#cory mulpepper*
sleepingdragon-rp · 4 years
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★ BIRTH DATE / 13 August, 1960 ★ BLOOD STATUS / Half-blood ★ PRONOUNS & IDENTITY / she/her; cis female ★ FACECLAIM / Brianne Tju
★ SECONDARY SCHOOL / Cork Wizardry College, class of 1978 ★ ACADEMIC PURSUITS / Natural Sciences degree, Potions cohort ★ HOUSE & YEAR / Hufflepuff, class of 1981
★ It had been established in 1106 and not much had changed in ways of Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary except for its staff throughout the years. It stayed within the family and eventually reached the hands of Nikolas Mulpepper, an English botanist and potioneer, in the year of 1949. Outraged by the fellow apothecaries that littered the Wizarding world, Nikolas condemned them all for their greed and their use of harmful practices. Since then, Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary has been the most affordable apothecary to shop, with constant deals on cleaning solutions and performative draughts. And it’s no secret Nikolas is one to barter if a patron cannot afford the remedies they so dearly need. The shop has almost gone bankrupt multiple times and while Nikolas may pay the ultimate price by having to shut down his family’s century old shop, he would never go back on his ways. He’s always been loyal to the customer and have taught his two daughters the very same. Lydia, Nikolas’ wife, was born a Squib. It positively broke his heart when the love of his life was unable to see her twin daughters start showing signs of magic themselves. But as Lydia had had a difficult upbringing because of her status in the Wizarding world, Nikolas was just happy she’d finally found her peace. He told nothing but wonderful tales of his beautiful wife as bedtime stories to their daughters, who looked more and more like Lydia as the days passed by. It should come as no surprise that they’ve made a formal announcement – that they do not approve of Selwyn Apothecary’s Squib vaccine. 
★ Born only minutes apart, it was safe to say the girls were inseparable from day one. This never, not once, got in the way of their individuality. Where one was brushing their teeth, the other one was using her toothbrush on the family dog’s teeth. Where one was doing arts and crafts, the other was using their scissors to give herself a new haircut. Two different sides of the same coin, essentially. They really became individuals upon attending Cork Wizardry College. They still shared a room, which wasn’t so different, until they began meeting friends of their own and attending different social gatherings. One would go to group palm readings, while the other went for live music shows. Even as time passed and distance began leaving its toll, the girls would still get together once a week with their favorite sweets and catch up on what boys or girls they were kissing. Cory, the loud mouth she could be, was not placed into Gryffindor upon arriving at Hogwarts. But her quieter sister, Colleen, was, while she was sorted into Hufflepuff. Cory carried a chip on her shoulder about that one for a long time coming, wanting to be sorted where their father had gone. Where she’d idolized half her life. But no, Colleen got in where Cory hadn’t. Their weekly meetings were soon diminished, Cory saying she was too busy with the workload to catch up on any gossip. The most they spoke now were holidays back at home, where they put on a show for their father. To be perfectly clear, this wasn’t something Colleen had ever wanted, but for most of her life just like in birth, she followed Cory, Cory’s wants, Cory’s needs. They came first.
★ Thankfully, growing up, the girls never had to rely on looking for summer jobs. Their pops let them open and close the store on weekends for extra money. Cory was sure she could’ve gotten extra school credit towards her potions work for working in an apothecary. She’d have to pull that card if her grades ever dropped, she decided. One afternoon, the shop was buzzing with Christmas crowds, and the next second everybody was fleeing the scene. The Menagerie next door had apparently caught fire, smoke now billowing over into Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary. Now, Cory couldn’t see much of what was happening once smoke grew thicker, but she knew a man had entered the shop. The man turned his wand on Cory, throwing Cory aside and knocking her right out until black was all she saw. When she awoke, alone in the shop, she knew that he had escaped with something in the commotion of it all. Cory had planned on going through inventory herself, but an item as rare as this, Mr. Mulpepper knew it was gone the second he returned to his shop. He immediately owled the DMLE. Cory’s yet to come forward with her statement of that afternoon, hardly believing anything truly happened as it all happened so quickly. The nightmares about it haven’t stopped.
