5 yrs later she gets limelight tickets bc wow she doesn't think he remembers her and then they reconnect and like probably fluff who knows         
i have no fuckin idea how limelight works so like bare with me kids, and also corbyn is SINGLE in this story. S I N G L E. christina is not corbyn’s girlfriend in this story so keep that in mind tHANKS
pairing: corbyn x fem!reader
triggers: none
“why do you have to leave me?” corbyn pouted at his best friend y/n, as they laid together in the grass fields by their houses. 
the fifteen year-olds had been best friends since diapers, and had found out recently that y/n had to move all the way across the country from their home in virginia to california.
“corbs, i don’t want to move. i wanna stay here with you, and graduate, and live my life here in virginia. but my dad got this new fancy-ass job, and i can’t get out of moving,” y/n rolled over onto her stomach, now facing her blue-eyed best friend.
“trust me, the last thing i want to do right now is to leave,” she whispered, feeling the familiar sting of tears rush through her, and her eyes became watery.
“no, please don’t cry y/n,” corbyn rushed out, immediately sitting up and taking the girl into his arms. “if you cry then i’m gonna start crying.”
 the two teenagers held each other in an embrace for what felt like an eternity, not even bothering to speak to each other. all they did was enjoy each other’s presence, because soon they wouldn’t be seeing each other for a long time.
“i love you so much corb,” the girl whispered, burying her face into corbyn’s shoulder. she took in a deep breath, inhaling the intoxicating scent that was her best friend. 
“i love you too y/n.” corbyn was near tears, but was determined to not show his weakness to his best friend. he gently pressed his lips to her temple, lingering for a few seconds before he pulled away.
“y/n! let’s go!” the pair jumped apart at the sound of y/n’s parents, who were loading the car with their luggage. the rest of their stuff would come later in a u-haul. 
“one second mom!” y/n yelled at her parents, who were beginning to look impatient. “hey, before i leave, i wanted to tell you something that i’ve been keeping a secret for a long time,” y/n began to start, taking corbyn’s hands in hers.
the boy’s heart began to race, as he stared into the eyes of his longtime best friend (and admittedly, his longtime crush).
“i really li-” she began, but was cut off by the honk of the car’s horn, beckoning her to go to her parents.
“i’m really gonna miss you.” a sad, tearful smile painted itself on her face. “stay golden besson, because i have no doubt that one day i’m going to see you on some big fancy billboard because you have a number one album. i know i will.” she leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, squeezing his hand in hers before running off to her parents and hopping into the car. “never stop chasing your dreams. because they’ll become a reality. don’t forget me okay?”
and with a sad smile y/n y/l/n was gone, leaving a tearful corbyn besson alone in a grassy field.
it had been four whole years since y/n had seen corbyn. after y/n left and corbyn began to seriously pursue music, it was a bumpy ride for their friendship.
and soon enough, their friendship simply didn’t exist.
it wasn’t a malicious falling out, there was no foul words or cruel gestures. there was simply just silence. and the two of them had to deal with an empty line, a static crackle of nothingness on the other side. 
of course the thought of the other was always in the back of their minds, but both y/n and corbyn were far too scared to try and reconnect. what if what they had wasn’t the same as before?
so when y/n saw that a band called “why don’t we” was going on tour, she was immediately intrigued. and when she saw her blue-eyed ex-best friend on the front cover of the poster, only one question plagued her mind.
does corbyn remember me?
so in an attempt to answer that question and rid her head of the incessant nagging that had been continuous for the past four years, y/n took out her debit card and bought a limelight ticket to their los angeles show. 
so that’s what brought y/n here. standing near the front of the line at the venue. it was only 3:00 and there was already a line wrapped around the block, which warmed y/n’s heart to no end.
you made it corbyn, i knew you could do it.
her stomach began to tie itself in knots as time went on, each second seeming to pass on like a minute.
y/n pulled her phone out of her back pocket, her foot tapping on the pavement as she checked the time for what seemed like the thousandth occasion. 5:00. they should be letting people in for limelight soon.
she began to scroll through her phone, managing to somehow scroll deep into her camera roll. she stopped across a photo of her and corbyn from the 9th grade, smiling wistfully at their goofy grins and wide eyes. 
it was crazy to see how much had changed in four years. corbyn was now touring the world, and y/n was finishing up her first year of college. 
