ruincs · 2 years
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BEHIYE SYDIN. ╱ robin.
she + her / twenty- seven / penned by vic
" what motivates me - hatred? or is it love? "
⨯ application ⨯ pinterest ⨯ dynamics ⨯ stats ⨯ timeline
ps.: this is very long!!!! if you w ant just hit me up on discord and i'll just tell u all and yea :)
bio summary ???
dam bby girl all these red flegs looking heart shaped tbh teehehee
i'll get back to this later i am very sleepy
behiye sydin daughter of mister rich and miss face of turkey - what could go wrong??? more like what what could go right
from the go her parents marriage, although very stable and healthy, was a big scandal in the country - her mother was extremely famous and her father extremely wealthy, with a questionable ethical background. she did get pregnant before they came out to the public on their relationship, only announcing the marriage and her daughter due four months from them.
fast forward ten years, behiye only has the recollection of gathering the dust of what was once her mom after touching her and her ability activating - it is still a repressed memory of hers, the details are not reliable at all, and she does change the story frequently.
( her mother was actually terribly sick and slowly dying... it was a mess but i will explore soon )
her father upon discovering that his daughter was 1) A WITCH!!! and 2) a KILLER WITCH??? decided what a very influent and rich father would do <3
he locked her up in their state!
think of complete isolation with staff suspecting that you a nihilum, rumors about your mom's sudden death and the sealed casket, a child who is clearly traumatized by all of the recent events and is not dealing well with it!
and she can kill things without even knowing btw
three years of complete hell in which her father, if coming to visit, completely avoided her. he returned letters and post cards, he didn't call nor pick up the phone. she was left to die there.
so she took drastic measures and managed to convince him to set her free! in a very healthy way
now cut to a girl who's 13, never loved, only set free by her father after a couple NON INTENTIONAL casualties, and mainly because she looks exactly like his wife love of his life (and bc she pretended she was gonna turn herself into dust <3) and we expect everything will go well!
except that of course it didn't.
his neglect never changed - and the shame took over once behiye slowly noticed that eun-ha was the one. even though she was hi trophy, even though she was what her mother was, she was just another trinket of his that was supposed to have stayed in the cage only if she wasn't a threat to her own role to be played.
that was just the beginning of another round of torture - only this time was the unfold of a girl who was completely unfit for the dream she was so sure it belong to her. and her cousin made sure to remind her of that, every single time.
so yeah she is not very okay nope but she is a fun time!
her desire, what she asked for the beast, was to be the rightful owner of everything that was her by birthright - but mostly, she wanted to take from her cousin the one thing she had in the bag tbh
has no idea what she is gonna do because one thing abt behi is that this girl is tactless af!
oh but theres gonna be a cute twist to achieving what she wants!!!
she's an actual nightmare.... im so sorry in advance she is just yeah
fin of the tl dr but actually being too long as well
outside she's the picture perfect but on the inside......
nobody will be spared. maybe two people. three if it's a wednesday.
obsessed with cleanliness and organization because things need to be very neat and organized in order for her to feel like not everything that surrounds her is crumbling down 
has a very sensitive nose, feels extremely bothered by anything that smells slightly out of what she can consider pleasant. but doesn’t feel disgusted (?) more like as if she's very bothered in a sense by the smell of anything that could be dying
buy things and gets rid of them before they get too old, sometimes untouched
it's quite funny since she doesn't care about death itself, her problem lays within the whole process of u know what....
has a very sensitive relationship with food, does not eat red meat because it stays in your system for too long. prefers liquids. drinks lots of juice, smoothies, and lots of alcohol. 
does lack a lot of motivation, does NOT!!! dream of labor! collects jewelry (deep down she thinks she could be a jewelry design)
behiye never really excelled in anything academic because she was always compared to her cousin (even herself did that) but she is very athletic!!! strong as well and good in martial arts
giving clean girl patrick bateman vibes are you picking those up as well......
amma crellin and jinx were her inspo <3 lowkey sasuke??w idk why don't ask me
give her ATTENTION!!!!
her special skill stealth cognizance means that she plays dumb and gets the intel! she is a master emotional manipulator, and she has the looks and the privilege of such so!
i can't think of anything rn i will edit this and make it make sense later.
ilu if u read it all
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