#cos Ravus was there in Kingsglaive wasn't he?
charlottedabookworm · 6 years
Digging through my fic doc while writing responses and found this snippet of that OracleBlood!Nyx thing that I am hopefully not writing (but my impulse control is shit so, you know) 
There’s silence after Regis’ words, the lift smoothly descending downwards, and Nyx sighs.
 “Your Majesty, let me...” He’s reaching for the man’s roughly bandaged hand before the King can say anything, letting the gifts inherent in his father’s line – gifts that he rarely used – come forth.
 It’s the work of moments to stem the bleeding and cleanse the poison, well-practised with these sorts of injuries during his childhood, for all that he doesn’t use his gifts unless necessary these days, though he can’t do anything for the blood loss.
 “What?” He turns his head slightly to see Princess Lunafreya staring at him in shock, even as he works to ease the burden of the Wall on Regis’ magic. The King is also slightly wide-eyed, the two royals with him knowing where healing magic came from.
Nyx smirks at the Princess – at the grown woman who had once been the baby that his aunt had placed in his arms, who had once been the little girl who had been his shadow whenever he’d visited, who he had last seen trying not cry when she was four years old. “Hey, little cousin. Long time no see.” 
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