“oh my god, you’ve met corbyn?!” y/n was shook out of her daze by an excited voice squealing from behind her, and she turned around to see a girl no older than 16. the girl was wide-eyed and excited as ever, another girl whom y/n assumed to be her friend looking equally as hyped. y/n was irked that the two girls were looking at her phone screen without her permission, but decided to mask her irritation with a smile.
“yeah,” she began, trying to think of an excuse as to how she knew corbyn. she didn’t want people to know she was corbyn’s childhood best friend, it might cause unnecessary drama. “i met him a few years back. i’ve been a fan of him since the beginning, and i’m so insanely proud of him and i want to support him in any way possible.” well, at least she wasn’t lying. the two girls nodded.
“well what’s it like to meet him? is he nice?” one of the girls asked, and y/n began to smile. childhood memories of her and corbyn began to flood her mind, causing a warm feeling to ball up in her stomach.
“he’s the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. i miss him to absolute death, and i can’t wait to see him again.” y/n almost became choked up as she spoke, memories of her and corbyn overwhelming her mind. 
the girls opened their mouths to speak, but were interrupted by a man with a megaphone beginning to yell over the crowd.  
“people with a limelight ticket, please come to the front of the crowd! stand in front of the entrance doors, we will be letting you in very shortly.” y/n’s pulse began to race, and she said a quick goodbye to the girls she was talking to before making her way to the big, double-door entrance.  
her nerves were as high as they could be as she was let in through the doors, taking out her id for security to check and having her ticket scanned. 
soon enough, y/n found herself waiting on a couch in a large room, fifty or so fans milling about the room. her stomach was in a million knots, and she began to play with her fingers as a nervous habit.
she took out her phone and began to scroll aimlessly, checking her social media in an attempt to sway the nerves from her stomach. she couldn’t even focus on the posts and tweets she was looking at, instead her head was swarming with nervousness and thoughts.
what if he doesn’t remember me? what if we don’t click like we used to? what if he hates me?
the last thought absolutely terrified y/n. she knew that they fell out, but she didn’t hold any ill feelings towards corbyn for it. hopefully he feels the same way.
“oh my god they’re here!” y/n heard the high pitched squeal of a teenage girl, followed by a flurry of screams. they’re here. this is it.
“hey guys!” she heard a deep male voice, and she traced the voice back to a tall, brown haired boy. she recognized him as jonah, who was the oldest in the band.
y/n had decided to do some studying up on the rest of the band and their music before coming, just so she didn’t look like a complete idiot. and she had to admit, they made some damn good music.
the screams soon died down, morphing into loud conversation. the band members began to mill around, speaking to fans and taking photos. the couch y/n was sitting on was in the corner farthest from the boys, which she was grateful for.
she began to formulate four years of regret and apologies into a single sentence, which proved as hard as it sounds. 
y/n saw that the band began to come closer, talking to the fans and taking pictures. she was a few feet away from daniel, and she decided to push her nerves to the side and walked up to the blue-eyed boy, who was clad in a floral button down and black pants. 
daniel caught y/n’s eye, and finished up his conversation with the girls he was with to approach the nervous girl.
“hey there love!” daniel’s tooth-gap was on full display, his joyful aura almost immediately soothing some of y/n’s nerves. he enveloped her into a tight hug, resting his chin on top of her head. 
y/n hugged back, feeling oddly comfortable in daniel’s arms. she pulled away after a few seconds, taking in a deep breath.
“so what’s your name?” daniel asked, plopping down on the couch that y/n was previously sitting on. y/n took seat next to him sinking down into the fabric. 
“y/n,” she responded, moving herself into a comfortable position.
“well that’s a gorgeous name,” daniel responded, turning his body to face y/n. “where are you from?”
“i live in los angeles now, but i used to live in fairfax, virginia.” y/n explained her heart warming at the thought of her hometown.
“fairfax? that’s where corbyn’s from!” his bright eyes widened at the realization, and y/n nodded. “did you used to know him?” y/n nodded.
“we used to be best friends actually,” y/n mumbled, feeling a sudden amount of wistfulness wash over her.
“woah wait, really? no way,” daniel looked shell shocked. y/n nodded yet again, taking out her phone and pulling up a picture of her and corbyn from their 8th grade formal. she showed the photo to daniel, whose jaw seemed to drop even more.
“i’ve known him since we were in diapers, and we were best friends until i moved to california when we were 15,” y/n explained, pulling up another picture of her and corbyn for emphasis. “after that we kinda just, lost touch i guess.” y/n shrugged, and daniel nodded.
