kodaitsvki-a · 6 years
@coronatius sent :  ▤ = falling asleep on them .
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–〖 月 〗–
    Watching the snowfall had begun to be a new hobby for him--not that he was surprised, since he enjoyed watching the seasons pass while in the citadel.  The tranquil scene of the first snow falling onto the ground was relaxing and even fun for him to watch.  
    For others however, he could understand why one would be bored.  Which is why when he feels his friend’s head lean on his shoulder, he chuckles quietly as a hand goes to tap the white tachi’s head.  
    “If you are tired, you can return to bed Tsurumaru.  There is still some time to sleep before breakfast is served.”
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hokvso-blog · 6 years
✄ = seeing your muse get hurt
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〖 燭台切光忠 〗 
 ❛Tsuru-san, hang on!❜  Panic shines in his tone, as he hoists the other’s arm over his shoulder.  His blade snakes out to the side, striking the enemies’ head hard enough to send it flying.  The crane’s white cloth was quickly getting stained with crimson blood but the other struggled to get out of his grip; couldn’t he feel the bite of pain that no doubt came with a stab?  
Still, the injured tachi’s gold gaze stays trained on the enemy, trying to break away from his grip.  It had been too soon to send him out in battle–even if he insisted he was fine they all knew the truth.  The grief was enough to send someone normally calm into a panicked frenzy–
He had no right to complain though.  He had helped cause this mess.  
That degrading thought stays heavily in his mind, distracting him enough to narrowly avoid a blade coming his way.  In that instance, he feels the crane pull away from him a shout tearing from his raw throat as he falls, the white blade clattering loudly against the ground.  
His fault. His fault.  His fault. His fault–
❛Everyone, retreat!❜  His orders are shouted out, watching as the other members of his party begin to pull away, clearing a path as he grabs the injured man and lets him lean against him.  The crane seems to struggle, eyes still glaring with fury at the enemy.  It took almost all his strength to pull the other with him as he retreats in the path carved by the other members of the party.  
He’s such a fool.
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nopainnocrane · 6 years
continued from here, @coronatius
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“Well, your skin seems to be a bit more paler then mine, and that’s pretty concerning.” As Kuninaga was already a pale individual to begin with, his other self Tsurumaru being more paler then him after the battle didn’t seem like a good sign.
“Trick of the light? Its hard to tell when its been dark today....” Right after speaking, the clouds that had been dark and thick in the sky suddenly produced rain, showering Kuni who had been standing in the open while watching Tsuru enter the repairs room.
“I think we can both be cleaned up if you’d just step outside right now.”
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kopiuchigatana · 6 years
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this was like, the least expected thing i was thinking someone would say about daiki??
im,,,, wheezing and crying
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ardxre · 7 years
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. don’t reblog.
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WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: I’ve been told unless I say Hasebe/Akako I will be shunned.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: I enjoy writing angst, and Akako being painfully oblivious towards romantic affections.  I’m pretty open to AU specific ships as long as there’s some sort of chemistry between and a reason why a relationship needs to happen.  Personally, I tend to be more distant with ships?  Or more like I don’t feel like I have much of a need to have a ship for everything.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: As long as both are adults, and have a mutual feeling I’m fine with it.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Yes.  Usually I have to know the mun pretty well for me to be comfortable talking about shipping/romantic intentions.  I try not to jump into shipping because I prefer platonic>romantic usually.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: Kissing because I’m a child.  Or if the clothes are off good-bye
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: There’s Hasebe/Akako.  That’s about it.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: Probably as I said before, I usually only ship if I’m comfortable with the other mun.  If Akako or Jiji however did develop feelings for another muse I’m more open with it.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: I enjoy deep relationships that aren’t necessarily romantic.  I do like talking headcanons with others and seeing how a relationship between two muses can develop, and how their character will develop due to this interaction.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?:  Less in terms of romance.  Other than that, I may come off as kind of neutral but I do like talking about relationships.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?:  I’ve been told unless I say Hasebe/Akako I will be shunned.  But I do ship them.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Send lots of memes, interact, or burst in and say hey can we have a pre-established relationship.
DISCLAIMER: I’m so sorry Akako is dense, and Jiji is passive.
tagged by: @kaminotsumahajiki 
tagging: @senyono, @nopainnocrane, @synnthos, @coronatius
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kopiuchigatana · 6 years
@coronatius | liked for a starter with Daiki
“Tsurumaru-saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Where are you?” Sometimes these pranks were a bit much, even if they were meant to surprise others. “Right now isn’t the time to play. You have chores!”
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“And I have paperwork! Come on!” Keeping tabs on the touken danshi was like herding cats sometimes.
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hokvso-blog · 7 years
( @coronatius )
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〖 燭台切光忠 〗
❛Oh, Tsuru-san!  It’s been awhile!❜  
He greets the fellow yokai with a grin, gold gaze staring up at the baku who sat comfortably in the branches of his tree. Glancing up at the sky, the moon had already replaced the setting sun;  he had stayed with Kaede a tad longer today since she had been walking home late.  Judging by the white yokai’s lax position, he must’ve been waiting around for awhile.   
 ❛Would you like some rice crackers?  It tastes good with some tea.❜  
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