parmenida · 1 year
"Durante la gravidanza, alcune cellule del bambino migrano nel flusso sanguigno della madre e poi ritornano al bambino. Si chiama "microchimerismo materno-fetale".⁠
Per 41 settimane, le cellule si mescolano e circolano avanti e indietro e, dopo la nascita del bambino, molte di queste cellule rimangono nel corpo della mamma, lasciando un'impronta permanente nei tessuti, nelle ossa, nel cervello e nella pelle della madre, e spesso rimangono lì per decenni.
Ogni altro figlio che una madre avrà in seguito lascerà un'impronta simile sul suo corpo.
Anche se una gravidanza non va a termine, o se si ha un aborto, queste cellule migrano comunque nel flusso sanguigno.
Le ricerche hanno dimostrato che se il cuore di una madre è ferito, le cellule fetali si precipiteranno sul sito della lesione, e si trasformeranno in diversi tipi di cellule specializzate nella riparazione del cuore.
Il bambino aiuta a riparare la madre, mentre la madre costruisce il bambino.
Che meraviglia!
Questo è spesso il motivo per cui alcune malattie svaniscono durante la gravidanza.
È incredibile come il corpo della madre protegga il bambino a tutti i costi, e il bambino protegga e ricostruisca la madre in cambio, in modo da potersi sviluppare in sicurezza e sopravvivere.
Pensiamo per un momento alle voglie della gravidanza. Di cosa aveva bisogno la mamma, che il bambino le facesse desiderare?
Gli studi hanno anche dimostrato la presenza di cellule del feto nel cervello di sua madre 18 anni dopo il parto.
Che meraviglia è?"
Se sei una mamma sai come puoi sentire istintivamente tuo figlio, anche quando non c'è.
Bene, ora c'è la prova scientifica che le mamme portano il loro bimbo per anni e anni dopo averlo partorito.
Trovo tutto questo meraviglioso. ❤️
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Da un articolo di Nargis Kizalbash
#stemcells #mamma #sscb #cordstemcell
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cryocordcom · 3 years
Your baby's umbilical cord stem cell is made up of tissue and contains blood. Both cord blood and cord tissue are rich sources of powerful stem cells. For more details please visit Cryocord
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cryo-cord · 5 years
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Stem Cell Malaysia offers  you have the unique opportunity to safeguard the health of the ones you love by storing his/her precious umbilical cord stem cells. Visit us now!!
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cryocordcom · 3 years
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Your baby's umbilical cord stem cell is made up of tissue and contains blood. Both cord blood and cord tissue are rich sources of powerful stem cells. For more details please visit Cryocord
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cryocordcom · 3 years
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Your baby's umbilical cord stem cell is made up of tissue and contains blood. Both cord blood and cord tissue are rich sources of powerful stem cells. For more details please visit Cryocord
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cryocordcom · 3 years
Your baby's umbilical cord stem cell is made up of tissue and contains blood. Both cord blood and cord tissue are rich sources of powerful stem cells. For more details please visit Cryocord
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cryocordcom · 3 years
Umbilical Cord stem cells are also being studied for treatment for COVID-19 storms since these and other perinatal (cord tissue and placental tissue derived), For more details please visit our official store Cryocord.
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cryocordcom · 3 years
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Umbilical Cord stem cells are also being studied for treatment for COVID-19 storms since these and other perinatal (cord tissue and placental tissue derived), For more details please visit our official store Cryocord.
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cryo-cord · 5 years
Baby Stem Cell can be collected from umbilical cord after the birth of a child. These cells have the potential to fight with deadly diseases like cancer, blood or immune system disorder, eyes or heart diseases.
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cryocordcom · 3 years
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For many patients, umbilical cord stem cells are life-saving. How Is Cord Blood Collected? Usually, the umbilical cord and placenta are discarded after birth. For more details please visit Cryocord for more details.
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cryocordcom · 3 years
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For many patients, umbilical cord stem cells are life-saving. How Is Cord Blood Collected? Usually, the umbilical cord and placenta are discarded after birth. For more details please visit Cryocord for more details.
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cryocordcom · 3 years
For many patients, umbilical cord stem cells are life-saving. How Is Cord Blood Collected? Usually, the umbilical cord and placenta are discarded after birth. For more details please visit Cryocord for more details.
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cryocordcom · 3 years
Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord Stem Cells after birth. It contains stem cells. These cells have the amazing ability to grow into many different kinds of cells, like bone marrow cells, blood cells, or brain cells, etc.
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cryocordcom · 3 years
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Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord Stem Cells after birth. It contains stem cells. These cells have the amazing ability to grow into many different kinds of cells, like bone marrow cells, blood cells, or brain cells, etc.
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cryocordcom · 3 years
Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord Stem Cells after birth. It contains stem cells. These cells have the amazing ability to grow into many different kinds of cells, like bone marrow cells, blood cells, or brain cells, etc.
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cryocordcom · 3 years
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Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord Stem Cells after birth. It contains stem cells. These cells have the amazing ability to grow into many different kinds of cells, like bone marrow cells, blood cells, or brain cells, etc.
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