“so is that why you’re here? to see corbyn again?” daniel asked, and y/n moved her head up and down in a nod.
“i’m terrified though, like what if we don’t connect like we used to? i don’t know, maybe i’m overthinking things but it has been four years,” y/n trailed off, her eye catching a tuft of bright blonde hair from across the room. her heart skipped a beat at even the tiniest sight of him.
daniel was silent for a few moments, and y/n could see that the boy was deep in concentration.
“let’s go say hi to him.” daniel stood up, reaching a hand out to y/n to help her stand up from the couch. 
“w-what?” y/n stammered, her heart beginning to race.
“let’s go see him right now. you need to rip off the band-aid, and he needs a boost of confidence and energy. tour is taking a lot out of him, and maybe you’ll be the thing to give him that boost.” he replied, gesturing once more to signal for y/n to take his hand.
“fine.” she took his hand, standing up. “but if he doesn’t remember me, you have to get me out of there immediately okay?”
“deal.” daniel smiled, and began to walk with y/n over to where corbyn stood with a crowd of girls around him.
“i’ll distract the fans, you go talk to corbyn.” he gave her a bright, reassuring  smile before sauntering over to the group of fans, sending the group into a frenzy. he walked a couple steps to the right and the girls followed him and began to talk animatedly, leaving corbyn standing alone.
y/n attempted to shake the butterflies from her stomach, but to no avail.
deep breaths, deep breaths.
she walked over to corbyn, who turned to talk to another fan. she took in another breath, before raising her hand and tapping him on the shoulder.
“hey there besson.” she breathed out, staring into the same clear blue eyes that she adored so much. the same blue eyes that were filled with tears the last time she saw him four years prior.
“y/n?” his eyes scanned your face, not believing for a second what he was seeing. was this really her? was it his best friend? the girl he was so deeply in love with for practically his entire life?
he couldn’t help himself, and scooped her into a bear hug. she wrapped her legs around his waist, burying her head into the crook of his neck. he smelled of cologne, mixed with the familiar scent of him that she remembered from oh-so long ago. he smelled like corbyn.
“i missed you so much,” she mumbled feeling tears make their way to her eyes. she clung onto him like a koala bear, savoring every millisecond of the hug as if it made up for the four years of not talking to each other, and she could tell corbyn was doing the same.
“i missed you more.” his voice shook with emotion, and he too was near tears. y/n pulled away from the hug, her legs still wrapped around his waist.
“impossible.” she smiled, locking eyes with corbyn. the bright blue orbs blazed with emotion, and she could see the tears that brimmed on his lower lash line.
she looked over corbyn’s shoulder for a second, seeing that daniel was looking at the pair with a wide smile plastered on his face. he shot her a thumbs up and she laughed, burying her face in corbyn’s shoulder once more.
after a minute or so of just enjoying each other’s presence, corbyn gently set y/n down onto the ground, his hands still placed on her waist. the smallest reminder that he was still there, he was real, he wasn’t going anywhere.
“i’m so sorry for everything,” she mumbled, the tears that pooled in her eyes beginning to fall down her face in delicate strokes. “i should’ve tried harder to make our friendship work, but i gave up.”
“it’s not your fault. half of the blame is on me too. it’s both our faults, but nothing is gonna change our mistakes from the past. what’s important is that we focus on the future. our future.” he gently cupped her face in his hands, wiping away the tears with a simple stroke of his thumb.
she smiled, placing her smaller hands over his.
oh god, i really want to kiss him.
the thought ran through her head, and she almost immediately pushed it aside.
it’s been four years since you’ve seen him y/n, don’t just go kissing your old best friend and crush in front of a bunch of his fans with cellphones in their hands.
he looked into her glittering eyes, feeling the pull that he felt towards her four years prior. it was as if nothing had changed in his heart and soul.
i’ve never wanted to kiss someone more. his heart longed for her lips on his.
he slowly began to lean in, and y/n sucked in a breath and began to weigh the options in her head.
fuck it.
she leaned in, melting into his gentle touch. y/n’s eyes fluttered shut, corbyn’s doing the same. their lips were four inches apart.
three inches.
two inches.
one inch.
“okay guys!” y/n and corbyn jumped apart, both blushing a bright crimson. they had failed to notice the crowd that had formed a circle around the pair. “sadly it’s time for us to go, but we want you all to know that we love you guys so much, and we hope you enjoy the show tonight!” jonah’s voice boomed, sending a smirk in corbyn’s direction.