★ Cory usually spends her time half-assing a dozen things; painting, riding her skateboard, her school work in potions. But when it came to quidditch, she put in 110%. But as much as she put into the game, Cory rarely saw positive results coming back. In Primary, she’d gotten ejected from two games in row, which ultimately got her kicked off the team. She’d been too aggressive (and broken more bones than anyone) and needed to turn a new leaf, but when she had, upon joining Hufflepuff’s team, her efforts once again went unnoticed. This time she was denied from a summer quidditch camp. It seemed no matter what route she rode, she never chose the right one at the right time. It didn’t help that she was playing with and against peers that simply outshined her on the field. Dawn Withey was going to be the talk of Hogwarts when she landed herself on a fancy, popular, professional quidditch team, while Cory just barely scratched the surface. Her cynicism didn’t stop her from trying, though. With her third year coming up and a possible captainship, more is on the line than ever.
✓ challenging; individualistic; responsive ✗ critical; self-conscious; reactive
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marlenethemenace · 3 years
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NAME: Marlene McKinnon
AGE: 21 years
PRIMARY: Cornwall County (expelled January 1974); London School, 1977
HOGWARTS: Hufflepuff, September 1977 - Present
OCCUPATION: Personal Trainer at Fiendfyre Fitness
BLOOD STATUS: pure/half-blood, depending on who you ask
(( depression cw )) Marlene was born to a successful Auror and his wife as they teetered on the edge of a failing marriage. Once Marlene arrived, the family pulled itself together long enough to have another baby -- Brady, her younger brother, who would later be dubbed a Squib -- and for Mrs. McKinnon to fall victim to postpartum depression. For the first five years of her life, Marlene, Brady, and, on occasion, their older half-brother, Neil, shuffled between the homes of family friends and relatives. In some ways, the freedom that came with such a fast and loose childhood suited Marlene, but in others--- Well, she’s been in therapy almost since she could talk, and for good reason.
In the middle of her freshman year at Cornwall County Day School for Girls, Marlene was expelled for disruptive behavior. In a last ditch effort to get her act together and avoid three years of “hard time” at the Banchory Institute, Marlene was shipped off again, this time to her godparents’ home, the Robards. She lived there during the year whilst attending the London School of Witchcraft, from which she graduated in 1977, with 8 O.W.L.s, three of which were Outstanding.
With a newfound hope of following her father into the Auror department, Marlene was sorted into Hufflepuff in the fall of 1977. But it was only a few months before she was in trouble again, expelled from both the Gobstones Club and the Pre-Auror degree for fighting on campus. Since then, Marlene has struggled to find her way, unsure of what the future holds for her. Hopping around between degrees for the past three years meant she would have to stay that much longer, even after most of her friends had graduated, if she wanted to graduate at all.
(( abortion cw // toxic relationship cw )) Not long after starting at the London School, Marlene met Gilbert Selwyn, who attended Cambridge Academy, and became Marlene’s first serious (and easily the most toxic) relationship. Or, well, it was serious when it was on (and at its most toxic when it was off). The back and forth lasted well through Hogwarts, until Gilbert’s pureblood family arranged a marriage for him with someone else---an arrangement Gilbert made no efforts to break. After a brief affair with the newlywed Gilbert Selwyn, Marlene fell pregnant, with a child she chose not to have. It was only then that she decided to rid her life of Gilbert for good. He passed away several months later from an apparent potions accident, and---well, thank Merlin for that.
Lost is the best way to describe how Marlene felt when she packed her bags after the graduation ceremony in June, where she had watched nearly all of her friends move forward without her, again. Happy though she was for them, Marlene knew she needed a change of scenery if she was ever going to clear her head. She Floo’d to California, where she moved in with Brady and his girlfriend, Monica, for the summer.
As luck would have it, Fiendfyre Fitness expanded its reach this summer, opening up a gym in -- you guessed it -- California. Whilst abroad, Marlene has helped train and organize the gym staff.
Even though space and time was good for her, yes, Marlene knew she could not get through this rough patch in her life without the help of her friends---nor did she feel quite right about abandoning them in their own rough patches of varying degrees. She’s been glued to her iFlown since she left, texting and chatting and posting constantly to keep up with everyone back home, time zones be damned.
** indicates an open connection, as the role is no longer in play
Sturgis Podmore: < 2 weeks, February 1974
first “boyfriend” turned reluctant BFF; we don’t talk about it
**Cory Mulpepper: winter/spring 1974
first female FWB
Gilbert Selwyn: summer 1974 - summer 1979
first serious relationship; ex-baby daddy; gross; only r3yl0s ship this
Davey Gudgeon: summer 1978 - spring 1979
on again, off again FWB; broke her heart, v sad, we were all rooting for you tiffany!!!
**Barty Crouch, Jr: February 1979
post-quidditch hook up
Gideon Prewett: February 1979
post-party hook up
**Lux Talkalot: fall/winter 1979
several hook ups
John Dawlish: spring 1980 - ?? now ??
uhhhh ... ??? tbd
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corymulpepper · 4 years
Cory Mulpepper Intro
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★ BIRTH DATE / 13 August, 1960  ★ BLOOD STATUS / Half-blood ★ PRONOUNS & IDENTITY / she/her; cis female ★ FACECLAIM / Sophie Simnett
★ PRIMARY SCHOOL / Cork Wizarding School, class of 1978 ★ ACADEMIC PURSUITS / Natural sciences degree, Potions cohort ★ HOUSE & YEAR / Hufflepuff, second year
★ It had been established in 1106 and not much had changed in ways of Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary except for its staff throughout the years. It stayed within the family and eventually reached the hands of Nikolas Mulpepper, an English botanist and potioneer, in the year of 1949. Outraged by the fellow apothecaries that littered the wizarding world, Nikolas condemned them all for their greed and their use of harmful practices. Since then, Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary has been the most affordable apothecary to shop, with constant deals on cleaning solutions and performative draughts. And it’s no secret Nikolas is one to barter if a patron cannot afford the remedies they so dearly need. The shop has almost gone bankrupt multiple times and while Nikolas may pay the ultimate price by having to shut down his family’s century old shop, he would never go back on his ways. He’s always been loyal to the customer and have taught his two daughters the very same. It should come as no surprise that they’ve made a formal announcement -- that they do not approve of Selwyn’s squib vaccine.
★ Lydia, Nikolas’ wife, was born a squib. It positively broke his heart when the love of his life was unable to see her twin daughters start showing signs of magic themselves. But as Lydia had had a difficult upbringing because of her status in the wizarding world, Nikolas was just happy she’d finally found her peace. He told nothing but wonderful tales of his beautiful wife as bedtime stories to their daughters, who looked more and more like Lydia as the days passed by.
★ Born only minutes apart, it was safe to say the girls were inseparable from day one. This never, not once, got in the way of their individuality. Where one was brushing their teeth, the other one was using her toothbrush on the family dog’s teeth. Where one was doing arts and crafts, the other was using their scissors to give herself a new haircut. Two different sides of the same coin, essentially. They really became individuals upon attending Cork Wizardy College. They still shared a room, which wasn’t so different, until they began meeting friends of their own and attending different social gatherings. One would go to group palm readings, while the other went for live music shows. Even as time passed and distance began leaving its toll, the girls would still get together once a week with their favorite sweets and catch up on what boys or girls they were kissing.
★ Cory, the loud mouth she could be, was not placed into Gryffindor upon arriving at Hogwarts. But her quieter sister, Colleen, was, while she was sorted into Hufflepuff. Cory carried a chip on her shoulder about that one for a long time coming, wanting to be sorted where their father had gone. Where she’d idolized half her life. But no, Colleen got in where Cory hadn’t. Their weekly meetings were soon diminished, Cory saying she was too busy with the workload to catch up on any gossip. The most they spoke now were holidays back at home, where they put on a show for their father. To be perfectly clear, this wasn’t something Colleen had ever wanted, but for most of her life just like in birth, she followed Cory, Cory’s wants, Cory’s needs. They came first.
★ Cory usually spends her time half-assing a dozen things; painting, riding her skateboard, her school work in potions. But when it came to quidditch, she put in 110%. But as much as she put into the game, Cory rarely saw positive results coming back. In Primary, she’d gotten ejected from two games in row, which ultimately got her kicked off the team. She’d been too aggressive (and broken more bones than anyone) and needed to turn a new leaf, but when she had, upon joining Hufflepuff’s team, her efforts once again went unnoticed. This time she was denied from a summer quidditch camp. It seemed no matter what route she rode, she never chose the right one at the right time. It didn’t help that she was playing with and against peers that simply outshined her on the field. Dawn Withey was going to be the talk of Hogwarts when she landed herself on a fancy, popular, professional quidditch team, while Cory just barely scratched the surface. Her cynicism didn’t stop her from trying, though. With her third year coming up and a possible captainship, more is on the line than ever.