“i-i guess i have to get going now,” corbyn mumbled, his hand going to rub the back of his neck.
“yeah, you probably should,” y/n began to fiddle around with her fingers, rocking back and forth gently on her heels.
“i hope you enjoy the show, i’ll see you after? i can send someone out to come find you, so you can come backstage if you want?” he proposed, and y/n’s heart set alight.
“i’d love that,” she smiled shyly at the blonde boy. “break a leg besson.”
“see you later y/l/n.” he paused for a beat. “i hope i make you proud.” he bent down and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek, the spot where his lips touched tingling after he pulled away.
he shot her another heart-melting smiled before walking away, a bounce in his step.
i have no doubt that you’ll make me the proudest i’ve ever been when i see you up there corbyn. i always knew you’d make it.
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Blog #3
 December 3, 2017
At my room, 8:07
Hey girls and guys,
               I have been thinking lately that I was sure I am going to take school seriously.
               I thought that maybe if this year ends, something’s going to change in my life and I thought I know that thing. Promise me, I tried predicting every time and it just falls to the same thing – it will not happen. So every time that I’m excited, nervous or if I’m overthinking, I always can’t help myself to think what may happen in the near future and when I tried, something always messes up. I know it sounds weird but that’s how it works. We don’t know maybe one of the seven billion populations in the world, someone also feels like this. So I deleted my Facebook, Messenger, and Twitter app. I didn’t really regretted when I deleted Facebook, I don’t know why but sometimes it is essential to my school life. Maybe I didn’t regret because I never really liked school in the first place.
               Enough of that, I’m writing a book in Wattpad and as in – fanfiction. Yes, because my life’s too awful that I can’t find any inspirations other than boybands. My friends suck, my family sucks, I don’t have that many experiences in life and my life sucks so, yeah. So I wrote a book about this band called Why Don’t We, I heard them in Spotify and read a couple articles about them and figured out they sound like angels so why not be obsessed with them? Plus, they’re super funny and in the short period of time of being a band, they’re progressing very, very fast. For just a year, they released five EPs already and all have been chart-topping. They’ve been in billboards already and won awards, I mean – they’re going to be the next One Direction, man. They’re consisted of five guys named Corbyn Besson, Jonah Marais, Jack Avery, Daniel Seavey and Zach Herron. If you haven’t heard of them, better check them out and if you already have, please share to me how much you like/love them because you might want to read my book as well.
For how many books that I have tried writing, I never finished one. I think the longest one that I have written is 39 parts but like a half of it was published already and it didn’t really had massive readers. I already expected that because I was a shitty writer when I was young. So today, I have read many books and observed how they are constructed and arranged, especially with the choice of words and I learned not to exaggerate. Honestly, you can if that’s your style but I want the one where the readers will have to figure the thing out before they’ll realize that the character has died or passed out or something. My book is called “Lacuna”, from a word that I read somewhere in google or Tumblr that means “a blank space”, this book is specifically referred to one boy from the band named Jack Avery. He’s my favourite one from the band so why not make a book about him? The girl’s name Nicole, my second name but I didn’t really put my real full name as her name, it’s her second name also but we have different surname and first name. I tried making a book with the girl’s name as my personal name and I find it awkward since I let my friends read it because I need opinion and what if they’re reading and imagining me in their head to the story? That’s awkward.
So today I don’t really have the energy to tell you about my parents because I would like to relax a bit more because school starts tomorrow again. Still have 19 days before Christmas break and 22 days before Christmas. Yey! Super excited! (Note the sarcasm; I’m just really rooting for the holiday break)
Oh, by the way I have to tell you about this dude named Logan Paul, I saw him in YouTube because basically he’s a famous YouTuber. I swear I saw him in a couple movies when I saw his Vlogs and he really is an actor. So he basically always plugs so I suggest you watch his videos because he made me want to be a vlogger again. Being a vlogger in the future has been my second opinion aside from being a doctor because it’s so cool and you got to go to places and meet famous people. Logan also loves Why Don’t We, in fact he’s super close to them and he directed couple of their music video and again, you should check it out and go to his website because he also sells merchandise of his pet parrot called Maverick and is also a savage, I mean Kong is too but I like Maverick more.
This is Patrice Nicole, signing off.
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