★ Thankfully, growing up, the girls never had to rely on looking for summer jobs. Their pops let them open and close the store on weekends for extra money. Cory was sure she could’ve gotten extra school credit towards her potions work for working in an apothecary. She’d have to pull that card if her grades ever dropped, she decided. One afternoon, the shop was buzzing with Christmas crowds, and the next second everybody was fleeing the scene. The Menagerie next door had apparently caught fire, smoke now billowing over into Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary. Now, Cory couldn’t see much of what was happening once smoke grew thicker, but she knew a man had entered the shop. The man turned his wand on Cory, throwing Cory aside and knocking her right out until black was all she saw. When she awoke, alone in the shop, she knew that he had escaped with something in the commotion of it all. Cory had planned on going through inventory herself, but an item as rare as this, Mr. Mulpepper knew it was gone the second he returned to his shop. He immediately owled the DMLE. Cory’s yet to come forward with her statement of that afternoon, hardly believing anything truly happened as it all happened so quickly. The nightmares about it haven’t stopped.
✓ challenging; individualistic; responsive  ✗ critical; self-conscious; reactive
extra shit
cory is on hufflepuff’s quidditch team, as a seeker! this is the one thing she never slacks off with and is always on time for. and im sure gives people a hard time if they’re not picking up the slack dlsfjasjf and it’s like SHUT UP CORY, YOU’RE NOT THE CAPTAIN. so any hufflepuff team connects hmu.
has a twiiin name colleen. cory is the “older” one. colleen’s gonna be an open bio if anyone has an itch 2 get silly wit me 
is Dramatic af
is not totally full of hufflepuff pride and maybe gets points taken away every so often? oops. 19 years old and still actin’ up.
her about page is here 
listens to a LOT of music. a lot of underground bands that people havent heard of allll the waaay to the huge names like rolling stones and the who. she’s never been to an actual, huge concert venue with a big band headlining. she’s only seen smaller shows here and there. despite that, doesnt own a whole lot of vinyl. cuz she really prefers the live experience better.
she would love a skateboard riding buddy for when the weather’s nicer!! and she paints only landscapes and oceans cuz she sucks at pretty much everything besides that. and always knows where the best party is happening. probably cant wait to have a low street house next year to throw her own parties.
opinionated for the fact that she just loves to hear herself talking
hmu for any relationships!! friendships, she is prone to enemies with her big mouth, she is bisexual AF so anything there, just anythaaaang <3
hmu for threads! it’s kinda a busy time so i get that <3 if not let’s plan stuff for when they get back to school :’ ) ty xoxo
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sleepingdragon-rp · 4 years
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sleepingdragon-rp · 4 years
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Well that was a dramatic start to the game. With Hufflepuff beater and captain, WIthey, out for the count, D.W. Widdow steps up to the plate as beater, with a reserve chaser making up the team. It seems Hufflepuff is rallying together, but I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of the looks Widdow is throwing around. How times have changed from when she first joined the team, am I right?
And with that, let’s get started!
The highlights, as narrated by Toothless Steve:
The only Slytherin beater on the field today, Amycus Carrow (S, beater), is on a warpath, determined it seems to make up for his lost partner, slinging bludgers in every direction.
Cory Mulpepper (H, seeker), spots the golden snitch, but is cut off by an unseen bludger sent her way from Carrow. Mullpepper gets out of the way just in time, the bludger clipping the end of her broom and sending her in a spin that causes her to lose sight of the snitch.
D.W. Widdow (H, beater) and Danny Geist (H, beater) perform the Hufflepuff favourite, Dopplebeater Defence, and quickly take Carrow out. Seems Widdow knows a thing or two when it comes to playing this position after all. 
The Slytherin Chasers execute a Blitzen Ballet, causing enough confusion with Kingsley Shacklebolt (H, keeper) to finally score for the first time since their sole Beater was taken out.
In retaliation for the earlier score on Mulpepper, Widdow sends a Bludger in the direction of Olin Burke (S, keeper), leaving him with a broken nose. Hufflepuff score two goals during the distraction.
As the crowd is focused on the Speelman Steel currently being executed by a Hufflepuff chaser, Emma Vanity (s, Seeker) and Mulpepper dive from either ends of the pitch, eyes both on the snitch. After a moment's confusion, Mulpepper emerges with the snitch. 
The final score is 240 to 120, in favour of Hufflepuff.
( Shout out to the participants: @corymulpepper @dannygeist @deedoublewho @risingkingsley @olinburke @youresovanity )
After party in the Mungo’s waiting room
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sleepingdragon-rp · 4 years
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App Count +1
Cory Mulpepper
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sleepingdragon-rp · 4 years
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The following accounts have 48 hours to contact the main or resume activity:
Aggie Belchant - @aggiebellchant
Elizabeth Dayal - @elizabethdayal
Lex Bragnam - @lexbragnam
Please unfollow:
Cory Mulpepper - @corymulpepper
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